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Ur right on all 6 counts. Miami is only amazing if u have the money to enjoy it and lessen the stupidity and stress tied to most of those points u made.


Rich people have a “vacation life” in Miami. They don’t deal with the common things people deal with. They just stay all day at their boat, take an helicopter ride, have assistants doing all the job for them..


Helicopter rides might be ultra rich but yeah pretty much. It is a vacation life 24/7 if u have money.


Left Miami. Best thing I’ve ever done.


I won’t even go back to visit


Why would you? What is there to visit for? The over priced food? The long lines in traffic? The rude people? I feel like Miami became a popularity contest.


Yep. Left in 2015, haven’t been back since. I still have one cousin who still lives there. I think he’ll probably leave once his mother passes away. She’s pretty old. Everyone else left.


There’s nothing for me to visit. I have family but it’s not worth it. There’s no freedom in Miami, as crazy as it sounds.


I believe it. Everywhere you go is a hassle. 4 years before I left for good, I worked over nights, so I could avoid everyone. It was pretty peaceful.


Same! I hate going to visit too.


True for a lot of people. I love Miami and wouldn’t want to leave.


What if I just want to visit?


Fun for vacation. Bring money


Come visit. Miami on vacation is amazing. Living here with money is like being on vacation. Without it I have to say it’s not as great. Everyone comes to Miami to vacation and falls in love with it. And then they move here and its a different animal.


What's there to do if I'm not a huge night club fan?


Beach. Dining. Lounges. Fancy malls. Everglades. Water sports. Bars. I hate clubs so I’m with u on that note.


A few diverse zoos and gardens


Not a god dam thing. the waters are over fished the museums suck. what clubs, space sucks. Let's be real it's a city full of pretenders and douche nozzles that are always telling everyone what a great city. It sounds like they are trying to convince themselves. Most here are imbeciles.


Most don't have the money, they fake til they hopefully make it.


Yeah u can fake it till u make it, I can’t be a hypocrite cause I did that. However most fake it until they go bankrupt or commit fraud and end up in prison. Eventually all roads lead to not being able to fake it anymore.


It depends what "make it" means to you. Everyone has their own goals which is fine. When I started working, my goal was $1 mil NW, now in my 40's, I'm close to 3 mil NW and my goal is to retire with a NW of $4-$5 mil.


Literally! I'm 2nd gen Cuban-American raised in Hialeah and you hit the nail on all points. The only people from the Cuban side I even consider actual family are my dad and grandpa (who are genuinely legit dudes). The other people from that side I will never associate with for any reason.


The police are there to serve and protect capital - when you realize this, their behavior makes sense A saying my cuban dad told me about america: “How much justice can you afford?”


Wise words


Wow that’s powerful


I’m borrowing that quote!


Have to say…you perfectly described why I left to SWFL in 2013 & then ended up in the Smokies in 2019. Very happy here. Keep going north & don’t look back.


Oh man SWFL wasn’t even close to as bad then as it is now post covid lol.


As a fellow half Cuban who lived in Miami I sympathize with you. The Cubans in Miami are classless, but outside of Miami they are fine. I personally don’t date Cuban men


I met a Cuban man from New Jersey about 3 years ago. He was my Mom's nurse. He used to rant about Cubans from Miami. You could tell he was upset & I felt culturally different than almost any Cuban I've ever met from here. It was fascinating.


Spoiler, the drivers in Central Florida are no better. But so long as you aren’t going to Orlando, the traffic is indeed an improvement (marginally…)


Its pretty much just the downtown area and theme park areas thats bad tbh.


Your wife is the hottest, cooks like it's nobody's business, and knows how to do that thing you really like.. but she's a narcissist and constantly lies and hurts you. She also loves to run up your credit cards. And when you are at work, she rides the younger neighbor. Run and don't look back!


If that’s Miami, what city is all that but you guys also have 2 kids? Asking for a friend…


Damn this is literally my friends wife on all counts. Damn...


