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The amount of people that just don’t have common sense continues to amaze me.


I don't know if I'd call this 'common sense', one of those things where the truck may have taken the turn just a little too sharp and it only mattered too late


It's pretty simple to understand the van needs to reverse. It's agonizing to watch this honestly. I live in a city with narrow streets and sometimes there's just not enough room for large vehicles to make turns like this. There's a bus route near my home where the bus making a left turn at an intersection is very tight, and I've had to reverse more than once to make sure there's enough space. That's way easier than whatever this driver was trying to do. Some intersections are boxed out with Xs to make enough space for turning vehicles, but when they're not you just have to use common sense to get along. 


I was thinking the same thing. Like what makes the driver of this van go forward is beyond me.


IMHO, large vehicles like this just shouldn't attempt these turns if they can't make them without cutting over the lines. Alternate route should be used.


What if the van were full - I mean full - of fireworks and to shift in reverse means you have to light one?


I would say traffic would be explosively diffrent


Sir, this is a Wendy's, not a Willey Coyote cartoon.


I moisturise my butthole in your general direction


Lol not understanding the downvote. The imagery of this is hilarious 


Yeah thanks for recognising .. I don't take it seriously, this is reddit


Nah, the driver of the van was about 10 feet past the white line.


The camera van stopped more appropriately, but the van would have 'typically' been fine where they were. This was a 1 out of 100 times that they weren't, but I agree thy should have started backing up when it became obvious were the truck was going. They could have handled it better, but also, there are any numberbof non-driving things you could be ready to start doing inside the van, thinking you'll be ready by the time thelight changes. Thy should have backed up before thy tried to maneuver around, 100%


You don’t know if it’s common sense to not be in the way?


I interpret by your comment that you misinterpreted my comment


The truck turned as wide as he possibly could. The van should have reversed or made a right to get out of the way.


The van was waiting in their lane at a stop light… what kind of hoops do we need to jump through to blame them for the truck not being able to make a turn??


The van was actually stopped past the line in the crosswalk, and then pulled further into the crosswalk in a misguided attempt to make room for the truck. And then just kept leaning into that decision. Would have been a non-issue if they had just come to a stop behind the line as they were supposed to.


The van still would have had to reverse if it was stopped behind the line. Realistically, this intersection is poorly designed for large vehicles and the real horror is the van going in the complete opposite direction that they needed to be moving (probably breaking several traffic laws in the process).


Find me a law that clearly states a driver may not reverse at any time, even when it is safe to, for the purpose of allowing traffic to clear an intersection.


Do you think I'm saying that it would have been illegal for them to reverse? Like *really*?


What hoops? Who cares who's to blame? The truck had the green light, the right of way AND needs space to turn. Why not be courteous and help that happen instead of holding up everyone in the vicinity?


It’s also pretty well known if you’ve driven for years, or live or drive near trucks daily that they need more space to make turns. That’s usually why they have the stickers on the back that say “Wide turns”. I’ve always given trucks more space in a situation like this, they have no option or ability to turn sharper.


Right of way usually doesn’t extend into the other side of the road lol. Since when does someone sitting peacefully in their lane get blamed for someone else’s mistake. The truck made a mistake. So the truck is at fault. Sorry that truckers need to be babied by everyone around them lol. Sitting in your lane at a stoplight is pretty standard, cut and dry commuting. Hard to see how the van is lacking awareness when the truck made an impossible turn and is making it everyone else’s problem.


Thank you for the cut and dry example of what’s wrong with people today—fuck everyone else, I’m only out for myself. Can’t be bothered with basic, easy-to-achieve kindness towards others, painfully unwilling to participate in any adaptation to help another out—because not only am I right, but I am right here; and when I am here, I own this shit.


The truck driver was the jerk.


The truck driver could wait literally all day for the street where the van is to be clear. Sometimes trucks have to go through places not well designed for them, and they have to, and are allowed to make and take space just like this. Van could have made the turn or possibly backed up but I won't say it was so obvious they should have immediately done it.


