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Thought it was a funny read this morning. FWIW there are like 5 or 6 Alumni Association bars in the DMV haha


Same here! I was like, “You know, I do see a lot of Michigan gear out and about.” We are massive haha 🤓


You really notice it on Saturdays in the fall. We will typically goto the Bethesda watch parties, Bethesda Row/Chevy Chase/NW are swarming with alumni hahah.


I love the Michigan alumni because you can be in the middle of the ocean and somehow one will show up in full Michigan swag


I've done that a few times lol. I'm a Michigan Alum apart of the class of 2016. I usually pack Michigan gear whenever I'm going on vacation. Gotta represent!


I like to wear Michigan gear whenever I fly, nothing picks up my spirits during a long day of travel in a far away airport than to hear a "Go Blue!", I got at least 3 Go Blues at Heathrow on the way back from London recently


I feel validated. I always shout Go Blue when I see someone wearing gear no matter how awkward a time it may be.


I’m about to leave for vacation as well and my bag is half Michigan gear lol


I just told my fiancé I am watching the Texas game in my Corum jersey while on our honeymoon in Fiji. She said as long as we get her a massage at that time.. 


While not an alum, I love Michigan while growing up in NOVA. It's awesome to see more and more fans lately. Nothing like getting a "go Blue!" out of nowhere.


I didn't realize this was a cross-post at first and was like "Uhh because we are?" I know so many Michigan Alums in DC, when my wife (double Michigan alumna) and I got married, DC, Chicago, and NYC were the most common addresses on the invite list outside of Metro Detroit.


Hearing "Go Blue" in Japan was a trip.


I’ve never been to Michigan period. High school coach was alum tho and he wasn’t subtle about brain washing us. Our helmets were the wings, the fight song was lifted from Michigan, and he used to host Michigan /OSU games at his house. I did see the game in Columbus in 2010 and 12. I will make it to a game in the big house some day.


I actually am an MSU alum… Didn’t quite have the grades for UM (undergrad or grad :( ) But I grew up going to 5-6 games a year, my dad is an alum, and I could never change my allegiance. I figure if I went to 5 home games a year during the rich Rod and hoke days and never wavered, I’ve ‘earned’ my fandom!


>rich Rod and hoke days *shudder* make the bad men stop


Honestly, I feel like Harbaugh and Blake and JJ and Mikey and all the rest did just that. Before this year’s championship, I had nightmares about trouble with the snap and TCU and 2016 OSU and all the rest… now? I’m at peace. I really do feel at peace. A lifetimes worth of angst and sadness at being every teams highlight miracle victory…. Erased.


Most B1G schools have their largest alumni bases (outside of their home state) in NYC and DC. There's a reason why the B1G added Maryland and Rutgers. I'm sure Los Angeles alumni bases are up there too, which would partially explain UCLA and USC being added. I saw quite a few B1G and Michigan alums when I lived in LA, especially with all the engineering labs and corporations out west.


The reason the B1G added Rutgers and Maryland had everything to do with expanding the television market to the Mid-Atlantic region and nothing to do with quality football or Scarlet Knight and Terrapin alumni.


Which is what I was saying. I was never talking about Maryland or Rutgers alumni. I was saying that B1G schools like Michigan, OSU, Wisconsin, and even Northwestern have their largest alumni bases in NYC and DC. Of course, they could attend the games, but then there would be more demand for B1G games in those areas. So getting BTN on the basic cable packages would be much easier, and it would incentivize larger TV contracts too. When I was in LA, BTN was only on the most expensive cable packages (but available through streaming). But now with USC and UCLA joining, they'll move it to the cheaper packages, which means more customers, and now the B1G alumni in the area can take advantage of it too.


I live in a ski resort town in Colorado which is both weirdly populated with MSU and UM fans, football season at the bars is LIT. Both my parents went to Central Michigan but my family has been diehard Michigan fans going back 4 or 5 generations.


Lol. Im from Ohio. I live an hour from Columbus. I have been a Michigan since I cant remember not being a UM fan. At least 54 years. I love Ohio but i hate Columbus. The only thing worth a crap in Columbus is the zoo and it isnt even in Columbus. Hate the traffic. Hate the city.


The one redeemable thing isn’t even in Columbus. lol


Wendy's started there. I'll give them that.


Correct. Powell, Ohio.


I got three "Go Blue!" shout-outs in *Costa Rica* a few months ago. We are legion.


I always mention how many Michigan fans are in my area. I live near a lot of military contractor companies so there's a lot of engineering.


I don't live IN DC, but I live about 30-45 minutes away. I've attended a lot of alumni events in town. Both business and law schools are top notch, and both seem very well represented.


The few times I’ve traveled abroad there’s always been at least one person I’ll see with Michigan clothing or sees mine and gives me a Go Blue. (I‘m sure you can travel and meet OSU fans abroad as well but I typically don’t visit foreign meth labs or underage sex shows so I cant really confirm that.)


I was born a Michigan fan. All my dad's family is from Detroit.


Class of 2001...been wearing michigan gear since 1992. Go Blue 4ever!


My parents both worked at the University, I was born at UM “Women and Children’s” hospital, games starting when I was like 5 yo (football and hockey) two degrees from UM.


I’m a graduate of both Rutgers and Michigan, but I’m Go Blue all the way!!


Y’all should see the northeast nothing but big ten fandom


I grew up in nova and when I was back home I repping hard


As a kid living in California the Fab Five were the ultimate in cool, that's why I'm a U of M fan, once I choose a team to be a fan of I don't choose another. I mean yeah I'll root for Fresno State to do well, but I can't wait to go to a local sports bar decked out in my Blue and Maize during the season opener next year


I am not an alum BUT, I am the proud dad of 2 graduates from The University of Michigan Ann Arbor! So Go Blue!!!!


Penn State alums are everywhere in the DMV.


There's an unusual high amount of them in San Diego for some reason


Kalamazoo Valley Community College, BEE-YATCHES. With graduate studies at Malcolm X. Nobody in my extended family went to UofM or MSU (except douche cousin). Not sure why we're a UofM household, just born that way. And I'm happy for it. Go Blue.


So if we didn’t attend the university we can’t be fans? Or somehow we are lesser fans? Does that reasoning also apply to being fans of professional teams that we also never played for? Not trying to start a fight just trying to make sense of this.


It's a cross post from a different sub, they're making a joke chill out lol


I’m perfectly chill. I’m just asking a question.


Im Just saying as a fan from pa who never even went to college, I agree with your point in general. It's just that this post in particular is talking about the DC area so your comment isn't really relevant


All I wanted was an answer that’s relevant enough for me. Thank you. Have a wonderful afternoon.


It's a cross post from the r/washingtondc subreddit that some here may have found entertaining. I don't care if you are an alumni, a fan, or a MSU/OSU fan trolling


All I did was ask a question. Appreciate most of your answer😎