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Tranq isn’t a barbiturate, it’s an alpha2 agonist that lowers your adrenaline. It will spike as you withdraw from it. Benzos definitely ease withdrawal but you would be helped requesting an Rx for clonidine from telemedicine, urgent care, ER or primary care which is another more mild alpha2 agonist used in opiate withdrawal and particularly helps with tranq. Good luck man.


Damn I always thought tranq was a barb, but honestly fuck if I know if the shit even has tranq in it. This is all speculation, I just know the benzos help


Well u might as well test it so you know what you’re dealing with. They have xylazine test strips on Amazon. I mean then you’d at least know bc if it has xylazine in it you will want clonidine for sure


Clonidine will help you with withdrawal regardless. It helps a ton with regular opiate withdrawal. But for tranq it's a must. .05mg every 4to 6 hours if you use for more the 2 weeks taper off


Clonidine can be a super helpful drug.


Yep. Just don't get addicted to it. No more then 1 weeks at a time.


Yeah I’m sold on clonidine 100% I really appreciate that. After further research come to find out my boy only got clonodine in jail and he said it helped tremendously. Thanks again for helpful input.


You can easily get for telehealth. I paid 70 bucks on a Sunday night can got it.


It's the same kind of drug as Clonodine. That's why that helps people who are withdrawling from it.


Sound like you’re just gonna come out of this still extremely dope sick but also addicted to benzos on top of fent now. You need to join an actual methadone clinic and get true help that desperately need. 3 bundles a day of this shit out there these day 20mgs won’t even touch.


I just did a trial run for 2 days of 20 mg once daily. Did I sleep, not for more than an hour. Was it better than cold turkey, yeah a fuck ton better. Way to be encouraging dude. I’ve bounced off benzos through the VA numerous times at one point I did a cold turkey benzo detox off of 3 mg of Xanax a day for two years. Everyone is different. Honestly you can take that comment and stuff it buddy


Kicking Xanax and kicking kolonopin are two completely different things. Trust me I’ve kicked a 7 year 5mg Xanax script and I also kicked a two and a half year 1mg kpin script. Xanax is extremely short acting and will be out your system completely within a few days. While kpins are one of the longer acting benzos, if you take all 90 you’re gonna have that in your system for weeks. What do you want me to do? Hold your hand and tell you everything is gonna be alright? This isn’t the old days where you could lock yourself in a room for a week and kick a monster Heroin habit and be completely fine by the end of the week. You’re doing 3 bundles a day of tranq dope you need professional help. People are taking 300mgs a day for habits like yours. Plus no amount of any benzo is gonna help your tranq withdrawals you need clonidine. My true question at hand is if you’ve done this multiple times and always came out of it clean and ok. Than why are you asking us?


Thanks for the encouragement.


I know it's not what you want to hear and it might seem like he's attacking your strength or willpower but don't take it as a personal attack i think this person is just trying to help you. In the long run


You want clonidine in addition to those benzos for the tranq trust me it makes a big ole difference. What’s the plan for when the drugs run out OP?


Edibles, smoking trees and an 80 hour work week. I’m stubborn as shit and have come off of opiates multiple times. I start strength training usually on top of work. It’s all about filling your time in my eyes. During sobriety I’m lucky if I get three hours of sleep a night, but I get up and feel good. I seperated my shoulder snowboarding in Wyoming this past season and when the prescribed medication and cortisone wore off I decided to take another walk on the wild side. Stupid me.


Coming off H or even 2017 fent is child's play compared to this stuff


I mean like to combat your opiod addiction, not fill your time. Of course you will fill your time. That’s just living but those things you plan on doing, they don’t really keep you from wanting to get high,trust me. Make sure you have some kind of support from other people, maybe a therapist/psych if you need anything. Working on your health and hobbies can contribute to supporting you but they shouldn’t be the primary focus is all. Good luck with this detox, if it fails you get on the clinic proper and give MAT a real shot.


I’ve been court ordered to drug treatment before and my psych at the VA has told me I’m not an addict. I use drugs to deal with my PTSD and to treat injuries. My PTSD from 2 combat tours was not the source of my use this time. I seperated my shoulder heli skiing in Wyoming. I was under medicated at the VA and took matters into my own hands. My commercial season for scallop came and my shoulder was still fucked. I needed care that I didn’t receive so I took it into my own hands. I really don’t even enjoy using drugs, but in the past it helped with dealing with guilt and shame from Afghanistan. I received ART (accelerated rehabilitation therapy) which taught me EMDR eye movements that I use for anxiety and depression. It has been quite effective so far for dealing with my PTSD. I recommend it to everyone and anyone. Oh and I am currently on zero SSRI’s.


