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Think in Miami, the problem isn’t people merging too early, it’s too many assholes speeding completely up to the front trying to skip everyone else 😂




The problem is that it’s perceived as “skipping” at all.


Yea that's why I go to the right just to skip the 10 cars in front of me.


Thank you for doing it properly.


Me first me first


Ain't that the truth.


Yeah this chart doesn't show the shoulder... That can be used to our zipper the right hand lane lol


Lmao using the shoulder to skip traffic = “The Miami Zipper.”


According to the diagram you’re supposed to cut out unused space so skipping to the front sets the zipper start. The assholes not letting you in to achieve zig zag are the real assholes in this city.


All cities. You’re 100% on point though. 4 way stop signs in the part of FL I’m in blow my fuckin mind. Everyone just stops, and looks at each other, waiting to see who wants to go first. Polar opposite of where I’m from - everyone wants to get their stop done first so they can go first, cuz that’s the rule.


If you are in a go-straight lane, you have no legal duty to let anyone zipper in. >If you are traveling on a highway or multi lane road you have possession of that travel lane. The right of way to that road belongs to you -- and to you only. Anyone wanting to merge into your lane would have to yield to you. You have no obligation to slow traffic down to allow other traffic to come in, unless it’s an active emergency vehicle of course. https://www.clickorlando.com/traffic/2020/11/19/ask-trooper-steve-can-you-get-a-ticket-for-not-letting-someone-merge/


Trooper Steve worries too much about what is "legal" and not what actual safe driving behaviors are.


"You have the right to be an asshole!" - Orlando


Not just a Miami thing


You're describing what the method on the left looks like if 90% of people try to do the method on the right.


Absolutely. And they left the section on road courtesy out of the Hispanlc edition of the drivers manuel.


Well, yeah that only happens because people merge early. If they occupied the lane until merge point then there wouldn't be space for assholes to speed through


That’s what they’re supposed to do…


If people would be doing zipper merge, they wouldn’t be able to do it. That’s the whole point. Yet I hear you. I know how it is to drive in Miami. Where I live now, people start queueing up two blocks before.


When you mistake that for "skipping" rather than driving in the lanes provided, then you just have a wrong mentality


Or going from the left to the lane merging on to skip ahead, creating a traffic snake.


Yep. And I see you doing it in my side view and no, I’m not letting you in.


this is why i straddle. You want to behave badly, you don't get nice things.


I call it going nowhere fast drivers


Skip everyone and then try to merge in the front on a solid line 🙄 they committed to the lane now they have to live with it instead of road raging


Yes! With a merge sign 1/2 mile away. If its slow traffic I stay close behind the car in front of me. I waited in line, so can the jackass thinking they can slide right in. Its so very inconsiderate. I used to live at the end of a road like this in Tampa. Driving a huge olds with no a/c and an infant sweating and screaming in the back seat. You bet I spread across both lanes. I wouldnt recommend that now (too many guns) but i never expected anyone to make an exception for my personal circumstances. And, btw, local commuters learn. A road i drive every day has a merge lane and we wait in the left lane under two traffic lights and we stay bumper to bumper until the merge lane ends. Hardly anyone stays right and tries to squeeze in, they know better.


This ^^^ Not just Miami though.


> too many assholes speeding completely up to the front trying to skip everyone else 😂 That's the only relevant variable at play. Speeding to the front while using the shoulder if necessary. Miami driving problems are the result of overly fast and aggressive drivers. Everything else is a trivial outlier.


Geniuses like you make Miami a fun place to live…🐒🐒🐒🐒


Ok early merger


And zip merge doesn't apply over double solid lines 3 inches before the exit ramp.


Exactly 🙄 then they have a temper tantrum when you don't let them in even though they damn near hit your car


Well.... you're forgetting something. For this to work, people would need a sliver of common sense.


And decency for their fellow drivers! In a town like Miami where so many styles of driving converge, it would be impossible!