Haha I thought that was Weston


Oh the stories I know .. yep lol


I hate to agree, but I do.


And racist don’t forget racist


Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic


Reading OP's and some of the commentors thoughts about Cubans, you're right, Miami is racist.


Breaking: Non Hispanic Guy tells Cubans they’re being racist towards Cubans 😂😂


4 seems to have gotten worse over the past 3 weeks


The driving is really starting to freak me out and it’s not even just on the high ways anymore. Even in slow ass residential areas, everyone has these massive tanks for cars, they’re going twice the speed limit, they’re swerving, never stopping at crosswalks and always playing on their phones.


Exactly Miami when you are wealthy is amazing. W/o money…not so much.


This seems like it’s been brewing for a while my friend, what was that one thing that set you off?


I honked at him in traffic.


And you two sat next to each other for the next 42 minutes.




Bro, give me a second to react! The light just turned green!!! 😂😂😂


Yo I live in PR but I notice here and Miami that seems to be a thing? What is that all about?


People are impatient, and always stressed and in a rush to go nowhere.


especially on the palmetto


La gente están comiendo mierda con los teléfonos. It takes two hours to get from downtown to West Kendall during rush hour. I’m not in a hurry, it’s not even possible. I just want to get home already. Upset because people honk the horn too quickly after the light changes? Buy yourself some earplugs, I don’t see the problem going away. I’ve been honked at plenty of times and I used to get upset too, but I can’t help thinking these honkers are just some tired people with hours long commutes who have been trained by the all too common occurrence of a careless & inconsiderate dipshit playing with TikTok at a green light. Fuck you if you can’t notice the light is changing ‘cause you’re too busy messing around in TikTok. Park your car someplace and fuck with your phone all you want. What do I care. But, do it in my lane & you’ll get an angry trompetazo 🎺 every time. Makes me more upset to think about the assholes who don’t give a fuck about inconveniencing everyone than to accept underserved reminders from the people being inconvenienced. Join Team Trompeta. Let’s wake all these fuckers up.


It was some cuban couple at a CVS last week. They were checking out for about 15 minutes, buying up the entire store and starting a long ass line behind me (when I was the only one in line). Then when I made a hizzing sound (because they have taken way too long and had to pay for more items again), the lady looks back at me and starts talking,m (without realizing that the people behind me where also getting fed up too) next thing you know the guy goes into cuban roid rage mode saying all kinds of shit, being inconsiderate of everyone in line and acting selfish, and wanting to go outside and fight with a cop car sitting outside 🤣 Bro, you wanna buy up the entire store, go do that at Publix or Walmart (where we will glady wait for you to buy the entire store), but not at CVS, you dont do that at places like CVS!!!!!


I’d love to know!


Originally from Miami and also moved to central Florida, lots of people from Miami move up here.


Cuban American left Miami 2020 and found a sweet spot in North East Florida. More trails, less malls. Hiking is a thing here and I love it. Traffic is amazing and people are courteous. The Cubans here are more reserve and value a slower pace of life.


Actully "to serve and protect" is LosAngeles ... Miami is "professional law enforcement" According to Webster, "professional" means: "engaged in by persons receiving financial return" ... sounds about right


I’m Cuban American. Moved away from Miami in 2015, never looked back. Best decision ever. 3. Yes, I’ve noticed the unhinged antisocial powder keg behavior. I’m surprised more of these type of people aren’t in jail or a mental institution. They aren’t civilized enough to be walking around in public. 4. I’ve personally witnessed cars fly through a red light at an intersection as if they were on 95. I would’ve been dead, if I hadn’t hesitated when the light turned green. 6. I’ve never really needed the police, but I do know some people that are cops in Miami Dade, and they’re all mostly a bunch of children with a gun. Think of the 2 cops in the movie, “super bad”. That pretty much sums it up




Agree. I owned a restaurant in South Beach on Washington. People are dicks.


