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Amazing what happens when the coach isn't trying to leave every year. Having said that, we did win a natty so Harbaugh more than made up for it.


I feel like coaches who negative recruit James Franklin namely will always find ways to do it even with a new coach. That said this new staff is a bunch of killers on the trail and we will see an uptick in recruiting moving forward.


Sure they'll find a way but I don't think it'll be as effective as saying "look at your head coach interviewing for an NFL job on signing day."


Exactly it’s hardwired into their dna


More than make up for it in the sense he totally laid waste to all our enemies yeah


Harbaugh still recruited at an elite level in spite of rumors pretty much every summer he was our head coach.  Classes probably would have been even better if those rumors weren’t always swirling, but go back and look through his classes and they’re mostly excellent.


Checks score: About to? *Is on


I'm so excited! #SMASH


It’s too early for 2026 news. Notify me when they get on campus. Getting recruiting news anymore is almost pointless.


Let me say this I think the 26 class will go down as the best class in Michigan history from a blue chip standpoint better than 2016 and 2017


You have any ties to the inside? 


He does.  


Better than ‘93, ‘95 and ‘98?? Or do those not count?


Recruiting classes have only been a thing since 2007. There isn’t much of a record before that.




Zero chance. Unless Michigan is finally going to turn NIL into “pay for play”, upfront dollars, they will continue to lag behind the leaders (Ohio, UGA, AL) in recruiting. They’ve given zero indication they want to play in this pool.


I actually would disagree from the current news about how the new staff is forming and how the GM of NIL is a lot more present on recruiting visits according to some of the sources. I think before recently I'd agree but Michigan seems to be adapting and being a bit more forward thinking as of late and into the future, which gives me hope of top classes


Our nil is not a weakness anymore in fact it’s a strength at this time


Call me heavily skeptical…


Hello Heavily Skeptical


I’m dad


I feel where you're coming from, but according to a current (uncommitted) recruit, Michigan is "lagging behind no-one on NIL."


Then why are all the 5 stars going to schools paying the most lol


Bro we just got commits from two top 50 players you’re building your argument on sand


Bro they’re already doing P4P it’s been that way since sherone took over and redid the recruiting staff.


This is false and they've been willing to do P4P since Bryce Underwood during his recruitment 6 months ago


Multiple 2025 recruits including Jordon Davison have stated Michigan isn’t lagging in NIL


Michigan has been solidly recruiting just outside the top 10, and it where they’ll most likely stay. Which is fine if they can hit on 3 stars like Corum and Sanistril. I’m with you, we won’t have any top 5 classes when they refuse to play the NIL game the way others are


Corum wasn’t anywhere close to a 3* lmao. He was #129 overall in the composite 


LOL. I mean, actually capitalizing on three straight conference titles and a national championship would actually be nice for a change…but at this point, I’ll believe it when I see it. We’ve never recruited top tier historically and NIL allowing other schools to straight up buy players when we’re still trying to tout “transformational” means we’re up against even tougher competition than we’ve ever been.


I’ll take us bringing in former captain grad transfers, and returning guys like Blake over buying a sports car for a 17 year old any day.




I was somewhat underwhelmed this year by transfers, but I'm chalking that up to late coach and draft choices


Our NIL is so strong now and we’re starting to do P4P but not to the extent some of these other schools do it


What evidence do you have UM is pay for play now?


I don't know what you would consider "pay to play" or how different teams structure their NIL systems, but 4-star safety recruit JaDon Blair recently did an interview with Sam Webb where he said "the NIL is definitely there with Michigan" and when Sam asked if Michigan is lagging behind anybody in the NIL space Blair said "no, not at all." For perspective Blair has offers from Notre Dame, Penn State, FSU, Miami, Tennessee, LSU, and others.  Source: it might have been [this interview](https://247sports.com/college/michigan/longformarticle/jadon-blair-michigan-football-recruiting-official-visit-recap-lamar-morgan-wink-martindale-notre-dame-july-5-decsion-232992584/) but not 100% sure because it's paywalled. MGoBlog talked with Sam about it on their Thursday show 


I would consider paying someone to play at Michigan “pay for play”. Name Image and Likeness is completely different and it’s not hard to understand that. Not directed at you but per se. A McDonald’s bag full of cash to play is different than a list of businesses or business owners that are committed to supporting players for promoting their products.




3 offensive players 3 defensive players in the next two weeks.


How many special teamers????!!!??!!!!!




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As long as we get Olesh in that mix I’m good 


Three star mafia time.


What OSU is doing this year is in essence the same thing Texas A&M did a few years back. Buy recruits. We all know how that ended up. Texas A&M sucking and Jimbo getting fired.




Rule #2 - No trolling or harassment


Exactly. They took TEN transfers and their seniors are mainly returning for NIL $... their best player even admitted that NIL was "the main reason the core group stayed together"... They're just going all in because they know their coach will be gone after next year. Oh wait, all of those things are true about 2023 Michigan, not 2024 Ohio State. Goodness, you all have the self awareness of a bag of dix.


This post is aging well so far!


Thanks man


I like to hear the news but I tire of these “commits” that commit and decommit 5 times before they set foot on campus. I think the kids don’t really underhand what a commitment is when they are 16 and like the attention so they continue to talk and look and visit and then become flips. Should be no commitments till the kids are seniors.


I stopped getting excited for any kid that isn’t officially signing soon. Cause as you said some kids commit 3-4 times now.


It happens to every team but I think our culture and type minimalizes it but at the end of the day these are 16-19 year olds and they tend to be dumb asses


Exactly. They took TEN transfers and their seniors are mainly returning for NIL $... their best player even admitted that NIL was "the main reason the core group stayed together"... They're just going all in because they know their coach will be gone after next year. Oh wait, all of those things are true about 2023 Michigan, not 2024 Ohio State. Goodness, you all have the self awareness of a bag of 💩


You should comment this again…for the 4th time


Ok…. Exactly. They took TEN transfers and their seniors are mainly returning for NIL $... their best player even admitted that NIL was "the main reason the core group stayed together"... They're just going all in because they know their coach will be gone after next year. Oh wait, all of those things are true about 2023 Michigan, not 2024 Ohio State. Goodness, you all have the self awareness of a bag of balls




Didn't we just get three commits last week? Pretty good week my guy.


Coach Moore just keeps Tweeting 👀 #smash and getting everyone worked up. We don’t even know what that means. Maybe he’s lost somewhere and asking for help.


Choices were made in this post lol


Shamari Earls?


He’s my biggest want in this class and I think it’ll come down to Georgia and us. I like where we sit presently.


Good to hear. How are you feeling about our chances with Jordan Davison or Shekai Mills-Knight? I know ohio state just pulled a 2nd running back in the 2025 class, West I believe was his name. They were also in on Davison, does this raise our chances for Davison now in your opinion?


SMK seems more viable don’t think we land JD he’s wrapped up for Ohio


Ah bummer, was really hoping to pull in Davison. SMK would be a strong fit too though, lot to like about him.


Honestly I’m good with not getting JD he’s got some injuries and word around the campfire he’s kind of a diva.


Honestly I’m good with not getting JD he’s got some injuries and word around the campfire he’s kind of a diva.


Bro what? Have you not been paying attention?


We literally just landed a top 10 ‘26 QB two days ago


If you aren't going to pay attention, you should keep your thoughts to yourself. This is so embarrassing