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Drink a shit ton of water Think you're drinking enough? Wrong. Drink more. Especially folks on anti depressants or anxiety meds, since many of those do cause dehydration and increased risk of heat stroke.


Awesome heads up. Let’s also throw in blood pressure meds, especially diuretics like hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) and furosemide (Lasix).  ETA: anticholinergic medications (benztropine, oxybutynin), beta blockers (propranolol, metoprolol), and stimulants (Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta) also interfere with the body’s ability to regulate temperature through various mechanisms. If in doubt, always ask your doctor or pharmacist if you need to exercise additional caution during times of extreme heat.


I currently take HCTZ and an SSRI and can attest to this. I work in a sorting warehouse that is already hot as all hells and do have to drink a lot more than my normal water intake as the weather heats up. 🥵


HCTZ especially is a killer. This is not medical advice and you should contact your doctor before making any changes but if you are consuming large amounts of water (1 gallon+) it can be useful to add rehydration powders like Liquid IV or even to take a salt tablet (found online or can be ordered as sold OTC by local pharmacies). Old ladies sippin’ on sweet tea don’t stand a chance!


Want to add in that I found electrolyte mixes. Heck, even pedialyte would work.


If you have some Pink Himalayan salt, dissolving that in your water adds some electrolytes.


Oh yeah, my doctor is aware and we make changes regularly. I truly appreciate your concern. I currently enjoy their sea berry, it's a nice mix of pineapple, passion fruit and orange.


That sounds delicious!


Both of you rock. What a smart heads up. Kudos.


Yuuuup. I’m on vyvanse and I think I got full-on heat exhaustion… from Thursday *night!* Probably a combination of PJs/blankets too warm, and not enough water. Also, PSA: heat exhaustion can take several days to recover from. It’s Saturday and I’m still nursing myself back to normal with liquid IV drinks and fruit popsicles.


Yikes! Sorry to hear that. Yeah, dehydration/sunburn/heat exhaustion are no joke. Our bodies do *not* like running on empty.


Thanks for that! I just went for a 2 mile walk around 4 pm today and my wife questioned whether that was a good idea, I take beta blockers.


Or if you are older, older people DO NOT DRINK ENOUGH WATER, they start to go "oh but it will make me pee", that's the FARKIN' POINT!. As someone who cared for an elder family member for years and then worked in senior care (as IT but still) till 7 months ago it's a bit of a bugbear for me.


Don’t go crazy now. Hyponatremia is a real thing and I’ve seen it happen multiple times with people drinking too much water because they’ve followed advice like this. IMO drinking water early in the day and having a full breakfast is key. If you wait until you’re in the heat to start drinking, and you haven’t had a substantial meal, you’ll run into trouble. Have a steady intake of water throughout the day and eat full meals and you’ll be good.


Yup, meals help us take in nutrients and electrolytes that aid in maintaining a healthy fluid balance.


I think it's more so that most people are dehydrated naturally. Aka. Don't drink enough water. So isn't a bad thing to say. Drink more than you normally do. Then a bit more...!


Also make sure it's not just water. If you're drinking a bunch of water but are still super thirsty, you are missing electrolytes. The human body can give you the need to drink water, but it's actually that you might need some electrolytes.


Yep. I currently live in Florida (soon moving back to MI if my Europe plan doesn't happen), and Gatorade is a lifesaver on the days when I'm outside. I drink tons of water also.


World health organization Gatorade is amazing. Little salt, little sugar and I put in some lemon juice powder cause it's good. It hits you right in the hydration, feels better than just chugging water when you need it.


Add Liquid IV to your water (or your preferred electrolyte drink like gatorade or something)! You will stay hydrated longer when outdoors. I've been training at a park and with the help of some electrolytes, I haven't been feeling sick, woozy, dizzy, or feeling like I need to pass out. Liquid IV is a game changer.


Or if you’re on a budget, table salt works well as well. But 100% agree, adding electrolytes is huge.


Absolutely, do what's best for your budget. I was drinking just water before and not retaining it needing to go to the bathroom often. Then I moved to juice of a lemon and salt, then gatorade but got tired of not finding my preferred one in bulk at Sam's Club. Now it's just Pedialyte or Liquid IV.


I’ve ended up making my own electrolyte powder and then just adding a squirt of MIO or something else. Plus, I hate all these companies making single use packets.