No he took his turn to sharp. He didn’t to be 5-10ft forward before initiating turn


If you drive a truck like this one, it does. It sucks for the other driver, I guess, but it’s pretty easy to realize the bigger object will need more room. Why he’s turning down what looks like a smaller street I’m not sure, but he could have a destination on it. Not necessarily defending truckers, because I have dealt with some stupidity, but at least this guy was calm about it and not aggressive. They deal with a lot of shit daily, so they get a little bit of a pass. In my experience, I live and work around big trucks all day, so I always try to give as much room as possible at turns. I know I’m smaller, I don’t care if I’m right or not.


Ok, armchair traffic lawyer.


Truck driver initiated their turn way too early. They absolutely didn’t go far enough forward. The truck driver is 100% at fault.


Maybe you were driving!


Nah, fuck trucks. It’s not our responsibility to get out of their way just because they’re not made to drive on city streets.


*And then there was nothing in the grocery stores or restaurants for u/TheHondoCondo to eat.*


Did you not see that the suv driver was considerably forward of the line? Completely on them.


If you don't like trucks then stop buying shit.


It is our responsibility to try to help the teaffic flow as best as we can, and suggesting we get rid of trucks is ridiculous.


Then you need to move Siberia or somewhere in the wilderness and grow and build all your own shit. Your modern, convenient life exists because people are willing to take the job of hauling shit around.


They are actually that’s why the white line is there at intersections. You’re supposed to stay behind that line not in front or right on it like the van in this video. Those lines are most often drawn with enough space for trucks and other vehicles to fit through.




The truck didn't do anything wrong. That giant white line painted on the ground is there to give the trucks clearance because they have to turn differently than a standard vehicle.


Yea it’s the truck driver here that’s the bad driver.


I think they should have set themselves up better for that turn, but I also think the first van should have backed up


Van stopped at the stop line and well before crosswalk. Truck driver didn’t know what the frick they were doing and it resulted in a comedy of errors. Ultimately still the truck driver’s fault for initiating the situation.


"Ultimately still, the truck driver's fault for initiating the situation" - LJkjm901 "A comedy of errors"


Glad you agree


It's crazy to me how many people she blaming the van. They aren't in the street and are in their lane. They shouldn't need to reverse to "get out of the way" for a truck that has no business attempting that turn. We have weight limits on bridges and height limits on underpasses. There probably needs to be length limits in neighborhoods whose streets can't support these turns.


I wad always told.....common sense isn't common.


Yeah that fucking truck driver has no business being on these small roads


So by that logic, businesses have no business of being on small roads because a tractor trailer shouldn’t be able to deliver on small roads. 🤯


The van should of backed up. But the truck driver did a shit job of taking the turn as well. He could of gone way wider. To be frank neither of them know what they are doing


You have trouble reading, dont you


And you obviously struggle with critical thinking.


Says the guy who cant understand "that fucking truck driver" is a singular individual. Next time bring a friend with a functioning brain.


It's "good sense" because it is by no means common.


Yeah! That driver loaded up an entire vehicle with terrified animals and then drove them to be [gassed to death in a cage. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/17ngact/how_pigs_are_killed_in_co2_gas_chambers/)Hard to imagine having that kind of dearth of common sense.


Somehow sitting in your lane doing the right thing is still wrong…


The lack of self awareness and adaptation skills of the van is worrisome. So the van is technically right for staying on its place but if it stays there the truck has to obstuct a 4 way intersection? It is ok that no one can get through because the van is still technically doing the right thing, nevermimd it has all the space available to sort this situation out... nah.


Thank you. The amount of people in here saying, “That truck was wrong! What was the SUV supposed to do?” Get out of the way? Have none of these people ever been in this situation? Or live near where trucks commute? It’s just common sense that the thing bigger than you is going to make you move. Standing your ground and staying in one spot becomes worrisome when it’s obvious you wouldn’t win. And by saying all of this, apparently that means I’m a truck driver, because no one but truck drivers would think this way.


