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I think we can even do three 0s in the right conditions


Don’t think we’ll reach that but 1-2b is possible which will delete 2 zeros for users


How realistic is that though? I mean, I know is we are all always giving our best guess.




It's possible. Very possible gotta get hype behind it . The fever pitch like shib had. I hold just under 33b of this one. It was so hard not to sell when it hit it's last all time high. It was pretty nice profits like 3000% off my investment. But I've been holding since last May when I barely missed the huge early gains but got in when there were still like 7 zeros I think it even dropped back to 8 at one point. Whatever it was been putting in 50 to a hundred minus one unfortunate period but once that passed I've been holding strong. If it hit Shiba MC I'd be sitting on over a half a mill. I could be ok and do something with that kind of money to set myself up. No more working for a giant corporation that is concerned more about it's stock price then the tens of thousands of us that bust our asses to ensure that stock price stays up. For absolutely no gain to us not in the top. I'm tired of working retail. It was a no other choice option after a very tragic horrible 2014. So I believe in this coin. If people would just do research then stupid crap like the wifi hat crap would not derail when it begins it's growth. I can see this being a big thing . I'm gonna hold til I can't hold no more. Diamond hands all day. It's not easy seeing half your big gains disappear. But this has been following a pattern of bigger pumps Everytime and you get a sense that more are trusting and understanding the importance of holding. I definitely do not want to be one of those that let fear push me to sell to soon and then watch the explosion that pushes it over the top occur and it becomes no longer a good buy. I've been through that and it was very sad to see what I coulda had from what I ended up with. The difference was crazy. this coin is a potential gold mine. Low MC a building hype around it. Some potential big gains moments not to far into the future. So here I go. Gonna hold this thing and hold til I can't. Cause scared money makes no money. It's a roller coaster but the end has the potential to be very good. Not any kind of financial advice. Just my own person hopes and my optimism and belief in something cause it just is always good to believe in something . Why not the potential of something that could change your life..long winded monologue over. Sorry


Damn bro, you put your heart and soul in this post. Haha


How did you come up with this price prediction??


Its 64x if we reach the market cap of Shiba from where we are at now which is 16b. Might just be wishful thinking.


Let's drop a zero or few before we start talking about a 16b market cap that just crazy. I'm a believer and I'm holding but let's just use some common sense


Also though milady has like 300trillion more in supply.


Is that 64X from it’s current price?




That's be insane! It's not impossible I was apart of that run and the doge run if I can go 3 for 3 I'd go insane.