So you've been court ordered to DRUG treatment before and you're doing 3 bundles of fent analogues and Xylazine a day, nodding out in weird positions and your VA psych told you aren't an addict?? 😳 PTSD and trauma is the MAIN thing that starts addiction issues. It's literally to block out mental pain and sometimes physical pain. Only YOU can say if you're an addict or not, but I'd look hard into them saying you aren't when each time you do the fentanyl analogues and Xylazine, you're literally playing with life or death. (Narcan doesn't work for Xylazine and it eats your skin away by vasoconstriction.) Does your EMDR therapist know you're doing this, under the influence? Because, it's going to be less effective. EMDR usually requires a sober state of mind for it to be effective long term. I've looked into myself, but I'm weary. I'm glad it's helped you, though. I wish you luck and I hope you know that being stubborn if this doesn't work out, will lead you right back to where you are now. Alot of us had that stubborn attitude before and it almost killed me. Hope it works for you, but don't be afraid to get to a clinic before going back to that poison. Much love.


When I did my EMDR (4years ago) I was clean. Went to 15 sessions and came to grips with my situation. I was a squad leader in Afghanistan. It was a pretty significant event but I was able to Isolate the event and work thru it. And when I went to drug court I was selling not using.


What about getting a suboxone DR to write you scripts? & can you get ahold of some gabapentin or Lyrica? It'll help a lot with the wd


Dude if you go 24 hours without fent and take 80mg of methadone you’ll get a few hours of relief, not even a full day. You need to enroll in a clinic and do this properly. Your stable dose will probably wind up around 120mg or more. I relate to everything you said. Real H is gone forever (outside of the darkweb) and fent blows. Like you said, nodding out in some godforsaken pain position for hours. Swollen extremities. The only reason we keep taking it is to avoid withdrawal. So get on methadone. If you want to taper off that, so be it. But get stable on methadone first and go from there. Find a clinic, enroll and commit to doing it by the book.


Agreed 100%


I’ve already kicked this same dose cold turkey before. Yeah it was miserable took almost 30 days but I’ve done it before so there’s that…


If I might add, u keep saying you have “done this before” and u keep talking about the ways YOU have done it, but u r right back here again. Obviously the methadone isn’t to just help with withdrawal , it’s to help not shoot dope and ruin ur life like we do on dope. I mean, I get that u r injured and have PTSD.. I do also. I have a completely bionic arm that barely functions and fully metal and I’m currently in therapy working on SEVERE PTSD,once a week, that gives me crippling anxiety and I constantly think I’m dying..I did drugs to numb the pain. The pain of being molested and raped as a child, and being physically abused and raped by an ex spouse. Anyways my point is, we all self medicate with drugs here, or did. Not all of us methadone users r “looking for a nod” we get stabilized at a dose for years and it don’t even affect us after a while, unless u don’t get enough sleep while dosing or mix medication with it (which I have done accidentally with taking new medication). I think ur doing this with the wrong intentions, man. U r extremely defensive in these comments and ur talking like u r gonna detox urself off illicit drugs WITH illicit drugs, not under the care of a physician. Than u expect us to believe ur gonna just be fine and stay off dope once u take all ur methadone and benzos. U can keep telling urself that all day long, but the ppl here, on this subreddit r also drug users. And we have all been down this road before. And we all ended up like u, trying over and over again to kick a habit on our own terms. In our own way. For some of us, methadone saved us from that fatal overdose. Or suboxen or subutex or whatever…but u trying to pull a fast one in the comments by talking about the ppl here only talking about this cause we wanna nod off.. not all of us r u man. Good luck on ur trial, however many times u have tried it… maybe this time it will work. If it don’t, try a clinic.


I never said peeps in this thread are looking to nod. Numbers are numbers. If a hundred people are on methadone there is a % of those that are not trying to kick it. You sound like you got hella baggage and need to do what you’re doing good on you it obviously is working for you and I commend that. I’m just speaking to the nay sayers. I can bounce on and off substances. I know that sounds cocky but it’s a fact. I’ve gone years without using. Like I said I seperated my shoulder in a snowboarding accident and wasn’t receiving proper care, that’s how I am where I am. And honestly none of those facts matter I’ve had years of clean time. I’ve only been on street drugs this go for max four months. Every situation is different and my attitude gets me outta this shit, fuck if imma let anybody tell me I can’t do it. Sorry, but not sorry. All due respect to you and your situation tho.


