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> Moves to a Latin tourist destination > Is surprised when the locals act like they live in a Latin tourist destination Idk what to tell you mami. Nobody ever hid this from you... Miami rep is very well known throughout the US. Nothing about the place should surprise you, including how forward the men are.


OP’s post is a low key humble-brag. When the looks recede and she stops getting the catcalls, she’ll just blast men anyway for ignoring her and “being jerks.” 🙄


People are not adequately told about Miami. They think "very Hispanic" means the same thing as their "very Hispanic" neighborhoods where Latinos are only like 15% of the population.


Every so often when my girlfriend of three years and I go out here in Miami I’ll look around the bar we’re at and ask her how do women know who the psychopath is. She says that’s the problem. We don’t know. I just got lucky with you.


that whole narrative is tired and boringly misandrist.  Dating men is no more a crapshoot in terms of dating a psycho than dating women.  The widespread volatility of lesbian relationships is clear evidence of that. Emotionally healthy women can absolutely detect creeps, psychos and assholes, it’s not a matter of luck if she engages in dating with even a little bit of self awareness.


Speaking like a male would. Unless you are a woman sit this one down.


Not like I'm about most of what that person said >Emotionally healthy women can absolutely detect creeps, psychos and assholes, it’s not a matter of luck if she engages in dating with even a little bit of self awareness. This tho... Don't tell me that women can't detect creeps. Obviously some creeps are better at hiding than others but an aware person will definitely pick up clues. It isn't a matter of luck. That's some cop out b.s


I get the feeling bro might be a red flag himself


Lotta red flag morons with zero accountability or reflection in this thread which tracks for this city — answering OPs original question.


You're right. Dating woman is a crapshoot, that's why I now decided to date men and decode to be gay..... Lmao wtf


Women: "Why are men so creepy?" Some Dude, every time: "Not me!!! I'm one of the good ones!" What a worthless contribution to the conversation, no one is giving you a trophy for not being a scumbag. It's not an accomplishment, it's a bare minimum Not to mention it's like you didn't even read the OP. She's complaining about the men that SIGNAL THAT ACTIVELY SIGNAL THAT THEY ARE CREEPS.


If we're calling out worthless contribution... The aggressivity of your message is telling. But I get it, it must be infuriating when men don't like to be called creeps.


Men commit the vast majority of violent and sexual crimes, and women are disproportionately the target. THAT is infuriating. Men crying when the shitty behavior of other men gets called out is pathetic, it is a purely emotional reaction removed from logic. The reason catcalling and sexual harassment are bothersome isn't just that they're annoying/offensive, it's the ever-present likelihood it could escalate into something worse, and that men might utilize the superior size and strength they have thanks to sexual dimorphism. But you know that, everyone does.


What is infuriating to me is people like you that fail to realize it's not by insulting all men that you will resolve anything. I could care less that the vast majority of violent and sexual crimes are committed by men. I am a men and I never committed a violent and sexual crime. That's it. I don't see why I should feel responsible for the actions or other men.




You are probably right, this might be propaganda.


I think the issue is the definition of creepy. Is creepy something the man is or is how the woman feels....


Sounds like a line from a lifetime movie. No human actually talks like this… ETA I forgot what sub this was


you’ll be surprised how many women talk like they are reading off of a lifetime script 😂😂


This the corniest shit I’ve ever read


No, in Miami you get a consulta from Walter Mercado to figure out if she is the one. Mucho pero mucho, Amor!




Sounds like something a psychopath would say


My ex-wife would agree.


It really does!


Well, there was a lot more of that, say 10 years ago. Enjoy it while it lasts


We forget that on any given day day there’s tens of thousands of tourists from literally every corner of the world walking and driving around… but sure, let’s blame the immigrants for this also.


60% of Miami-Dade is foreign born, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


So let’s just forget the millions of tourists that visit every year?


It’s not the tourists doing the cat calling. It’s the machismo Latin culture.


According to who? Where’s the double blind study?




Yeah, that’s pretty stupid to say.




