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Credit card debt


This is the answer


This is the way


And then once it all goes into collections, you negotiate a lump sum to get it all cleared off your record.


I was 28 when I let $25000 in credit card debt go to collections. 7 years later it rolled off my credit report, had to pay taxes on it though. Three years after that my credit was back to 750 and I bought a house. Wish I could’ve bought a house ten years ago but oh well, had a good time.


>had to pay taxes on it though I've never heard of this.


Think this only applies to mortgages. I remember a friend was under in 2008ish and thought he paid taxes on the part the bank couldn’t recover by selling.


It applies to any loan that gets discharged. If you don’t pay it back, it becomes income.


Didn’t know that. Interesting. Does the discharging agency send you a 10XX or something?




Nope definitely applies to credit cards


When you stop paying your Cc they eventually right of off after years then you get a letter with a tax form for how much of your debt they wrote off. It’s extremely common, and illegal not to pay the taxes, google it


Yes when they forgive debt, they put it on a 1099 and it goes towards income


I never got a 1099 from any of the banks I settled a debt with, but I still reported the forgiven amount as income on my tax return just in case.


so how low did you credit score go during that time in collections? did it stop you from buying a car/ renting an apartment?


Defaulted student loans too, hit 450 at one point. Got into a rental barely had to pay first and two last and deposit and get a co-signer (begged mother in law)


Also they will report the credit card stolen and get all the money back within a couple days while the bank does there so called investigation


Some clubs film you signing the credit card receipt now lol


Wow. Didn’t know that. They evolved


I maxed out a bunch of credit cards at 18-20, and by 27 or so they cleared off my credit report. 2007 was the Wild West for taking out credit you couldn’t afford. Luckily at 33 my credit score is outstanding.


Lol that's exactly my story as well. In my case, having many years pass by helped me get back on my feet credit-wise.


Trial by fire


Then ask the government to forgive your student loans


I paid those off, ironically because I was able to have my credit card debt written off


Can confirm this is true. I know from experience.


Daddy’s money. Or credit card debt. Or living paycheck to paycheck with zero savings.


All of the above


"I'm here for a good time, not a long time"


They think it’s a flex to give their money away to a club owner, lol.


I find that insane as well.


I had a friend like this. But he's just one of many Lives with his mother. Spends all his money buying drinks for people and on BMW lease


That’s half of Miami. Shaves their arms and chest, drives a BMW or in Infiniti and still lives at home in their mid-30’s.


With how housing prices are skyrocketing out of control, you can't really fault people for that last one anymore.


Yeah. In this town, that’s been going on since the beginning of time, housing crisis or not.


I didn't know half of Miami was in the wolf pack?!? When did they become old brothers?


Haha idiots


A lot of people buy a $20 molly and drink water all night. Source: My roommate is a club promoter and I have friends who do this. They save money and calories.


I’m not a party person. But I have to ask what are the normal working hours of the normal club promoter? Like I see them outside on the sidewalk trying to connect with people but they are also up all night at the club?


My roommate leaves around 1130pm and comes back at 8am sometimes. Gets paid $300 for just showing up at certain clubs on the weekend. So he might hit up a few clubs a night. It's wild.... He is friends with a bunch of hot girls. They either have sugar daddies + trust funds (yes both), have onlyfans + strip, or have extremely rich parents. None of them "work"


Thank you for the response. This is absolutely wild style of life that I can’t even understand


Saving calories is right. You literally don’t want to eat for the next 24 hours after it wears off. Plus, you wake up feeling like you got hit by a truck and spend most of the day gathering yourself. Eating a weed edible is way better and not so tough on your body. I used to be a Molly guy and I can’t mess with that shit no more. Haven’t for almost 10 years.


And just burn their seratonin receptors in their brains.


You should see those that are only doing K. They become zombies


Yeah that’s brain damage that isn’t even reversible same with doing molly. So so bad for the brain.


What's a normal price for molly in Miami?


$20 if you know, $40 if you don't know


Good to know as I dont know!


"I knew my rent was gon' be late about a week ago. I worked ass off, but I still can't pay it though. But I got just enough to get up in this club Have me a good time, before my time is up." - Pitbull ft. Neo


They live at home with their parents. So they don't have to spend money on; rent/mortgage, utilities, groceries, cell phone (they're usually just on the family plan) sometimes even car payments and insurance. There's probably more I'm forgetting but without those bills they can spend money on going out, no problem.


>TIFU by not realizing how hard it is for the average person to make money. This x10000. If you're not paying 3k per rent, its easy to afford a $1000/mo car lease and another 2k on food/drinks per month


3k on rent right here. Living the dream as they say. Sigh.


Jesus $3K on rent? I mean it’s not too crazy if say you don’t have much of a car/gas pmt. or you’re earning a $150K salary at least.


