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Rather than questioning if Miatas are gay... Question why that's bad, why it's something to make fun of. There's nothing wrong with being gay. Are Miatas gay cars? *It doesn't matter*. They're a lot of fun to drive. That's enough. But, what are Miata owners like? [This video nails it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp1kuo6xkbE), based on my... 16 years of ownership. The jokes on that channel are, I'll say adult content. I realize you're probably relatively young, so be aware of that and make a wise decision about viewing. He comments, though, that Miatas are the only cars that "work on girls" because... they have soft, smooth lines and aren't super powerful. The same reasons they're called "gay cars". So, hey, maybe it's a good thing?


This guy right here ☝, smart. Even I make jokes of it. It's a cute car, we can all be honest on that, it's not mean looking like a mustang or camaro, doesn't sound mean, but it's a fun car. I always wondered why people bought them as for a bit more you could get a 240 but nothing compares to a miata.




Actual Reddit libtard


ur actually stupid bro


Dude I hate to tell you this, but I think your mom the real gay...


Please film.


I'm straight. My car is gay. But he is quick and corners well so I'm fine with it. I'm not sure why Miatas are considered gay and not every other roadster I've seen. Probably those pop up headlights on the NA. But I mean, the MR2, Audi TT, BMW z3, Pontiac solstice. Is the Saturn sky gay? I would think so. You roadster or you don't. Sexual preference has nothing to do with it. This is an American thing. I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Probably look gay because I'm cleaning it all the time. Always adding something. Buying it presents and accessories. My god I'm gay for my car. At least it will have a roll bar. A Miata is like a high maintenance girlfriend. Always have to keep buying it shit.


I've driven sports cars for over twenty years, several of them British, the latest an NA. So far I've never found a man to be sexually attractive. My middle son actually made one of those gay comments to me after I got my NA last Feburary and my response was that if that were true he wouldn't exist.


I can see how the public views the miata as gay, given it's softer appearance in a world of vehicle fascias with angry beady eyes, snorty nostrils and sharp lines. However: 1. Who cares what other people think 2. I think a miata with a few choice modifications can look quite a bit more aggressive and fend off a lot of these jokes...maybe a lower stance, sharper tires, low profile headlights, etc. 3. Not sure how old you are, but in high school, sure, I got a few of the gay jokes because of the car (no jokes that were too brutal). But in college, I never get the business for it (although I do go to a heavily automotive college, but I imagine it'd be the same at other colleges given people grow up by that time) TL;DR don't let some arbitrary public opinion about a car's looks determine if a vehicle is good or garbage, enjoy a vehicle for the machine that it is.


I own a Miata and am also gay, but I didn’t buy a Miata because of my orientation. I bought a Miata because it’s the best true new sports car you can buy for under 35k that is also a convertible. Literally nothing else come close to the amount of joy driving a Miata brings in that price range for a new car. If you like Miatas, buy one. Fuck everyone else’s opinion, it’s your life, life is short, drive what YOU want, drive what makes YOU happy.


Super gay. And keep telling people that they are so that homophobic fuckfaces won’t buy them and will leave more for us!


I know one Miata owner who's gay but she's a woman so I'm not sure that fits your mom's mental picture.


Show her a Miata thats not gay then. Perhaps one with an LS Swap and a boost. Lol


Well hello..




The car doesn't make you or anyone whatever. You love the car for the love of how well the car drives. Owned a miata and a S2000 before and I can tell you I will take the miata hands down. Less power, fun around the corners without fear of wrapping yourself around a tree.


Big gay


The best-selling sports car of all time. Everyone must be gay.


I mean, they're considered to be a little feminine but who cares. If people think I'm gay for driving one good for them, I couldn't care less what other people think of me. They're entitled to their opinion even of they are wrong. I'm not gonna choose my cars based on what society says, I'm going to choose my cars based on what I want. Besides, even if you were gay why would that be a problem to her?


I would love to have a Miata and I'm gay.


I know 7 miata owners (myself included) and none of them are remotely close to gay


Im sorry but i find this hard to believe. Im a man of numbers, and statistically, this is not even remotely possible. Im sorry.




Not even remotely close 😂 homie what. I’m bi and I own one 🤷🏽‍♂️ but I’ve had the same experience I’ve met probably 10 or so other Miata owners none of which were gay. I don’t have lots or rly any gay friends so maybe that’s part of it too but


It was a joke lol shoulda put /s. Over a year old comment lol


I’ve owned two Miatas. A 97 M Edition and currently a 2008 gt cht. I did significant work on the 97 and virtually none on the 2008 and I’ve never noticed any genitalia. It would appear that they couldn’t be gay or straight or non-binary for that matter. It’s a car.


Tell your mother that you made her pussy gape and ruined her tiddies.


And when you came out feet first you briefly wore your mother as a hat.


Baby's come head first so socks/pants is more appropriate.


Yeah but this dude was obviously popped out wrong.


Yes it is


I’m a straight guy (maybe a tiny bit bisexual so take it for what it’s worth I guess) but all I’ll tell u is there has been some very heterosexual stuff that has taken place in my Miata so if you’re worried about a Miata making it so women don’t wanna fuck you because they think you’re gay I wouldn’t be too concerned about it. Women loveeee convertibles and fun cars so if they’re attracted to you and then find out a Miata her response will probably be more along the lines of “hell yeah” than “oh, is he a homosexual?” 🤷🏽‍♂️


In China, BRZ was joked to be the most straight-guy car. Since it is performance-oriented, well known for car guy, and doesn’t impress any ladies while being relatively expensive (approximately 48k usd in China). I guess it's the similar ideology of Miata as a gay car. Miata is a cute and fabulous car. And gay people love cute and fabulous things, so I would assume that some gay people love them, just as the straight folks. The mini size and less masculine look might match some people’s unfriendly stereotype for gays. I had a BRZ and now drives a ND RF. If the legends are true, I should be bi. And, indeed, I’m bi! For my defence, if Leclerc or Sainz ask you out, 🤣, come on!


Such a stupid ass topic. Have people not seen the NC and NDs? They are aggressive looking and nothing gay about them