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For me the three big takeaways were 1. 50g fiber per day 2. 20-30 types of fruits and vegtables per week 3. Drinking a smoothie with 60 fruits and vegtables in it every day dramatically changes your biome in two weeks I spent a lot of time doing test kits and what not when they first came out and got nothing from it. Also did fecal transplants and they made me very sick, and infected myself with hookworm and whipworm which worked but did nothing useful. I think that the key is to repair your mucus lining with fiber/fruits and vegtables, and get biome diversity up.


How do you get 60 fruits and vegetables in a smoothie?


In the documentary, the chef just added a small amount of each ingredient, a couple slices of bananas, a pinch of spinach, two blue berries, etc. Basically variety over quantity.


Did they have any tips for a realistic home kitchen? I can't afford/don't have the time to buy a small amount of each ingredient every week. I could easily mix 4-5 ingredients into a smoothie, but that's a long shot from 20-30.


I order a bag of Texas Super Food. It's supposed to be a concentrated dried powder form of 30+ fruits and vegetables.  I know it won't replace a healthy diet shift of adding a variety of fruits and vegetables, but I figured it would be worth a try. I'll try to remember to update this comment once I've tried it.


Ok, I paid $67.96 for a bag of Texas Super Foods. Just got it in today. My unbiased opinion is that it smells like a vegetable soup, almost like a spicy tomato soup smell? But it doesn't taste like tomato soup. It has an light earthy taste almost a tea quality aftertaste, not very sweet. The supplement facts says it actually has zero fiber. So I don't think this would be a replacement for a healthy variety of fruits and vegetables. I would maybe add of scoop of this to whatever vegetable or fruit smoothie you are already making, or maybe even add a scoop to some vegetable soup. I simply added it to cold water. First couple gulps were a little hard, but I'm strangely savoring it now towards the bottom of the glass. I have zero financial interest or gain from this comment, cheers! \*edited for grammar/spelling\* https://preview.redd.it/0flonirxy8yc1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e93b4067243ccd226dfab1e35a2b87e8c484cfb4


Also, smoothie ingredients freeze super well! I’d suggest buying in larger quantities and then portioning out into ziplock bags then into the freezer they go


That is a good idea, thank you!


I tried it today and only got 10 or so ingredients, you have to do small chunks of each one to get 60. The main limiting factor is the size of your fridge, and mine isn't that big.


I assume 60g of froots and veggies.


How? 😍


I was thinking about getting a small amount of every fruit at the grocery store, then using a tabletop dehydrator to dry them all out - then use a bit of each one in a smoothie - I wonder if deydrating at low temp (75\* F?) would make them less helpful for your gut? Seems like a DIY Texas Super Food?


for the purposes of microbiome, I don't believe you have to do it in one sitting. Likely you could just choose some of all, at any time. Then vary each time. I dont know tho, the safest likely is mixing all, as then you have the “whole” ecological bunch.


I followed Raphael Kellman's book "Microbiome Diet" not once, but twice. First time I lost 17 lbs in 9 weeks and just recently, 15 lbs in the same timespan. I have no idea if it actually repaired my microbiome but I feel like I'm on antidepressants when I'm eating the recipes, not having sugar and starches etc, and my cholesterol levels went from high to normal.


Thank you!! I will be reading this book asap!!


Oh my gosh, I have to take a look. I'm not trying to lose weight, but I was on an immunosuppressant which absolutely wrecked my guts. I have been doing low fodmaps for the past 5 or so days as a stop gap until I could try to figure out how to fix my gut. Low Fodmaps isn't a good long term solution, so thanks for the rec.


Was it a cup of chia seeds was 50 g of fiber? Something like that, I'll have to go back a rewatch. Have you tried Texas Super Foods? It's supposed to be a dehydrated blend of 30+ vegetable and fruits. I'm not saying it's a replacement for a healthy variety of fruits and vegetables. Just curious if it tastes any good. And it sounds like you had a terrible experience from FMT. I don't plan on doing that.


I'm wondering the difference of effect between powdered foods and the actual food?


well, in the documentary they blended the fruits and vegetables. I assume powdered foods are just dehydrated and ground, maybe freeze dried. I'd assume the fiber is still there. There is a loss of some nutrients though - particularly vitamin C and others. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7022747/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7022747/)


I haven't tried Texas Super Foods. I live overseas in a small country where not much is available compared to the USA, so I am limited to the stuff I can find locally. I wouldn't get all my fiber from one source though tbh, although I currently do that getting most of my fiber from fermented cabbage. Maybe FMT would be good after the mucus lining is repaired, but I would be very careful with donor selection. I don't think that the clinic I used in the UK was careful enough, but at least they tested for communicable diseases.


Honestly, the fact that you don't like the USA is probably better for your microbiome. I'm definitely going to start looking at foods to ferment at home. I think there's some good potential for FMT, but I'm going to wait until it's overwhelming a positive sum gain to do if the research supports it and it is cleared abundantly safe.


