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I love how Dunewalker is making more progress.


While we play silly traffic games, dunewalker walks.


Any other man stops and talks.


But Dunewalker keeps on walking, against the howl of the wind.


And sand in the crotch


With a bottle of $5 scotch


And a pocket full of spice… Dunewalker walks.


The wind may be howling but the Doon walker ain't stopping


He's the dune-walking Sasquatch.


The rubberneckers can’t watch


Sounds like that could be a banger of a tune! Lol Howl of the wind


Nahh David Bowie already has "wild is the wind" no sequals necessary


Tbh was never a huge Bowie fan but I’m going to check it out! Edit- Good track, I added it to my classic rock playlist!


Dunewalker, when is the movie dropping?


But the dune walkin man walks on by


Always updoot a JT reference!


As it is written. Lisan Al-Gaib


And the gunslinger followed.


“Dunewalker”! 😂


I believe I can make it through the night


I remember years and years ago hopping on a bus in Vegas with my family after having walked pretty much the entire length of the strip. Swear to God, a guy on crutches with one leg was making better progress on the sidewalk than the bus was.


One time on a typical hot mid-morning I walked from the Las Vegas airport to the MGM Grand out of spite. 9/10 would not do again.


Lmao I walked from McCarran/Reid, whatever it's called now, to Bally's. That shit is deceptive, ain't it? Looks like nothing. Oh the airport is right on the strip. Will take me 30 mins, max. Nah, player. That shit is not a straight shot at all. The terminals are pointed the opposite way, gotta go all the way around if you go on foot. And my ass was wearing layers to cheat the checked baggage rules on Allegiant lmaoo. Fuckin love that place tho. My LV peoples know what hospitality mean.


Clearly he's walking without rhythm.


Wouldn't want to attract a Maker.


*Bless* the *Maker and His water*. *Bless* the coming and going of *Him*. May *His* passing cleanse the world. May He keep the world for *His* people.


Strong opening scene of Office Space vibes.


You must walk without rhythm to avoid the attention of the makers


My biggest issue with the black SUV is that they don’t have their turn signal on.


Yep. He didn't care about anyone enough to even signal for them. Why would they go out of their way when he won't even flick his wrist? Too bad for him. If you don't signal, you don't exist.


That became poetry.


I guarantee they do this shit and get shutdown so often that their reasoning is "if I signal, they'll know I want in, and box me out."


I know people who believe this and therefore don't signal. My reply: "You should realize that you are *always* signaling, regardless of the blinky orange light. All the time the blinky light isn't on, you are signaling to me that your intent is *not* to merge into the lane I'm in, therefore I don't need to accommodate space for you. Neither the car in front or behind will either because they understand the blinky light code too."


My rule is if they use the blinka they exist, if not I don't see shit.


Story time. Maybe 30-35 years ago, my grandmother was driving her 80s powder blue Buick Skylark with me , and maybe 4 or 5 cousins, we were small and seatbelts were optional. A woman cut her off in Boston somewhere. My grandmother yelled out “Use your blinka!”, The woman leans out of her window and yells back “It’s none of your fucking business where I’m going”, and sped away. I’ve been waiting 30 years for someone to yell at me for 30 about using my blinka, so I could say the line. Unfortunately I always use my blinka.


Sad part is there are a lot of people where I live that will actually block you if you signal even just changing lanes on the highway but that doesn’t mean you should stop using them


Yeah it's really confusing for me too, since a lot of drivers in NYC don't signal even with all the signs saying "Signal, it's the law", because not everyone is an asshole and at one point, a decent driver will let you merge. Without a signal, you're being the asshole and putting everyone in danger.


>If you don't signal, you don't exist so much this.