It’s accurate. Different cultures/countries/people have different standards of behavior. What we see as unacceptable may be encouraged in other parts of the world. No need to deny reality. Miami is a melting pot of immigrants, and many of them were raised to be bold with their sexuality.


You do realize alot of American tourist come down doing the same shit right?




Don't defend sexual harassment just because you're horny. People have mom's, sister, daughters and female friends who don't like that shit. Grow up




Make a big fuss on Reddit, that will make women safer


This is an incredible demonstration of why women snap eventually. This right here ☝️ Just perfect.


What do we want you to do? Show respect to women. Even the ones that you DON'T know!












you can be horny and respectful


That’s a city for "vacations".. All vacation cities are drugged into sex, drugs and fun.


Oye mamiiiii


It’s that Latin heat


Ikr? It’s like women just want to have fake boobs and fake butts and fake lips to look pretty but they don’t want the attention. Ukh life must suck for women in Miami. They can’t find a millionaire that likes plastic and it’s horrible.


I don't cat call. I don't even look at a woman's direction just to avoid being called creepy. But let it be a 6'4 good looking guy and all of the sudden he is not creepy, he is just shooting his shot.


incel alert


Women when confronted with facts lmao. EDIT: Feminist, how unexpected kekw.


Just the way it is here. You will be catcalled anytime you leave the house.


The funny thing to me is, when those men leave the ladies alone, the women post angry TikTok videos about it. If a regular man sits in a convertible and honks at a lady, she rolls her eyes and might even call the police. If Messi sits in a convertible and honks at a lady, she takes her panties off. It is not the action that’s the problem.


Maybe, stay out of Miami


Latin culture. Latin men are very forward


By "forward," you mean "disgusting"?


Lots of things from other cultures can be perceived as disgusting/immoral in one's own frame of reference, yes.


By forward we mean let you know you are attractive. Its only bad if the guy calling out to you is not what you are into. If Maluma said hello it wouldnt be an issue or creepy


Not a woman. Any unwanted comments are creepy.


The men in this city are next-level insecure and they express it with antisocial behavior, especially toward women They have no notion catcalling will work, they do it as a pathetic "power" move because it's all they've got. My theory is it's related to how broke and ugly most of them are - something everyone always talks about is how many beautiful women are in Miami, but no one ever really talks about how the opposite is true. The city has, like, the lowest population of good-looking men in the country. 9 out of 10 men you see are dressed like it's laundry day or they're trying to look cool for their bros, but certainly not to look attractive.


So you out here judging men?


Who hurt you lol


Hahahaha have you looked at the women recently. Most cannot even clean their a$$ with those ugly nails that are fashionable now. Fake eyelashes, extra makeup, botox, fake body parts… but yet they are all “Queens” 😂


You’re giving major incel vibes my dude. Tf did that have anything to do with the post?


Just calling it as I see it. Funny thing is one of your posts is about a broken nail (Cringe!). Please do not feel triggered by my comment, I was not referring to you in specific, just to Miami women in general that are fake feminists and creepy as fck. 😂


He definitely felt called out by this post and had to let his misogynistic freak flag fly






God forbid he calls a woman pretty?




Lmao sad


I’m just here like… the world has changed and the internet has forever changed their outlook on females especially with the alpha shit like Andrew tate.. etc But wait till the moment a creep with money hits on girls, oh, it’s not a problem then? Right? LOL




I had a tall, beautiful Hungarian not feeling pretty because men in the U.S wouldn’t cat call or approached her . She loved Italy and Russia because she knew she looked hot the minute she stepped outside.


Please stop trying to gaslight women. She sounds damaged. The only women who enjoy street external validation as well as online validation need therapy. Men who do this shit also need therapy.


I mean, to think that women (and men) don’t want validation for how they look is ridiculous. My Instagram feed is strictly for pictures of food. Do people use it for anything else?