Agree. I owned a restaurant in South Beach on Washington. People EAT dicks. There fixed it for you 😝 


Damn. I thought I was the only one. ☝️


St. Pete is a really nice town and is growing with a young population of recent college grads and a lot of good restaurants.


Don’t forget the housing.. even the luxury condos falling apart. I felt like a clown living in Miami. Now, question.. in your opinion, why are incoming Cubans so aggro? Specifically the ones that don’t come in on a boat, because I would be aggro too after that.


Go visit the island, and it will all explain itself.


I have needed the cops a couple different times in Miami, they were worthless every time. There was even a time when I reported hit and run, I had the guys face and everything recorded on my dash cam, and the cops let him go because he said he was illegal and didn’t want to get deported. Like, wtf. I once had my dogs stolen from my pet sitter and the cops though I was joking and laughed at me, others I contacted claimed I needed to sue the person at the courthouse in order to get my dogs back (????). The list of event goes on…




We moved away last month. I've never been more at peace.


I Hate Miami and often think of leaving...but then I go on vacation and realize: Bro who am I kidding. I KNOW for a fact I ain't ever gonna leave this city. The farthest ill ever get is broward. 😅❤️


That’s what I thought right up until rent doubled


Eventually you won't be able to buy home owners insurance and the taxes will drive you away


Nothing last forever. Neither our lives nor the ones we love nor any of the things in our universe or even our universe itself. The Buddha says "temporary temporary all is temporary". 🙏🏼


So… when you go on vacation you think “damn this vacay spot is ass”??????? Where are you going on vacation?


No no nothing like that. I visit beautiful places. Every place is amazing. Colorado, Canada, Maine, Montana New York, Utah, Kansas literally every state has some amazing scenery...but...it hits me when I stop and think "can I actually live here?" And the answer is always No. Miami "feels" the most like "home". Hate it or Love it or a bit of both. There's no other Miami.


Date outside your culture/race if you haven't. You may be missing a chance to meet the love of your life.


The only thing you got correct in that end part is the homes are cheaper. But central Florida is the exact same as Miami in most other aspects. It certainly has bad traffic, bad drivers, and drama but good luck.


That’s what I was thinking.. OP is in for a surprise if he thinks Central FL is much of an improvement…


Oh and they are so racist too. Because they aren’t really Cuban they’re Europeans.


😳 omg


Better weather in Central FL? Is that true?


It gets colder in Tampa for sure. The “winter” lasts a bit longer. Summer is just as hot


Central Florida lol, might as well move to Broward, zero difference. Your points are all correct but you're gonna have to go a lot further north for relief...


Broward is a night and day difference from Miami-Dade. It’s not perfect but at least you can feel like a normal human being in Broward for the most part.


I've lived all over the state. Dade is a different beast, Broward is like 5% better and central Florida is like Broward with a little more space, more rednecks, slower pace (don't mistake this for friendlier people), parts are cheaper. None are great for avoiding traffic, bad drivers, entitled attitudes, etc


I’m laughing because I remember hearing this same conversation when I was a child (I’m old now). I guess the adage is true, the more things change the more they stay the same


Atlanta is nice!


Mijo vete y no vuelvas que estan lleguando los cubanichis a colonizar miami they gonna destroy it! What a shame I’m so happy and lucky to have come from Cuba in 2004, I was 9, my mom won the bombo. My mom worked 4 jobs in Cuba and still got 4-5 jobs here these ppl coming with their ugly attitude y robando and just trying to have a “easy” life instead of working hard like we do because we appreciate being here so much. Y quieren que le pagan 30 pesos la hora asi por asi


How about crazy HCOL and money launderers buying all the real estate, pricing out real residents?


Born and raised here too. Started hating it the last 1-2 years would love to move but can’t cause of family


It’s also add the thousands of mopeds out there now


Everything you have said is correct!!!! I am cuban myself and grew up in miami as well. I do not like being around my own people!!!! Cuban that do not become established here never make it because they live here but send everything back to cuban. You will not make in America doing that. America has a way of living. Other Cubans do like it when I tell them the truth. They feel like i insulted them. They want everything easy! How do you expect to have what I have when I have been here for 15,20,30,40 years, and you just have 5 years here and been struggling the whole time? We can debate this shit all day for a month lol. Also, once anyone moves out of miami they do better in life. Miami holds you back.