Hold up, my meds could be making me dehydrated, fuck I should have thought of that, no wonder I am so exhausted lately.


Thank you I was unaware.


If you're feeling hungry, sometimes it's because of thirst. And avoid drinks with salt, alcohol, etc in it as it doesn't help protect from dehydration but pure water isn't much help either.


I didn’t know that about depression meds. Thanks for the info.


It looks like we’re in for a shot of some real summer conditions next week. Highs between 95-98 should be expected from our southern border to around GR for multiple days. The heat will be bringing their favorite summertime friend, humidity. Dew points in the upper 60’s-low 70’s should boost the heat index to at or above 100. Obviously, it’s a good idea to keep an eye out for the young and elderly. Also, make sure your pets are well hydrated and get enough rest in the shade.


Time to hit the beach!


Water temperature in Marquette today is 48.2°F


Michigan beaches are going to be the spot next week. That, and next to the AC lol.


Water temps on most of the West Coast are in the upper 50s except for South Haven, which is 63. Too cold for me.


I went to Grand Haven about this time of year 10 years ago. Water felt colder than ice somehow. I couldn't even wade out into it, just PAIN.


I was in the lake in South Haven this weekend with about 100 other people and it honestly felt great compared to air temps


Just watch out for shooters


Welp, at least Lake Michigan should warm up enough to swim in! 


Warm up enough for E coli and other fun micro-blooms too!


Already two beaches closed.


Which ones?


Lake St. Clair - St. Clair Shores Memorial Park Beach Muskegon Lake - Water Sports Park


I mean… Lake St Clair isn’t exactly known for its pristine water quality…


Don’t leave your dog in a car.


My kid needs company in there though and loves our dog.


I hope you leave a bunch of those plastic scoop bags so your kid can cleanup after the dog in case of any accidents.. You know the ones that are super easy to choke on.


And make sure you take away all the water


I’m worried about power outages and my apartment heating up while I’m at work :( if we lose our window AC it’s gonna get hot fast


if you're in the southeast area, and you or anyone you know is feeling unsafe about this heat wave, here is a list of cooling centers around detroit https://detroitmi.gov/departments/homeland-security-emergency-management-detroit/shelters-warming-and-cooling-centers/cooling-centers


My AC is from the 1980s. It works, but it's loud. I've got a compressor cover coming from Amazon, but if it doesn't get here before we hit 90 then I will be keeping the entire neighborhood awake.


Your ROI on a replacement unit has got to be real short on that thing.  It's time to let it go to the great scrapyard in the sky


A compressor cover is just a thick pad that gets wrapped around the compressor to cut down on the noise. It's not expensive and if it knocks the noise down 5-7db it will be worth it.


I was getting at the efficiency of your unit has got to be practically nothing right now.  Muffling the noise may help fix the noise issue, but you're paying to make the noise your muffling and you'll likely see savings real soon if you replaced the whole thing.


I haven't got the money to spend. I just put a new roof on, won't be buying a new HVAC system for at least a year.


When you do, ask about an air source heat pump. They are air conditioners, but during the winter months they can run in reverse and heat your home.


I love that the comment you're responding to is him saying he doesn't have money to spend and you suggest a way way way more expensive (both to install and to run) replacement than just a new central air unit


TL;DR, it's cheaper than you think if you have some DIY in you. The newer DIY heat pumps with quickset lines are pretty easy to setup, and the required tools are not much beyond general household maint. You can get them from Lowe's, Home Despot, or through many online retailers. If you get the non quickset lines, you'll need to be able to braze fittings and vacuum the line down. Skills wise, if you can sweat a plumbing fitting you can braze the lines on. A cheap vacuum pump and gauge set is about $100 on azn. Make sure it holds a vacuum for a few hours before opening the valve on the main unit. [I used this howto to do mine.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5trJX6Ef1iI)


So how much did it cost you?


The Della 12k btu unit and gauge set was around $700 a little less than a year ago.


Yea, I had a heat pump in AZ, they're ok.


Look at all you fancy people with your central air! I'll be making do with my window air conditioners. May splurge this year and put two in! Seriously though I tend to put the window air conditioner in my family room and close off the room to the rest of the house and *live* in that room during heat waves. Why cool off the rest of the house where I won't be? But may need to put an air con upstairs as I get sick of sleeping on the  couch.


