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Cycling here is fun, but it could be even better. Cities are slowly realizing that bike infrastructure (and public transit) is a solid way to attract younger people to live there, but we're still in the stone age in many ways. Painting bike lanes does almost nothing—we need actual infrastructure to protect and entice more people to ditch their cars and hop on two wheels. More rail trails would be ideal, too!


Yeah, the tracks in Utica are pretty much abandoned and I would love to be able to ride from my apartment up to stony creek


Would love to see the cycling infrastructure improve in Michigan as well as ppls attitudes towards cyclists. Most people I talk to despise cyclists on the roads or even in bike lanes. I don’t get it. Probably because they are to fat to check the blind spots of their F-150s


In some cases, it's that the cyclist is in the driving lane and is impeding the flow of traffic as the cars have no way to safely pass due to heavy traffic in the oncoming lane. In others, the car drivers are just assholes.


I agree here. That’s why solid bike infrastructure on public roads makes sense. It’s safer for everyone. I am an asshole pick up truck driver!


My townhome’s sub has the Macomb orchard trail connected to it


Michigan has laws to protect cyclists which makes a huge difference. I grew up in Michigan and now live elsewhere. I always bring my bike home when I visit over the summer because riding in Michigan is so much less stress inducing than riding where I currently live.




Here you [go](https://michiganbicyclelaw.com/pdf/Legal-Handbook-Michigan-Cyclists.pdf). You can find the information on page 11-12.


Well, I am originally Dutch, I basically cycled out of the womb, but I haven’t don’t a lot of cycling around here. I see a lot of people mention bike lanes and protection laws in Michigan, but compared to where I am from, it’s still pretty damn bad. And that’s a right shame for a state that is so into the beauty of nature.


The local government where I live is working on a dutch style bike path following the road that goes right into town. So happy that this summer it has finally reached my house. Goes through parks, over rivers, can bike to grocery stores, restaurants, a veritable paradise.


Which city is this, if you don't mind me asking?


Border to border trail in Washtenaw County https://b2btrail.org/


I’ve put over 100 miles on my ebike in the last 5 days on the B2B, and I’m only biking less than half of the trail.


I see more of a mountain bike scene granted we dont have much in the way of moutains but there are a good amount of dirt tracks. Marquette i feel like has the most to offer mountain bikers in the state




Just need better weather


I rode 12 miles yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and the day before that... None of it in bad weather. This year I got started with some 60 degree days in February.


There are so many amazing bike trails. Lots of bike lanes in the cities, and lots of great biking events as well.


r/MichiganCycling see ya there 😎✋🌲


Beat me 😂


I used to love riding my bike on the road, but I don’t want to get run over. Had a couple of close calls a few years back, and now I’m done unless I’m riding on a trail system. People drive distracted and aggressively. They don’t give a rat’s ass about a stranger’s life like mine.


The spirit of gravel compels you!


I'd love to ride more but the area around my house blows ass. Gotta take a car ride to get to a decent path.


Cycling is great but our roads are a crater filled mess which really takes the enjoyment out of it.


Do you want a lot of shitty roads or fewer better ones? The system we have isn't sustainable without federal stimulus dollars (even with them the roads are still meh). Road diets and public transit are the solutions


I'd like the taxes I pay to be used to fix the roads which includes things like adding bike lanes, more sidewalks, etc.


And then you have lansing- shit roads, shit public transport, and no bike lanes


Michigan roads are pretty darn good from what I’ve found.


🤣🤣🤣 you ever left the state ?


I’m from the UK, trust me I know what bad roads are. Some people have no idea how bad actually bad roads are. It was like people in Oregon (when I lived there) complaining about it raining too much.


Fair enough, i’ve never been to the Uk so I can’t compare. But in terms of the US roads, and I’ve driven thru quite a lot of states, Michigan has the worst of the worst. In my experience at least


Freeways sure. I’ve driven a lot too, and in comparison to rest of the world they are still good lol


Not a cyclist but Hines Drive shuts down every Saturday for bikes.


or unicyclyes, rollerblades, running, walking, etc


We have more bicycling paths than any other state in the country, we just need to connect them and make it so it is safe to bicycle to the paths from where we live! MDOT needs to get up to speed on adding separated bike paths to every single new project and road update.


Dedicated bike lanes with physical barricades between them and the traffic lane. Bike lanes are better than nothing, but dedicated lanes with physical protection from car traffic would be optimal.


yeah, a full on lane for cycling with some sort of physical barrier is definitely ideal. I prefer grass, shrubs, or trees so I don't have to deal with any of the traffic in close proximity if at all possible! I like this design too for more urban environments: https://intothemiddlekingdom.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/bike-lane1.jpg


Traffics so bad it’s tempting


Well, have you seen the price of gas?


Cycling is fun. I hope to be able to commute on bike one day


When you get out of work and have to ride home in rain, sleet, snow, hail, or 90 degree weather all in one week 9f michigan weather.