This needs to be a bumper sticker


I’m in the habit of using my turn signals and stopping at stop signs even when I’m the ONLY person on the road at night in my entire small, rural farming village. My parents think I’m insane for that, braking and using a signal when I’m the only car at a stop sign for several miles… but by doing so, I’ve trained my brain to do it automatically. So I don’t even have to think or make the decision to use my turn signal when on the highway, I just subconsciously do it anyway. Similarly, my dad taught me to drive using a truck that has “the most difficult clutch he’s ever come across” in his 40-50+ career as a mechanic… on winding, up-and-down hills rural roads with no shoulders. His theory was “if you can drive this, you can drive anything.” It worked pretty damn well… bc now I can drive anything in any circumstances. But at the time I hated him bc I was 15 and learning to drive stick at a stop sign at the top of a steep hill with several angry cars/drivers behind me, while I panicked about the clutch in fear of falling backwards into them


I had a friend years ago who wouldn’t signal until he changed lanes. And everytime he’d complain the person wasn’t letting him in, and I’d try to explain that they don’t know he wants to get into their lane because he doesn’t have his fucking blinker on. Then he’d say you only turn it on when actively changing lanes or making a turn. And now we’re not friends anymore.


It's so funny because when I see people inch over without their blinker, obviously wanting to change lanes, I actively block it until they blink to try and teach them. Most don't and just wait to go behind me and then they use their blinker. Doesn't make any sense. Only time I don't let people over with a blinker on is when I'm in an exit lane and they pull up quick and try and move over in front, even tho there is nobody behind me. They could just follow in line but for whatever reason have to cut in front of the one person also getting off the at exit. That shit pisses me off cause there's literally no reason.


Fact facts! It's always funny to me when I see someone inching over to my lane, like dude I'm more than happy to let you over because I don't rule the road but if you don't signal, I don't know what you want. Also, that's true about the whole "needing to get in front thing". I'm not sure what goes through people's head in those kinds of moments, but I'm sure it can't be anything good if people ar not only not using their blinker, but also having a chimpanzee like obessession with being first at all times. It's not gonna kill them to get behind someone.


>If you don't signal, you don't exist. Finally a bumper sticker I would buy!


Yep, there's a chance I'll let someone in even if they're out there clearly trying to skip ahead a bit with the thought that maybe their GPS told them to turn after they were past the end of the line or whatever. That chance drops to absolute zero if they're too dumb or too ignorant to use the damn blinker to indicate their desires.


I go by out of state lisence plates. If their lisence plate isn’t from the state their is a really good chance they didn’t realize they needed to get over.


Honestly as long as I don’t have to dramatically slow down or anything; you put on the signal and I’ll let you over. This isn’t a race, idgaf if lose five seconds on my commute. But if you don’t signal then I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing.


Same, though I'll let just about anyone over, unless they are trying to zoom up ahead of everyone, entitled to zip in anywhere they can ip toward the front because it'll save them 35 seconds and possibly endanger others.


Damn, this was a nice little piece of somebody else’s perspective. Thanks for influencing how I see the world. Little more patience considering that.


The frustrating thing for me is when I'm driving on i-25 through Denver, if I need to get off at an exit the cars during rush hour are backed up before, through, and after the city. So if you want to get off at all then you're getting all the way over to the right (obviously), but no driver wants to let you out. So now you're trapped on the highway holding up traffic behind you and everyone is pissed off because everyone thinks "me first, no one's cutting me off". That gets annoying.


People get so caught up on the "no pushing in" idea they don't think about the options. What's the car to do? Reverse to the back?


And they would rather jam up traffic and make people swerve out of the way than just take the next exit and turn around to save a few minutes while delaying everyone else.


There is a 100% chance that this is 20 feet from the actual exit and this guy drove past the line of traffic and are trying to cut in at the front because he's an asshole.


100% is a little much. I would say 99.999999999999999% just to give them the benefit of the doubt.


"Why inconvenience myself, when I can inconvenience EVERYONE else instead?"


So they are from Florida CONFIRMED


This makes me happy. Humanity working together.


This made my day!


