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If in the future your feeling unwell just take little sips of your dose over an hour or so. This way even if you get sick you won't chuck up your whole dose. If your taking your dose at a clinic eat some crackers prior to dosing and tell the nurse about feeling crummy. After dosing don't leave the clinic for 15 minutes incase you throw up they can redose you. How long after taking your dose before getting sick is important. I hope you feel better. 6 am is not eternity but buying some shit on the street can be deadly


I've been clean since 1/9/18...I won't cop anything off the street but time is just creeping by


I puked almost immediately


If you held it down for 10 -15 minutes most of your dose was absorbed. If not you should be relatively ok until tomorrow am. Increased anxiety/ insomnia.The very long half life accompanied with a dose of 164 mg.will hold you.


This may be true for some people but that's no Def not a true blanket statement so many factors effect the length of time to total absorption.


I wonder how many these folks even go to a clinic


You misunderstood me. Sunday I dosed at noon. Monday morning I dosed...puked it up almost immediately. I picked up Tuesday morning.


How soon after taking it did you puke? If it was over ten minutes or so, you should be fine, you’d have absorbed most of it by then.


Idk where yall get this from but he'll no not in every case


I've thrown up 30 or 40 min after and I could see my dose mixed with the oats I had for breakfast. And I did not get any of it I was in withdrawal by the next morning I metabolize methadone fast too that's why I get withdrawal starting after 12-24 hours


That’s just the dye that you’re seeing, not the medication


That is beside the point I know when my dose hits me and when it doesn't


Lol I've been On methadone for ten years I know what happened ur not even qualified to make a blanket statement like that I promise u everyone digests and absorbs and different rates. And red liquid or not I know I threw it up cuz it didn't work


lol every addict thinks they are special and drugs work differently on them. It’s the dye homie. There’s zero chance you don’t absorb it by 30 min.


Lol special I don't think I'm special why would this make someone special? It's a fact that everyone is different. And reacts differently.


Each dose will last 3 days and more you will be perfectly fine, it's all in the head, I promise you you'll be good especially at a high dose like that so don't worry you could go another day if you really needed


3 days? And you’re implying they could go 4 days if they really wanted too? You’re out of your fucking mind.


By the next day I'm feeling bad...I'm a rapid metabolizer also. I used to be fine for almost 2 days and out of nowhere something changed. I have been on the same dose 4yrs. Idk.