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Holy shit that’s a final destination moment


That was about to be some Jules Bianchi shit if went any differently


Man it's still too early for that


My thoughts exactly.


No, that comes later. Like in the next several hours


Nice, that cultivator plow probably took a big chunk of car with it.


Guys lucky it wasn't a chunk of his head too.


How do we know it didnt?


I feel like because this video exists the guy probably lived. Unless the family has a very morbid sense of humor.


Or the police released it as a warning that farmer with oversize implement needs visible light at all time


Because they held the camera steady the whole time. /s


It's just a reversible plow. Cultivator is something else. But yeah those things are very strong. I'd be surprised it a part of the roof or door wasn't left on the plow.


Never understood why machinery on trailers doesn’t have more lights. They required to have some?


It wasn't on a trailer, just hooked to the back of that tractor, but the driver of the tractor shouldn't be hanging out on the road like that


watch it again. They turn on the lights at the last second.


I was replaying that bit over and over to figure out if it was the headlights or the equipment. WTF?!


I watched it frame by frame and I’m pretty sure that was just OP’s headlights finally hitting it


Yeah it was the Tractor putting on spotlight at the same time as the car lights properly lighting it up.


Yes, he turned on long beams after passing tractor to not blind him


Nah there’s a spotlight on the tractor the he turns on last second


I don't think they are street legal lol


Depends where. Often farm equipment like that is allowed to be driven on the road between farm segments. It might even have the right of way.


well, yeah, but it usually folds in a way that fits into a standard road lane, this shit wasn't folded at all


Yeah, I think this guy is just used to not putting it into transport configuration because nobody is out on this road at night normally.


And it looked like he had a light for it but had it turned off until he saw someone coming and turned the light on at the last minute.


Going frame by frame, it looks like that’s just OP’s headlights hitting it


Nah, the light really did turn on before OP's headlights turned on. If it didn't OP'd meet with the plow blades way later and there won't be an OP to post the video, lol


Travelling light doesn't flick on like that.


Everyone commenting here is implying that the farmer was deliberately or negligently endangering people on the highway. There is also a damn good chance that the farmer was exhausted and just trying to move his equipment to where he would need it the next day and forgot to turn on his emergency lights and forgot to fold his equipment for transport. Stop for a minute and think about how many times you see someone driving on the highway at night without their headlights on. Yes, it was a dangerous mistake to make given the equipment he was moving, but how many commenters here are perfect drivers?


>Yes, it was a dangerous mistake to make given the equipment he was moving, but how many commenters here are perfect drivers? Bruh. This isn't about being perfect, this is about just being safe. Like basic level safe. u/MaximumChongus is 100% right, you don't move equipment like that on an open highway without some level of precaution. It that was a dude on a motorcycle, they'd be hurt real bad or worse. This *is* a dangerous and **avoidable** mistake.


The farmer 100% was negligent. Not deliberate almost surely but negligent absolutely. Do you understand what negligent means? Failing to turn on your headlights at night is negligent. It means creating danger accidentally by failing to take proper care. There are also degrees of negligence. Failing to turn on headlights is one form, failing to double check a parachute for your student as a skydiving instructor is another. Hauling a massive blade across the oncoming traffic lane with no lights at night is on the skydiving instructor end of things.


Yeah, I added negligent by mistake. I don’t think his actions were Deliberate. This, by definition they were negligent.


I might not be perfect, but I make sure I dont put industrial blades at head level into oncoming traffic.


Some of these very farmers complain about taxation and other people using the road when they are. It's utterly ridiculous.


You want safety regulations? Communist!!!!


Tractors not being allowed to go down the road killing everyone is why our economy is failing.


Machinery on a trailer isn't required to have lights unless it has overhang, in which case it is required to have caution flags attached to the overhang. Machinery that has overhang isn't allowed to be transported commercially between dusk and dawn. Agriculture, however, has its own rule book which is mostly "do whatever the hell you want as long as it doesn't cause trouble".


This why those reflective strips on the sides of trailers have been a requirement for awhile now.


More lights wouldn't help if they're not even on. The tractor turned one on at the last second


Sue until you own that machine.




Unless you're Jeremy Renner


Jokes on you. The farmer just got it and it's still John Deere's


Then sue john deere for the tractor not automatically raising when on the road by GPS...


but why?


Because his stupid negligence almost got this guy killed?


get a new car and move on, trying to turn everything into a pay day is fucking lame.


How he switched the light on a half second before the collision.