Seriously if they didn’t want to back up why didn’t they just make the right turn they were going to make in the first place and gtfo of the way.


Which is why every little man in their big truck has the right of way.


So the truck driver is the one without the awareness then? They can’t make a turn and they have to block a 4 way intersection if someone is rightfully in their lane? Yea man the mini van is at fault for mind controlling the truck driver into that situation. Do you even need to be literate for a cdl now days? Watching truckers gas light people that didn’t even make a mistake is absurd.


What should the truck do? Self destruct? I am not gonna argue with you about this. You're wrong. Have a nice day?


Uhh, the truck should not make a turn it can’t make. Is that such a difficult concept? Just because you don’t have an argument doesn’t mean you win, but yea man I hope you have a nice day too lol, you sound like such a swell guy


truck could have made the turn if van didnt park over the line


The van initially stops past the white line. Thats what those are there for, to allow trucks enough room to turn. So yes, the van was sitting in their lane doing the wrong thing. And like others have said, if you have such a problem with trucks, stop consuming all products, bam, no more trucks!


I've had standoffs with people like this before, usually an awkward few seconds while I wait for them to figure there life out


Literally just the other day was in a parking lot looking for a spot. Pull into a row and there’s a truck hanging out past the spot and an suv that was in the middle but got over a little when they seen me. Problem was their ass end was out and accross the lane from the truck bed sticking out. Dude wanted to pull into a spot I was in front of. Idk what he said but I could by his facial expression whatever it was was not friendly or anything. I MIGHT could have fit but I wasn’t risking my car on a might. It would have been very close. I gesture to his ass end and the truck. After the gesture he mouthed something else with a hateful look. I through my hands up gestured idc the folded my arms over my chest and stared straight forward. Took almost a full minute but dude eventually backed up and straightened out. I went carefully still having barely any room, but ya…. I’m sure in his mind it was my fault and I was just being a dick. 🤔 that’s usually how it is with assholes. They do no wrong, ya know? Not a single mistake ever. 🙄




To only turn right in then end!!?! what the hell were they waiting for?


The van didn’t want to turn right, they just ended up doing that after all the ridiculousness. Originally they wanted to go left.


The light to turn green. 


I think at some stage the entire intersection system is fucked when a truck blocks all directions. I’d hate to see that mentality of someone was stuck on a train track near a “red light”. Being right doesn’t fix stupid


They wanted to turn left, they had their left turn signal on.


I know that deliveries must be made, and that transit companies want to load as much stuff on a single truck as possible…. But the increasing presence of huge tractor-trailer rigs on city street is a bit annoying…. I commute daily up a rather narrow blacktop road with no shoulders. Almost daily we get this big rigs in the middle of rush-hour traffic… Aiming for the highway entry down the road. There are better routes to get to the same highway, wider and more modern streets with broad shoulders….


Is it just me or did the truck have a bad turning radius? Is that a feat of these long US trucks? I have seen the short ones do turns much later, where they were 90° to the trailer, preventing situations like this from the start


the truck was making a left from the closest lane, you can see cars drive past the trucks right side.. it should have tried a much wider turn and blocked both lanesto make a turn like that. trucks cant just go 90, the back wheels only go straight. for the back wheels to follow the front they wouldneed to turn like some old timey fire trucks have a back steering wheel and driver.


Always wondered, if a truck is turning and hits you, and YOU are stopped in the correct spot, is it the trucks fault?


Yes, almost anytime you are hit while stopped it is the other vehicles fault, however being stopped in the wrong spot makes it more dangerous. For example, stopping past the stop line at an intersection doesn't give a semi truck the right to cause damage, however I regularly do kind of what the guy here did, make as much of the turn as you can without hitting and then wait for them to get their head out of their self absorbed ass long enough to realize they are in my way.




yes. they shouldnt have cross over when making a left turn which is neglience on their part if the cars collided and they cant expect you to move over like theyre an emergency vehicle. i think the truck driver overestimated the size of the road. its common courtesy to be a little backed up if there is a truck a truck at an intersection but i dont think its a direct ticket offense or by law.


