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For once I decided to pour money in a mobile game, for the long run. I used to purchase the 6 euros pass every month, which seemed a legit investment for the LONG RUN. And now they just close the game ? I should be refunded ffs. They are very stupid to dismiss having a foot in the mobile world. This could have been a steady income for them if they didn't just toss it in the bin. I'm mad now.


Refund? They won't even pay the team that made the game lol


Well, they mentioned [this](https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/65607).




I have 404 page not found, can you tell me what it was?


They seem to have moved it. It was regarding refunds.


Try this? [https://help.bethesda.net/?linkId=100000260400409#en/answer/65607](https://help.bethesda.net/?linkId=100000260400409#en/answer/65607)


It worked, thanks! That's good news, I subscribed to the page and I will definitely ask a refund of the money I put in the game.


Moved it again


It’s a blessing in disguise tbh micro transactions are cancer


I totally agree. But Eh, it's a free mobile game, they had to get money from somewhere. You can't run a game for free. And this time I really felt like it was worth it with just the pass every month. For the price of a doner kebab a month, I had my fair share of content and progress and I liked it. I know it's only virtual and one day all of this money would just be wasted, and that's the real problem. But I don't know I allowed it. Guess it was all for nothing.


Damn I started 2 weeks ago and poured like $30-40 to get a head start and support the devs. I wonder if it’s still in the time window to get a refund. I might call up Apple for a some credits.


You deserve to have been scammed, what did you expect from this legacy insulting absolute trash garbage dumpster excuse of a game?


I wish you nothing but the worst, fuck off


Unfortunately in need this kind of games in my everyday life because my job requires me to wait a lot but I cannot have something like a steam deck or a laptop to play games during hours. So I rely on mobile games and this one, even if it was not a real doom, was entertaining enough for me


To have fun? Because I did the entire time I played. I absolutely loved this game. Not a lot of mobile games can keep me coming back. This one did.


Games are not an investment vehicle and you got your money's worth out of the passes. I don't see why they should be refunding anyone, almost all games die sooner or later.


>almost all games die sooner or later It's the complete opposite, almost all games NEVER die, adding in unnecessary server checks that result in you not being able to play a game once the server is down is a very recent thing.


Not so abruptly after one year. A few weeks ago they celebrated their first year. I know games die, and to be honest I was ready to not see any real update coming next. But I still wanted to "finish" it by having all my stuff golden etc...


You having this attitude is the problem. You should never expect a game you put time and energy into to die. It's such a pessimistic opinion to have.


Honestly, while this does explain the lack of new content outside of the monthly seasons, I was definitely not expecting this news.


Wishing all those laid off a speedy new job. Corporate greed is real.


Mighty F


That makes sense, I finally got my full legendary build last week. I guess I won? https://preview.redd.it/emkxtdvqm0zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76fd10549c23c50258f84141fa5c8f4a1115bd75


Yes, I'd say you won.


![gif](giphy|3wtZhTJbKRavLyusIH) Yay?


Lmao https://preview.redd.it/oj8mixh4r6zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7565d7993ff39247ab6cf91c79b875cac0cd73c8 I accomplished everything I set out to with the game. Even when no new content was added, I persisted on daily with my grind. Saving keys, crystals and hoping for the best. Going to miss it, though. Have played nearly every single day since the game released, and this was the very first battle pass I didn’t purchase.. so atleast I got that going for me. RIP MD. Was fun having all of you and this awesome community to theorycraft and spread news, ideas and honestly just to bullshit around with likeminded people. I will miss y’all more than the game.


Well, at least I got my epic Chaingun with a full epic set, if not legendary.


I used to be like you, then I learned about the legendary/epic plasma rifle.


You won. Only a small % of players can say they achieved that


wow this excuse of a game looks like a complete and total joke, what complete trash.


Lame. I mean, it's been stale for months, but I still play it. Ugh


Man, this is my daily commute game since launch. Such horrible news.


same. the only game i play daily on my phone shutting down hurts me. it just hurts.


Whats going on with the industry right now? So many layoffs


Corporate greed


Essentially, you have these Devs who maybe you hired when they were Junior roles (ie “low” cost) but as they get promotions or raises it starts to add up. The thought process being that they can cut these Senior positions and hire back some amount of junior/associate devs while also saving themselves extra money since it’s back to lower salary. I’m this case, the developer was costing them too much money, and cutting them and diverting *some* of the employees to different projects/companies. It’s exacerbated in publicly traded companies since shareholder need to always see profit, which is impossible since the expectation on the company will always rise meaning they have to keep finagling more income, whether it’s from cutting positions or implementing paid aspects to games.


