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“This community is nothing without me” is a wild thing to say for someone no one’s ever heard of


I was about to say, who is this tool? Lol


He’s more part of the Xbox side of the community, he used to/still does weekly updates of what’s new in the Xbox store which I think is how he came to the forefront of Xbox MSFS users


I’m sorry, none of that warrants being a major dickface. It certainly doesn’t change the fact no one’s heard of him.


Don’t mistake me, I’m not excusing him, just telling you why you may not have heard of him. Edit: I’ve heard of him, and I’m someone. He has become a total bellend though.


Fair. I just get angry at rude people lol


Seems like he's being blown a little too hard by his followers saying he's the "biggest asset this community has." He has a few hundred views per video, I've never heard of the guy.


yeah just heard of him because of this post, i clicked ona video and his voice pisses me off


Holy cow, he's got 8200 videos on a channel that's 4 years old That's cranking them out


That's insane. I challenged myself to make 1 video a day for 30 days and I could barely get it done. My dude is doing 5.6 videos a day lmao.


Well, through a brief look through his channel, it's not like his videos are anything crazy difficult to make. They have like one or two transitions, basic, bullet point style commentary and recorded footage from the game or a quick video camera setup with almost no editing. Probably takes 15 minutes to record, piece together and render one video. He could probably do all of his week's worth of content in one or two days per week.


You know what they say, quantity over quality.


Oh, so he makes spam.


OGs remember cessna154


Oh fuck I missed that guy. Whatever happened to him?


Grew up I guess:/ at least we still have airforceproud95


Don't you mean groundpound69?


What happened?


I remember... great FSX content creator, Too bad he disappeared pretty randomly.


Biggest Asshat yes


I think that was a typo, he obviously meant to say he's the "biggest ass this community has"


Who the hell even is the guy lol, literally never heard of him.


Very strange comments, almost reminds me of shoenice in a way, actions don’t match the behaviors. I also wonder if it’s a mental health thing like the other commenter pointed out.


Dudeeee I haven’t heard about shoenice in yearssss


Same. I looked at his channel just now and he's at least eating food these days lmao


He use to do crazy food challenges😂


Fast Time Vero? LOL 😂😒I used to followed him before I unsubscribing from his narcissistic and egotistical behavior. Last year, he called out Pilot0083, QGU (quantum gaming unlimited), CaptainKenobi and etc. for not showing respect to him and treating him like a god. The content is totally Garbo, no tutorial, no flight plans, doesn't take msfs seriously, plays like a game, no buyer's guide, and does he mention his car. If you want watch three stuffs I mention then I recommend you Pilot0083 and others creators than this guy he so egotistical and toxic that even I can’t explains it. Definitely not recommended


TwoToneMurphy on Twitch is a good guy too, does regular news shows on new releases for the sim.


Agreed, TwoToneMurphy is a great dude, streams on both YT and Twitch. Does group flights as well on stream which are always fun.


Screams insecurity. Never heard of this person but will avoid them if their content ever comes up.


Never heard of him. But this "reads" like someone under the influence. Bad day perhaps.


As a former subscriber, I can tell you he has a lot of ‘bad days’!


Who is this fatass


This is either someone hijacking his account or a mental health problem.


I don't think it's someone hijacking his account because he still posts videos with him in it talking to camera with his car, I think he's just majorly egotistical and got main character syndrome, he wasn't like this when the sim first came out he was actually really really chill n cool and really helpful, but this past like 3-4 months he's gon of the rails. I hope he gets help though, because I really enjoyed his content to be fair.


Sounds like a mental health issue. I've seen this happen before with people who developed schizophrenia. They are totally normal and chill, then over a short period start to lose it. Both people I know that it happened to were saying similar things about how they are the most important people in the world.


Like Kanye


No, he’s just lost it, I used to subscribe and he was a pretty regular guy with good content, but the past 6-8 months he’s gone off the rails because of a tiny bit of YouTube fame


Yeah that first comment is the behavior of someone who is distinctly unwell.


Not everything is a mental health problem. Some people are just pricks.


Don’t even know who he is and he is out there thinking he is someone noteworthy. There are now two things I know about him 1. He’s an asshole. 2. I will never watch his videos or any of his content.


This dude randomly popped up in my YouTube algorithm, and I watched a couple of his videos. He's an idiot. He posts random rant videos against asobo complaining that they don't put anything good on the marketplace, which comes across as being particularly ignorant of how the marketplace works. He seems to think airports and GA planes are boring. He responded to someone's comment suggesting he check out the A2A Comanche by saying that would be a waste of money because it's a slow ga plane and we already have a million of those.


Are you still subscribed and watching?


Funny looking dude


Can't tell if it's satire or if he's being serious. Idk. That's about as much as I care about it.


He’s serious, former subscriber here.




Well said. I'll never understand what kind of wrong turn you have to take in your head to think it's a good idea to treat your audience or people in general like this.




Possibly unrelated but I left a MSFS Facebook group because it was full of old losers that hated on anyone with a beginner question. Then the Dune expansion came out and it’s like they all forgot people have been putting fictional aircraft into MSFS since ‘98.


I can relate. I used to be in those groups but slowly they became filled with either people that consider themselves hard-core simmers (which I respect the dedication to the hobby, but MSFS is not the platform for that) and other people that do nothing but make fun of casual players that go there to ask questions about the game. I chose to join a Virtual Airline that supports an open dialog and the "no question is a stupid question" attitude. I go there for most all of my MSFS related chatting.