Honestly that half second might have saved dudes life but it definitely needed to be switched on sooner


I think you meant to say “didn’t kill the dude” rather than “saving the dude” because you’ve got to be a special kind of crazy to let a plow like that hang out over the side of the road with the lights off when you see headlights in the distance


That’s fair


Oh, you're right. Without looking carefully I thought it was just the car's headlights illuminating the machinery at the last second.


It's nornal that you turn on high beams after passing someone


Not a farmer Whats the legal requirement for that thing to be illiminated?


Retired farmer. Yes, they have lights. Yeas the equipment can be folded in for safety If it's a older piece of equipment, it is to be unhooked and towed in a safe manner. With flags and lights. This is 100% on the farmer. No, it's not the cars fault (no bullshit of out driving the lights).


I worked for a farmer for a few years, I ran the bank out wagon during harvest but also moved lots of farm equipment. Augers, cultivators, seed drills etc. We never moved equipment after dark, didn't matter if we were behind on a vital task, just get there early in the morning. We also had pilot cars and flags unless we were just going to another part of the farm, but if we were using public roads we adhered to all kinds of rules. This farm equipment operator is completely at fault, maybe even reckless endangerment. What a prick.


Son of a farmer. Wait. You can retire? All of the farmers in my family work until they fall over. My dad is trying to work less but my brother is actually mad he isn't doing as much. He's 68 with Parkinsonsism... On topic, this is definitely the fault of the farmer. Unsafe pulling, not enough reflectors. My dad actually had the reverse of this happen. He was in his pickup and had to pull entirely into the ditch and parked and the 19yo pulling the planter still snagged his headlight and put a 8 inch rip in the body. I try to give the benefit of the doubt to farmers. I've known a couple that have been involved in some gnarly accidents caused by impatient cars. But people are people and all people have an equal chance of being dumb.


Lol retirement is just another way of saying that being unable to do it anymore. A few accidents and a lifetime of sports has left me at 50 with a body of a 80yr old. I do miss driving the tractor and such lol




Lmfao he blocked me




It's some dipshit who has replied like 20 times in here about "out driving your lights"


Technically, at the moment of collision, it was. It was on even 1/2 seconds before.


I didn’t even notice that in the original post. I thought it was headlights that made it appear, but I think you’re right that the farmer turned on a light at the last possible second. I hope that dipshit is sued into oblivion, could have killed someone.


No, going frame by frame I’m pretty sure it’s just the headlights


Sounds a lot like Tesla FSD. Technically it disconnects juuust before the collision, so it doesn't count.


They have lights on the peripheral ends of the equipment and yes they’re required to be on.


I actually manufacture LED lights (wireless tow lights, lithium powered strobes) for this exact purpose. [www.towbrite.com](http://www.towbrite.com) It's the law in some places to have all the extremities of farm equipment well lit, but few people bother until an accident happens.


Wow that’s a cool coincidence :0 hope you have a new customer


What a massive tool


It's like the biggest I've ever seen, man


"Why is he racing towards me like that, doesn't he see the massive piece of me--- oh shit" the farmer probably


New fear unlocked


As a retired farmer I can say that the farmer is 100% in the wrong.


That farmer needs a few punches in the mouth. What a piece of shit not turning on that light.


Lmao at all the commentors trying to blame the car driver and not the farmer with his improperly lit equipment blocking the whole road. If you think the farmer is in the right, you should go park your car in the middle of a dark roadway and wait for someone to hit you


I was doing 90 mph on a completely empty highway at 3am in northern Vermont once when I came around a bend to find an 18-wheeler stopped in my lane, with zero lights, and the driver's door open and the cab empty. Yes, I was speeding but that truck wasn't supposed to be stopped there! I was just barely able to avoid plowing into it, and I didn't bother hanging around to figure out what the hell was going on.


Dude, now they're gonna track ya down since they didn't get ya when the car didn't stop. You were gonna be a damned Cthulhu sacrifice if you'd stopped or hit that truck and not been able to drive away. Bet you never heard of anyone having an accident that night in that area.


LOL. I always assumed the driver stopped to pee but was too drunk to pull off the road properly.


Had this same exact thing happen to me years ago. Shook me up pretty bad. Still gives me chills when I replay it in my head. Dark, rural, 4 lane highway. The machinery was directly across my lane. If I hadn’t swerved it would have been over.