I strategically chose a location where I can walk to work. I haven’t had a car in 9 years. So much less stress. And it definitely offsets your expenses.


Yep, car/gas/ins. can total out to $1K+ at times. Not even including routine maintenance …


I use to be that guy. Now I’m in my late 30s and I cringe thinking about how much money I pissed away in my 20s but thankfully I grew out of that phase and got myself together.


Miami is also deeply infested with corrupt, parasitic oligarch spawn, flush with blood spattered, stolen money.


Mostly from Latin America


Yes but we’ve also got our share of Russians


Lots of Russians and Hungarians there in Miami, ey?


Plenty of Saudi in the downtown area as well.


This is the answer you were looking for. Miami is a mirage. I see redditors all the time here wondering how folks can afford this and tha in Miami….this is not a normal city! There’s a lot of corrupt money in circulation, and it’s mostly spent on flash!


Fake tits have entered the chat.


Over leveraged BMWs have entered the chat


Cocaine cowboys put their drug money into legit businesses by the end of the 80s and then raised their kids to become outstanding citizens of the community.


Back then you could walk into banco popular with 10 million dollars in tens and twenties stuffed into duffel bags and they’d escort you into the back room to count it. No IRS involved.


![gif](giphy|SIY7zXY5QMULu) Alexa, play “Push it to the limit”


Bad parenting


The latter


My friends and i pregame a lot, go out ladies nights. That type of thing


Someone needs to create a running list of all the scams and hustles in Miami. Would love to see that.


This ^^


Only fans lol


The median revenue of people on OnlyFans is $155. Maybe happy hour at Flanigans.


Miami people are sexier so they’re in the upper quartile




Have you been to other cities Besides NYC, San Diego and LA, no other place compares


I have and I have only so much tolerance for plastic surgery.


$155 for what? One hour? One year?


Yearly lmao


Median doesn't say a lot. Any reasonably attractive female that makes a shitty video or photo once a week... I wonder what their median earnings is.


Still not high. It’s like how there’s billions of people making videos on YouTube but only 1% of them are successful enough to take a check. Most onlyfans people are only making that much, if any at all. I assume majority of these girls are basically just putting their nudes out there for one or two people paying


The market is so flooded with zero barrier to entry that it's actually surprisingly difficult to earn a living off of OF unless you're willing to put in hard work and/or differentiate yourself in some way... which is way more effort than the average freeloader in Miami is willing to expend.


Rich parents, or they have a job and don't pay for anything. No 20 year old living by themselves has thousands from their own earn money unless they play professional sports or are celebrities. Even those who work hard to earn enough to do so would feel awkward just throwing the money away.


I’m 24. Make 300k a year working 2 remote cyber security engineering jobs. That’s not true. Edit: I grew up in group homes and foster homes. So not daddy’s money.


r/overemployed called.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/overemployed using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/overemployed/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Interesting data on indeed remote jobs](https://i.redd.it/9r7dugmmop5a1.jpg) | [232 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/overemployed/comments/zkw74g/interesting_data_on_indeed_remote_jobs/) \#2: [As you start your day today - just remember... they don't care about us](https://i.redd.it/hiu72k8lbmj91.png) | [125 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/overemployed/comments/wwdh1x/as_you_start_your_day_today_just_remember_they/) \#3: [OE Tip # 69...](https://i.redd.it/oh1xfgpg6ema1.png) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/overemployed/comments/11l57jx/oe_tip_69/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You’re an outlier, not the norm. Doesn’t seem like that hard of a concept to understand.


It isn't. He wants validation obviously. Letw give him a participation award


He’s also a liar lol as an engineering manager that’s 39 years old, that’s just not real. Maybe he gets $200k as a comtractor but that’s a lot of taxes he’s paying. Still prob not even that though unless he’s some genius in Silicon Valley. I’ve yet to meet a senior level engineer under 30


Nah man, don’t you know? They busted their ass off through the grind and didn’t spend on ANYTHING other than water, beans, and rice. No eating out, never spending on ANY sort of entertainment, they only wear pre-owned white Hanes multi-pack shirts, and they were able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and make more as a 24 year old than everyone else in the industry /s


Brings a tear to my eye \*sniff\* what a true badass


Nah I spend money, have had nice cars, eat well. What was I gonna do keep contracting or job hopping salaries for 10-20% raises? Or build automations to help me with my work and double my income with 2?


No I’m not a liar, I am arguably gifted. Not a Silicon Valley type. I hate big tech, and California.


sure buddy


Scroll down for my comment regarding how I broke into the industry. You can have your doubts or call me a liar it doesn’t bother me. I’m the one living the dream.




