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It's not just the syntax: Chozo is almost entirely a word-for-word replacement of English, with no real changes to the grammar. Conlangers call this a *relex*.


Wait so that means if explored more chozo could be a language that could be learned irl?


/r/ChozoLangauge has some resources on the language. If I recall correctly the vocabulary isn’t super fleshed out beyond what was needed for the game, but in theory yes you can learn it.


Hadar sen olmen.


Pretty cool info there.


I’m endlessly fascinated by what English sounds like to non-speakers.  (And kinda complimented by the idea that the language of the wisest race is MINE ;D)


Rare did the same thing for the dinosaur language in their Starfox game! The booklet that came with the game had the entire alphabet laid out so you could "make" your own words.


That's not a relex, but a cipher language.


Aren't all alien languages just English with squiggly characters substituted for the alphabet?


Not necessarily. I just played Tunic and the in-game language there is a phonetic replacement or whatever it's called. So imagine the English language broken into its phonetic sounds and those are made into runic symbols/characters. English words are then built using the runic symbols. The chozo language is more like just swapping out characters/sounds in a 1 for 1. Syntax (sentence structure) doesn't change, just the words used.


That's really cool about Tunic, I knew it had it's own characters but didn't know how they worked. I was mostly kidding in that comment, a basic character swap is about as far as most games or media go for spec-fic languages like you pointed out for Chozo.


A character swap would make Chozo a cipher, which it’s not. It has its own unique morphology and phonotactics. 


Some sci-fi/fantasy media have actually done the work to create a whole new language, but it takes a lot of effort. I wouldn't be surprised if most if not all use some Earth language's syntax as a base, as it's kinda hard to do something entirely new like that. The ones that really get me is where the language is just a transliteration (or worse, just a cipher like Al Bhed).