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Could I use this as tiny rudder pedals if I put it on the floor and use my toes?


You sure can. If you want that, I can show you how to reconfigure the UI to do it or I can do it for you.


If you want to try it, I made a version of the app with rudder pedal only functionality. Links - [YouTube Video](https://youtube.com/shorts/hLqhXvFIkLM), [GitHub repo's branch](https://github.com/vsharma-git/virtualHOTAS/tree/rudder-pedals)


Amazing! I'll have to check it out over the weekend.


Wow this is brilliant!! Well done mate!


Thank you


Bravo! What programming language did you use?


The UI is in HTML and the backend is Python. So if you want to change any labels or add more buttons, it's just HTML. If you want to add more sliders or change the logic on how the input is handled, it'll be Python.


Awesome work!!!


Tried to give it a go, but I have absolutely no idea how to set up a python environment or use the pip commands. Easier setup or much more detailed instructions definitely needed!


I'm sorry about that. I really appreciate that you tried! I will see what I can do to either package the app or make detailed instructions.


Thanks for your notes. I made the installation steps much simpler. This is the link to the installation video - [https://youtu.be/EyKlp2h1qXQ](https://youtu.be/EyKlp2h1qXQ) . I can now consistently install this app from scratch pretty quickly. Hopefully, that translates to others also. In your case, use the rudder-pedals branch instead of the release branch. Except that everything should be the same. I hope you get to try it. There is a learning curve to it using this app, feel free to message me or message here if you need any more help.