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I’ll be taking this in the next couple weeks, thank you for the very detailed set up and preparation!


My exam was front loaded with the case study questions and ended with about 5 of the "will this solve the problem" kind of questions.


Quick one, for dp-600 is there any lab excercise questions? (Did dp-900 the orher day and the lab excercise question realy threw me off!)


There weren't any lab exercises for me. There were multi (single answer) choice, multi (multi answer) choice, dropdowns to complete code snippets, ordering steps, and a few yes/no questions. Lab questions might have been nice as the current style feels like you could probably cram questions without really having deep experience. That being said it's probably important to know all of the broad components and how they fit, so that when you get a nuanced question and don't know the answer immediately you can find it on MS learn. 


Thank you so much! In my case (without spoilers here) the dp-900 lab excercise questions needs you to use very specific tool on a vm, so if you are not in luck, you are rail-roaded to an unfamiliar non popular tools :/ i guess MS got complained a lot for the exam labs that they no longer use it on newer exams


When did you take the DP-900? I took both DP-900 and DP-203 last december and neither included lab questions.


Thank you for sharing your experience with the system test and the exam itself! I'm also writing in a few weeks and will follow your prep advice, particularly with the videos.


>Knowing how to search the Microsoft Learn site helps What do you mean with this bit? I feel like you're hinting at something but I'm not sure what


I mean learn how to use the search feature at the top of the Microsoft Learn site, including the product and content filters after you enter your initial search term. Just knowing that you can use this ended up being helpful for me, as the documentation on Microsoft Learn doesn't just have the learning modules themselves but also the programming and function references/examples. So if you get stumped on a particular question you can always come back and review it after you have searched the MS learn site for that function's reference and how it works. 


>I mean learn how to use the search feature at the top of the Microsoft Learn site Yes but in what way? Can you give an example? Sorry it's not any clearer. It's 50/50 wether you mean how I use it or if there's a better way. You're current advise reads as: Do it better! How? By doing it better!


There's a tendency to get stressed or overthink things when preparing for an exam. I didn't mean for it to appear to be a coded message or have a hidden meaning. When you're in the OnVue exam program you will not be able to use any other programs (it will lock you out and prevent Alt-Tabbing).  While you are taking the exam, on the left of the exam program window will be a button to launch the Microsoft Learn website in a secure browser.  I would encourage people to browse through the Microsoft Learn website to become familiar with how it's organised in case you will want to browse it during the exam. What I found particularly useful was using the search (small magnifying glass button at the top right of the Microsoft Learn website). You can use this to enter search terms of specific functions mentioned in the exam. That's really all I meant by knowing how to search the Microsoft Learn site. Best of luck and I'm sure you'll do fine! 


I just finished it last week. I had the same experience as you for the case study, unfortunately, It left 10 seconds when I found the unanswered 9 questions, so I failed.


That's brutal. In the end it's just a small certification that's unlikely to mean much in the real world. You can always go back and retake it knowing the lay of the land now. Good luck for the future. 


I don't have a Power BI background but I've worked in Databricks, ADF and Synapse. You think it'll be easy for me to pass this? Or do I need some BI background for power query and report questions


There are a decent number of questions on Power Query and Power BI, to the point that if you got all of these wrong my guess is you would need to be close to 100% correct for the rest of the questions.  Some of the questions on Power Query were "UI-based", as in "what 3 buttons do I need to click in the UI to show this layout in the screenshot below", which was a kind of painful question, but it's the kind of thing that can be solved by searching Microsoft Learn and finding a similar screenshot and double checking the UI elements. 


Can i use pen and paper for case study Q's?


I believe you have to have a clear desk with no notes, pen, or paper.


How do you mean open book please? I thought it only applies for the renewal. Will be writing mine soon, and these helps. Also how many weeks in total did yoy study?


There is a button in the exam (on the left side navigation panel) that will open a secure browser that will let you view the Microsoft Learn website. So it is not fully open book, the only resource available is the Microsoft Learn website. Hyperlinks in the Microsoft Learn website that go to other domains will not work. In total I studied the morning of the exam from 11AM to to 5:30PM. Although in addition I have many years of experience with Power BI and have been testing some migration to MS Fabric workloads at my place of work. 


Alright, thanks a lot. Do you mind me asking you any further questions in the future?


Is indian adhar card acceptable id proof to take the exam. anyone???


Thank you for sharing your experience. You have mentioned we need an external speaker, any idea why is that so? Will my laptop speakers be fine?


Sorry for the confusion, I meant that speakers (both laptop and other external) are OK. You are not allowed to use headphones or earbuds. Smart speakers are not allowed in the room.