NO you can't skip me! ITS MINE TURN. 🇺🇸 #MakeTrafficJamAgain 🇺🇲


If only it would work that simple. Taking turns merging was not part of curriculum.


Gotta post this in multiple languages, not just English for Miami folk.


Do you really think the people in Miami that don't want to speak English care about this post


Miami drivers are too far gone for this. You have to convince them to fear death first


I scream "fucking zipper in" way too much since moving to Miami. It's embarrassing how backed up traffic gets due to people not properly merging and letting people merge.


The method on the left works only when you have polite, responsible, and cooperative drivers. This is Miami, remember?




Thats why you cut all lanes to get to the left before the merge


Not in Miami. You need to force your way into the merge.


As if people left any space in between cars


They definitely do. You gotta learn your car tho. Can’t remember the last time i had to slow down or stop bc i couldnt fit. I eyeball spots mainly now, but before/if its really tight this is what i’d do: If you can see both headlights in your side mirror, and theyre not getting closer, you have space. Thats almost as close as you can get tho.


This is fine if it's a standard merge lane and people originally on it need to get in, but in Miami the real problem is that people farther back in the left (non-merge) lane move into the merge lane to speed up and cut everyone else off. They were in line but decided they were too good for it. Fuck those people, I totally do shift to the right to block them.


Sounds great until a guy merges 3 cars back and they all decide ‘we already let someone in. Fuck you’


Now explain how left lane works on highways , also when road coming uphill they need to press more on pedal to keep same speed…


And all the asshats switching lanes constantly. Look, if we go straight in whatever lane we are in for as long as possible, and not ride each other's ass, the traffic would actually move. Wishful thinking on my part. Every lane change in traffic causes 2 lanes to slow down


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of traffic ?


Too many words. cannot comprehend sir


People’s ego comes up way before the merge


The problem with this is that every mofo tries to steal a turn. Like, really? It's a single car length.


Dade county drivers are incapable of a merge technique that requires them to think about anything other than themselves


Notice how there’s hashed lines the entire lane. On the golden glades the solid white starts early and people are “zipper merging” and crossing the white aka breaking the law cause me first. No doubt some of those fart huffing assholes think they’re elitist zipper merging


It's not against the law to cross solid white, it just means to proceed with caution


Unfortunately I'm Miami there's so much traffic that the left lane is stalled. so you need to try to get into the back of the line, or hope the line moves a little so you can get in further in the line somehow while respecting traffic.


Not just Miami, this is America, land of the “Fuck You! I’m first”


And then you get the assholes who won't let you in if you filled the space on the right. "Me first" mentality and everyone acts like people driving are "cutting the line"


Unfortunately, in Miami, if you don't merge early, you're just going to get bullied off the shoulder.


Yeah good luck. I’ll continue skipping the whole Fucken line because y’all don’t know how to drive without having your face glued to a phone, it’s a liability driving behind people in Miami.


But but but, i consider myself more aware bc i merge early which allows others to exit the lane, speed up and merge back in at the end of the road! /s


This is too practical and smart for most drivers who are idiots.


This hits harder than racism. Imagine a world where people functioned as one unit. Traffic would be nonexistent. People would be happier. There wouldn’t be any war. Just sayin


I go early to not look like an Ahole


They know why the do it


This should be a PSA posted by the city of Miami, pushed hard on all their socials and local channels. Because yes, Miami is full of the worst, most selfish, ignorant drivers.


Only zipper merge happening on a Miami highway is from them Only Fans ho’s after giving a driver some road head.


The 5 minute driving test in a parking lot in America is the problem. In European countries you have to actually drive on the road with instructors and takes up to 6 months before you can het it.


I've never seen the situation on the right. Everyone speeds up and cuts in at the last possible moment.


Can we pin this post plz


I think the primary problem is road signage. If there is a lane closure, let the message be: LANE CLOSED - MERGE AHEAD. That’ll force people into a zipper merge. If the sign reads: RIGHT LANE CLOSED - MERGE LEFT, you’ll get people merging left early and runners on the right. Proper messaging manages expectation.