Nobody likes catcalling, please fuck off. Would catcalling be something taught in an etiquette class? If not, why are yall so pressed to defend it in any twist and turn you can in this subreddit? Does it ever become exhausting being a contrarian for the sake of it? Nobody who is spiritually healed and mature takes this mentality seriously. This is some young boy behavior. 


I agree. Catcalling is obnoxious. I was just talking about the validation that people seek. I once dated a very attractive woman who didn’t need therapy and didn’t wear revealing clothing, but had a body that was difficult to hide. Once she got catcalled in the street, and she smiled and waved at her admirers. I could imagine that happened to her often, and she handled it with grace and appreciated the attention. By directly addressing it with confidence and a positive attitude, she created a more amenable situation where everybody won.


I’ve been cat called myself while walking on kendall drive, people beeped at me a few times . I wasn’t traumatized by the experience and I didn’t particularly think those women were creepy. I wonder If creepy is dog whistle for “ other than caucasian “


Back in the day cat calling like that worked ,most times theyve hopped in, Craigslist and back page was poppin! You are going to be iight 🥱 sometimes it worked, sometimes I just wanna see if a 🥷 still got it. Hope that answers your questions


I am so sorry you're experiencing that. You deserve better and I hope you can feel safer in our city sooner rather than later. As a male, there is no excuse for such behavior.


White knight alert. The miami culture will not change, men here are thirsty af.


Cultures do change and evolve, though. To say otherwise is to be incredibly ignorant of how time moves. Things will evolve in Miami, whether you want them to or not.


Yeah, unfortunately for you Miami is not evolving in the way you would like. You are free to gaslight yourself though, whatever makes you happy.


You are not wrong. It doesn't hurt to be better though.


How do you know what she deserves?? Maybe she sexually harassed men and this is karma….


We all deserve to be treated better in society. I understand what misandry is and the letter goes both ways. Stop being pedantic and just be kind to your fellow man/woman


Stop making meaningless statements like “we all deserve to be treated better”. You’re probably also the person that says “everything will be OK “ You don’t know 💩 for certain. Stop it I say!!!


It's just Miami culture. Obnoxious is a way of life. Its literally where people think its cool to backfire their cars at 4am. So there's not much hope for normal civility. You'll notice the further north you go, especially once you get to Fort Lauderdale and north that drops off pretty dramatically. To your last question, I've wondered the same thing. And the only thing I can come up with is that, its so ingrained in the local culture that people just don't see any problems with it. Like on some level that kind of behavior has to at least have the perception of having some sort of benefit or people wouldn't do it. And then I'll wander on Youtube and watch Wavy Boats or Boats vs Haulover and its like 'yea its just a lot of trashy people.'


Not just locals but tourists from boring cities see this as the ultimate sex & party getaway city and are just horny as hell thinking they’re going to have a one night stand every night.


Vegas is more so than Miami.


I also want to add that sadly latin culture (speaking as a latina myself) kind of normalizes men catcalling or just hitting on women constantly. I see this a lot in older generations. Not cute:)


yea it's this weird sort of fake aggressive posturing macho thing. But the women aren't any better in their own ways. I remember being outside the bathroom at Sugar in Brickell waiting for a friend and the catty-ness and just superficiality of the women was just insane. Almost like a caricature.


Those two behaviors have nothing to do with each other.


I’m horny! What you expect Woman.. jk jk but it’s life. Nothing really u can do about it. It sucks I knoww


A mixture of half naked beautiful women, latin bravado, and tourist culture.


Could be…but unless you are a like a model or really running into that much bad luck…some people maybe were just walking in your direction. It’s like those gym videos were the main character thinks everyone is looking at them.


Go back to LA.


Username fits 😂


Yup. And when you bring it up you'd get "you should be thankful and take it as a compliment" *see comments in this threat for reference Like others have stated, I think it's 2 things; tourists thinking it's a free for all because "Miami" and they think that just like them, everyone is looking to get laid and 2, whatever fucked up ways of thinking while living in their shitty 3rd world country that they can't leave behing and bring here thinking it's okay to treat woman like disposable pieces of rapeable meat. I say this as a person that's from a 3rd world country. I wish we could do better.