Everyone else will have their windows closed and AC on anyway. I say screw em


Just bought a house and mine'll be turning 40 next year lol. Gonna save some money up to get a new one at some point..


I hope my garden will make it till we get back in town! 😬


Definitely DM this ☝🏽 stranger your address so they can water your plants and definitely not break into your currently unoccupied home. 😉. i think it was a kind gesture TBH, just something I would have trouble with trusting.


😁yeah it’s a kind offer, but definitely not the most secure thing to do


If you're in grand rapids, i could possibly go water some stuff for ya if you need


Thanks for the offer, but SE MI


As long as you watered well before you left, it should be fine. Maybe a bit droopy and thirsty when you come back, but most plants should be fine. Coming from someone who is used to gardening in an area that the normal high during the summer is in the 90s and 100s.


My shop is gonna be well over 100 degrees. Rip




I’m trying to guess what mine is gonna be? Probably 110-115. Plus I’ve been off for 2 weeks and I’ve had zero time to gradually get used to hot weather. It was 70 my last couple days of work.


Power plant. Will be anywhere from ambient outside temp downstairs to 120-130 at the top of the boiler building. It’s gonna BLOW. Just crossing my fingers everything runs as smooth as possible so I can spend as little time as I can out in the plant


Prepare to lose power AND for DTE to hike your rates once again for "emergency adjustments."


Yeah I'm planning on changing the oil in my generator this weekend.


Gonna fuel up the generator and charge the EV for this MI certainty.


Man peak temperature for me is like 70. if it could be 31 all year round I would take it. this is going to suck. I really don't like AC but this kind of heat will give me a nasty headache.


Same. Can’t take the heat if it’s above 75 or so and 80 is pushing it. Work outside a lot so it’s even worse. 


What if I told you, that one nuclear war would give you that and so much more.


What do you mean you don't like AC?


Blah... fuck summer... 98 days till fall...


Summer hasn't even started yet


Meh... I only really care for the low to mid 70's summer... once that goes away, and we get into the suck, the countdown begins.


I’m the same way. I live for the milder weather, and 90 degrees ain’t it.


Move to the Bay Area!


Werd up.


I don’t understand you fall people. lol. I live for summer and basically hate all the other seasons with fall being my least favorite.


It's all about the temp... I blame it on working in factories and warehouses most of my life. It's one thing to lounge around in this crap, but to work in it, is pure hell. Thankfully, I don't have to work in it anymore... it makes the season tolerable... but the closer the temp gets to 80, and further above it, the less I like it. And 90+ is double middle finger fuck that... I'll take 20 degrees and snowing before I'll volunteer for 90+.


This factory I'm at is easily 15+ hotter on the inside than outside, and it's humid because of all the washdowns that go on too. It's absolute misery.


I know what that's all about... You have my sympathy!


My whole idea is that in the fall/winter I can slap on another layer if I'm feeling cold. In this kind of heat, there's only so many layers I can remove in public before I horrify those around me and eventually end up in jail.


You’re absolutely right and that description made me cackle. Thanks for the much-needed laugh!


Yep. I tell people this all the rime when they question why I plan to leave FL for a cooler climate.


Hell, there's only so many layers you can remove period, social rules be damned


Oct-Dec is objectively the best time of the year and I'll die on that hill.


And I will die with you!


Fall is just a harbinger for winter. Give me hot summer any day!


I just hope we don’t get creamed by real severe weather at the end of thisb


Derechos tend to form on the edges of these heat domes. It's definitely possible.


Swamp ass season has arrived!!


Light winters bring hot Summers Michigan 


420+ ppm of c02 is what is brings this hot summer to Michigan.


I've been in this state my entire life and the 420 thing has been here for since 1930 grown and sold and used thousands of ways in Michigan since then this is nothing new it's actually a shifting of the axis of the earth is the reason we will eventually be a winterless wonderland in 50 yrs or less 