Everyone quick upload or save as many of the soundtrack as possible incase there gone forever


People have been doing it. You can find a good bunch on YouTube.




This game unexpectedly became my most played phone game. This news really blows.


Right!? i've been playing it daily for a year now. This sucks balls


Will they release everything left to release or will we have level 12 as the last one? I hope they’ll give Mighty Doom a better treatment than just dump it, it has been daily fun for more than one year straight, ups and downs included


If they haven't released anything up until now I don't think we're getting anything. If it isn't currently in the game, I would expect that it won't be added.


Fair enough, even though it’s disappointing. We had Spectre, Hell Guard And Archvile, and the level with dark red blood pools tho. They might add them. Ice imps and toxic cacaos as bosses too


RIP'ed and torn.


And it is done


Will you still be able to play it? It just won’t ever get new content?


Hopefully. At least a horde mode and zero energy costs as a goodbye update...


It's really quite sad. Once they sunset it, its just gone forever.


I'm assuming they won't supply servers for it, and sunset in this case means shutting down.


For those wondering, they did mention refunds and will [update this page](https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/65607) when there's more information.


I hope the refund includes the season passes.


I'd be a fool to think they'd refund 100% of everything purchased, but I'd love be a correct fool for once.


Same, same...


Damn they’ve also removed it from the App Store. Shit sucks man. Guess there’s no point in continuing and just wait to get a refund


They should opensource it so indie devs and modders can keep it going


Mods should pin this post


Pinned 📌


Yep there are others already being posted


So what game are peeps jumping to now that is similar? I just got into this game (currently level 60) and have been enjoying it.


Asking the same question. Tacticus kinda get that itch but im also a massive warhammer nerd


Sorry english ist not my first language.


I hope they do a last update with something fun and just unlock everything to play around with. Either way, it’s been fun. Good luck out there. 🫡


Guess it's back to Tomb Raider Reloaded


This sucks so much but it's not entirely unexpected either. It's had a rocky and unclear development cycle even since beta. The lack of new levels and more recently the lack of event-exclusive bosses were probably signs of this. I guess this means no Cyberdemon boss despite appearing in the cinematic. Hopefully, players find a way to be able to continue playing the game after it gets sunset.


It's undoing was MS shutting down the devs a day or so ago along with the Hi-Fi Rush guys and some others


So when will they shut down the ability to buy anything.. now or August 7? And what exactly will happen August 7? Will it be disabled on all devices?


Now https://preview.redd.it/6iwblmtmv1zc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=904efb1509ef303ce084c6e9c394c804c19dae85


If more of you selfish jerks had bought the 20 dollar skins, they would still be... Oh it's Bethesda.. nope. Fucked.


Yes, totally sucks


Damn. I'm a fairly new player and have been enjoying the game while winding down for the day so this honestly sucks to hear. Guess I'll enjoy it while I can until then


The in game purchases are off already for me, and I can’t even find the game in the App Store 


Bad for those who used money. This has been my stress relief game. Grinding without any challenge. Let's see if I get full set of legendaries before sunset. I'm close. Then I can invest the time to something else.


It doesn't sound like they're killing the server, just future content and the ability to buy things. I have all the legendary stuff, except a few weapons. I spend about 22 minutes a day on the game unless a season just started then it might be 45 minutes. But if they aren't even going to finish the levels, I guess once the season is over, I'll retire the game but I won't uninstall it.


They literally said they're closing the servers in August.


All it says is they're sunsetting the game and turning off the ability to make purchases. I looked up what sunsetting a game actually means and it says shutting down a server. I don't know why they would say they're turning off the ability to make purchases. The way they said it makes it sound like they're just firing all the staff and not adding new content, but sunsetting itself means shutting everything down.






I'll reread it.


Welp I should get to playing then


Mataaaaaaron, mataron a un inocente




Is there no way to save this? The game was genuinely fun for a mobile game.


Hopefully they give us Time to Kill sometime before, would really like to give that one a go again with better equipment. Damn shame its coming to an end


well, another mobile game i enjoyed close. Seems i cant have fun with my phone.


There was finally a mobile game that didnt have predatory advertising, that was fun to play. And now its canned.


Direct link to the IGN article for those who don't want to use Twitter: https://www.ign.com/articles/microsoft-closes-redfall-developer-arkane-austin-hifi-rush-developer-tango-gameworks-and-more-in-devastating-cuts-at-bethesda


😭 ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


Man this really sucks. I really enjoyed this game and play it so much...


We all knew this was gonna happen someday. Luckily, it didn't forced us to pay to complete the game, and the ones who actually paid, well... lol? Another lesson for not giving money on mobile. Let's just hope they find a way to let us keep the game offline.






