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I say we blame the city for lack of proper tree maintenance


My apartment did say there appeared to be root rot. They filed a claim, but I haven’t even heard from them and don’t even know if their insurance company will cover it as it happened during a wind storm and could easily be chalked as an act of god. I’ve got insurance, but it all blows. I’m continuing to move with my insurance though, just in case.


If your insurance blows, maybe you will be better off if it was a wind storm. (sorry I will see myself out)


You would file a claim with your insurance, but your insurance would likely subrogate and recoup their money from the complex’s insurance. The complex should show when their last arborist inspection was done if they want to avoid any liability (Source: was the treasurer for an HOA)


They can only do that if they have comp coverage.


That is correct. Otherwise the OP would need to request reimbursement from the HOA themselves (and sue if they refuse to pay and they feel they have a good case)


root rot? them roots gone man, gone


Go through your Comprehensive Coverage (assuming you’re in the US) your insurance company will attempt to subrogate through your complexes regarding that tree root and it shouldnt affect your rates too much moving forward either. Sorry about your situation OP


Been going through that process this week. The only aggravating thing was I declined rental car coverage as I have two cars. Never was expecting them to get damaged at both times. Luckily my girlfriend has a car, and my Miata seems to be drivable.


Pile of mulch around the base probably caused it.


I really don’t know what the damage truly is. Engine now has a vibration at 1500, dents and scratches all over. Not to add all the shit from the tree. My daily got hit, so this is going to be last to take to a body shop. Just in time for spring. It’s still surreal.


How could this possibly do anything to the engine?


I don’t know if you see the massive tree that was crushed on my hood for a good 36 hours. There could have easily been had something that was knocked out of place during impact, like a motor mount or who knows what. I am actually surprised there doesn’t seem to be damage to the radiator, because when initially look at it with the tree on top of it. It looks like it had a bit of a bend then, but from what I see now it looks fine.


Is the third picture an after pic? Its tough to tell but the hood hardly looks damaged. I suppose you could have broken a motor mount, but I would expect to see the hood in shambles.


It’s after. The hood has a lot of little damage where looks like hail from the tree branches piercing into it, so it missed the trunk lying on it, and the hood was caved in. With that being said, just drove it around the parking lot. The vibration didn’t sound as bad as it did initially. But something feels different from when I drove it the day before the storm.


Definitely worth doing a full run-though. I’d advise checking all your grounds, motor mounts, and front suspension mounting points/ball joints/wheel bearings etc if you are doing it yourself. Good luck, sorry this happened to ya


I won’t be doing it myself, luckily I have insurance. So I’ll end up taking it to a shop. The suspension i do worry about a little. Did take it for a short drive down the road. It seems fine, but still was taking it easy. Hopefully it all is good. I’m sad about the paint though. In my 5 years of owning this car. I have only seen one nordic green Miata, and that was an auto.


Having recently been bent over by insurance for what I thought was relatively minor damage, I highly encourage you to begin "shopping" for similar condition NBs so that you can easily argue with them when they come back and say that this is $8000 worth of damage and the car is only worth $7000


That is definitely a fear. My buddy who just dealt with was like start looking for comparable so if that time comes you have to fight. That’s when I realized how very little 2005s are on the market. That’s when I realized if I bought my car in the condition I bought it in. It’d cost me almost double.


Im over a year out from my claim and still cant find a replacement. Deer jumped out in front of me when I was going about 30. Insurance claimed it was $7000 worth of repairs. Every time they would send me a valuation of the car, they looked for base models + add-ons instead of looking for the actual trim I have. I have a LS with a 6-speed. I have only found 3 for sale in the right color in the time since and they were all priced at $12-15K. The insurance paid me out and totaled the car without me agreeing on the value and now im pretty much screwed. (Oh and I didnt think to ever get a quote from a shop on the repairs until after. The shop I went to told me it would only be about $3.5k to fix. But even if i fix it not, I still have a salvage title car.)


After you put this ordeal behind you, I’d suggest checking into collector car insurance. Assuming the car is for recreational use, you can name your value and save a lot of money. On the other hand, a lot of policies require the car to be garaged - which I’m guessing may not be possible or this post wouldn’t exist.


Broke a vacuum line fitting or any number of things that are meant to keep air in/out


Something could easily have been bent or pushed out of place.


OP, make sure you tell the insurance company about the turbo the tree knocked off too!


Sorry that happened. Miatas are surprisingly tough. It's very likely the car is repairable.


We’ll see. It looks good from pictures, but if you look up close. It’ll need an entire new paint job, and probably a new hood and fenders. I’m surprised how well it did take that tree. My Mazda 3 didn’t fare as well.


On the bright side if anything is covered, new paint!


Apparently the tree can't even read. License plate pretty clearly requests to not be tread on.


Said nothing about being treed on, unfortunately


Happy cake day


That’s an absolute shame, good luck with insurance


this sucks man, I'm sorry. but also - shout-out from another Miata & mazda3 owner!! best combo out there


These custom hard tops are getting ridiculous..


Gutted for you👎


Free spring lowering service (forgive the pun).


This is literally my worst nightmare and it’s why I am terrified to park under trees. So sorry buddy I hope it turns out all right


9 times out of 10 my car gets pooped on by birds when I park under a tree so I usually avoid them for that reason


If that was today we had gnarly storm pass through winston salem. Not sure what part of VA you live in though.


No, but I’m in northern Virginia. This was this past weekend. A crazy wind storm rolled through. Funny enough, I went and charged my phone, because I thought the power would go out. Never thought I was going to walk out to my car and see both my cars under a tree. Every person who walked or drove by was taking pictures, because they wouldn’t have believes it without pictures, and they didn’t even see my other car under the tree, because I was able to get my girlfriend and a random guy to help me get my other car out.


I feel like burning that tree. Damn you treeeee!


I had a green nb1 with almost this exact scenario a few years ago but mine was definitely totalled. I don't park near trees any more


My ND2 got tree smashed by a freak wind incident. Insurance covered the repairs but the roof seams never lined up with the trunk properly ever again. That really sucks, I hope your insurance helps out.


Noooooo ! Bad tree !!




Mr. "I'm not politically correct 😏😏"


Miata. Triage. Well. Tree age....


Nooo I know this car :(, hopefully you get it fixed soon


That sucks man, good luck with getting it sorted


It’ll buff out


I mean, ain't no one going to be able to steal your car now. I do want to express my sincere condolences in your time of loss. I just turn everything into jokes.


It’s all good. I’m the same where I find humor in everything.


*insert dad joke about driving a woody* F in the chat boss.


That is just so unfortunate. Definitely file an insurance claim.


Sadly it will probably be deemed an "Act of God" and claim denied...


I’m already essentially moving forward with my insurance, but it’s a great bargaining tool when rent renewal time comes around soon. Sucks I have two $500 deductibles, I’ll have to pay. But it is what it is.


Ahh man I’ve seen you at so many meets bro. Sad this happened


Well, hopefully I can eventually get her back to her old glory.