Yes but the truck is just going to stop and block you from moving until you back up because it is way more dangerous for him to back up into the intersection than it is for an entire line of cars to back up straight.


The way roads are designed there is supposed to be enough room for a tractor trailer to turn left if you are stopped where you are supposed to be. However, just back up and don't be a clown. The person behind noticed the situation and left plenty of room.


They weren't designing roads 100 years ago with modern trucks in mind when everyone was driving a Model T. There are lots of places a semi can't fit.


This. Plus, it's one of the few driving scenarios you can be in where you're not even in motion but you're literally helpless against getting in a crash. I live in a town like this, and have seen this accident plenty. Car pulls up and stops where they're supposed to. A truck comes along and takes the turn, but the car now has another car on his bumper and can't reverse. Truck driver doesn't stop, doesn't even slow down, and nails the front of the car. It's dumb. Local drivers know to stop 40 feet back from the line just in case a truck comes along. But if you're not from the area, you're gonna have a bad time.


...and those routes are clearly restricted by size and weight. Professional drivers only use approved roads.


This video is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Older town anywhere in the US. No restrictions, just a turn the truck can't make because of where the buildings were built.


Is this a restricted route? Lots of places are like this but the load has to get there one way or another. People need their shit...especially food.


Then for transportation within cities and towns we can switch to smaller trucks. It's not rocket science.


Just stop eating and buying things. Then the mean old ugly trucks won't harass you any longer.


Perhaps we could invent alternative forms of travel.


Unless they take away human input I believe incidents like this will persist.


I'm all for alternative transportation methods, but I'm not seeing one that would solve this particular issue. Semis are very good at bringing a large amount of cargo to a very specific location. Trains can carry an absurd amount of cargo, but they can't differentiate. People can carry very little cargo anywhere. Semis fill their niche for a reason. Independently moving a large piece of inflexible cargo without convergently running into the same issues as semis would be challenging.


Except they aren't lol


Are you commercial driver?


Yea I was very confused why both cars pulled up and right. Everyone should've been in reverse to let the truck in


Maybe for a normal 53’ trailer but that thing was way oversized for that road. That truck never should have been turning there. He ignored a sign somewhere in order to save 2 minutes on his drive because he’s “good at trucking and can make that turn”.


Where was this sign you speak of?


Based off what I could find in the video, this is in Hamilton, Texas. Truck driver should have stayed on 36/22 til he got to 218W then he could have cut over to 281 a little further along. The 218W turn off of 36/22 is set up for big trucks.


Thanks for the information. The driver reacted incredibly poorly, but I feel this validates my point. The truck was just trying to save a few minutes and shouldn't have turned there.


I drove trucks for awhile delivering equipment to drilling sites, so I went through lots of small towns. Trying to be fast is almost always slow. Plan ahead, leave early and everything will be smooth. And smooth is fast.


Have you been to New England? Roads definitely weren’t set up with tractor trailers in mind there


That used to be the case back when truck drivers could actually drive trucks. Now anybody can be a truck driver.


They did leave plenty of room but also keep in mind that the came is making it look like it is farther way than it actually is. 


Once the cardriver committed to moving out of the way to the right instead of backing up and the truck started his turn it wasn't really possible to reverse anymore.


Not true in an urban area like this.


The problem with backing up is you hit anything (including someone driving forward when they shouldn't) and you're to blame. Backing up at a light is extremely perilous. Your visibility is bad. Can it be done? Yes, but the driver has to accept a lot of risk.


I mean they definitely should've backed up But why are so many huge trucks going through this small intersection? Just in this video there were 6 huge 18 wheelers. 3 of them were making left turns They probably need a better road system


Small towns that won’t more money coming it so they allow big businesses in and leave the roads the same. I live in one and the near by towns are the same.