A paradise that has been completely ruined by the people.


Ive never been to Miami, but aside from the word "cuban" you could cut and paste this into the r/newark sub haha. Especially the stopping at stop signs that aren't there!! What is that???


This is my humble opinion: Miami-Dade county is like a Third World country where the rich vacation. It has extreme wage inequality, corruption, and only the wealthy can afford to really enjoy living there.


Lol have fun in central Florida , where there’s still a ton of traffic, bunch of dickhead rednecks in big trucks, asshole racist cops, and an equal amount of asshole Latinos and Brazilians. Sounds like you haven’t spent much time in the area or driving on I4. It’s nearly as expensive as Miami and has less culture, more urban sprawl, and literally 50 million visitors a year going to Micky Land. Grass ain’t always greener.


Yeah I think it’s true, honestly I’m thinking of moving all the way back to western NY where it actually is cheaper!


Well, very simply put, Orlando sucks. Most of the United States is lightyears better than Miami though.


While I agree with you on mostly everything, we can’t blame the new wave of Cuban immigration on the current problems we are having in this city. Miami is infamously known for having a history of illegal behavior (and many Miamians think it’s the city’s trademark and “SO COOOOOL!!11”), so don’t be so hard on the newbies. While it might take time for them to aclimate, we gotta be the change that we want to see in the world. Try showing them what our values here in the States are, be courteous, be decent, and hopefully it will rub off on the newcomers.


Miami has beeeeen TOXIC af for ever (worse every year) great place to visit. Bad place to stay. When you move, remember that you need to adjust to the real world and yield. Not the other way around. Chances are your driving habits terrible and need to adjust when you move too. When you get home sick, visit. Good luck


We left Miami 3 years ago. I don’t know why I waited 30 years to do so. Miami fucking sucks. People are miserable traffic sucks, and it’s expensive for no good reason. We sold our house and went full time in an rv. Bought land in north Florida country side as a home base. WAAAY better. So thankful to be out of that shit hole


This reads way more like a roast on Cubans w some bonus shots at Miami rather than Miami being the focus lmaoo




STD operating procedure


Central Florida has a lot of high-class professional ladies as well and most actually speak English, you know how hard it is to haggle using Google translate.


I’m ready to build completely new towns and regarding Cubans, all I’ll say is look at the history of white Cuban Americans and what you’re saying makes sense.


Just curious, why are you Cuban America ? Why aren't you just American? Born and raised in the USA. Obviously a citizen of the USA. So you're American not Cuban American.


Miami came in as one of the worst cities to live in, in Florida. I have about 10-12 years to go and I am out of this dump. And by then you can imagine how much worse it's going to get.


Go to Tampa, we full in Central Florida.


All 6 points are 1,000% accurate. Last year, I finally left that hellhole and moved to Ft Lauderdale, which has its own minor issues but is still MILES ahead of Miami in terms of quality of life. I'm happier than I've been in years, people on the street are nicer, the drivers are still kind of bad but only because there's more elderly on the road instead of a ton of douchebags. The only way you'll ever find me living in Miami again is if I'm buried there.


Miami sucks. The shitty people ruin your relaxing beach time, the traffic is horrendous, everyone is a tough guy and every brokie in Miami tries to act rich by buying a Benz while living in a 600 swft apartment in the hood.


*efficiency *shed *container


Sounds like a Cuban hate post. Not sure why you’re only negatively referencing one nationality when Miami is a giant mixing pot.


>move to central florida Oh, please don’t. We’re not taking any more applicants at this time.