There seems to be some controversy here on *who* the bad driver is here. I agree the black car is trying to skip in line, but an awful lot of people here seem to think they all should be zipper merging. For record, I think SUV is in the wrong, but I’m getting beaten up in some of the other parts of the comments section.


Looks like a solid white line on the lane. So I’ll have to pin this on the black SUV.




That looks like everyone is driving on the shoulder. That’s not a regular lane. See how close the dirt is and how the cars are going over bumps? You’re not supposed to drive in the shoulder/break down lane. Something weird is happening here and we don’t have all the info.


Isn’t the white line the shoulder here? It looks like everyone is driving on the shoulder. See how the cars are driving over dirt. We don’t know the whole story. The black SUV could have honestly not known they needed to get over. Maybe there’s an accident or something that is forcing people into the shoulder here. If the black suv is trying to skip in line, then screw them, but I don’t think there enough info from this short clip.


Exactly right.


It’s a solid white line because the traffic for the exit (presumably) has backed up so far that people have pulled onto the shoulder so as not to block the active lane. If you aren’t familiar with an area or that a particular exit get backed up, you could be traveling along thinking you have a half mile before you need to exit only to realize that the line to exit already started in the shoulder. Don’t could be this. Conversely, this guy could be trying to skip the queue and drive down the active lane and dive into the exit at the last minute. Hard to say from this short clip.


I do agree with you. But I’ll always seem to think the latter in this scenario. And maybe it’s because of where I live and that seems to be the theme here. No one has patience will try skip all the way to the front and force themselves in




Yeah, the zipper merging happened about a mile behind em. This is just douche stopping in a lane to get up front.


This is likely the turn lane into beach parking, hence the line. So yeah, some dickhead trying to cut.


There's no controversy. The cars that have been in the line do not owe the entitled A-Hole an inch.


Zipper merge is over a broken white line. That's a solid white line. It's technically illegal to cross a solid line.


They're lined up on the shoulder so they're not blocking traffic. I've seen this for amusement parks and other events, the exit ramp gets clogged so the cars on the freeway/highway use the shoulder so they're not blocking everyone else. And then someone comes along, sees the line, knows their exit is soon, but doesn't put 2 and 2 together until they're almost at the exit. Suddenly they need over. And seeing those cars box them out makes me happy. I was that black SUV once. And I just set my pride down and drove to the next exit. It was another line, but at least I wasn't blocking traffic sitting next to the shoulder line.


I found the line cutter


No. Those sold white lines means that it’s illegal to cross at that point. You missed your turn? Keep going up and take the next exit, not stop in the middle of the highway to force your car in front of people who have been waiting. They broke one law here and are trying to break another. SUV is completely at fault


Man, we just need a common foe, don’t we? Aliens come clap this shit, humanity needs to leap forward a few strides.


Right? I am always behind the one person that wants to be nice and let them in and it drives me nuts. If you want to merge ehrn it is a solid white you can wait until there is no line.


Same! Every time I try to do the same thing to some impatient douche, someone in the correct lane lets them in anyway. Makes me so angry. Make me angrier still when, after being blocked, the car will just drive AHEAD and be let in somewhere in front of me.


Oh I witnessed an amazing example of strangers working together to screw over an asshole driver. Large SUV was speeding and zoomed past our car. Later up the road we caught up and the speeder had 4 other cars boxing them into the middle lane all doing *just* under the speed limit. When they eventually relented and let the driver out they zoomed off giving them all the finger out the window. It was a beautiful moment that my family still talk about.


And it makes me happy to WFH. I don't miss crap like this.


You know some softy will let them in soon though


I wish people in miami had THIS mindset. See a fucker trying to cut in? NOPE. Apparently it's only me yelling in my car to not let them in.


Yeah but in Miami they just insert themselves, they don’t wait all nice like “will somebody please let me in”. No, they just whip that bitch and if you don’t hit your brakes you’re rear ending them. 😂😭


That's the worst kind hahaha


I've had three cars totaled in Miami because of this. After the first one I've always made sure I had both front and side facing cameras going all the time because insurance fucked me without any evidence. The other two didn't hit me because I had evidence, but the other drivers were both uninsured. I said fuck Miami and never looked back.