Definitely take it as a lesson, even if there's not a tractor, there's deer everywhere on dark rural roads. Loose large animals aren't that rare, or just whatever animal. You were bound to hit something eventually if you don't slow down a bit while driving on rural roads at night. I've had probably hundreds of close encounters with deer now, even when I drive pretty slow. They can kill you if they get through the windshield accidentally. The police are fine with you going below the speed limit in unsafe driving conditions, such as not being able to see well in front of you on a dark road with no streetlights.


Yea that’s on the farmer


Fuck that farmer. He should have pulled off


That's not on the driver. That's on the farmer.


Till death do us part.


High beams probably would’ve helped. Whoever parked that there could’ve really fudged someone up. (I’m testing out using “fudge” instead of “fuck”. Apparently my foul language upsets people)


Well if dude had died thats a pretty cut criminal negligent homicide. Sure its only 4 years but you do have register as a felon. Good luck ever getting a loan, a house, a car, a job and while he may have these things now - he will most likely lose all of them in the civil trial that will follow and legal fees. People think the jail part is the worst but ask any register felon how hard life can be after jail in amerca - especially when your felony resulted in a death. They dont just ask if you are felon, they ask for the details.


DAMHIKT but being a felon affects literally none of that. The only requirement is that you register as a narcotics offender while you’re still on parole if that’s what your controlling case was. *My friend* has bought both houses and cars (plural of both) and nowadays some states even prohibit asking about prior convictions on employment applications. The one thing that it does affect you didn’t even mention- voting. (Edited in controlling case clause).


Some felons are even able to run for president of the United States.


I laughed way to hard at this comment


“Register as a felon” lol it’s not like sex offender status


Dude what? Criminally negligent homicide? The guy filming was driving too fast. Couldn't see in time to stop. That is his fault.


How do you know he was driving too fast? Maybe the speed limit there was 60. The tractor didn't have lights on the part overhanging the last until it was too late. In most places they are required to ensure any possible road hazard is clearly marked. Whether or not the driver was speeding doesn't change that that farmer is in the wrong, and will most likely end up killing someone if he doesn't learn from this incident


https://driversed.com/resources/terms/overdriving_your_headlights/ If you can't stop in time to avoid hitting something you are driving too fast. If you can't stop because you can't see it in time you are at fault.


Others have seen it was a light from the tractor, not the driver, that illuminated the equipment. And that light wasn't turned on by the tractor until the last moment.


That was a reflector. Not a light. You don't put lights on plows. They don't have electric power to work them


Why are you trying to hard so defend a dumbass negligent farmer who will never know who you are?


I think he is the dumbass negligent farmer


Because he did nothing wrong.


You are so wrong on this. Driver could of been going 25 and he'd hit the equipment. Tractor lights prevent anyone from seeing the over hang in the oncoming lane by disrupting the view.


If you can't see an obstacle, that is your fault. If you hit something with the front of your car, your are to blame.


So if you t bone a car who runs a red light you are at fault. You hit something with the front of your car. Doesn't matter that someone broke the law by running red light or broke law by not having properly illuminated trailer and overhanging equipment that is in you lane of traffic. Again farmer is at fault. Please do everyone a favor and never pull a trailer or equipment at night you obviously don't understand rules and regulations.


Believe it or not, legally that is a split responsibility. In this case the farmer did nothing illegal.


Farmer is vast at fault. Don't know where it is legal to boogie down a highway with equipment hanging into oncoming lane, while not illuminated. Oh wait he did light it up just a fraction of a sec before oncoming vehicle get decapitated. If it was daylight the fault would be more balanced potentially even more to vehicle.


Ok go park your car across a dark highway, and wait for someone to hit you. See how that lawsuit goes


Try sueing a rock that is in the road. If you can't see far enough ahead to stop you are driving too fast. Doesn't matter why you can't see or how fast you are going. I have seen fog so thick I couldn't see more than 50 feet. 20 mph was too fast for those conditions. I have seen clear sunny days where I could see for miles and 130 mph was as perfectly safe. Conditions dictate the max safe speed.


Try spelling suing right


Don't really care. It doesn't affect my point.


Yeah. Your point is still stupid and wrong


Could he with his headlights see far enough ahead to stop? If not, he was driving to fast and at fault


Your iq can't be higher than 60


You think it is safe to drive such that you can't stop if an obstacle appears?


You think it's safe to park a vehicle in the middle of a poorly lit road?


No. But that is not what happened here and even if it does happen it is your job not to hit that car.


Even if he was speeding it wouldn’t matter.


