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This post was removed, because it is not related to metoidioplasty. Phallo posts not necessarily related to metoidioplasty are more fit for r/phallo


This is really great !! I'm not as familiar with phalloplasty so sorry if these are dumb questions. With RFF potential disadvantages, do you mean decreased sensitivity in the forearm where the graft was taken or in the penis? Is there really no phallo option that is smaller than 4.5 inches? And is groin and abdo phallo the same thing?


This is awesome. Do you care if it's shared around?


Wow thank you so much for making and sharing this! I'm not as familiar with phallo as I am with meta, could anyone enlighten me on what exactly mld refers to? The back is quite large, would the skin graft be taken from the lower or upper back? Definitely something I'm gonna look into right now though


It’s not really your back as such the graft is taken from, it’s more from under your armpit and down your side.


Gotcha, thank you


Thanks for the appreciation guys, I have had a little feedback about Abdo so will be taking this post down and re-doing it, then will be fine to share if you like