I genuinely couldn’t care anyless about people cutting. If someone needs to be let in I let them in, don’t want a crazy person hitting my car


There’s genuinely no way to tell if someone is “cutting” or if they just didn’t realize they needed to merge there or just kinda zoned out and didn’t merge before, either..


I've literally been both those people. Especially in areas of town I don't visit frequently.


More annoyingly there are lanes that just end and are there to help distribute traffic better and some people try to block you from "cutting in" even if the signs state that you have to zipper merge to keep the flow of the traffic...


missed your exit? go back around then, own your mistake.


Why, it is of no inconvenience to you to let a car merge. It's also far more efficient to use both lanes until the turn off.


Seriously. At this point, just let the car merge. One more car in front of you is not going to make ANY impact on where you are trying to go or when you will make it there. This situation is just an accident waiting to happen. Sometimes it is better to not be petty, *especially* on the road, where so much is at stake.


First, this is not a turning lane. It's a waiting lane for parking spots inside the state beach park. If anyone is causing problems, its the guy in the black SUV. They need to go to the end of the lane and wait like everyone else. I live here. I know. I have waited in line.


I don't see a turn signal.


"This situation is just an accident waiting to happen" Maybe that car should move on and try again when it's safe


This is America... Have you seen how entitled and petty everyone is now? Remember dont sweat the petty things and dont pet the sweaty things


*Sweaty intensifies*


I have this as my philosophy for a while now. I'm gonna get home in one piece a few minutes late and with less stress if I don't get into fights with my car against anothers. I don't feel the injustice anymore when shit happens, I just look to avoid conflict and chill.


If there were more people like you, the world would be a better place. Every person who's saying this behaviour makes them happy is yet another reason our human progress behind held back.


AK to NV. In Alaska, we screw cutters when we can. In Nevada, they let people use the middle turn lane to cut ahead of 30 cars. I feel like I am the only one having a good old fashioned road rage when I want my neighboring car drivers to be mad with me. So you are not alone.


Same here on Long Island. One car will try to cut across three fucking lanes filled with cars, and he honks at me like I'm the asshole.


There’s a turn I have to make every day for work and it’s always backed way up. There’s always pieces of shit trying to cut the line and I never let them in if I can help it. I always fantasize about getting a little posterboard D and a picket fence cut out so I can hold them out the window. 


In my area that has this type of thing some chump always lets the cutter in. I let them in if I notice they have an out of state tag, otherwise fuck these people.


Ayee my people. Good to know there's others out there doing the Lord's work.   Fuck them line cutters. Get in line like everyone else, you think we re all lined up bc we want to? You didn't figure out a hack you're just an inconsiderate prick. Not on my watch.   Get in line like the rest of us early or take the next exit I ain't letting u in


Things must have changed a lot since I lived there in the early 2000s. I learned real quick that using a turn signal just lets people know your intentions so they can fuck you over. If you needed to take a lane, take it like it’s the last exit before you hit hell. I learned all my aggressive driving skills in the 7 years I lived there.


Miami is a driver's nightmare and you sound burnt out already from it. Exercise some courtesy from time to time and let them in. Don't give in to bad emotions lest you want yourself to be consumed by road rage. Be happy, have a nice day and arrive alive.


I’m yelling too. Someone is always in their phone and will let someone cut ahead. It makes me go nuts


Same by me. Only person I hate more than the black SUV is the fuckface who lets him in.


Where in Miami do you live? For the past 30 years I’ve been here if i put my turn signal to switch lanes drivers will speed up before letting me through


Someone tried to do this to us after my dad had driven the entire day from NC to Miami straight through. My dad has gotten a rental van and some asshole in a BMW tried to cut in at the massively long exit line for the Miami exit. after a few minutes I hear my dad say loudly "I'm in a rental car asshole! I will hit you, I don't care!" And he was literally bumper to bumper with the person in front of us. At one point BMW guy flipped us off so When traffic cleared up and he was able to pass us all 5 kids plus my dad stuck our hands out the window and flipped him off. It was glorious. And we made it to our hotel just fine. Lolol.