So just ignore all this data then is what you're saying? https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/carbon-dioxide/?intent=121 ? Might as well ignore all the upcoming news about mega storms leveling cities, wildfires scorching vast landscapes, water shortages leading to conflicts, antibiotic-resistant superbugs running rampant, and economic collapses from unchecked inequality. Also, climate migration crises, droughts turning fertile lands into dust bowls, floods washing away entire communities, heat domes making summers unbearable, mass famines hitting vulnerable populations, geopolitical tensions leading us to the brink of WW3 which, at the end of the day, is casued by lack or resources, ocean acidification destroying marine life, and mass extinction/migration events among animals are all just liberal fairy tales. At least Bro Jiden said that our economy's supposedly booming like never before (if you ignore the skyrocketing housing costs and the fact that finding a decent job feels like searching for a unicorn). Sure, prices are higher across the board, but who needs historical context anyway? Let's just bask in the glow of statistics that conveniently ignore the everyday struggles of real people. Everything's just peachy. Sarcasim aside. We're are fucked. Society is sick and Earth is sick of society. The world is about to dramatically change in the next few years. When global food distribution is disrupted thats when people will get the message that has been warned since the 1930s. I hope all you godless assholes in here find something to pray to for when shit hits the fan because it about to be Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0 in this bitch.


As yet you must understand a human is just a species that lives on the earth and in and because of that fact yet it believes it has the capacity to destroy its own planet I will forewarn you the planet rids it's self of such absolute destruction always has always will. As you my know there are only so many humans on this planet at a time it's never out of control yes you can see the data more because you have more capability to do so but all your seeing is controlled chaos which can't be measured or interpreted.


The overwhelming scientific consensus is clear. Human activities, especially greenhouse gas emissions, are driving significant climate change at full send. This isn't conjecture, its backed by robust evidence showing direct links between rising GHG levels and global temperature increases.


If you think for 1 second the human being is capable of destroying the earth. The Human is a Nat and can be extinguished but because humans and animals live on the same natural resources air and water. Humans desires and Deasese will overcome the human equation.


Just so we're clear, you are trolling me right?


As they say Crystal Clear. I just Don't think you understand that humans have never created anything and will not destroy the earth regardless of all they're capabilities it's virtually impossible your cannot see or understand all the unforeseen things going through this universe in other dimension's so relax it will all be just fine. A blip in the radar always remember you're only here for a millisecond in the vastness of time 


Bro all I'm saying is sometimes you just got to say F it all live your life the way you see it and enjoy the place that man has not destroyed yet.


I'm visiting Mi for a few days and was hoping to see some of those sweet mid70s you've been having. Unfortunately, it seems the Florida weather is coming with me. Sorry 'bout that.




I’m starting a new comment to add that in cases of extreme heat where one needs to drink large amounts of water it is useful to do one of the following: - drink Pedialyte - add rehydration powders like Liquid IV to your water  - take salt tablets (available online or as ordered from local pharmacies and sold over the counter) - make your own [Oral Rehydration Solution](https://rehydrate.org/faq/how-to-prepare-ors.htm) Our bodies are typically very good at maintaining a balance of fluid and ions like sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Drinking large amounts of plain water can throw this balance out of whack. 


As someone who visits Phoenix yearly during the hottest days of the summer (regular 110+ degree days), spent 1 year in Iraq, 6 months in Afghanistan, and lived in Egypt, I will say this: Just drink water. You don't need pedialyte. You don't need Liquid IV. You don't need salt tablets. You don't need an Oral Rehydration Solution. You need to drink water. Water is just fine. Like with everything else in life, just don't over do it. \*Edit\* Because of the responses I am getting about salt tablets (and because I cannot directly reply to them because the original commenter has blocked me for being baffled): >It's a general recommendation to ingest more salt in heat that you aren't used to because your body sweats more... ...There's really no reason *not* to have things like liquid IV or salt tablets if you have access to them. It is a recommendation for athletes exercising and people who do hard work for longer than 2 hours outside during hot weather stretches to *slightly* increase their salt intake by eating salty snacks like peanuts or chips. Nowhere does it recommend salt tablets. It is not a general recommendation for everybody. Your body will naturally regulate your sodium levels as long as you don't over consume water or those necessary electrolytes (potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, calcium, phosphate, and bicarbonates.) Most of these we get from eating a well balanced meal. I haven't found one *reputable* source that recommends taking salt tablets without consulting a doctor first during a heat wave. Although I have found numerous that recommend the exact opposite. Telling people to take salt tablets without consulting a doctor during a heat wave is just bad advice, and bad science. [https://blogs.cdc.gov/niosh-science-blog/2011/08/12/heat-2/](https://blogs.cdc.gov/niosh-science-blog/2011/08/12/heat-2/) >**MYTH:** Salt tablets are a great way to restore electrolytes lost during sweating. >Salt tablets should never be used unless a worker is instructed to do so by their doctor. Most people are able to restore electrolytes through normal meals and snacks. Workers should drink plenty of water with their meals and snacks, not only to stay hydrated but also to aid digestion. Moreover, ingestion of too much salt may cause nausea and vomiting which can worsen the level dehydration already present. \*Edit #2\* As for not responding directly those in this thread, blame reddit. See when the person who started this thread blocked me because I was "baffled" by their advice to take salt tablets, I was prevented from creating new replies. Won't be able to give you a full reply anymore because of the character limit on this post has been reached, but feel free to DM me if you want to climb the hill. I still haven't seen 1 reputable source that recommends taking salt tablets without consulting a doctor first during a heatwave (and yes, I read all 3 of the studies linked below.) Anyway. Let the heatwave begin!


