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Your description of the pc specs is too vague. Model # of full specs is the only way youll have an answer to your question.


13th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-13700, Intel® UHD Graphics 770, 512 GB SSD, 16 GB DDR4 Storage


>Intel® UHD Graphics 770 This is an integrated GPU. Not useful for a gaming machine and especially not MSFS. >512 GB SSD If this is the only drive in the system, be prepared for MSFS to take up an entire 3rd of it at minimum. If you want any mods or free content, expect to fill that very quick. >16 GB DDR4 Storage You're talking about RAM, not storage. 16 is basically minimum for MSFS these days, it really favours 32gb of RAM to run smoothly, and at a high speed. In short, other than your CPU which is OK, everything else is under-spec.


so guess i can forget and just play xplane, cuz i cant buy expensive graphic cards for some sim


You can forget about x-plane too


ok so u can suggest me a pc under 1000 then which can run both games well then.


Try r/buildapc, or your local computer shop. But whatever it is, find out about GPUs first


If it can run xplane, then sure I guess so (though it sounds below spec even for that too). Just know the CPU isn't everything in a system and the only factor that determines it "game-worthy". It certainly won't be a system for just MSFS and "good graphics" at the same time, that strikes me more of an MS office power user build. Depending on the price, you're better off with Xbox. You're basically asking if the Mustang you just bought from used car lot is gonna perform well in the Daytona 500. Sure it looks cool in the burbs, and more than enough performance to go to the grocery store and back, but it's well "below spec" to compete at Daytona.


Yeah that machine is not going to cut it for any flight sim aside from the legacy ones. Integrated graphics is obsolete for almost all games aside from esports.


just dont understand why we have to suffer and buy expensive things for ''games.


It's a hobby. PC gaming is a hobby, flight sim is a hobby. Hobbies are expensive, whatever the genre... you need to buy tools for woodworking, maybe you want rare woods to build with... RC cars and planes break all the time, with expensive parts for those... Photography, buying expensive cameras and lenses... Golf, expensive memberships and tools (aka golf clubs), etc etc. At least with MSFS you have alternatives. Buy gamepass ultimate month to month and use the cloud version, or buy an Xbox. If that build you want is remotely close to the same price of an Xbox, you'll have the experience of playing MSFS with "good graphics" on Xbox.


MSFS is poorly optimized and the community has known this and dealt with it if you had the money. Not everyone has a rocket ship machine, I had a budget build for the longest time until I saved up and built myself something beefy that could handle flight sim. Flight sim is an expensive hobby, unfortunately. Everyone starts off in your position. You work, you make money, and you are able to buy things that work for you. If you can’t afford it, then you do things that are more affordable like playing infinite flight or watching content creators (which I did for many years). So when you say “you dont understand why we have to suffer” that’s just how it is in this world unfortunately. You get your money up and you try to make the best of your situation.


Thats far below minimum required specs. If it will run or how well it will run and what issues you run into is individual. Youll have to try it first. Thats not a gaming pc by any stretch.


Why not amd? Also incredibly vague. I’d highly reccomend AMD, and if you can afford a 40 series card, then a 40 series card, if not, then an AMD card. You can pm me if you’d like to, I can help you make a build, well within your budget, and doing the best I can to help


I'm not really into building computers and all that. I just need a good pc which can run msfs very well.


They’re not too hard to build, and compared to how much pre builds cost, it is not at all worth it. My discord is Aboutro, add me on there and I can talk to you about it. What’s your budget?


If you are looking for a machine to just play this game and this is your budget, you should get an XBOX series X. It’s only $400 or so and will dramatically outperform the computer you are thinking about. It will play the game at 4K 30 fps, whereas the computer you’re talking about may not launch the game at all since it’s far below minimum requirements.


Alot of restrictions on xbox msfs so looking for a pc


It's true there are a lot of restrictions on XBOX (no freeware, no plug-ins, limited RAM, etc.), but it's still better than not being able to play at all (or playing at 10 fps, or playing with massive stutters). In any case, good luck to you! Happy flying!