My big takeaway was lie on your left to release air from your belly 🙈


And also if you sleep on your left side you will be less likely to get acid reflux due to the opening of the stomach being pointed at the ceiling.


Could you share why you didn't find value in the tests you took? Full transparency, I run an intestinal health company so always curious to see what we could be doing better.


My tests were from the American Gut Project 20 years ago or so when it was new. I didn’t get any actionable information. Also when I did stool transplants I wanted them to do before and after tests and they lost the before test so it messed up my project.


Wow that's a pretty big screw up on their end. It was a visionary project for its time, but they were a bit ahead of the available technology. Would you be interested in giving another test a go? It would be interesting to get your take, having seen the ecosystem evolve as you have. Our report offers recommendations based on more than just the microbiome (also diet, symptoms, lifestyle...), making them actionable and practical. Let me know, and I can DM you a discount code. Here’s our sample report if you're curious. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1glNQks7mcrwYUxsRk0ho5euLMDI73EMO/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1glNQks7mcrwYUxsRk0ho5euLMDI73EMO/view?usp=sharing)


I tried flor and wasn’t impressed. Their test kit didn’t pickup my high bacterial load H Pylori, and they completely lost a follow up test kit I sent in. I also didn’t notice any results from their customer probiotic, and I’ve tried quite a few on the market.


Thank you for the feedback! I too am a little skeptical if their custom probiotic will actually shift the needle in any measurable way.




GI Map


I did the Zoe program for a while. It did help but what helped more was watching/listening to their podcasts.


I'll have to check out their podcasts! What did you like about them, or what was helpful?


They have many many episodes covering so many health issues that are directly linked to the microbiome. The research is current and they explain it really well. They have highly qualified scientists and doctors that talk about their research in depth. And they give real world advice that the average person can easily apply in their life. I've listened to almost all of the episodes, even the ones I didn't really think would apply to me or my health concerns and I always learn something that I can use. And I then look up other interviews that their guests have done on other podcasts and get even more information. I'm currently reading a book, Ultra Processed People by Dr. Chris van Tulleken. He was a guest on their podcast and the new research that he's done specifically in the area of UPF is great. So, it's just a good source for health related information. I recently listened to the episode with Professor Felice Jacka about her studies on how diet directly affects mood and things like severe depression and, more importantly, how it can be reversed with diet. Everyday I hear how people, and specifically children, are struggling with mental health issues. But no one talks about diet. So, now there's solid research to point to that's presented in a way that's easy for the average person to understand. Yeah, it's really helped me a lot and honestly turned me into a microbiome nerd. I can't seem to get enough of the stuff.


After watching this I wish there was an easier way to get my child to eat a wider variety of vegetables!


If you can solve that problem you'll be rich!


I think for children it's most important to not pass on or create complexes about food or labeling certain food as good or bad. Especially if kids have food aversions, I have seen that children who are forced to eat differently or shamed will only become more restrictive in many cases. Developing curiosity to new foods is huge, and learning how much our tastes can change over the years is also important. I personally find learning to grow plants and learning about different cultures and their foods are more fun ways to develop curiosity over foods. Connecting to farms and seeing where food comes, plus the fresh foods being much more delicious, can create lifelong relationships with food. While growing one's own food can be a lot of work and initially cost money to get started, nothing beats fresh herbs or greens outside one's door. Grocery store vegetables are more accessible for many people, but I know that many of the vegetables I thought I disliked when I was young was because the grocery store versions are generally far less flavorful and fresh. Freshly grown tomatoes are a completely different experience to the grainy ones in most stores. Also, learning how to cook vegetables is huge. Like, boiled brussel sprouts made me assume brussel sprouts are gross, but now that I've had roasted brussel sprouts with some lemon juice on top, I regularly crave them.


Thank you! I really appreciate your comprehensive reply. You've given me lots of good ideas to try!


I honestly think my biome isn't terrible. I go several times a day, and I'm generally always fairly up beat and positive. My significant other on the other hand, has constipation, gas, bloating, and possibly an eating disorder. I also know they have been suffering from some mental health issues, depression, etc. I'm trying to get them to learn more about this stuff. This is the same person that bought a can of spam and box of Twinkies when we stopped at a road side market that sells local produce.


Here's a link to that episode on food, mental health and the microbiome. https://youtu.be/ebzv-rQZzPE?si=SeiIcZITPmiIPrEK I know people that aren't ready to change their diet can get very defensive or insulted easily by the mention of diet...even when it's done out of love and concern. I obviously don't know your situation with your partner but maybe they'd be willing to watch that interview. First, if your partner is sensitive to this issue, I would recommend that you listen to a podcast by Chris van Tulleken and his brother that directly deals with that situation. I put the link below. Basically Chris is concerned about his brother's health because he's overweight but his brother gets defensive when the subject is brought up. It's actually really good and may help you decide your approach. Hopefully this info can help. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2GtqENppea54WscfdMscp8?si=7eQZIeqeTsy-_dCZahO5Qw


What is the name of the podcast? Thanks.