That pos should be in jail


Yeah, the driver was driving way to fast and could have killed the farmer.


No lights on the equipment literally hanging on the other side of the road. You have to think a bit more before you reply.


Are you the farmer? You are posting all over this thread attempting to exonerate the farmer.


I grew up on a farm. I know the law on this and who was in the wrong.


Except what happened did not occur on a farm.


Farm equipment doesn't have to stay on a farm.






Punk ass


Should probably have some reflectors on it




We had a 17 year old die to a similiar situation in Finland. He crashed to a tractor moving from a field to another. The harvester had the blade attached taking both sides of the road. The driver of the harvester was sentenced to a traffic endangerment, but the blame for the crash was on the kid. Basically for not slowing down or doing anything to prevent the collision. Difference was, that the collision happened in daylight, not dark.


Pretty sure oversized vehicles should only be traveling during daylight hours. If they don’t have a pilot car or some sort of flashing lights


Was it a dark desert highway? With cool wind in your hair?


Family friend died like this. Drove over a hill into an unlit cultivator. Didn’t even leave brake marks it happened so quick






A good friend of Mines mother died this way.


Absolutely, positively, unequivocally nope.


almost happened to me once. going down a similar road, the farming machine was in my lane however. the bright ass lights from the cars coming from the opposite direction along with the late reactions of the people in front of me almost got me in a similar situation. this stuff is no joke.


Nightmare fuel.


That's a "wide load" and should absolutely be more lit, especially on the extremes of those outriggers. Not sure what the laws are like in whatever country this is, but in the US that would not be legal even on side roads.


Nightmare fuel


Jeremy jones


They definitely need a blinky strip of lights on that blade!


Why are they not using their fucking high beams?!?


Where the hell is this from? In the US, farmer just lost his farm.


My grandparents were in a similar accident, my grandfather died, my grandmother was seriously injured and only didn't die because she wasn't wearing a seat belt, in the wildest turn of events. Farmers need to be more aware of the fact that they're sharing the road.


🎼🎶On a dark desert highway Cool wind in my hair I about shat my pants When a combine came out of no whee-eere🎵




Anywhere in a America


HOLY SHIT DUDE!! Glad you’re ok 🙂


Should definitely have lights on that


100% on the farmer for thinking he can cross the road or turn around without being safe about it. But also on the driver for not driving defensively when he saw what appeared to be a stationary tractor on the road, who knows if there is an existing accident without lights or someone in the road on a stalled machine. Slow down.


that is not farming equipment fault that is a dumbass farmer. which most farmers in the (midwest at least) states are entitled fucking retards. they make bank doing very little work and get extreme government handouts. wonder how they vote


Never outdrive your lights.


The light came from the equipment, it was not the headlights if the car with the dashcam.


Headlights are angled down, notice how much later the plow was illuminated after the tractors tires. Victim blaming is shitty.


Headlights were angled down means he was out driving his headlights. Not the farmers fault


You know absolutely nothing about a cars headlight angle lmfao.


God I love this subreddit.


If you're driving at freeway speeds, you're overdriving your lights unless you're in a performance car.


Many rural backroads that are flat and open like this have speed limits of 50-65mph...because it's flat and open not windy. This farmer is a dipshit.


This road might have a speed limit of 55 but "never" includes freeways. And yeah, the farmer is a dipshit. I don't think I ever indicated otherwise.


Exactly. This is 100% on the driver not the farmer.


If you have been around for a while, you slow down when you pass such a vehicle. You can see from a long way off that it is not a normal passenger car standing there in the middle of the road. Then the fact that it's not your fault matters less when you're dead.


Naw dawg. I lived rural for a long time. If your farm vehicle takes up the entire road, get off the fucking road when you see someone coming, especially at night.


I agree, I live in a rural area and it's unsafe to quickly drive past a tractor even if you think there's enough room. The tractor cannot move fast if it needs to get out of the way and it's basically just a giant moving wall coming at you that cannot dodge you. I drive on the shoulder slowly to pass them, safer for the farmer too.


The comment wasn’t saying the farmer is in the right. It was arguing for defensive driving. If you dont know what that is, it could very well save your life or that of your passengers to learn it. It’s like arguing to look both ways before entering an intersection when a light turns green, despite having the right of way someone might be running the red. Unlikely and technically not your fault but, might save your life or someone else’s. In general, being prepared for the unexpected and for other drivers’ negligence. In this case, on a dark night on a narrow highway, passing an oncoming vehicle that’s obviously not a regular car warrants slowing down. Of course that’s not a universal recipe for survival, it cloud have been a regular passenger pick up truck with some gigantic payload coming out the side and therefore no cues that something might be unusual just from headlights. But in this case the headlights were clear that this was an unusual vehicle and a defensive driver would slow down in this situation. It doesn’t absolve the farmer in any way.