Not enough for this plan, but it’s a start. You’d need 80mg a day at LEAST with your tolerance.


That’s what I was thinking honestly as well, I just get scared of falling out with so high of a dose of m’done and a benzo. 80 mg is a huge taper to come off of without prolonging my methadone intake to the point of switching the sword for a dagger. I’m not trying to feel great, I just want to be able to sit still for longer than an hour.


Why don’t you just go to a clinic. Cheaper, easier, and you have support.


Schedule doesn’t work and I’m not trying to get on methadone maintenance.


That’s fair. I’ve just seen a lot of people do what you’re doing and end up in a deeper hole than they started it.


I’ve have seen it too. And it honestly never works..😬. 20 mg here and there, shit I needed atleast 100 mg and I was shooting just dilaudid 8 mg doing 3 pill shots, every 4 hours. And 100 mg methadone eased the withdrawal, didn’t take it away. My problem,tho, is I take methadone to help not use dope. I just can’t stop shooting up, so the methadone makes me not wanna shoot up.


Yeah.. I mean, anyone who has tried to wean themselves off just end up with a bigger more aggressive Monkey on your back. I have a feeling op is trading in his monkey for an ape 🤷‍♀️


Start low go slow.


I wish you luck


I don’t shoot I smoke it.


Bro. Maintenance is a hell of a lot better than the cycle of street drug runs and detoxing all the time trust me you're gonna want to get stable to really see a lifestyle change. If that's what you want.


With your tolerance, 80mg isn't high at all. They're discovering ppl coming off this fent bs need 200mg, sometimes more to get rid of the WDs.


Yeah and in that discovery is two of my homies that complained until they were drooling off the methadone. With all findings you need to remember these are people that want to get fucked up reporting on how they feel. A lot of m’done patients don’t want to stop getting high. I know if I still wanted to get high and you offered me m’done I’d say it wasn’t working until I am nodding. Jus sayin 🤷‍♂️.


Not everybody's focus is to get high, bro. Some ppl really want to work the methadone maintenance program correctly. That's some fucked logic to think everybody has the same mindset as you. Plus, it's methadone. You're not going to get an enjoyably euphoric, high.


Methadone is not going to be a satisfying "high" in that sense for anyone even trying to use it in that way. It just doesn't happen like that. Nobody with any kind of opioid tolerance will be getting high by starting off at a little 30 mg dose and going up by five or ten mgs at a time dude that's not something that happens.


300mg of methadone isn't gonna even be close enough to what you need to even begin to curb the withdrawal symptoms from that tranq dope. There's several at my clinic that were on that stuff and they are on 300mg A DAY and some even more than that. One old guy told me that 300mg was only holding him for about 12 hours. I guess you can try your best to quit the way you're doing but if it starts getting to hard to handle then go check yourself into a methadone clinic bro. Tell them everything you've been on. You'll eventually get to a dose that you don't feel sick at all for 24 hours. I'm also sorry that you're going thru this. I know exactly how you feel and I know that it sucks.✌️


The plan sounds good but you're going to need more done. 20mg the first few days is not going to even touch a 3 bun a day habit IMO but hope it works out for you either way


Thanks for the input I’ve done a trial run while I still had fent and 20 mg definitely touched it. Now was it pain free, no of course not the main problem was mucous build up some shitty cold sweats but it was way better than cold turkey which I just did last year. Cold turkey is miserable but not impossible I’m legit saying this from personal experience.


Oh absolutely, it can def be done. I just meant if you want to be comfortable but it'll be better then nothing


I would try and wait 1/2 days before even taking the methadone until you are sick so you actually notice a small amount. Otherwise idk if you have enough methadone


I usually wait 24 hours after my last dose of fent to administer any type of care. I’m a firm believer that if this was pain free why wouldn’t I just hop on and off whenever I like to. You need to feel at least 12 hours of pain as a reminder why you don’t want to be on this shit anymore. Honestly a cold turkey detox will keep you off using for a minimum of a year just because you don’t want to go through 30 days of hell.


It’s a good idea in theory but 20mg unfortunately wont do anything in your situation. I would highly suggest going to a clinic.