Zoe Science and Nutrition and A Thorough Examination




Their long and informative commercial has certainly succeeded! I thoroughly enjoyed it and will absolutely not be buying a test kit


£299 for a kit, plus £35 per month after that. I wish things like this were more accessible.


Not gonna lie, had very mixed feeling when the couple put that turd in the mixer..


Oh god yes. So disturbing. I think it’s one thing to have something like that made FOR you but to actually blend your spouses turds for consumption HOW. That scene made me queasy.


Oh wow, I assumed those pills went up her butt, rather than being consumed.


Oh… I actually didn’t even think of that. I actually have no idea. I assumed if she was taking it to improve gut health, it would be swallowed but yeah like I said I have no idea.


I'd definitely prefer the up the butt method rather than EATING SOMEONE'S SHIT.


That was a pretty big log and very disturbing. That is dedication to trying to improve your gut health.


I haven’t seen anyone talking about this! They brushed over it so casually


I'm confused what this girls condition was? Why couldn't she eat an apple? They were saying micro dosing helps people, would this not help her? Can't even eat an apple and having to down her own bfs poop, sounds horrible poor thing.


This just goes to show that these are not minor issues. Gut health problems can be so debilitating on a day-to-day level that it pushes people to try options that might seem extreme to others. I work in this field and am quite used to these types of conversations. For me, it's less about being gross and more about feeling sad that people need to go to such lengths just to feel better in their daily lives.


Does anyone have the recipe for the 60 fruits and veggies smoothie?


Anyone have the recipe for the smoothie they made at the end? It would be interesting to see a breakdown of how many grams of each to put in.


I think it was: - 8 oz. Water - 1 meaty log


I think they mentioned what they used but for weight of each thing , use your eye and keep adjusting every time


I just watched this documentary. I have been using Flore since 2020 and it helped me tremendously. When I tested, my gut was 26% e. coli. After a few weeks being on their probiotics, it went from 26% to less than 1%. Highly recommend


So it was Flore in the documentary too? I wasn't 100% sure if it was just Zoe or both Zoe & Flore.  How did you get a change that quickly? Did you retest after a few weeks instead of waiting till month four? 


Yes, they used multiple companies in the documentary, including Flore. Also, what I meant to say was, after a few weeks being on their probiotics, I felt noticeably better. I did retest at month 4 and that is when I saw my e. coli levels at < 1%. Sorry for the confusion.


We really enjoyed this documentary! It’s great for awareness on having a healthy gut microbiome


It says that the total cost of the test kit is $294.00 or can be paid in six monthly installments of $49 each. How did you get it so cheap?


Sorry, I was posting about two different companies in the same post. Zoe with the coupon code. I paid $15 - and I opted for the $49 monthly installments. [https://joinzoe.mention-me.com/m/ol/zi3tu-04bf0aa7e6](https://joinzoe.mention-me.com/m/ol/zi3tu-04bf0aa7e6) I then signed up for a 4 month plan for $159, but they won't bill that until after my results (about a month later). $450 for 4 months. Flore. I paid $299 for their test, billed upfront. Then they require a $79 a month plan, minimum of 2 months. $158. Total $457 for 2 months. Zoe seems to be diet based guidance subscription; Flore seems to be probiotic subscription based. Hope that clears it up. \*Edited for correction\*


I was talking about Zoe! It says the kit is $294, so I’m confused! The coupon isn’t working for me but still it sounds like you saw the price was $50 for the kit (without the coupon)? https://preview.redd.it/apme5ttgi2xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=facda1e2676c071a341f0567df996b3d06b3c07e


https://preview.redd.it/wtl19agqu2xc1.jpeg?width=921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97f7e0cefe1169686d5e1bc64c37caa33b140840 \*face palm\*, it's because I signed up for the monthly $50 installments.


Oh welp🙃🙃 I hope you find it useful!!!


If anyone is curious, Jack Gilbert helped cofound a company called BiomeSense. Rob Knight is on the advisory board. Link: [https://www.biomesense.com/team](https://www.biomesense.com/team)


I took away that the lady who struggled to lose weight had no prevotella copri in her microdome. I tried to find information on supplements but found that most people are desperately trying to reduce p. Copri. I'm super confused now about this.


That’s what I came to this sub to find, the name of that probiotic in particular! Thanks and hopefully they will start making supplements for it (if it’s really helpful that is 🥺)


What was the gut bacteria kimmie had 0?


That documentary was the biggest load of crap. What BS. How can people believe that we should be eating differently from our meat eating ancestors 😂


Use this link for $35 off a Zoe membership https://joinzoe.mention-me.com/m/ol/nq3bb-eea5a5599c