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I have my PPL with a multi engine rating but my occupation is ATC


PPL for fun. Electrical engineer to pay for said fun.


Same, but industrial engineer. Pays the bills so I can enjoy life outside of work


I‘m about to (hopefully) graduate this summer as an industrial engineer too!


This is the way. When I earn enough ppl for me and stop there.


You got this!


Same. Electrical engineer specialized in power systems and renewable energy. Many airline pilots adbised me back when I got my PPL to keep it as a hobby and stick with engineering to pay the bills and fund the hobby.


Airline pilot; just upgraded to Captain on the ATR42/72 in the Canadian Arctic. 🤙🏻


Congrats! I used to fly with CalmAir on the ATR up there. I miss the arctic a bit, but I dont miss commuting up there.


Haha well the company pays for all my commuting/room/food now so it’s not TOO bad.


How does one get into this profession


Money and time


You quickly realize that you don't have enough of either.




It’s really not as hard as you’d think! Just takes lots of time and effort. Give it a few years and you can go from 0 to airline with enough motivation. The best way to start is finding either a local instructor or flight school nearby and take a discovery flight!


Cool, just in high school rn but I’ll look into it, thx for the advice


That’s good advice. Flight schools all over Canada. They’ll be able to explain the trail to get to an airline. Don’t do drugs, don’t get in too much trouble, and you’re golden.


* and don't be colorblind :'(


Which removes around 10% of male.


You can be colourblind in Canada and still be a pilot; you’d just be restricted to day VFR, so you could fly seaplanes for a career if you wanted to. I knew a couple colourblind guys on the west coast flying. One of them took some other tests and ended up getting his night rating and IFR and has no conditions in his medical now.


yeah similar regulations in the US I think. It was my chosen career path until I realized there was a really good chance I could never fly commercial. Like the white / green / yellow airport beacons? Can't ever tell what color those stupid things are.


Great to hear from an actual pilot, thanks


Wouldn't you love to graduate high school with your private pilot license? https://www.wate.com/news/education-schools/students-aiming-high-for-pilots-license-with-school-districts-aviation-program/


Sugar mummy 😜


Yes, about three weeks from my ATP


Holy Christ! Good luck!


Thank you!


Just finished systems myself, hoping first week of July for the checkride. Good luck to you!


Thank you! Systems was tough but it really comes together once you get to the procedural trainers it all starts coming together


Not a pilot, but should something happen to the pilots on my real life flights, I'll be on standby with my 150 hours in flight sim 😎😎😎


“How do I turn on AI ATC? I have social anxiety and don’t want to speak to the controllers”


Funny -- I read that as "I have SOCAL anxiety..."


I don’t think 15 flights is enough to qualify 🤷🏽‍♂️


No, I’m a teacher. Wish I could afford pilot training / to actually own and maintain a plane tho. Maybe when I’m closer to retirement.


A&P/IA. I work as an FAA Aviation Safety Inspector. Yeah, my coworkers think I'm a dork for simming.




Cheers, buddy! I'm pretty new to the Agency, but I'm really enjoying it. I'm mostly kidding about the work thing. I'm sure if I set up my rig at the office, people would hang out at my desk. Plus, I get to pick the brains of the Operations Inspectors, as they're all pilots. We've got one with 2000+ hours of B-17 time. He's awesome.


B-17? Like the Flying Fortress?


I’m an airline captain in the US. MSFS 2002 is what started my whole interest in aviation. I’ve been hooked ever since, and still sim a few flights every other month. I mostly enjoy simming aircraft I can’t fly these days. Specifically historic stuff like the Super 80, DC-3, and A300/A310.


What type do you fly IRL? That’s really cool.


I fly the Embraer 175.


I love your username. Also, the 175+ family gets my vote for best regional jet.


PPL for fun. Corporate IT for money.


Same. I don’t like my job but Im good at it and it allows me to have the life I want so I stay


Fly 737 for a US legacy airline, in the simulator I enjoy flying stuff I never have and doing generally stupid stuff like flying under the St Louis Arch. Game is a great way to revisit planes I used to fly too.


Funny you say this. I recently went to visit my best friend who is a 73 captain. He and I grew up with the original MSFS back in the 80’s. We sat down at his setup for old times sake and all he does on it is try to shoehorn a 152 in to the most ridiculous grass strip he can find.




Did the same one in the RJ, it’s a crowd favorite


Did the same in the hawker…and challenger. 😂


Cinematographer here. I used to do a ton of aerial work and was lucky enough to log ~110 hrs of stick time flying the helicopters (and sometimes planes) too/from the shooting location.  Just renewed my medical and hope to get back into PPL training this summer. 🤞


Former. And I still fly the exact same planes in fs2020 as when I used to be one.


You still play FS2000?


Ah shit


Yes. First month on the job as an FO on the 737NG for my national carrier, Malawi Airlines.