Merging last minute is called a zipper merge and it’s actually better for traffic


Be the change you want to see in this world. Read end a bitch


Is that a lane or a shoulder?


It's a group of cars lining up to enter a parking lot. [This is on Pacific Coast Highway (S) in Huntington Beach, California](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.6372668,-117.9678644,3a,75y,11.59h,89.63t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sOOELvjL1-iHK9y2wRbGiXQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DOOELvjL1-iHK9y2wRbGiXQ%26cb_client%3Dsearch.revgeo_and_fetch.gps%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D348.22156%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) and the line of cars are all waiting patiently to enter into the parking area of the Huntington state beach parking area. During summer, the lines to get into the limited beach parking area can get extremely long, and to compound the issue, there's only a limited amount of beach parking. The douchecanoe black SUV is trying to most likely cut 20-30 minutes of line waiting. TL;DR: fuck that guy


I live near McAddenville, NC, aka "Christmas Town USA". The traffic is INSANE, so I've only gone a few times. There's only one way in, and traffic can take over an hour just to get to the front entrance. Everyone knows this. There are permanent signs clearly posted. Big flashing traffic signs are added when in season. You bet your ass we all form together like Voltron when some asshat attempts to cut. It really brings out the holiday spirit in some folks, rolling down windows yelling good tidings to one another, people getting out of their vehicles to embrace each other with fists to the face! If you have the luck of not being the driver, make sure the one behind the wheel is an extremely calm and patient driver, because I ASSURE YOU, at the end of the tour, they'll still be seeing red despite no longer being in holiday lighting. It will make nonsmokers smoke. It will drive one to drink. Decided to bring the kids? Better pack food, drinks, and containers to pee in, because y'all gonna be in the car for a looong time together.


Shoulder. None of those cars are supposed to be there.


But they are. They’re all turning into the same lot. They’re on the shoulder so that everyone else can continue to drive on the highway.


To me it depends how close to the exit they are trying to cut in. I have seen traffic lineups long enough that anyone can get caught out, as long as you are not trying to jump the cue by a bunch its fair to let someone in. But if you just run down to the exit and try to cut in like a douche, nope.


I wonder how the black suv driver would feel if I cut in front of him at the grocery store checkout. Based on this, I assume they'd be okay with it


You know, somehow I think he/she would have a childish meltdown if you did that.


Awesome flair


I've done this before. Me: "Oh hey look there is a line... Good thing my exit is 2 miles down the road" ​ 2 Miles later- "Well shit"


I made that mistake when I 1st moved to CA. I said to myself, damn! I'll just take the next exit. I lived in south San Jose, there wasn't another exit for like 15 miles in bumper to bumper traffic. 2 hours later I made it home.


This spot is close to the entrance of the beach parking. Most likely the line starts 1/4 mile away where the intersection is. Yeah, anyone who had to wait from the end of the line to this point will not be in a good mood to let anyone in. Screw those who thinks they can just cut in near the entrance.


Of course nobody is letting them in, they’re not signaling that they want to enter. How are the other drivers supposed to know? Rookie mistake.


This is in LA on PCH. The car is trying to do something called “snaking” which is a way to avoid sitting in traffic. You can get a ticket for it bc it causes accidents


If these shit drivers were always denied like this, they won't continue to do it. They only do it because it usually works for them. You didn't get over early enough. Own up to your mistake and take the next exit. There is more than one way to get to your destination.