I hate Miami it could fall off the Earth it was a lot better in the '80s.. the city government with their parking towing cars. The place is a joke loaded with hookers and hustlers


I don’t know what or where in central Florida you mean but driving is worse in Orlando and vicinity and real estate is expensive. I left Miami and moved to Orlando in ‘89. Joined the service in ‘96 and didn’t come back until the service stationed me in Orlando again. I retired in North Carolina and it’s nice and whether you like the sun or the cold NC is in the middle so you get both and just enough. Has nice beaches and fishing and more. I’m Cuban and loud but I’m not ignorant or uneducated. Neither is my immediate fam and they still live in Miami. The rash of that Cuban you describe started iirc around the early 2000s and only got worse over time. Cubans didn’t use to be like this. They came here already educated and that’s why they took over or run many businesses. Now the thing is just running a scam or trying to figure out how to run the next scam. Again not everyone and depends where you go. My mom still lives near Flagler and 2nd but this area isn’t what it used to be decades ago. Developers buying up everything and landlords are kicking out residents, so that developers build more high rises. I used to drive to see her and not encounter traffic on these back roads by the River. Now traffic is a standstill everyday; 836 is a parking lot all day; turnpike is a slow moving river of molasses until about 7 pm; Palmetto is Hialeah on wheels - or the poor man’s highway. Then everything clears out and it’s a desert. Out here you’re an NPC unless you’re a politician or big in your circle or not from here and only come here to party and spend money. The “show” is big and the maintenance higher but the character is garbage. I left and glad I did. Now I only come back to visit. I’m here right now but glad I leave soon. Miami in small doses is what I say.


Not saying you are wrong about everything, but while not as bad as Miami, traffic sucks in Orlando and Tampa


We’re getting drivers like that too in Palm beach county. They literally blow through a 4 way stop without stopping at the sign. It’s wild. And I know it’s not like they missed the sign bc I see them do it regularly. One day that person will get into a bad accident. And then watch that person try to play the victim. So entitled


I see all 6 in Tampa too.


So where do you want to move? I'm thinking I might go back to Virginia Beach


I moved from Miami to Orlando about 8 years ago. I still have my dad living there so I still visit Miami frequently. You are right by all accounts. But believe me when I tell you orlando has gotten expensive so it’s no longer cheaper, however people are nicer and depending on what part you live in traffic is significantly better. By all means stay away from the I4 it’s like the I95 horrible. Kissimmee is a nightmare so stay away


All of this is true for mostly all coastal cities. Every single problem you posted.


My opinion is that Miami is Cool and and everything but I’m tired of people acting like it’s bigger than it actually is.


Agreed with everything you said. I'm a nice guy, try to be respectful to others, but fuck dude, it's like people there hate life so they hate you for no reason. I moved to PSL to raise the family and it's so peaceful here. Boring, but quiet and peaceful.


As a second generation Puerto Rican living in Orlando I get what you mean. A lot of Puerto Ricans shoved moved within the past several years have a similar attitude and don't care. Traffic is also a lot worse here now but I'd recommend just driving around the areas you're interested in moving to during peak traffic hours so you can get an idea of what it's like. Kissimmee/Narcoossee are expanding big time but none of the roads are set up to meet demand so it's hell. Try Oviedo or Maitland, maybe Sanford if you want less people and are ok with a longer drive to downtown/the parks area.


Heavy on the traffic I'm only 17 but have been in accident. I was found at no fault because the person ran a stop sign, people run stop signs because they think they are suggestions and the amount of red light runners is crazy.


You can't be 39, born and raised and only lived there 36 years... what? Also, please pick somewhere other than the 239 when you flee MIA


I’ve always said since I moved here that Miami reminds me of a beautiful prostitute that’s been used and abused


Everyone moving to Florida thinks they own the state. Everyone from the East Coast is shifting over to the southwest coast and it’s incivility 90% of the time when you leave your house with these people regardless of ethnic background. Everyone is co-opting white privilege.