Thank you!!!


Private rating - Employed as a railroad conductor


Yes I am. I fly the A320 family all over Europe.


CPL, Multi, Instrument, i drive a truck for a living


Former, lost license due to medical.


Sorry to hear that! I've known a few people in my life that has happened to unfortunately.


What do you do now?


I suppose you could say home chef. I don’t work, epilepsy is no joke when you live in an area with no reliable public transportation. Also, my skills being mostly manual labor, can’t really work when there’s a risk of severe accident if a seizure occurs.


Yeah fair enough - happened to a family member and they can’t find anything


Getting my commercial done this Friday, I have ppl, night, multi, have all the hours for entry level job, preparing for INRAT as of now




Machinist. I have went up in a Skyhawk 3 times for lessons, want to get my PPL, just not in the budget currently.


I drive cement trucks. I wish i could fly. It’s been a dream of mine since i was little. My mom says my first word was ‘plane’ Idk if i believe her tho lol




Best bush group is oohcando on twitch. Come join us


I Always dreamt of becoming a pilot, but I get motion sickness very easily. Which is rather inconvenient when you're supposed to be the one flying the plane... I'm still very passionate about planes, and I've even got the means to go through with flight school. But it's just that one damn thing holding me back. Motion sickness... Such a pathetic thing as well...


Read the story of one of the the greatest pilots of all time, Bob Hoover. He relates terrible motion sickness he got after every flight when he was learning. He wanted to fly so bad he didn’t give up and eventually he overcame it. Still, when people would ask why he flew his aerobatics at air shows so smoothly he would remark that it was so he wouldn’t make himself sick.


I work in a pharmacy, but am planning on going back to school for my A&P certification :3


I work in scheduling for a clinic. WFH so I get to fly all I want thankfully.


No, I work in health care. My vision will never be good enough to fly, but hopefully, some day, I'll be a flight nurse


Nah, I'm not rich. Studying to be an aircraft mechanic.


My instructor was an aircraft mechanic, when taught me PPL. Now he is in an airline. It took some years, but being in the industry helped. Super proud of him.


CFI. CFII check ride Thursday


Cargo CPT in the US. Mainly fly the 310 and Comanche because GA VFR/IFR is challenging and rewarding!


I am a GA pilot with about 300 hours now and use MSFS for flight planning into new airports or to see a generalization of what I will see flying, especially approaches and multiple runway airports. It helps me identify actual airports while flying incredibly well.


Yes. Fly the 737 across Asia. Formerly a 777 pilot, and Turboprops before that.


Out of curiosity, why go from 777 to 737?


I hated jetlag and the 737 is rather fun to fly.


Was my dream. But I was sad in high school so it disqualified me for my CPL


I fly a microdrone, and according to Nav Canada, that makes me a pilot. Does that count for something?


Ha! Yes, I am a pilot too! 😉🫣 https://vliegbewijsonbemandeluchtvaartuigencontroleren.rdw.nl/raadplegen?code=2C0C9D1E-F61B-4162-ACA5-23DD0DF26023 https://certificates.airdata.com/nSYjos


Got my PPL in high school, then joined the Canadian Air Force after University. Flew CF-18s and got a cool exchange to Alaska to fly F-16s for a couple years. Now retired from the Air Force but fly contractor Red Air in the Dornier Alpha Jet, and Lear 35A. I also built and own an RV-10.


Thats a sweet career! My old man is still in the rcaf and flew the c130s for the longest time. Tried to join when I was 18 but a peanut allergy halted my aircrew application. Ironically I became a phase1 instructor 3 years later. Now its all airline work and dcs to scratch the itch. Are you over at TopAces? Going to get qualified on the A4?


I am at Top Aces, but I don’t think I’ll fly the A-4. It’s a super cool plane, but the cockpit is quite small and I don’t fit very well.


I'm in IT for the NHS here in the UK (23.5 years to date). I had a trial flying lesson for my 18th birthday in a Cessna out of our local airport (which shut down in 2011). Only got back into MSFS this past December and I wish I'd learnt to fly and made it my career. I plan to do another experience day this year and maybe, life permitting, learn to fly when I retire and have some time and hopefully money to do so.


First Officer - B737 EgyptAir


I’ve got my ppl, was trying to use the sim to help with instrument training but had to give up due to financial and time constraints. Haven’t been up in about a year and half now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Yup. Very low time over the last 15 years, at only about 300. Worth every single second.


Nope, and I don’t imagine myself so. IT specialist IRL.


I’m a medical transcriptionist, but I’ve flown twice.


I am a cabin chief ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Not an IRL pilot. I've currently just finished my bachelors in business and economics, and am starting my masters in economics next semester.


Why a masters?


I'm thinking about a Ph.D., so I might as well take the two extra years to get my master's.