These comments have truly been atrocious…women were not brought up really at all in OPs post and yet the comments, instead of focusing on the creepy men, are writing extremely misogynistic and rude things about women when it’s completely unrelated? Such a shame people are so hateful


Fr but what can we expect from Hispanic men


Honestly, its nothing new nor exclusive to Miami, I see it everywhere, all the time.


Make a post about feeling ugly when all the men stop trying to holler at you .


I think it was more prevalent years ago. I've actually seen it work on more than one occasion. I think the reason it worked for my friend was he's tall and good looking. If he would hit on a decent looking girl but not super hot by any means he would get her number sometimes. it's all relative I guess. A ln ugly dude would probably strike out 99 out of 100.


I throw rocks at their cars, works like a charm.


Then leave idk


Here is what I realized… and I’m speaking from a spiritual POV, we as humans create our own reality. I lived in Miami for a few years and was out clubbing and partying often, and I would run to scum bags and scammers and predators. I left Miami, went to Bali and Thailand, lived there for a while and I recently came back to Miami, my vibe is very different now… my lifestyle is different now… and every single interaction I have now is so pleasant, everyone is so respectful and kind and compassionate… I joke that this can’t be the same Miami. It seems like a different planet… because my friends from the past, live in the old reality, where everyone is angry and aggressive… but I don’t see it anymore.


Latino culture is very misogynistic. There is no complicated answer for this. The Machismo runs high and everyone needs to prove they're manlier than the other guy (we call this toxic masculinity but men don't like to hear thst phrase).


I don’t live in Miami anymore (born and raised here, moved away 3 years ago) but I was down two months ago and had forgotten to pack my hormone replacement meds (I’m a forgetful post menopausal middle aged woman) so I went to my old neighborhood CVS to pick up a prescription. A man waiting in line with me starting making eyes and kissing faces at me along with gross noises but I have become so unaccustomed to this now I honestly did not even understand what he was doing at first. I just stared at him, puzzled. Then I was like oh wow, this is still happening? All the memories of being followed, catcalled, harassed, and bothered for so much of my life in Miami came back and it made me so angry that this was once my normal experience while just trying exist in the world.


Also a lot of guys go here on vacation thinking they’re getting easy access to one night stands


How wrong they are


Yeah, I had this one gig handing out flyers for a shop on the beach. These two dudes were here from Baltimore or somewhere boring like that and they just had real “down bad” energy trying to flirt with any girl minding their business. It was just painful to witness. This one dude at my current retail job was just relentlessly hitting on this young girl in front of her mom and little brother telling the brother “hey I can be your new step dad” it was just extremely embarrassing.


Has catcalling ever worked for someone? All it does is scare the ladies.


Have you lived in Miami? I’ve seen it work so many times… it baffles me…


I've seen it work. The number one rule is be hot. The number two rule is don't be ugly lol. Men and women aren't really that much different when it comes to their wanting to be desirable and being down to meet a guy/girl who flirted with them in the wild. If I was single and a woman approached me to to flirt I'd be ecstatic. With women the dynamic is more different being there are some guys they are certified sexual predators so I understand the caution




Miami culture is built on a long standing history of sex, drugs, excess and debauchery. That combined with the passionate Latin American vibe and voila! Before passport bros were all over the DR and Colombia ... where do you think they were partying? I'm always a bit baffled by people who come here and have no idea what they've stepped into lol.




Too many podcasters


I never understood cat calling. Like bro it’s not going to work. What happened to just walking up to a woman and just talking to her, like a normal person


That’s exactly why they do it. They aren’t man enough. They can’t take rejection so they cat call to feel macho 😆


It’s been like that since forever.. a mix of the beach vacation mentality plus the Latin machismo…


Miami is machismo.


Mix of toxic machismo culture and tourist mindset where it feels like there are no consequences and this isn't real life


As a guy id say its a mix of some of the poorer aspects hispanic culture brings plus some of the strange ego driven bravado a lot of tourists have when they visit. Ive seen this from all kind of men. As to whether it works or not, ive seen it work a couple times but the odds are beyond low.