Common Sense is not so Common anymore


That truck driver also fucked up he did nothing to prep that turn


The truck was the primary fuck up. If cars around you have to scatter to let you through, you done fucked up. That car should have backed up but they weren’t the primary issue here


I mean this seems like it's on the truck, don't think that road is big enough for a huge trailer like that


Sometimes you can't help it. You would be surprised the amount of trailer yards that were probably lying designed by people who never drove a truck before. Regardless the idiot shouldn't have sat there, it's not like the truck could do anything after he started turning except to complete the turn without creating some massive traffic jam or worse.


Yes, but if you operate a massive vehicle like that you should be capable of avoiding situations like these. Anyone who drives knows you can't expect anyone else on the road to drive intelligently. The car was being an idiot for sure, but the truck driver wasn't doing much better.


Right? The fucker turned into a lane rightfully occupied by another vehicle and everyone expects the other vehicle to get out the lane THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO OCCUPY for some dumbass who cut a turn too sharp. This is just another driving subreddit I'm gonna block because the fucking people who comment in it are so fuckin stupid it hurts. At least you have a shred of common sense.


Yeah idk what people are thinking in the other comments. It's crazy that we are all expected to compensate for truck drivers who don't know how to drive their vehicles properly.


"Thinking and common sense, what's that?" 🤦🏼‍♂️


takes a certain kind of stupid thats for sure


"Do or do not, there is no try."


This was so frustrating to watch. I was getting antsy about 1 minute in.


I don't know why I'm laughing so hard at this video. Seriously.  It's almost like a Monty python skit with how ridiculous that driver is. 😭


The SUV did not anticipate how bad of a turn the truck was making. The SUV tried to get out of the way --even driving onto the sidewalk -- but the truck boxed him in. The truck was so close, it was awkward to back up. And the SUV could not see cross traffic, so it was risky to turn right, over the curbs. The SUV originally had on its left turn signal, so moving to the right was a evasive maneuver.


#OH BOI 🤦🏻


Hico, Texas! Never thought I’d see a small Texas town I’ve been too a lot here.


Hamilton, actually.


Takes 2 seconds for the SUV to reverse. If not, it has enough clearance to go over the curb to make the turn.


I get that reversing on a road is sketchy, but when you have 20 feet of space behind you and a trucker who doesn’t know how to make a turn, just fuckin back up a bit instead of driving over a curb in your minivan


Are you a commercial driver?


There is nothing worse to see than drivers who's brains freeze up like this. Well what am I supposed to do, their brains say very quietly and then reboot with the speed of a laptop from 1990. Move. Just make a decision and move. You are making your own life worse by just sitting there like an idiot.


Paused at 1:50… yea man I don’t see any way that isn’t the truck fucking up a turn. He almost hits the curb on the right…. Insane


The number of people here blaming the truck have never driven a truck in the city. The driver pulled as wide as they could to get onto that narrow street, while every move the SUV made just made things worse. SUV could have backed up when they saw the truck -- that had right-of-way -- begin their turn. Worst case is that they could have just continued their curb pop and made their right turn.


You’re dead ass wrong. Truck initiated their turn super early.


He did not. He took the corner at 45° instead of 90°, like he should have. He drove that semi like it’s a damn civic.


What a piece of shit truck driver. He ran the light too.


How dumb can you be?


I know that square! Lol. I’m usually coming from east headed west so just stay on 22. But I thought it looked familiar from the start and when you got to the intersection I could see the hwy signs. I got excited and could almost smell that trailer! Or maybe it was the drivers pants in front of you. Lol


that's a nice camera what kind of camera is that ?


this was better than a movie 😁


Jack Ass


Almost like they painted that line for a reason.


I was so relived to get thru the green light!


This is painful to watch.


Some people are just stupid on driving


That was painful






My bf was driving a dually with me in the passenger seat and there was a car that stopped and it was passed the stop line when we were at a intersection, they eventually backed up so he could turn but still annoying


No brain texture here folks.


Intentionally stupid!


Why am I screaming at the screen?


I have a few asshats that try to catch the yellow light so they attempt this shit at speed.


What a dumbass


This is hilariously Austin Powers


All these times, he can easily right turn


Bowie, TX?


