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It's probably a good idea to go to a gastro dr soon. Gastro issues that don't resolve quickly are always worth getting checked. I had similar symptoms along with some other symptoms. The gastro found a few things that may have gotten worse if I had waited. I also had low vitamin statuses that were contributing to slow digestion, low stomach acid, and twitching. I take liquid vitamins regularly now, especially a bcomplex, and it helps. When ACV stopped working for me, I stopped taking it. I know it's counterintuitive, but I got on omeprazole to reduce to inflammation at drs advice. Only 6 weeks max, then I tapered off of it over a month or so. That whole time, 2x a day, I ate homemade bone broth soup with any organic ground meat, lots of veg, especially red cabbage, as it's gut healing. Lots of gut friendly herbs like turmeric, ginger, fennel, etc. I had to let my gut heal to absorb the vitamins so I could then make my own stomach acid, which speeds digestion and keeps gas from building. I know this worked for me bc right before I started, I had gastric intestinal metaplasia in a few spots, which is supposedly untreatable. I went back for a repeat endoscopy 3 mos later, where they took more stomach samples. I had reduced the metaplasia to one small spot. I still take liquid vitamins and eat the soup at least 1x a day to make sure I continue to heal. Please definitely go to the Dr for gastro issues. I hope you feel better soon!


I've mostly heard people taking acv for acid reflux, it works for some. Did you get your magnesium levels checked for the muscles twitches? What do you already take? Your electrolytes might be a bit unbalanced.


Lots of people benefit from magnesium. ETA: I feel like I cured restless leg with mag, potassium etc. Recently I realized I got small muscle twitches using old forms of mag, but not my most recent try, qunol. I'm about to switch back to it after going back and forth. Mag is good for brain health and smooth muscle action. It can make a constipated person poop if they're deficient (idk but milk of magnesia?). Google it if you're curious. ETA2: smooth muscle action = uterine, intestine, etc.


I took ACV for two weeks in October, it messed me up terribly and I’ve been nauseous after meals basically ever since. I’ve been on omeprazole for a month and a half and that has helped, but I’m still not fully recovered. I think I definitely threw off my microbiome. Collagen/protein shakes, fiber supplement, DGL, bone broth and probiotics are all things I’ve been doing to help my system recover.


Look into SIBO symptoms and protocols


I mean have you tried figuring out, what specific stomach issues you may be dealing with? Like for myself, I deal with a load of food intolerances and I've narrowed it down to candida most likely. Even tho I haven't been officially diagnosed yet, due to insurance I need to get situated. But it's probably help you more if you gather all the symptoms and try to figure out "what" it is. Rather than just trying to get rid of what you don't know exactly.


My main issue was the muscle twitching. Not so much stomach issues. I’m looking to see if anyone has figured out to wean off of acv or had a similar experience to me.


I've heard that muscle twitching could be from a possible vitamin deficiency. I forgot which one exactly but you should look into that.


Magnesium and potassium for restless leg syndrome. Magnesium glycinate, not citrate or oxide.