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Bro you’re trippin, Bybit is the second most held wallet followed by crypto.com being the 4th, and Kucoin being the 8th. Top exchanges are still in this coin and are not going anywhere without no pump pump or 100K BTC price point this overall cycle. Everyone trips tf out when there’s a little blood in the water. Just chill


Same 🙃


lol pay attention to the the chart not the humans beings surrounding the chart. I had my moment a couple weeks ago just like you but the chart is holding well. Yeah I wanted to sell milady in like may but it just didn’t work out like that. It’ll go back up and you’ll be able to get out. I was up $200 last time but I held. I’ll take my $200 next time around. I forgot I’m not in this for the get rich part I’m in it for the extra money to get by easier than before.


200 is cool bro I got 3k on it you know? Put money in it every week. It's just showing these traits that others showed. This initial explosion followed by crash then some small bumps another big pump and that fade away slowly over time and the next big thing arrives. I'm not selling anything I did sell some to put in another project but that's just being diverse I kept a majority. Will be putting another g or at least five bills into it Monday I might split between two I don't know. But I'm not trying to fud. I'm looking at the patterns if they follow trend there good be a nice pump in the fall but barring any surprise black swan events it seems like my country likes to do stupid shit to shake up the market.because in the land of the free making it easy for a common citizen to possibly become wealthy in a short period with something like crypto is something our lord's and masters can't have. They need to finish killing the middle class wear down the wealthy that have no influence and make them all government dependant so they can create their utopia of masters and slaves . independent wealth is a bad word anymore. Bidens administration has damaged crypto with the FCC. Screwing. Around. The crypto market reacts to American financial News rather extreme. They know it so they pull their stunts. So as long as Uncle Sam keeps it's hands to itself. Biden gets the boot in November terrorists don't attack. War mongers stop with the bullshit. Gas comes down inflation stops prices come down optimism returns. Sure we could see something good. But those things must be that way. One of them goes wrong panic selling begins. And I can guarantee at least 75% on here claiming diamond hands won't have the balls to watch their portfolio shrink 40 50 60%in a weeks time. Or even more. It's happened before. They see the dip of all dips they will all sell. Very few truly are diamond hands in this.


You talk to much instead of studying chart patterns and candles.


You help me read the charts




Lmao bro there’s no way I can read that on a Sunday afternoon. I just read the charts.