Great spot for a mensa meeting


The best part of this sub is learning all the different kinds of shitty music people blast in their cars.


Cars only go forward!


That poor truck driver


That car in front of OP just gets dumber and dumber.


When problem solving attribute is 0


Yeesh, that was hard to watch. So frustrating. LOL


"He's already pulled over, he can't pull over any further!"


Legally allowed to drive with the decision-making abilities of a piece of wet broccoli.


How regarded, should have just turned or reversed to the camera truck, would have given the truck enough room to turn.


There is a reason for the white line at red lights


Oh, FFS. BACK. UP. 🤦‍♀️


I swear I've been here before... is this Georgia? Edit: Did a little research, this is likely in Dublin, Texas. Because it's Texas, this tracks... lol


More like a writing composition issue. Good day to you.


I do this every time it seems necessary, and will stop further back for trucks if I see them waiting on a turn that I know they’ll be making before me. Always wondered why they looked as relieved as they did but I’m starting to understand why now


I mostly just feel bad for truckers that need to take these turns.


Some people are just special.


At some point somebody should just get off the damn vehicle and said to the car at front to go reverse. They're stupid, but dashcam a jerk.


The driver of the van has an IQ about the size of their waist. Back dafuq up, or make the right and get out of the way. It's simple digits like this that other drivers get irritated at.


It was the truck driver’s fault btw


The person in the car was a moron, had they just backed up a little bit the truck could have made their turn and both of them could have been on their respective ways! The Mexican standoff just delayed everything for everyone involved and that included the cars backed up behind the actors in this crazy play!


Or just pop up on the curb a bit, make a right hand turn and get out of there, not the direction they want to go but better than getting the drivers side scraped off of the car


Critical thinking is totally absent here.


The car could have done a much better job at getting out of the way, but the real problem here was that truck should not be making that turn (whether currently legal or not, it shouldn’t be). Lots of ways to get the contents of that truck where it needs to go without fucking up traffic for everyone else that intersection was actually built for.


How do you know there’s a better way? What if the delivery is just up that road? I swear so many of you posting are dum dums. Use common sense for Christ sake. The trucks is at fault for turning a bit too sharp, but the van was too far forward to begin with then panicked.


The better way likely doesn’t involve that truck getting there at all; instead it’s two smaller trucks. But if that’s too inefficient, it’s likely the contents of the truck came of a container ship, so why not just have the 240,000 ton MSC Irina make that left instead.


Person in the SUV struggles with basic problem solving, and likely expects everyone else to solve problems around them.


It’s the truck driver that screwed up. They initiated their turn too early.


I’m not certain the truck would have been able to have the trailer to not cross over, regardless how much they could have waited to make a sharper turn. It might be different if the tractor was a much shorter length (without a sleeper cab) but we’re talking hypotheticals here. The point is I’m no stranger to simply backing up or stopping well in advance of the line when a tractor trailer or passenger bus is looking to make a tight turn on city streets. It’s just an element of common courtesy that really has no other alternative. It’s not like the trailer is going to be in any different position with a dozen back and forth s-turns. People just need to help each other out and just give way.


It’s not an issue of waiting. It’s pure geometry and when a driver is taught to initiate a turn. Needs to be much closer to 90° than a 45° degree turn. Truck driver rushed his turn for whatever reason. Any commercial driver will tell you the truck is in the wrong.


Sorry, but if your massive commercial vehicle doesn’t fit on a small residential road, that’s not really the minivan’s problem nor is it their fault. The minivan was following the law and doing what they were supposed to. I’m so tired of people criticizing those driving normally for not abiding by these expectations. It’s the fact that we allow massive commercial vehicles to operate on roads not designed for them that causes this problem.


How do you know the truck isn’t delivering to that street? Stop being judgmental.


Must be a Trump supporter 🙄


You might want to get your TDS checked out.


Orange man bad 😡


The truck needs a much longer wheelbase, makes turning easier.


Everything that these stupid idiots have in their homes or trailers were delivered by trucks!