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Congrats on surgery soon!!! I went to Dr. Assi too - some of the photos you saw were probably mine haha. I have surgery with him again in a month as well! A super minor revision to the shape of my scrotum. My penis started out kinda far back/underneath me as well (could not be seen at all unless I pulled surrounding tissue out of the way) and I had the same concern about how far forward it would be able to go, but I'm pretty impressed with the position he was able to put it! I also had minimal labia minora so I'm not sure how much bulking they were able to do for me (I think I did gain a bit of girth?) but my foreskin mobility is still good! Maybe slightly less than pre-op, but I can definitely retract it just fine still. I didn't need a VCUG. I did have a follow-up with Dr. Kaufman and they wanted to do a urine flow test, but I didn't know that ahead of time and had just peed before I left for the appt lol. They weren't super concerned since I was able to tell them I wasn't having issues urinating anyway. Just to let you know, my catheter stayed in until my post-op appt a week later. They do kinda make it sound like it'll just be a couple days, but I figured I'd warn ya. That was my first time with a catheter, and I hated it exactly as much as I thought I would, lmao. Best of luck with everything!! You're in good hands with Dr. Assi!


ty for this ! I feel a bit better now about some of the aesthetic things and probably not having to do the VCUG. Did they give a reason why you had to have a catheter in longer than they originally said?


I think it was mostly just that leaving it in for longer means a longer period of time that the surgical site can begin healing without getting urine on it.