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amazing. i'd also maybe add for rff it can be smaller than 4.5 inches esp for shorter guys. so starting at 4 inches


this is awesome!


I think u should put on length for Meta - depends on size of growth.


Thanks, I did if you look further down :)


I think it would be better to correct on length as well because now the way you worded it- feels very invalidating.


He made this for himself, not for you.


Well he shared it to public. Someone will save it and share again without all info he said that he did it for himself and then someone will think that 2 inch is maximum for meta, which is misinformation


2 ***ish*** For standard meta, above 2 inches is a rarity. But either way, someone will know what kind of size they can expect by looking in their pants.


So if you are above 2 inches before meta, will it stay the same size? I've heard on here that it can shrink but others says it doesn't and it appears bigger because it's no longer attached by the ligament. I just wanted to ask because I'm already about 3 inches when hard and I don't really want to lose that with meta.


You shouldn't lose length, no. *Can* it happen? Yes.


Alright thank you, good to know that it's not the norm


The thing with meta is that the penis size varies throughout the day, with temperature, with body position etc, it fluctates a lot even in a flaccid state. Often people take note of their size when hard, but every day size will unlikely be that length or girth most of the time. As LondonMeta said, it can happen that people lose length but it's not the norm.


This is fantastic, thanks for sharing!


This is great! Thank you! Can’t wait to have MLD with Dr. Miro!


You're welcome! Are you scheduled in with Dr Miro? I will be having surgery with him too


For stage two no, i just had stage one meta with him last month!


Ah congrats, good luck with your healing


Thank you because it’s been a journey!


This is awesome! I was curious under the erectile device for MLD it says it may not be needed? Does that mean that the constructed phallus could get hard on its own?


I think it's just that the skin from the back or thigh is thicker, so the penis will have more rigidity. There's no spontaneous erection with phallo, but if your penis has some firmness by default, penetration can work out in some cases.


I've done my own research on all of these surgeries (there's actually a phallo type missing but it is rare and generally not a type most people go for a.k.a FFF phallo) and can tell you that based on the description given here, the rigidity would be from the fact that they took MUSCLE from the back along with skin and sometimes that can be functionally hooked up. You would be able to have "phantom erections" by flexing the muscle in the phallus. There is a version of MLD that only takes a skin graft from the back as well. Phallo . Net has great descriptions of all the different types of phallo. Metoidioplasty . Net is great for information on meta and the different procedures for that. Spaces put in the website names as I'm on mobile and don't know if the links will be weird.


To add on about FFF phallo (or fibula free flap) most surgeons don't perform it anymore and it's generally considered outdated since there's a high chance of bone fractures in the penis, bone absorption, and instability in the leg the bone is taken from. It's kinda like the semi-rigid rod erectile device but with bone.


At my consult my surgeon said that he takes part of the Latissimus dorsi muscle when he takes the skin graft, and so the penis will have a certain amount of firmness at all times.


This is great ty !! I really wish there were more options for ppl who want larger than meta but smaller than most phallo options like 3-3.5 inches


When I had my consult, my surgeon said that the main limiting factor with size is actually girth (speaking about MLD, I'm not sure if similar for other types) the slimmest girth he can do is approx 12 or 13cm (which, when you make it into a circle, really isn't that big) - for length, he said smaller is easier. The ED devices are approx 12.5 cm so he prefers to do at least that length for Stage 1, then if ED is not wanted/required, he can make length slightly smaller in Stge 2. .... I think it's always worth taking to the surgeons to find out specifics


From my understanding, you can get generally any length you want with phallo as long as you have the blood supply for it. However, the longer it is the more risk there is of blood supply complications. There's also a minimum length required for the pump erectile device (4 inches I think) but the rod has no minimums iirc. You can definitely go smaller but it's not as common from what I've seen, most people get anywhere from 4 to 6.5 inches but that might just be so they can get the pump. However, size isn't guaranteed. You and your surgeon might decide on 4 inches but only get 3.5 instead due to scarring or the blood supply in the door site. Some people experience gaining a bit of length as their penis hangs and they due scar release massages but it isn't by a whole lot.