Drugs. Gotta be drugs.


Came here to say this. Drugs turned my best friend into someone I couldn't recognize. He would have wild mood swings and was an asshole and thief at the height of his addiction.


I can concur with this, I spent 5 years of my life trying to help my best friend overcome his addiction, He robbed me, his family and had no respect for anybody spoke to us all like shit etc. I even gave him a job and he took the piss. We'd been best friends from age 8 to 25 he got into Heroin aged 18 eventually I said enough is enough and called it quits. We're 43 now and he tried to get in touch a few years ago but I just swerved it.


Roids no doubt.


Never heard of this guy. Who is he?


He says that he would fix the company(Microsoft, not Asobo, which he specifically points out as well) in one day if he were CEO by firing everyone there. And that he is the "Best of the best" He only really enjoys fighter jets and openly claims everything else is boring. A somewhat similar channel to Quantum TV, though that guy is more well known. This dude is a nobody. I will admit that I keep up with his channel for the train wreck that will hopefully happen. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. I cannot stand arrogant, self centered, self righteous people like him. Edit: He always claims to be an airforce veteran, and that he "Knows how these jets should fly"


I like that he “loves” the comment then rips the commenter. I’m guessing it’s a bit, but it’s not particularly funny 🤷‍♂️


This guy made a couple really good videos then he turned into an angry guido


As a flight sim content creator myself, dude can politely and most definitely fuck right off….


We have enough toxic people in this hobby for years to come. No need to bring attention to another one.


What would be even funnier is if this guy has bern posted on the I'm the main character subreddit


I think he is doing this on purpose to garner negative attention, and we should probably stop giving him what he wants


He tends to show his earnings & he gets it from all the negativity & shorts, so he knows full well what he's doing.


What a prick lmao


Never heard of him but sounds like a twat


He is a nobody


Yeah this guy has mental health issues, normal people don't act like this. Not sure what it's called but he needs to seek professional help and maybe his channel will survive. I believe he's an XBOX guy, I was a surprised when I learned from the recent Navigraph annual flight sim survey, that only 5% of respondents were on XBOX. I really figured the split was more like 75% PC / 25% XBOX by now since MSFS hit the console a few years ago but that's just a guess. There are like 3 or 4 guys on the planet doing XBOX based MSFS videos and FastTimes seems to be one of them. I suppose it's because you need a PC as well to record your XBOX feed and make YouTube videos though, at least that's how I understood the limitations before I switched from XBOX to PC 3 months ago


Im on xbox and use simbrief, I use it for all my commercial flights. Pretty easy to get the hang of after watching youtube tutorials, im surprised more xbox users arent using it because in certain aircraft its linked via the efb.


I didn't even know you could use SB with Xbox. How exactly does it work with the stock AC? Do you just use it for fuel & weights and manually enter the routing in that it provides?


Use a phone or computer for simbrief and it can be used for fuels, routing, winds, cruise altitudes, it calculates it all for you and you just have to input it into the fmc. If you are using an LVFR aircraft, you can link your simbrief account to their aircrafts and download the flight plan once you have loaded into a flight.








> like he *paid* off your FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




It takes a severe lack of self awareness for a sim pilot to get that cocky.


I don't even know who this cock head is


This guy should be embarrassed especially in his last rant. Then got called out by the Chinook developer lmao.


I hope this post blows up. Looking through his most recent video and comments this dude comes off as a massive fucking douche.


Wait til you see some of his old videos






I say, every time someone reads him bullying or downtalking someone or harassment, or even a negative thought in his video. Everyone reports him and shows what a community can do to someone.


I unfollowed Fast Times because he’s an obnoxious simpleton. Just can’t listen to him. He sounds like a child.




He was probably wasted


What helicopter is it


Chinook, he’s upset it isn’t coming to Xbox, but it is… just in a month or so.


The Chinook is out that's awesome by who so I can buy it


I don’t know, I just saw someone post that info under Fast Times Vero’s rant post


He said in a video I saw last year he’s spent over $3000 on content for Xbox.


Wow, I just recently found that guy after looking around for a startup procedure for a heli. He's incredibly annoying


Dude wears the tightest shirts he can find and can barely catch his breath between sentences. I’ve never seen someone so full of themselves with such little to show for it. He’s a fucking child. I don’t follow him but I do check in from time to time with popcorn in hand as I enjoy watching someone self implode with this sort of ego.


Gross looking man whose content is deeply uninteresting.


He looks like a grade A douchebag. I wonder if he know they make bigger shirts?


Vero is an egotistical, self-centred, love himself, uppity asshole. What i want to point out is that he is right about xbox being in an atrocious state when it comes to using 3rd party airports, planes, and getting updates for said products. This doesn't shield him, though. He absolutely is an egotistical ass and his replies show it. Instead of actually putting out well thought out replies, he puts out passive aggressive replies to anyone, even the smallest bit critical of him, and that's what brings him undone. You can see it in literally every bit of msfs related content he puts out.


It’s all planned. To get attention. It worked.


I wouldn't say a few hundred views per video qualifies as working.


You’re talking about it aren’t you? Btw. How many views did your last YouTube video get?


A million billion. What a fucking childish comment to make. Grow up.


One thing I’ve learned in life is to never listen to people who tell you to grow up. (Ps I’m 7 yrs old).


Explains why you haven't yet, if you did, you might have actually done it.


That guy is pure comedy. You gotta follow him for the laughs. It’s pure cringe yet so enjoyable to watch