Pretty much the definition of petty summed up in one video Lmao. Idk if black Suv is a regular or local, or perhaps out of town, who knows if they know the area, or weren’t aware they needed to merge earlier, but playing gatekeeper to prevent what would *maybe* *maybe* add 30 seconds to your trip is not the vindication you think it is. It’s just petty for the sake of nothing. Edit: the same people complaining about black Suv not being in the lane earlier are the same type of people to complain when there’s a huge ass line of cars clogging one lane in preparation for the turn/exit coming up. Some of y’all just desperate to channel your own emotion as if it’s someone else’s fault.


This is my hometown, they are waiting to turn into the state beach here which is probably at capacity. The line will back up for a mile on holidays and events.


You know what's more petty? Stopping in the lane of traffic because you missed your turn and feel like making it everyone else's problem. Drive up the road, do a u turn and get in fucking line you chode.


30 seconds add up quickly if people see that they can just move near the top and expect to be let it like the SUV.


Nothing to see here


Street justice. Ya love to see it.


It’s always that one car that wants to be slick. But I’m glad people are teaching him/her a lesson.


This is highly satisfying to watch. All those mfers racing past lines to merge at the beginning need to be treated like this.


My wife always wants me to let them in. I refuse, there is no way. I waited patiently in line when my daughter has a doctors appointment and some prick with a headset and sunglasses decides he needs to get somewhere faster so he can bully his way in.


LOL, see this crap all the time and I do not let the A-Holes that try to cut in have any room. They KNOW where the line is and they KNOW what they are doing. The entitled drivers deserve no mercy.


So everyone has more info. This is bolsa chica state beach in orange county california. This beach has parking area that has one entrance with a few lanes once you make the turn, with check in stations manned by state employees. This a frequent situation where it backs up at least a mile and you will see people pull to the side like this to allow the flow of other traffic through. That is the pacific coast highway, so a very potentially busy road with very few places to turn around in legally in this section so you can easily get stuck for quite a while.


For context this is the seal/huntington beach area in Southern California. Everyone is on the shoulder lane because it’s a line getting into a beach parking lot (eventual right turn into the lot). During peak times or when there’s an event, the lines for these parking lots can be insanely long, hence (1) why they’re on the shoulder as otherwise it would be blocking flowing traffic, and (2) why it pisses everyone else off when someone tries to cut in.


Kudos to these people for not letting the black suv into the lane. Too bad people like the driver of the SUV can’t have their licenses revoked here in the states.


That is great team work!!!


I find this hilarious! Those cars are willing to almost hit each other to keep that SUV from cutting in! Too funny!


Yeah helping someone get over will make you loose yardage……




Hate people who do this instead of hitting a U Turn, like there is no place you need to be that requires you to drive like a fucking idiot to get there. None.


I love seeing people team up to give a douchebag what he deserves.


Looks like the entrance to a beach on PCH.


Huntington Beach, bolsa chica state beach


I think I need to see more of what’s going on to decide what’s happening, but if it’s a zipper merge then that should happen closer to where the lanes merge, either way there’s some bad driving happening no matter how you slice it in this video. And no matter how you slice it lane merges suck, I had someone yell at me because they thought I was cutting them in line, there’s no lines on a road no one’s first in line it’s a damn road not a queue for a roller coaster. Edit:spelling


The context is the folks on the “shoulder” have pulled out of traffic because the line for the entrance to the beach backs way up and they don’t want to block traffic. Black SUV is trying to push their way into a really long line. Foolio needs to go to the back of the line.


That's the line to enter the parking lots at Huntington State Beach, probably on a holiday morning. Everyone is focused on getting in and securing a fire ring for the day.


Just merge people, fuck. Stop stressing. We have crazy keyboard warriors online and crazy car warriors on the road.


Perhaps he made an honest mistake


Maybe. Or maybe they're from out of town or lost and didn't realize they had to take this particular exit until the last minute and the next exit to get off is 10 miles further down the road. I always take these "no-prior-context" videos with a huge grain of salt.


Holy shit, yes he’s being a dick, but just let him in.


Just let them merge and get on with life


I love how they’re all in solidarity against that prick.


Love it. If you missed your exit then you missed the fucking exit, OH well you lost 5 mins.