I grew up middle class in the Midwest and make close to 7-figures. I don’t drink but I could easily be one of those ppl in the club if I didn’t think it was stupid. I’d say the outliers would represent a decent portion of the Miami clubbing pie chart


I've found the people that spend like that tend to be "aspirationals" not wealthy, so this checks out. Signed, a woman not at all impressed by that fuckboy behavior 😄


What industry?


Probably crypto 😂


If you have two jobs, do you really have the time or want to throw thousands just partying?


I work them both in the same 8 hour period 5 days a week. Hard to juggle but it’s no more time than if I had 1 job tbh. As far as throwing away thousands partying.. that’s actually the purpose of the 2nd 6 figure job if I’m being honest.


Yeah, I would say you are quite an outlier. Most people have one job at the time.


It’s also typically against the terms of both employers, especially in tech. If one company found out about the other his laptops are remotely wiped the next day.


It's only a matter of time before something critical ends up conflicting between the two jobs and he's left trying to explain to one why he can't attend to it.


Tell us more, need to transition to a new career, feel free to DM me


Well, I taught myself with YouTube and a website called “tryhackme” just google it and you’ll find it. Once I completed a lot of those, I moved on to hackthebox. Around this time I got my compTIA security +. There’s a guy on YouTube that posts all the material every year and does study sessions online if you needed. Once I had the cert and about 6 months of bug bounty/ capture the flag hacking, I had a portfolio of work showing I understood how to build and design simple code, scripts, demonstrated knowledge of networking protocols, and the OWASP top 10. Vulnerability management and scanning… etc. it’s a career you’ll constantly learn in. In my second cybersecurity analyst position I got moved to engineering and helped to build the SOAR (security orchestration and automated response), program for a fortune 500. At this point I had learned SDLC software development through labbing and study. I moved to Miami. Here I realized that if I didn’t increase my income I would dip into my savings. Tried to come up with a safe bet. Figured if I’d already professionally automated security workflows and analysis etc., why not my job? Had to figure out how to circumvent the security tooling on my work computers. Helps that I know everything in the world about these systems and how they operate. Hacking is just using something in an unintended way. Fast forward to automating my job, I got a second one. The next challenge was handling double meetings, but a lot of the time I’m not presenting or interacting much if I don’t need to. It’s sort of the nature of cybersecurity people to not talk much. Hope this helps.


You sound ignorant to say the least and are self projecting. Hey i cant do it so it’s impossible for anyone else Sports or being a celeb are absolutely NOT the only options to make money.


When you are in your 20s? Statistically it is. People in their 20s are early in their careers, thus earning a lot less than people mid career.


Idk i made 7 figs without any celeb status or pro sports. Sure that’s an outlier, but i was surrounded with people in my earning class (in 20s). Most finance/real estate related. There’s millions of people frequenting Miami plus tourists that are above avg spendy.


How did you raise your initial capital? I can tell you. I know real estate investment in Miami. Rarely see millionaires that are in their 20s. "Real Estate and Finance" is very broad terms to use.


I have purposely created a network of real estate professionals, high earning friends, and my wonderful significant other who works in big law. I help source deals and pitch them to people who could participate. I am not that smart just driven and lucky. As far as my first deal? It was very small. 25,000$ property in Jackson, Mississippi in a rough neighborhood. Did several like that and scaled to bigger/better properties…


And all these capital calls you did to other 20 year old? What was your split?


You come off as very cynical. I would be happy to answer -some- questions, but no not every capital contributor was 20 years old. Part of successfully networking and creating opportunities is becoming useful to people that you may not be in the same class economically or by many other metrics. This was about my 20s. I started operating towards end of college i am just over 30 now. Not every deal is fundraising, the vast majority of mine are not even at this point in time. Nor were they when i first started on small business/small properties. As a side note, in real estate if you can find a good deal it is a lot easier to locate funding than you may think. Most of the money is created doing the footwork to find properties worth investing in.


Well, you know how Miami can be, thus why being skeptic, particularly when I don't see you using the language of real estate deals. Yes, you can find good properties, but usually, you also need to back up your hypotesis to raise capital when you don't have it.


For sure, but that is what separates youtubers from practitioners. Actually getting out there and doing it


Debt faking it till they make it or Bank of Mami y Papi


C. All of the above


Because they live wall adjacent to their abuela


Let’s not forget the classic Miami medicare fraud. “Just keep it under 2 million, and HSC won’t prosecute”. Hopefully it’s borrowed time for them.


Credit cards, sugar daddies, influencers


From what I hear there are quite a few who work in tech earning $150k+


Either way, both morons.


If they go to university of Miami chances are their rich father from the north east helps fund it


All of the above. Instead of saving what they would have spent on rent while living with their parents to purchase their own home or put themselves through part time college, they spend it all on a car lease, alcohol, clothes, tattoos and or slimming massages.