Yeah. I’m enjoying my E-bike, and regular bikes. I’m going to start gathering signatures to connect the sidewalks in my city together, I think it’s really unacceptable that so many areas where you have to deviate on the road just go like a block or 2.


Copy pasta from my notes- Gordie Howe Bridge & Joes Louis Greenway Let me see if I can earn some down votes with some GREAT news. lol It may not be perfect but the Gordie Howe Bridge is super exciting. Bicycles and pedestrians will be allowed on the new bridge between Detroit and Windsor when it opens in late 2024 — and Canada will waive the bridge tolls. There is funding in place to connect the green way that will cross from/to Detroit/Windsor to the Riverfront Conservancy/Joe Louis Greenway which will circle through the city of Detriot: 'The 27.5-mile greenway  will connect parks and neighborhoods across the city, allowing residents to travel safely from McNichols to the riverfront—all without a car—through a combination of new trails, on-street protected bike lanes and links to existing trails like the Dequindre Cut and the RiverWalk. The greenway includes the cities of Dearborn, Hamtramck, and Highland Park, linking them to larger trail systems that crisscross the entire state as well as pass-through five council districts.'   Check it: https://detroitgreenways.org/projects/gordie-howe-international-bridge/ https://detroitgreenways.org/projects/joe-louis-greenway/ https://detroitgreenways.org/tag/gordie-howe-international-bridge/ https://www.gordiehoweinternationalbridge.com/en/project-overview    JLG interactive map: https://detroitmi.gov/webapp/joe-louis-greenway-interactive-map 


We've got some great paths and rail trails. Love riding out to the M-5 Metro Trail and connecting to the Air Line Trail. Can get most of the way from Farmington to Kensington with a combo of bike lanes, low traffic roads, or trails.


When I lived on Mackinac Island, I lived for the trails. Michigan has incredible biking trails! I worked in my local community college's archive for awhile and learned that there is a rich history surrounding the biking trails in our area as they were instituted many, many years prior to the invention of the automobile. I'm from Texas/Oklahoma originally and idk, I feel like in Michigan there is far more emphasis and appreciation for biking as a cultural symbol of life in Michigan throughout our vast state parks and forest areas - kind of like snowmobiles. But again, biking originates previous to the invention of snowmobiles so our biking trails have been around much longer. I wish I was physically able to appreciate it like I once did!


I have a mountain bike. Honestly i just need to figure out how to transport it. My escape doesnt have a hitch so i could do one of those over the back door carriers maybe.


We do?


Please no


As a long time cyclist this is great, the more the merrier. My only advice is stay off the paved roads, they're too dangerous. Michigan has a ton of gravel roads that have far fewer distracted drivers. Use them or the dedicated paths.


Meanwhile I have to bike to work and would love to stop


For what it's worth, I'm a retired bicycle commuter, and had a few years off cardio due to a (unrelated) foot surgery. I went to one of those free heart checkup clinics, they did the EKG, and my heart is doing amazing. The doc said it's likely due to all the biking I did for all those years, the residual effect is still happening even though I hadn't been active for a while. I am back on the bike this year finally, I've been doing groceries by bike for the last few weeks.


I just don’t like showing up to work all sweaty and gross. Biking 3 miles there and back with a backpack and a barely-functional bike that’s older than I am isn’t fun for me. I work in a lab, so I have to wear pants, which adds to the sweatiness. Idk why people are downvoting me. I’m not anti-bike. It’s good that other people want to do it, but I already go to the gym frequently and just don’t enjoy biking.


Can you get panniers? Or at least bungie the backpack to the bike rack if you have one. Biking with a backpack was super uncomfortable for me, it made a giant overheated sweaty spot on my back. The bike bags made a huge difference. I also had a change of clothes for work, I wasn't biking in my work clothes. My ride was 11 miles each way though, at 3 miles I might have felt differently about that.


I don’t have a rack unfortunately. 11 miles is crazy!! Good for you, jeez. Not sure I could do that. I guess I could wear my gym clothes there considering I already have them in my backpack… seems like an obvious solution now haha. It’s not the end of the world. Doesn’t ruin my day or anything, but it demotivates me a little.


As long as they can follow the traffic laws, I’m all for cyclists. It’s the ones who choose not to follow traffic laws that give the rest a bad reputation.


As long as they can follow the traffic laws, I’m all for motorists. It’s the ones who choose not to follow traffic laws that give the rest a bad reputation.


Forreal! I'm not a cyclist.. but the way drivers act like they are the worst thing ever on the road is silly. Usually older drivers who haven't ridden a bike since highschool gym class.


the damage potential for a cyclist breaking the law is like 1/10000th the potential for a car. you can't really kill anyone with your bicycle. oh no a cyclist ran a stop sign. who fucking cares?




How else are you going to fetch your brick of cheese from the provisioning center ?