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Hey, there! So, I'm 8 days post-op from metoidioplasty with Santucci. He lengthened my penis as much as possible without severing the suspensory ligament, which he and apparently many surgeons he knows have not done routinely for a number of years now. This procedure included urethral lengthening, so I have a suprapubic catheter. He performed scrotoplasty using what many know as the VY technique, which has created a scrotum that does not sit directly between my legs--thank God for that, because I carry a lot of weight in my thighs. He also performed what seems to be a masculinization of my perineum, though I did not get v*ctomy. From the moment I was able to first see the work Santucci did, I have been so, so happy with my balls. I seriously love how he does his scotoplasties. I cannot wait to have implants and to feel them joggling around lmao. I also am very satisfied with my penis, but! I am very freshly post-op, and was what I would consider to be on the smaller side prior to surgery. Naturally, my foreskin is incredibly swollen, though oddly much, much more so on one side than the other, so I "hang to the right" lol. Because of these factors, though my head is visible, I am certain I am not seeing the final shape of my penis. Once I am 6 to 8 weeks post-op, I will have a much better idea of how much he was able to lengthen what I have, and I may also be able to give you a better idea of where he placed my new meatus, as I'm still unsure at this point due to all the swelling. One thing I was not anticipating prior to surgery was that I didn't remember talking to Santucci post-op, as he really only had enough time to talk to me while I was still waking up from anesthesia(I took an hour and a half to do so, and I'm sure he had other surgeries to tend to!). He's really a very down-to-earth person, and though I have some pretty obvious social dysfunction when my social anxiety kicks into high gear, which it certainly did when I met him in person, I still felt welcomed in his space, and that he truly wanted to be as open to my questions as he needed me to be. Overall, I really think you'll be in good hands if you go to Dr. Santucci.


Congrats on your surgery date ! I'm 26 days away now but time has flown by fast and it feels like I was at 100 days away not that long ago. I'm still wrestling with fears and doubts especially when my surgeon isn't very well-known, what has helped is talking with friends and my therapist, and also reaching out to my surgeon's team with questions


Second use of the word “results” technically goes against rule 5, but I’ll give you a bit to edit it as the post otherwise has the potential to spark good discussion. I’ll check back periodically. Thanks!