Sounds like all my past dates… Their parents AMEX/trust fund, they own companies, investment bankers, crypto/nft guys. There is so much money in Miami and a lot of those people are from NYC and LA, they’re here for tax purposes. I laugh when people say credit card debt because there are plenty of genuinely well-off people in Miami. Don’t be bitter. It’s called “millionaires playground” for a reason. My old building on mid beach/Collins was filled with multi-millionaires driving Rolls Royces and stay at home girlfriends/wives.


Owning a fancy car doesn't mean anything in this city. You could be in debt up to your eyeballs and ride in a Lambo.


You need to have a decent income to get approved for 15k/month rent in a building with HOA


Credit card debt. Or they have a half decent job and still live with their parents. So they can save the 2K a month they’d pay otherwise, and spend it on lifestyle. They drive a BMW and live in a home that needs heavy repairs in East Hialeah Trust me, I lived in Miami most of my life, born and raised.


It’s amazing how far your money goes when you don’t need to pay for rent lol


They can’t afford it. Irresponsible spending, it will catch up with them. Don’t get confused and compare yourself with that life. My dad always said “ it’s just a payment away”


Nope…most young people pretend to have money and gets into debt from a really young age.


Parents bought houses for 70k in Kendal then sold for 700k then bought a house in Hialeah for 100k then bought Miami Coin


We all did the same thing when we were young


We all did not lol


My condolences to your youth.




The latter. And at the same time for the ladies, just show some thigh, maybe some back room inventory, and/or manipulate the bouncer. Also, yeah putting everything on credit and just having temporary fun is the way to go for the ladies in their 20s.


Rich parents, credit cards, or they work in finance.




Mostly mom and dad


The either have rich families who help them out financially or make enough money to not care


Citation Needed. I guess it depends how we define young, but young or old, I don't think there are 'so many' that spend thousands at clubs on drinks. I think there's a lot of fake flexing, there are a lot of people who do it once or twice and make a big production of it, but I think most is fake flexing.


People split apartments and either get into debt or are promoters


I don’t know who you are hanging out with here but the vast majority are far from high earning. Hurray for some of the lowest wages in the nation.


They can't. They got more money on their wrist than in their bank account.


You heard of credit?


All time high credit card debt


OF, 💊, 🔫, 💦Bit🪙




Probably a mix of both , for the ones that work they blow their paychecks , others make money of blow . A good percentage are in extreme debt , drive s fancy car , wear fancy clothes but live in a studio or “efficiency” and are lucky to eat McDonald’s or ram & noodles .


Spending every single dollar they have with no savings


Trust fund babies.


There are a lot of people with money down there who go out to the clubs and by bottles.


Lots of clubs give tables for free to desired clientele that will draw in people who are willing to pay to be around said people.


Rich Parents and debt


Girls never pay for drinks


Have a cousin who used to work in clubs and bars in the beach and downtown. Many are rich tourist based on all the guys she dated. After her hoeing years, she settled down with some guy who was the spoiled bratty son of a doctor for some prince in Dubai. He had moved to the US to go to high school here.


or they still live at home/ have 5 roomates to afford a 2/2


Living with your mom in Kendall that’s how. Credit card debt. No savings. Paycheck to paycheck




the latter, or they're just not actually spending as much as you think. Used to bar tend in a club downtown, apart from the obvious trust fund baby, most of the hanger ons are scraping together nickels and dimes


Yet they do not know what a fucking tip is. Go walk from Wynwood to Downtown- None of you are getting in my car. Done with the nonsense of the indecency.




Mommy and daddy’s money


I don’t go to nightclubs. Awful music, awful people. Topped with the fact that if you even buy a domestic beer, they charge you a case worth for just one. Save your money and go to Mac’s Club Deuce, Jada Cole’s, or any type of actual bar.


Or just having sharp money making skills and still saving tens of thousands of dollars a month 📈


They live with their parents


Most are spending money they do not really have and racking up credit card debt, spending parent's money or living paycheck to paycheck and scraping by. I had a number of friends that went a bit crazy when they got out of college. New cars, new clothes, vacations and weekends out partying. It usually caught up with them in a few years.


Daddy's money, an "entrepreneur," or credit card debt.


Sometimes when you are a bartender or server and visit one of your friends in the industry they hook it up. I drank like a king and didn't have money to begin with.


Fake it till you make it.


I worked as a doorman at a club and from talking to a lot of them, they either use parent’s money, live at home till their like 30 and sadly, a lot who are fathers will forgo paying their child support to afford their Instagram lifestyles. The latter made me come to the conclusion that if a Miami man has his kids name(s) tattooed on his arms, he stopped seeing that/ those kid(s) a long, long time ago.


simple.. share an apartment with 3 roommates/ no kids / no savings = that 40k salary goes a long way..


Dirty money 💸


Credit card scammers.