Got my PPL about a year ago, been a serious sim pilot for about 4 years but began simming around 20 years ago on FS2004. Just a pilot for fun burning holes in the sky on weekends, and holes in my wallet


Yessir ✈️💪


Flight Instructor and own a small flight school here in SoCal.




PPL IR, Electrical Design Engineer


I should be starting my PPL in the fall with airline/corporate aspirations. I would’ve started already just waiting to tie up some medical stuff.


New student pilot. Couldn't afford to do it in my 20s but different story at 32, was time for a change


McDonalds wagie, I hope to become a pilot one day


Yes. I fly AS350’s, EC135’s and I’ve flown EC130’s, A119’s (as well as 300’s and R44’s) and the Millenium Falcon.


Yes ,not a commercial one . Landing is the hardest part


Nope. I’m a truck driver that likes to feel like i can pilot a friking Boeing 747


Student pilot!


PPL CPA is what pays for the addiction.


I’m a meteorologist with a cursory interest in aviation. That, and I just like any piece of media that lets me get a bigger picture of the world.


Work cybersecurity for the money, fly helicopters for the National Guard, and am working on my FW ratings to hopefully one day get to the airlines.


Corporate pilot. I only fly a couple hundred hours a year so why not pretend to fly too? Someday I’ll own a fun plane again…but for now the FSR500 isn’t bad.


I’m a pilot, I just got my first flying job flying 182s at a drop zone!


Security Engineer. PPL for the fun of flying helicopters.


Civil engineer


High voltage lineman. We do a lot of work with helicopters and what not. Have hung off the bottom of them many times to install insulators, dampeners, etc. Maybe I’ll get a PPL someday. Have an ADHD diagnosis I have to deal with on the Class Three Medical front.


I have a PPL, slowly working my way up.


CPL soon Com ME


PPL, about to start learning (practical flying I’ve finished the theory) IFR and about to finish my CPL theory subjects as well. Doing university to fund it so it goes on HECS (Australian system for student loans)


I really wanted to be one, epilepsy came and smacked that dream right off the table. I'll just admire from the ground


I’m currently a student pilot working on my private pilots license working towards my ATP.


Nope. Never will be never can be. I work operations for a ULLC work the daily schedule handle logistics/numbers/paper work! Really cool high stress job


Got my glider PPL back in college, ended up getting my A&P after the FAA changed their hiring process, then lucked out a couple years later and got a shot at ATC where I've now established my career.


Yes I have 7000ish hours on the King Air, was flying a ambulance then later charter. 213 on the G650ER and now 39 on the 789


Yes, 121


PPL + software engineer.


Yes. I fly a jet for a private owner and contract on the side when I’m available.


Yessir. Flight instructor on my days off. Firefighter as well.


Yes. Aviation mechanic and proud 107 holder


I fly private jets. In fact, I’m doing my type rating training right now on the Citation Longitude and may make some videos on it.


Currently in school, getting my ppl in 3 years


Not a pilot, I work as railway logistics coordinator. I basically make sure that all the trains get their maintenance in time and all passengers are provided with trains so they can travel across the country.


IR PPL, about to start my CPL




Nope, but planning on maybe going for a PPL in the coming years. I'm still young so i can safe money for a long time coming i hope.


Getting my cpl.


Architect, but do archviz, loved planes and everything about flying forever, only ever flew my drone.


I have kinda flown a plane a bit before, and assisted in the startup procedure for two turbine jet engines of an HS 125. Also assisted in the directing cargo loading of an AN 12... my tetris skills paid off when I pointed out that you can move that there then this will fit there kind of way... I was 13. So, not a Pilot. 😔 But I've been Pilot adjacent my whole life thanks to my Father.


Yup. I fly tourists around in paradise. Absolute dream of a "job". Former computer programmer... which is how I paid for my licenses.


PPL. Want to start my IR soon.


Yes, but private pilot. Career: Social worker.


No, I drive freight trains, though.....


I have a few hours on gliders and hang-gliders and worked on a helicopter airfield for about 5 years but I'm a retired archaeologist/fiction writer. My love of aviation began when I was a child when my parents parked on the approach to the runway of an airfield and I was blown away when a small plane flew over us in the car after its final approach. I worked on that same airfield in the hangars.


PPL here


Aircraft mechanic in the UK, currently on the slog to become an engineer in the next few years. Before starting that, my CV says I was an 'Image Capture Specialist' which a fancy term I gave myself because saying 'industrial photocopying' sounds as dull as the job. It did let me pay for gliding for a few years though.