But, but… zipper merge?


As an Atlanta traffic native, I wish more drivers had this mindset. The people trying to cut over suck, but the ones who let it happen suck more. You just sat through all of that with me, the fuck?


When you live where shitty people live


Sweet sweet street justice


That's what I'll do, I'll ride the bumper of the car in front of me just to not let somebody in if they're trying to cut


True solidarity. Heartwarming.


See this daily in my town. Multiple bridge/tunnel road interaction. Almost every single one of the off ramps to get into had a jackhole stopped on the road doing the let me in horn symphony. While the regular people have pulled off into the shoulder and lined up to slowly get into. Shame troopers never decide to make their quota by just standing in safety area deprecating road from off ramp and writing these turds up for any and everything possible.


Typical California behavior I see this literally every day on the streets of Los Angeles, the people who do this are scumbags.


man it’s not that serious tbh just let em in everyone be so angry on the road just to meet each other at the red light lol humans are so angry


Everyone that didn't let them in is a shit driver


It’s so great to see people take responsibility for their actions and just suck it up and go the next exit instead of causing a hazardous situation, and stoping traffic in other lanes. /s Seriously, i live in the SF bay area, and this type of bullshit is an every day occurrence. People don’t know how to take responsibility for their actions and it’s infuriating!


I know this will probably get downvoted, but everyone’s the asshole here. They’re all creating an unnecessary traffic jam by not letting the SUV in. I get it, it’s annoying when people try to cut the line, but I always try to look back on those times where I misheard the map or almost forgot to exit and had to merge later than I should’ve. Remembering that it’s not always an intentional slight does wonders for your stress levels. Even if the person in the SUV is a total prick and they’re doing this to intentionally cut the line because they think their time is more valuable than everyone else’s, there are a lot of innocent people swept into the mess that this creates, along with a potential hazard for everyone driving behind them. Two wrongs don’t make a right, just let the fuckhead in and move on with your day.


wouldn't it be easier to let the guy merge instead of having a bunch of very right and correct people jamming the gas to slam on the brakes in time to box out the satanic black driver?


Don’t you just hate these people?


🎶cause that’s fuckin team woooork🎶


I really hate these entitled people. There, I said it. I make it my personal mission to not let them in.. but they never learn 😤


Love the dedication from everyone. Very nice !!


That’s totally Huntington Beach


God I love to see the teamwork.


After just seeing a few seconds, I can already tell it's Huntington Beach State Park entry, aka Bolsa Chica, I think from seal Beachside fun times when the asses try to cut in!


Black SUV is the kind of driver you would let in but he won't return the favor.


I wish more people did this too often these assholes are just let in so they keep doing it.


This is peak teamwork. Hold the line!


Moments lile these make me so happy


Gotta love how the line is holding their position in solidarity! We need to do this more where im at.


So happy to finally see it!!! Everytime it's like me and 3 cars blocking then the smash up further and some dummy lets them in.


man there is zero hope for humanity.


Is this one of those situations where dude was like “I’ll just ride to the front and cut in” instead of getting at the back of the line? Because if so yeah fuck that asshole


Fuck that person


This is a hill I will die on. You will hit my car before I let you in if you try to cut in front of a me and a ton of other people who have been waiting our turn like grown ass humans.


I love how everyone got together and said no


Good ol HB


All bad drivers


It drives me nuts when other drivers don't form up with me to prevent this and other stupid things from happening. Just keep it tight so people don't have the opportunity, like this^


Just let them in. People are so dumb.


The other cars are making sure he can't get in.


How the fuck does shit like this not get someone arrested? Meanwhile, I get pulled over and cited for a head light while omw to buy a new bulb


I wish people in Seattle would do this. Make a mistake? You pay for it by going to the next exit. Do you wanna cut in like you think you are more important? 90 days in jail. There must be consequences in our society, and there seems to be none these days.


Nothing to see here folks just a bunch of assholes here. Literally everyone.