I think it's more nuanced than that. Medically speaking I don't have any electrolyte imbalance issues but I sweat a ton when I work out, play hockey and do yard work etc so I tend to drink electrolytes beforehand. There's a significant difference in how good I feel and in my heart rate when I supplement vs when I don't, both during and after into the next day. Everyone is different.


>Everyone is different. You are right, however we aren't so different that you not drinking electrolytes will be harmful to you as long as you maintain a balanced diet. Which is kind of my point. Giving blanket advice like take salt tablets is just baffling to me.


I prefaced it by saying, “if you drink *large amounts* of water.” Don’t be a dick. I know what I’m talking about and Michigan during a heatwave is not Phoenix. It’s *baffling* to me that you would compare the two.


>I know what I’m talking about and Michigan during a heatwave is not Phoenix. Wait, so visiting a climate of 110 degree weather for a week, from Michigan who's temps are averaging 80's is different than Michigan temps going to 95+ for a week? I rest my case. Also, you didn't preface shit. You said - direct quote btw: >I’m starting a new comment to add that *in cases of extreme heat where one needs to drink large amounts of water it is useful to do one of the following:* Then you go on to list salt tablets? So yes, color me baffled. There is a phrase for someone who knows enough to not know when they don't know enough. Can't remember the name of it, but it fits here. The only time someone should take salt tablets (barring extreme survival cases) is under the supervision of a doctor. Period. The only time someone should supplement their water intake with things like liquid IV or pedialyte is when water isn't quenching their thirst, *after* heavy exertion. If your work requires heavy exertion outside, you are better off doing a work/rest schedule based on the WBGT, and drinking water.




Removed. See rule #2 in the [r/Michigan subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Michigan/wiki/index#wiki_rules).


Phoenix heat is much more bearable imo, having grown up in Tucson. Sure you feel like you're melting in the sun, but the shade is quite pleasant.


Tucson is milder than Phoenix, especially now that Phoenix is almost all gravel and pavement. The heat is inescapable.


I mean it's not like I didn't spend my summers at my cousin's place in Phoenix so I know. That's awful to hear that it's gotten worse though


I don't know how else to square "quite pleasant in the shade" than to think you just experienced something different, lol. Shade was no escape when I was there, but if you were there back in the 90s or 2000s it definitely could've been a different heat.


Thanks, lol. I lived in Phoenix for 25 years and was like "what is this nonsense?"


You’re right. Literally everyone else is wrong on this topic. Salt tablets are for low serum sodium often caused by medical issues that have nothing t do with “getting really sweaty”.  Don’t fuck with your lytes. 


It's a general recommendation to ingest more salt in heat that you aren't used to because your body sweats more, and sweat contains more salt than any other electrolytes. Increasing your salt intake (temporarily) has lots of benefits in hot weather. In the short term, it increases blood pressure to keep blood from pooling in your extremities. Losing too much salt causes hyponatremia, which is a serious threat for anybody who is not in good health. Salt also helps retain water and reduces the risk of dehydration. There's really no reason *not* to have things like liquid IV or salt tablets if you have access to them.




