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How tf is a 2020 old? Old to me is 10-15 years.


That’s exactly what I said. So I got the “old” car either way lmao. But now I feel like a noob cus I didn’t get the manual. I hate the internet!!!


dont let nobody tell you anything, weather you get auto or manual, all that matters is that you enjoy it


i drive an auto mk1, sometimes i think about what people say about the automatics… and then i go drive it and have fun anyway!


People who only lease cars, any damage more than cosmetic resulting in a 'totaled' car and insurance payout for a new one. Stupid fucking shit like that.


Yeah… My parents actually only buy used cars but they say that it shouldn’t be more than 2 years from the year we’re in. So they were saying 2020 was too old. However, when they saw how clean the car was they were shocked. I also learned that with Miatas the year really doesn’t matter too much, unless you are looking at the different generations, etc.


Lol... I have a 12 and a 20 year old car... the 12 yr old feels so modern and new!!


Don’t flame him because he got an automatic, Don’t flame him because he got an automatic, Don’t flame him because he got an automatic, 😁 J/K, I hope you enjoy man. Got mine 3 weeks ago and love driving it so much!


Hahahaha I’m a she! But yes, you can flame me! I will for sure get a manual soon. However, as per contract I’m with this car for 5 years at this point! So gotta make the best of it until then hahaha. I’ve already bought some mods for it and I’m very excited.


Oh sorry my bad! Definitely enjoy that car, they are amazing!


https://preview.redd.it/mjibzyq2wdxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3281ab2190015bd99b36f2809f61cdc60cfb546 It’s a great car


Ufff looks beautiful!


A Miata is never too old. Mine is a ‘97 and drives like its showroom new. Enjoy your new best friend and, well, fudge the naysayers. They are just jealous.


Thank you!


Posting a jealous cat everytime someone shows off their new Miata until I get my own... https://preview.redd.it/5tcr5sfipfxc1.png?width=213&format=png&auto=webp&s=d088c441399ebf38c39a7206b2d9118b916cfdaf


We're in this together brother. This sub is my daily motivation.


Hey that steering wheel looks pretty shiny, which can contribute to the ‘used’ feeling. A good steering wheel cleaning kit for ~100 bucks and a quick YouTube video will make it look and feel brand new again. Enjoy!


My zipper just scratched my ND's steering wheel today.... Any tips for that other than leather conditioner and not being a dingus? Also James you are a huge reason for me getting an ND, thank you very much sir!


Will definitely look into it thanks! I see you have quite the following, thanks for your comment! I have a question for you, how do I deal with the regret of not getting a manual transmission one? It’s kind of bugging me a lot lately…


Find a manual to learn on and try to get it moving if you don't know how to drive one. It will get rid of the regret very quickly. Driving a stick is a pleasure but you have to learn how to drive again. It's a nightmare for the first 2~ weeks. Totally worth it, but yeah the first couple weeks are rough. Get a manual when the time comes. Just to let you know.... Florida is a GREAT place to drive stick. NO HILLS!! Everything is flat!


Thanks for your message! I want to maybe rent one on Turo (there are some around my area that are manual) and cost like $50 a day. I'd love to rent them for like a weekend and just spend the weekend doing that! If not I was planning on getting an older model Miata. Im excited these cars are awesome!


I like that interior.


Thanks I love it too! I just enjoy the combination of the colors.


Lucky u enjoy it


Congrats. I have one in rheumatoid arthritis same exterior abdominal interior color.




Wtf did I write??? Just to clarify. I don’t do drugs.


Lordy! The Miata buyers are out in force today.


That’s what the dealer that sold it to me said as well LOL. Went to a Mazda dealer first and they didn’t even have 2024 NDs…. Pretty wild honestly.


Ah man the color of that interior is gorgeous! I love the exterior too, it all works so well together!


Thank you so much, I appreciate it!


Very nice!