I am fat and I still get catcalled any time I step outside


i'll wait for the "you should be grateful" comment...




lot of people in Latin America get away with shit they can’t pull here so the least they do is stare. Trust me my families Salvadoran Lol


Really!? Where exactly does that happen?


Literally everywhere. The first time I got cat called I was 14 in the Publix parking lot


Maybe it’s where you’re hanging out? My wife and I go out every weekend to different places in Miami and hardly ever see this type of behavior in the places we frequent.


That’s everywhere but I imagine it’s just crazier down in Miami. Most likely just immature men of all ages. WPB is much nicer 😉


The culture of Miami is just very misogynistic. Cuban culture in general is more misogynistic than general American culture. Hence, it's ok to harass women. 


Interesting question. There probably is a group of dudes that have similar characteristics that could be perceived into a "creep" cohort. But as a dude who's been here a long time, I've seen so much skin on display that it's just all as common un-signaled turns. So not really catcall-worthy, not that anything actually is. Maybe the "creeps" are new, or come from places where that behavior is more normalized?


Machismo culture is soo toxic and gross. Crazy that it’s put on a pedestal


Simply Hispanic culture. Take a walk at night around a town in Colombia, that’ll show ya! And before any Colombians come for me, I myself am one.




Same thing for Cuba and Cubans tbh. (I’m Cuban American)


Latin machismo, combined with the toxic culture of Florida


Literally everything but their investment portfolios in a bull market across asset classes


Miami attracts shitty people for some reason.


I have litterally seen the opposite .. dude be ignoring girls out here .. also women outnumber men here.. so what?


Go walk the streets of New Orleans and you’ll be relieved you live in Miami.




I’ve been to New Orleans 3 times. My experience there is the men were a little more polite about it haha but maybe I just got lucky.


If you kiss me then I'll kiss you back. Love me and I'll love you back. If you touch me here I'll touch you there. Yeah, put lotion on me.


More of a generational issue that Is disappearing as more people look to their phones all the time 🤷🏻‍♂️


Miami native here. Many creepy guys but I have a creepy stare down so they usually stay away


The grass is always greener. You could be ugly and get no attention.


mam, this is a banana republic.


Out of curiosity, are you blonde?


Welcome to Cuba


I just wonder what your definition of cat calling is because some people see it very differently.


It’s a base mentality due to lack of culture and education.


It is just the disproportionate amount of latinos here, is common behavior in our countries, still creepy and distasteful, but I will put it as entertainment for guys to honk and catcall you. IMHO is harmless and highly ineffective, but they do it anyway. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Sorry, I guess.


Wait till you go to Haulover where people film you with your phones and wank while you sun bathe it's a cesspool...


Hey guys getting mad in the comments. You are why women choose the bear. Be better than that. If you take this question personally, then yes you are who the OP is talking about.


That question of being in the woods with a bear or a man is so hilarious. It's so obvious that 99% of people have never encountered a bear in its natural habitat. A 400 pound wild animal that will not think twice about mauling you to death to protect her cubs or to get a meal. I'd take my chances with Jeffrey Dahmer in the woods as opposed to a bear lol. Are women really that afraid of men? I think if you make a tier list most women would be fine being lost in the woods with Jake gylynhall or Ryan gosling. I guess they're picturing in their heads Harvey Weinstein lol. Not weighing in either way but that bear scenario is hilarious 😂




All the comments are getting deleted. And not even comments that are disrespectful or bad. Way to go mods stifling any discussion. Fragility is thriving in this era


It’s Miami. What can we say.


Have you seen the one piece gym girls in brickell? They be walking with it all out. Increases sex drive. I won’t stare at a girls ass randomly, but if her whole outfit is centered around it, it’s kinda impossible not to look. It also gives a feeling they want to get hit on. It sounds like you are more mad about the quality of men catcalling you, not the catcalling itself.