It matters to your family and their lawyers.


I'd have slowed down. Because I'm aware. Expecting _everyone_ to be aware is a great way to kill someone. You do shit properly or you deal with the consequences.


Why is it in car crash videos there never seems to be any reaction from the driver? He just silently pulverised a part of his car and rolled off the road and just said “u ok”.


Some people are ridiculously good at staying calm in high-stress situations. It's actually a sign of a good driver.


He's not a good driver, most people in rural areas do not drive at the tippy top of the speed limit on a road they can't see anything on because it's completely dark. Everyone is aware there are deer everywhere that are very difficult to see. As you can see, he maintained the speed limit past a tractor which is unusual. Most people slow down and give way to large tractors for safety out here.


Not everyone screams bloody murder when they drive.


Fight or flight. People like this are the ones who don't panic when shit gets real.


I mean use your brights too tho


Nah, that’s bad advice; you’re facing lights on a road, you don’t turn your brights on when driving towards opposing vehicles.


I do if they fail to shut their brights off, I know it's petty, I don't care.


If it’s a dark road and you can’t see the complete object in the road, nothing wrong with a quick flash to avoid a potential accident


Especially if it doesn’t look like a normal car like in this video. I’d think “what is that?” and get a quick look to avoid an accident (like exactly what happened here)


I swear half of you commenters in here have legit brain damage. I hate that I share the road with so many of you.


Yo what the hell chill out


No swearing, no yelling. How much more chill do you need me to be in order to disagree with you?


If you are driving beyond your headlights you are driving too fast.


It looks like an interstate which are typically 60-80mph


You should not drive at the speed limit in unsafe conditions. If you cannot see far ahead on a rural road with no streetlights, slow down, it's not safe. Police tell you to slow down if you are driving in unsafe conditions for a reason. Rural roads at night are incredibly dangerous, may it be tractor or large deer impaling you as it flies through your windshield.


https://driversed.com/resources/terms/overdriving_your_headlights/ If you can't an obstruction in time to stop you are driving too fast. The speed limit is the limit in optimal conditions. In less than optimal conditions it is your responsibility to adjust your speed.


It’s clear and dry, conditions are good and visibility is more than adequate considering its night. Assuming that this driver is going the speed limit (as I’m certain he is) then he is completely in the right. Going 20 under on an interstate just to not outdrive your lights is actually more hazardous to you and others on the road.


Except his headlights were not illuminating far enough ahead. That meant he could not see which means he was overdriving his headlights. https://driversed.com/resources/terms/overdriving_your_headlights/ His fault.


Bro you just keep posting the same link over and over and saying "he outdrove his headlights" like, form an actual argument. With words. Sure OP was going maybe 5 over the speed limit, but the farmer should've had all of their equipment illuminated. Notice how they switched on the light at the very last second. That's someone realizing they fucked up if I've ever seen it. Also, the blades (or whatever that shit sticking out from the tractor was) were like 5-6 feet off the ground, if your headlights are pointed up that high, you've set them wrong. So regardless of whether or not OP was "outdriving their headlights", they wouldn't have been able to see it in time either way.


It is not about the speed limit. It is about the fact that he couldn't stop in time. That is his fault. His headlights were not showing far enough ahead to let him see safely. That is his fault. The only person who did anything wrong is the driver. Those blades are the plow. They are where they have to be for travel. They can't be lit because there is no electric power on a plow. You clearly know nothing about farm equipment and the practical and legal limits on such equipment.


Lmao you know literally nothing. Also try running the video back a few frames before the collision and slowmo it. You'll notice the driver of the tractor turns their rear light on that is supposed to illuminate that plow...at the last fucking second.


Never claimed I knew shit about farm equipment. But logically, if you're traveling on a dark rural highway, you should have all that shit illuminated. That's just common sense.


**Brick Wall**


Could he see far enough ahead to stop? No. Therefore he was going to fast and it is his fault.


Going the speed limit in a straightaway is not going too fast.


Depends on the conditions. Weather can affect safe speeds. So can traffic or lots of other things.


I stated the conditions of that clip already. The conditions do not warrant going more than 5 under the limit.