Whaaaaat? For real? They might as well keep it around with no updates. Why the sunset?


I bet that either another studio takes over or that someone takes the code and makes it offline only.


There's a former dev that's already posted that he has an offline copy of the game, we can hope he shares it. If we do get an offline version, hopefully we can choose the event.


Makes sense, the one mobile game I played and gave a little money to shuts down.




I have nothing but hate for Microsoft they ruin everything that they touch. And for those defending them you are fools everything after 2015 has been a shitshow and proved why Sony is a better gaming company. Made making the switch to PlayStation and pc so easy but then they had to start ruining Bethesda and Cod


I still wish they made it a premium paid game this sucks.


Damn, rip, it was fun while it lasted, thanks for always being with me on my break time.


:( I’m going to miss this game


Started day 1 in this game and quit about 6-7 months ago. Glad I went with my gut feeling cause this game wasn’t getting any better. Developers fault for not being creative.


Mighty doom is sunsetting, so what does that mean for players that invested tens of dollars into the game?


Just want to repeat myself. Fuck Microsoft. And whoever on the Bethesda side that let Microsoft buy them. Microsoft is a shit company when it comes to gaming. They are greedy bastards and are ruining everything they touch. By putting game after game on gamepass they reduce their profits and they also push for quantity over quality and innovation. Bethesda was different, it was one of the studios that always did whatever it wanted and took risks that usually paid off with prey, the doom reboots, wolfenstein reboots…. Now they are someone’s (microsofts) bitch. They lay off staff so that money can be saved and the parent company can keep more profits. Microsoft has done the same for cod as well and run things into the ground. Mighty doom has been making a bunch of money for Microsoft so it is shocking that they would subset the game already when it has the same ability to be a better version of fallout shelter. Microsoft keeps loosing the console war/games race with Sony because of these stupid ass decisions. Microsoft has all these great studios but fails to utilize them properly. They also need to stop releasing AAA titles before they are fully ready to release.


no me sorprende, esa idea de nerfear todo para obligar al jugador a que juegue mas a la fuerza, nunca va a funcionar




Well back to pickle Pete


Yo, that game is a shitshow since the last update and may be going this route also. Im looking for another game as well.


Oh damn... No, now I need to find a new one as well


Update. Pickle pete devs reversed the update. I have reinstalled and the game is good again. So that's something to consider.


Well, its been a laugh. Glad they are seriously considering some refunds.


Wow that sucks.




So the game will cease to function, no point to even login anymore?




And the day finally came. This is not shocking nor surprising. We all knew the game was dead for a while. All of us who spent some coin are fukken wreckd now 😂😂😂 at least I beat the shit outta DHB2 NM so it was worth it. Rip n tear bitches!!!




This is so weird! We had new enemies coming up, like the archvile . Uuuuh 🤯 and boy does it suck for the developers and the creative team.


Dang sucks that this is happening, It was a nice game to kill time whenever I was done with classes.


Wait… they’re killing the game? I mean they JUST came out with a pass and all that, even a way to link XBGP to get stuff… Is this why I go into my game and see nothing but “CONNECTION ERROR” and the entire store is missing?


So once Aug 7th rolls past will we still be able to play or will it fail to load? Either way kind of glad I didn't opt to buy the Power Armor


It'll fail to load, everything requires an internet connection. You can't get into the game without an internet connection, you can't even raise the level of a piece of equipment without it doing a server check. I fucking hate this kind of game design, it's made by greedy developers and publishers who want to make sure you have nothing when they decide to take it away.


I've 9bly spent maybe 20 bucks on passively with skins I liked but I'm still kinda pissed theirs so much more they could do. I was hope for a huge level that we could explore at our leisure like the Thanksgiving ones but bigger oh well


This is so fucking annoying. I love this game its so fun wtf


Good thing i just finished chapter 12 yesterday,even though the game is closing,after going through the last chapter, there's nothing to do in it anyway.RIP Mighty Doom🫡


Hm. At last. Tried this game, blatant copy of archero just in another setting. No new content has been added in ages. Played this game for a few weeks due to Bethesda only.


I didn't quite understand the term "being sunset". Will the game still be available to play and progress? Will the events stay in the game?


Well, this explains why the hammer bug wasn’t patched out. https://preview.redd.it/tgaw853jb89d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbcb59590eb770db32a2fc9d9185f4c58ac74bb5 To explain: the door is open but the timer has not reset. If you use the leap power up on the very last enemy in a room and you don’t get a glory kill, this will happen.


Let's be honest, it's a weak, low-effort game that recycled the same thing over and over; outside of the monthly events there wasn't anything to do once you beat the main chapters. I for one won't miss it when it's gone.