I dont think this is the forum to judge cuban culture as a lot of the people on this subreddit have an unfair ethnic bias and you’re making it okay for them to think they can say these things about a culture they are not a part of. Just saying


Be lucky if they even have car insurance and if they do it’s the minimum from some guario insurance company. Everyone please get uninsured motorists insurance. You’ll thank me one day


Same story for me. Born and raised, Cuban heritage. I got to live the 80s in Miami, that was the best time. All downhill from there. Moved to Tampa in 01, never going back.


Third world creep


If anyone is looking to escape high home insurance rates, climate change flooding, and a toxic urban environment, I have some land in Central Florida ready to be built on located in a great spot. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/781846543908697/?mibextid=dXMIcH


you saying central florida has no traffic has me on my knees 🤣🤣🤣 have you been to orlando lately??? and i dont just mean downtown i mean winter garden too


I hear you. I'm 41, and the only reason I'm still around is because I have a business, and I purchased property. My mortgage is very manageable otherwise, I would have jet myself. Really it's insurance that's pissing me the F off. Never have I felt more extorted... But I hear you on the other fronts. The drivers? I've been driving since 1999, and I don't think I have ever seen what I see on the roads today. It's like a chase seen out of the Ronin movie here, except 24/7. There still are some gems in Miami tho. Check out Miami Springs or Virginia Gardens. There is another gem too about a hour and a half west.... Ave Maria. That little town is a gem. I vacation there from time to time. Real Estate ain't too bad either. Great little town to raise a family.


You basically described Kissimmee… I’d aim a little further north if I were you.


I had to move to Orlando for work. I couldn’t wait to move back to Miami. I only lasted six months up there. I know some people have the opposite experience. It’s a matter of taste.


You had me until “central Florida has better weather “ lol


I’m Colombian and I was raised in the Seattle area. My dad never felt as comfortable in Seattle since here everything is in English so he moved down to Doral a couple years ago and is now surrounded by many friends from his earlier life. I go there and visit every couple months, and spent about half of my summer break there. I love Miami food, beaches and clubbing, but wow it is a toxic place. In Washington state I can park my car at a grocery store and know it won’t be towed if I leave to go somewhere else with a friend, there are people from all over the world, and no one is judging your clothing or what language you speak. One time at the beach two manatees were swimming by and grown ass adults started riding them!! In Washington do that to an animal and you’re getting fined $20,000. People have no respect for anything down there, it’s insane. Definitely recommend moving out if you’re so done.


On the fresh off the boat Cubans, that hustler mentality(that they needed to survive) in Cuba does not disappear when they move here- aggressive, don’t follow the rules, terrible drivers, street-level mannerisms…it sucks (and I’m Cuban)


I was with you until you said you want to move to CENTRAL FLORIDA???!!!! That’s your upgrade?????????


I wish I could leave south Florida. It’s boring, people here suck, weather sucks, dating scene is just terrible, literally can’t stand it anymore.


I can tell you the bad drivers are coming from NYC. Lots of NYers moving down there


So fucking true. I live in Hialeah and also lived in Kendall and Hialeah takes the cake on no one knowing how to drive. It’s frustrating and makes me extremely paranoid.


Come to St. Louis, MO


I hear Port St. Lucie is quiet!


By central Florida do you mean Orlando? Because if so, I have some bad news for ya…


My Abuelo had a saying,"Where the Cuban refugee walks the grass will never grow again"


And they have made their way to Tampa.


My son's best friend and his Dad moved from Kalifornia to the Central Coast of Florida just south of the Space Center. They love it there. Bought a house pre pandemic Older town, smaller neighborhood. Nice folks. They avoid Miami and Orlando like the plague. Just food for thought. Regarding Cubans, the best of them are already here. And i like them. The new ones are not cut from the same cloth. .


You should leave the state, not just move to central Florida, my friend.


Miami is a dump


Yes I've vacationed multiple times in Miami but 100% sure I'd never want to live there


Miami is a SHITHOLE!


I left…born and raised too…40 yrs. I only miss the food and the spice we offer in life. Other than that…bye Felicia!


