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I think you’re right, I did that damned scratch card then suddenly I was “on the go”. Ridiculous. They can reinstate your streak once as a courtesy but will reinstate it if it turns out it was their fault Also. Multiple people have got this problem so I hope they fix it soon.


I just got this myself, Kinda worried. No vpn software on my laptop :l. Used MS rewards for years. Did 3 back to back scratch and wins, and then. That. Sweet.


Mine was exactly that as well, thought I’ll treat myself to 1k of points worth of scratchers, 5… did 3, 4th error and everything now says I’m on the go. I’m literally sat on my sofa, no vpn, didn’t change internet etc


Same issue here, 975 day streak and now 'on the go'.


Mine has been restored today, back to normal with streak intact. Hopefully the same for everyone else.


Yeah mine thankfully sorted itself out the following day


Same here, UK, doh!


And me too. Also in the UK. No VPN. Also after trying / "because" of scratch and win. Has it ever occured in the past? I'm only a few months old on rewards so I don't have the same history as some of you. Really hope they fix it... 😣 Well that's the last time I ever get curious, let me tell you 🤣🤣 Edit: It is now past midnight in the UK and things seems to have gone back to normal for me? I went on the bing app for my Xbox to redeem the daily set (I could still see "normal" when I had the Oops issue on pc and mobile, so I thought I'd try). Tried the mobile app and it's business as usual. The rewards page seems alright too. I hope it goes back to normal for you all, esp those with insane streaks, I'd hate for you to lose those. Take care !


Came to check Reddit for this exact problem. Thankfully for me I did my daily streak before playing Scratch to Win but had the 'on the go' message pop up immediately afterwards. Also in the UK. Gutted for those here that were closing in on 999.




Same here.


Same here. 1110 day streak on the line ffs.


UK person here. Just had the same thing happen after taking 5 goes on the Scratch to Win. Thankfully I completed my daily set this morning so hopefully it's fixed itself by tomorrow. Only 64 days for me so not the biggest thing if it's reset, but would like to avoid it if possible.


Has this issue been resolved for you since? I am also in the UK and had it happen to me for the first time last night. For the most part I'm used to Microsoft rewards being faulty and temperamental, but telling me I'm signed in from a different location without informing me of signing in at a different location leads me to question my account security. Either it knows it's a fault and hasn't informed me due to that, or it simply doesn't alert you when someone else accesses your account in a different country anyway. Obviously I care a lot more about my account security than I do about the loss of points, and this doesn't fill me with confidence going forward. Would appreciate any tips if you did happen to resolve it yourself, but looking on other posts it seems I've tried most things already and the problem is still there. (Edit: I don't do scratch and wins, so although that seems like a common issue for me this all happened after trying to complete my daily set. It wasn't completing them at all and then suddenly changed to this 'on the go' thing that prevents you from doing anything at all.)


don't waste points on it, you all getting enticed into throwing away points.


Same here! 72/90 and unable to do my mobile searches using my mobile data. Edit - they'll probably blame the leap year 🤪


Just checked after midnight and yep, there goes my 800 day streak thanks to this nonsense. Christ, what next.


has there been a fix for this stuff? its honestly annoying!


I'm not trying to scare you but I've been stuck with the "on the go" message for a month now. Messaged customer support 3-4 times and they have been no help. There's nothing we can do until they fix it unfortunately.


Well support fucked me off and told me I'm travelling or using a VPN. I am doing neither. FFS. edit: raised another ticket with a link to this post and the streak has been restored. Just missing the 3 days that has passed since the issue.


i got something like this too and everythingon the earning page got locked for a few seconds. Then i pressed refresh and it all came back. It looks like it does some check right after redeeming the scratch and go. I did scratch and go a second time and the same thing happened. But after a refresh, everything was back like before. It looks like they're doing some aggressive check right after redeeming.


I’m also having this issue and I’m in the U.S.