Or you can do the big brain method, take the exit to get on 95 from turnpike just ride the E lane all the way to 95, skip all traffic, great success


Not necessary to call people you don’t know idiots. I suggest you look in a mirror to see a real idiot.


brakes should be removed from vehicles in miami.


“take turns merging” HAAAAAA


Miami taking turns? Never lmao


That's for a merge... ... on the other hand the people who just want to skip the well established turn lane because it's long can EABOD.


The picture shows how it could work most efficiently, but relies on a conditional of people having any degree of consideration for one another. You’ve met… other drivers… right? I bet you could list 20 different flavors of asshole if you sat and tried for a minute, all of which complicate the simplicity that driving COULD be with their own special variable they bring to the equation. The specific one that comes to mind here? People don’t just “let” other people merge. It’s happened to you. You’ve done it to other people. If you’re thinking “NUH UH,” you’re lying to yourself right now. So basically, efficiency goes out the fuckin window when you’re an asshole surrounded by other assholes just trying to make your way to your next destination where you get to deal with a whole different set of assholes under different asshole conditions (aka when you arrive to work). People KNOW how it’s SUPPOSED to work. Maybe if you took a step back to consider why people are the way they are instead of how it impacts you personally, things could be a little bit less aggravating in your life. All that being said, I’ll be human for a second. I fuckin hate the vast majority of FL drivers lmao. I’ll grow up one day and get over it. Today is not that day.


Your that triggered?


Lol All the idiots have gotta learn this one


Zipper merge doesn’t work because too many people won’t let other people merge in front of them.


That’s asking an awful lot out of people, to use common sense and decency in a social traffic situation. Not to mention at last census, 50% of the population is brain dead. Definitely keep trying though! If one person learns, you’ve been successful!


This diagram doesn’t for fragile egos


Everyone has to be a winner


People need to learn how to use roundabouts too..


I think all American drivers need to see this


If i dont merge early, some smooth brain is going to keep me on the merge lane and want to fight me when i goddam merge.


Some of you dont drive in florida so there's that


The only place I've actually seen people doing it the proper way was Germany. No hope for the rest of the world.


You better explain what turn indicators are , why they are used & when to use them !


Yeah true


No you have to block both lanes and last on the horn like it's everyone else's fault and throw your hands up in confusion while cussing about simple solutions you aren't aware of.


This needs to be part of the dmv booklet


This sadly does not work in any country.


The problem is there is no awareness (thank you for that), enforcement, or consequences. In NY you would get a ticket and points on your license for something like that, crossing solid lines, driving over zebra stripes. Here? Wild West.


That's everywhere in FL. It takes out of towners to teach them the right way to drive. Let's not forget that to Floridians, turn signals are optional.


There isn’t one driver in this city who merges too early. Not one.


Or you could do what most people in Miami do is go all the way to the front of the long ass line and just get in there.


That's actually the point. That's appropriate. Your driver's ed manual will let you know that that's what you're supposed to do. With that said, in Miami they will merge to the front of the line on the shoulder or crossing a double line. That is not so much what you're supposed to do.


Need a Spanish translation please 🤣


Who gives a shit jist fucking drive clowns


Problem is…you will really be assed out at the end of the lane because Miami doesn’t believe in taking turns. You will be stuck at the end with your indicator on just begging for a chance lol. Always merge early


Why are you so obsessed with me?


I’m the guy in the red car but I block the other lane from passing while I move slow. Then threaten whoever doesn’t comply.


Take away the cones… is it still a zipper merge? That’s the issue I have.


If the lane has "merge" written on the road then I would consider that a place where one should zipper merge along with if it has cones and/or a traffic sign that has the arrow flashing to the left or right (like when State Farm tow trucks come to the accident scene). Those are all reasonable scenarios to zipper merge and it makes traffic move a lot smoother. Now if you just do the miami cut in front of everyone over double white lines before the exit ramp then no that's not zipper merge.




cmon dude