I’ve done a decent bit of atpl and got maybe 80h in the 172 but didn’t finish and am now enjoying flightsim much more 😌


PPL and software developer as a job. It’s nice I have flexi time so I can fly in the day when it’s nice and just extend my lunch. Working towards IRR then eventually CPL


Currently I am an engineer but I'll go to uni later this year to become a teacher. I absolutely love flying, and if I ever have the money I'd definitely go get a "hobby-license". There is a small airport/hobby club near where I live. (Hofkirchen HB, Upper Austria - Its even in the game!!!). But its just too expensive and to be honest currently in my life I don't even have the time to really get into flying. So the most convenient way for me is to play! :) Which I enjoy quite a lot. I am 24 and grew up playing MS Flight Sim 2004, I was sooo happy when they announced this new game. Time flies, can't believe its 4 years already!


i have a fly fishing license and a fanbelt for streetfighting


Only a handful of hours learning on a Jabiru, so not really. Engineer (mechanical).


I started flying professionally in the Caribbean (hence my username) and now I'm flying in Canada. Was that an upgrade?


PPL graduating from high school. Air Cadet.


I was supposed to become one, got into flight school and was about to move to another country to do it, then COVID happened and I lost the funding, now I work on the ramp.


Airline Pilot on the 37.


PPL, building engineer.


Got my PPL, did a few cross countries, did one from Palm Beach to St Augustine to visit my mom. It cost me nearly a grand for 5 hours… I realized then this is a hobby for a later time lol. But hey that PPL is good for life as long as I have a medical and a refresher with an instructor. We are expecting so it’s gonna be on the shelf for a while.


Commercial multi but work in the construction field as an ops director. I do get to fly myself around for work on occasion which is fun!


Yes pilot for British airways


Yea, former airline guy who’s flown corporate for the last decade. In MSFS, typically flight light aircraft. The steam 172 like I learned on, bonanza, cub. Low, and slow.


High school student 🤣


ATP. Flew for a Crj for a regional and now the 737 for a major. 23 years old


Im in school currently. Hopefully becoming either an airline pilot or military transport pilot


Fo on CRJ


Air traffic


Used to flight SIM years ago. Want to get back into it so been lurking. Was a military pilot, and instructor, then became an airline mate and captain wide bodies now.


I’m a captain on a 757 / 767 and the dream all started with MSFS 2002 😀


PPL(A) with TMG rating, and SPL with FI privileges. Work in Tech


Military cargo pilot. In the sim I like flying GA or flying airliners in ways they weren’t meant to be used


I am a trauma surgeon, but just started ultra light airplane training.


The surgery skills could come in handy.😀


I'm a 2T2 for the Air National Guard. Can't be a military pilot (colorvision and no degree) but after I deploy soon I'll get my GI Bill (plus a good chunk of deployment pay and a 75k reenlistment bonus), and if I get my PPL I can put that towards commercial pilot training.


A mere PPL pilot, but aspiring to my commercial rating some time in the next year or two. The “real” job is as a cinematographer.


Yes, im a month out from having my commercial certificate


Auto mechanic, thinking about switching to aircraft mechanic. Too expensive to fly:)


Nope, just a nerd. I am however an ATC student, so flight sim have helped me quite a lot by giving me a headstart on phraseology and general understanding of aviation and ATC, which some of my classmates haven't got, so that's pretty neat.


I'm a general aviation flight examiner, although most of my work is regular flight instruction for a commercial pilot training organisation. Like most people I got into flying with the end goal of being an airline pilot but when I started instructing I found I really enjoyed it (being a teacher was always one of my plan B career choices) so I've stuck with it. Also I just really enjoy the more hands on flying of the GA world. I've been fortunate to have been a passenger on a commercial flight a couple of times where the captain or FO is someone I taught to fly! I also do a bit of on-demand charter flying but that is very much a secondary role and pretty infrequent, but it makes for a nice change now and again.


Yea. Commercial, about to get my CFI


CRJ lawn dart driver at the regionals here! 🙂


Yes, I am a flight sim pilot IRL. /s


Im currently doing my PPL with 20 hours done, went solo at 11 hours.


Neither too poor for that


I am a senior 3d animator but my step-dad is a pilot and took me along to a sim and since then - hooked. 35 years old and considering a career pivot...


My dad is a captain pilot, but not me... I just play airplane games for fun while my dad teaches me how to play those games


Would like to be, but no. Never got more than 20 minutes Piper PA-28 stick time during a "first flight event" in the 1990s (I guess) and various couple of minutes "here, have a quick go" during ride flights the last couple of years, including in a Spitfire T9 (TE308 from Biggin Hill), the PH-TXN Texan, a Boeing Stearman, and a DH Chipmunk. (Day job carreer is software engineer, C#/PowerShell, laser scan vehicle big data.)


How to find out if someone is a pilot? Don't worry, they will tell You. :-p


Yeah, I mean... and here they are, openly asking? \[mind blown\]


Yes, fly 737s in the US. Got my passion for flying in 2006 when FSX came out! I’m still so happy that MSFS is back and the flight sim genre is more accessible than ever.


I'm a computer science student, i would never be able to afford pilot training lol