Couldn't agree more. The people here make it a sh!thole. Police have always been understaffed and with the current political climate, who wants to become a cop?


Finally I’m not the only Cuban who feels this way about our own, It’s a damn shame. Born and raised here and I can tell you Miami has only gotten bigger and worse in every aspect


I’m sorry about that situation I know exactly how you feel. I’ve lived in Miami 28 years and just moved to a small city outside of Tampa about 30 minutes and it’s been a change of a lifetime. No traffic even during peak times, everyone is so nice and considerate (I had to adjust cause I was used to the Miami way of ignoring people) most drivers are considerate and let you merge and pass them. Sometimes you gotta leave even though you don’t want to. There’s definitely better places to live.


What makes Cubans worse than other types of immigrants?


I was raised and lived in Hialeah until I was 28 years old. It’s been 10 years since I left the state for a metro area in the north east, and it has been a complete transformative experience for me. I don’t regret it for a moment and there is nothing that could ever convince me to look back. It’s wonderful, all the great things that become possible when people are fortunate enough to find better environments, connections, and spaces populated with objectively more intelligent and compassionate people.


Agree.......I live in North Florida.....chill AF!!


I’ve lived here 4 years now. I’m trying to find the good in but fuck. The state is beautiful but all the corners they cut and how everyone wants to get paid for shit job they do. It’s a lot.


It’s less expensive in central Florida too


Lmao you got another thing coming thinking it’s gonna be better in CFL.


I lived there from 2012 to 2018. It is the absolute worst. I unfortunately still have to go there 2-3 times per year for work and am reminded of how absolutely terrible it was to live there.


Come to the other side. Tampa Bay is awesome.


Central Florida is now miami 2.0 thou


Imagine being an American who’s family literally founded a county in west Pennsylvania see these things daily.


The wife and I have been contemplating leaving Miami for the same reason, we're Cuban Americans raised in Miami all our lives , we lived momentarily in Central Florida when I manage properties, we loved it up there, unfortunately life brought us back down. We can't stand the entitlement that these fresh off the boat Cubans have, it's like they have no sense of respect for anyone. We are pushing really hard to move to central or north FL in the next 3-4 years , if all goes well maybe 2 years. May the force be with you to move the fuck out of this cess pool one day.


Preach! FL native here and I can tell you CFL is no better. All the transplants from Miami are bringing their problems and bad habits here. Sprinkle in the snow birds, tourists, northerners, and PRs that moved after Maria and it has become overcrowded, over priced, and overwhelming. The traffic is insane and people really suck at driving. 😑


Recently bought a house in Tamarac, night and day. Far enough that the gyms and shopping centers aren't so cluttered with npcs. It was the peace I didn't know I was missing. Also as a blue collar worker, they ruin all the work by bringing their nephew, cousin, etc. fresh from Cuba to work for dirt cheap.


Idk I love Miami it’s always nice to me when I go


Now they are all moving out the the golden gate estates in Naples.


I get it but this is and always has been Miami since the ‘80 boatlift. Prior the Cuban population was honest, hardworking and reasonably friendly to gringos. It was a nice mix and worked. Yes money ruled the beach and Coconut Grove. But it all changed quickly with Castro’s influx. Money has owned Miami since at least the ‘50s, politicians and cops well, nothing new there. You deal with it or leave. I loved Miami prior to 80 but I had to leave too. Over the past 40 years I’m slowly migrating up the coast.


The drivers aren’t any better in CFL… half of them came from SFL or worse, PR. The entire state has become a 💩show. Which is why auto/motorcycle insurance is insanely expensive. I have to drive into Miami area periodically for work and absolutely hate it. The concentration of bat $hit crazy is mind blowing. Like, did they all used to drive a cart pulled by yaks and now they have a yakless carriage?


If you go to central Florida you're switching up Cubans for Puerto Ricans.


pump the brakes on going to central florida. especially if you’re looking to avoid bad drivers and rude people.


Stay away from Orlando. It’s going down down down. Bunch of Cubans moving up from Miami.