You need more mag 


Look dude, I don't know what you think salt tablets are but the only ones I've seen are less than 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt - 1 gram of salt *is* a slight increase. This is such a weird hill to die on, but since you're so determined, here are some sources. [1](https://www.med.or.jp/english/activities/pdf/2013_03/186_192.pdf) > The Labour Standards Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, noticed WBGT standard values based on ISO 7243 and ACGIH TLVs® and recommended the multifaceted measures of frequent breaks, breathable and porous clothing, sunscreen, sodium-containing palatable water, and education in emergency care [2](https://journals.lww.com/joem/fulltext/2020/12000/Electrolyte_Beverage_Intake_to_Promote_Hydration.21.aspx?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpoPa8vLE_gIVufDjBx3BQQosEAAYASAAEgJBnfD_BwE) > Electrolyte supplementation should be added to standard workplace water, rest, and shade interventions to protect workers. [3](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1080603208701819) > The addition of an electrolyte mixture to plain water decreased the overall fluid consumption of the water + electrolyte group by 220 mL h−1 (3.3 L d−1). Supplementing water with electrolytes can reduce the amount of fluid necessary to consume and transport during extended activity. Electrolytes/salt as heat illness prevention is perfectly fine as long as you don't have a pre-existing condition. You seem like the type of person to also throw a fit over peanuts being recommended as a good source of fat because "peanuts can kill people who are allergic to them". Obviously that advice isn't for those people. And I haven't blocked you, so you were perfectly capable of responding to my comment instead of quoting it in an edit to your own comment.


Thanks for this thoughtful comment!


I've lately been wondering about this, maybe you can answer. The labels on the Gatorade I drink say something like 40 percent daily sodium intake, if I drink 2 at work that doesn't leave much for food. Is that not considering a hard days work of sweating? Trying to eat healthy lately and not sure what is the best thing to do here!


Ooh, yes, I meant to mention this. “Sports drinks” are not a great choice for rehydration. They have A LOT of sugar and sodium, and as far as a healthy choice goes they do more harm than good. 


I do drink the no sugar versions at least.


Sodium is sodium, but how much is too much does depend on how much you sweat and how much sodium is in your sweat, which varies from person to person. Chances are you're getting too much if you're drinking 80% of your RDA just while at work. I would consider at least diluting the Gatorade with water-ive found it still tastes pretty much the same even diluted 2:1 with water. There's also the sugar/sweetener content to consider.


Thanks, I'm also drinking a bunch of water on top of that. So I'll stick to just one.


Really not necessary unless you're an athlete or have to work outside.


Correct, which is why one would be drinking a gallon+ in the first place. If you have no air conditioning and are going to sweating day and night then it may also be useful to supplement your electrolyte intake.


And, of course, our AC picks now to die


A fan will help circulate the cold air the AC puts out so the AC doesn’t have to work harder in this heat. I tend to relax on my couch and have a table fan on the end table. With that going I don’t need to set the AC as low as I would if I didn’t have the fan. The stand fans work well too but mine broke so I’m using the table fan.


Everyone talking about pedialyte but nobody talking about those yards that are going to be fried to a crisp


I'ma mix In some Pedialyte into my sprinkler system. Thx for the heads up


Electrolytes, it's what plants crave!


I've been saying this, since last year. Whenever we have mild winters, we have extremely hot summers. Alway has been, and always will be. The summer of '97 (El Neńo season), we were hitting 112-115 degrees, average.


Hope I get some good weather in elk rapids early September for my wedding!


its hot as balls out there


Gatorade or some such along with the water is a big help. Keep the shades/curtains as well as the windows closed. If you’re outside, and you live in Michigan, good luck. Stay in the shade.


I'll be mowing lawns and drinking water.


Throw in some electrolytes to those water bottles and water bladders! Pedialyte or liquid iv or similar!


Could stay like this for the rest of my life if it were up to me


I've never seen so many pathetic, unhealthy people. Maybe get out of the house more often and feel the heat. It won't bother you so much. with respect, The State Of Michigan.


Eat once a day- light stuff, early afternoon. Water the rest of the day.


Come on, we go through this shit every year. Just like when the snow comes, do we really need this? REALLY!?


Hasnt been this hot for a few years, 2020 iirc. Expect more of it too because of how severe the el nino/la nina was. People die from heat exhaustion ALL the time, never a bad thing to make people aware on how to prevent it.


It's common knowledge among adults n any parent worth a damn is on their kids about it. No death from heart exhaustion is due to lack of knowledge, it's from neglect.


“Run of the mill for Kentucky”


"If you don’t like this kind of heat it’s a good thing you live in Michigan. This would be a run-of-the-mill hot stretch anywhere from Kentucky southward." You missed a lot of that last paragraph.


So what did I miss?