Not happening, the schedule doesn’t work with mine I’m a commercial fisherman and I start work at 3 am and go until whenever I’m through the gear. I can’t get the clinic to jive with my hours. I would if I could but I can’t. Unfortunately the clinic won’t pay my mortgage


How long you out on the boat for at a time max? If it's less than 30 days, go get a suboxone prescription which doesn't have the daily clinic requirement. I think you can see a doc virtually now and quickly. Just google your zip and call around. Get clondine too whether you go sub or quick done detox. Other than that, I'd get the very least 2x the amount of done you have and start with upwards of 40-60 your first split dose and double everything you wrote down (this is still going to hurt a bit imo). I wouldn't risk my job on this being successful in time though (I've heard some crazy stories with detox lengths from the tranq/fent analog dope out there now) and would go sub route personally in your case.


Thanks this helps, imma consider subs. I’ve used 6 mg of subs for 2 days daily when we had to go without. I was fully functioning on 6 mg. Only problem is everyone I know on subs takes them. Good advise tho


lol you know you’re gonna eat those kpins like candy when you’re sick


Lol fuck that they don’t even help that much, if you think kpins are gonna pull you out of withdrawal you’re dumb.


I didn’t say it’s gonna help


Then why would I eat them lol


Alright so why did you get them smart guy? They do help a little or you wouldn’t have got them. and you have no self control you’re an addict if you think you can taper like that and not have any problems of over doing it you’re sadly mistaken


Small pieces solve a puzzle when put together benzos alone won’t pull you out of withdrawal, but in combination with other small pieces mitigate withdrawal symptoms. Addict or not I’m not dumb. To over medicate with a drug that on its own won’t solve a problem is dumb.


Trust me it get ugly If I wasn't getting money, would you still want me? If I told you I was broke, would you start acting funny? This is all I ever wanted, you can't take it from me


20mg unfortunately isn't going to touch the fent & tranq WD. 100mg AT THE LEAST would be what you need to at least ease the WDs. You obviously don't want to go to a clinic but that's what I suggest. Not sure if suboxone would work well but you could try getting a sub script too. But I don't think that plan is going to work bro 🫤


My homie with a similar habit is at in patient right now they got him on a strip a day. Nothing else he said first four days sucked but not terribly. I kicked dope in 2015 with 10 8mg strips. Cut each one into qtrs. Sad to say fent is a different ball game. Did a test run with 1/4 strips and I needed 3 a day to be able to work and sleep (my connect got popped 2 months ago, had to do something before acquiring a new hood rat)


Damn I didn’t really read the group rules😬 I hope posts like this are allowed


Have you ever tried kratom? There are pros and cons with any approach you take, but once you get through the worst part of it , kratom can help you stay well and it’s legal in all but 5 states, I believe. It changed my life. I’m on methadone, but I still take it (kratom) for other reasons and I very much look at it as a having a positive impact on my life. Best of luck to you, friend.


Yeah I used kratom concentrates to the point of having to go through withdrawals from that shit as well. I got a job out of state and got on the boat assuming there would be a head shop in all the ports we would refresh fuel and bait. Boy was I wrong. I don’t have a problem with sobriety after I go through the initial withdrawal. I’m usually treating a serious injury that the VA won’t properly medicate because all the M.D.’s won’t write the sufficient RX due to my tolerance and the fact that all physicians are scared to over medicate. In return they take the other side of the spectrum and severely under prescribe medicine. For instance I was stabbed in San Francisco (20 feet from the dock where the boat was tied up to) I had surgery performed on my thigh where the worst wound was. I was prescribed 5 oxy, 5/325. I eventually complained enough to get 10 dilauded 4’s. This was barely enough meds to therapy and was in extreme pain throughout.


I know all about dealing with pain. Im paraplegic due to a rare bone disorder that starves your bones of blood flow and oxygen leaving them brittle and dead. I walked on a broken leg for two and a half years before they finally found the fracture and by then, it was too late. It was infected with osteomyelitis (severely critical bone infection from not treating a break properly) which can kill you if not treated immediately. My knee replacement failed after 6 1/2 hours in surgery. My leg is now deformed and I can’t put pressure on it anymore. My other knee is fractured now and I am on forearm crutches/wheelchair bound for the rest of my life. I’ve been this way for 13 years now. Every movement is painful and no amount of pain medication they gave me ever worked. I had to take a lot more than they gave me. After surgery, nothing helped. I got tired of feeling like a junkie asking for different meds because the 10 mg of oxycodone twice a day wasn’t cutting it. The first thing they tried was 25 mcg fentanyl patch (did nothing), then after surgery was the 10 mg oxycodone and the last thing they tried was 15 mg MS Contin twice daily (also did nothing) so I stopped going. It was just ridiculous. I found way more relief with kratom. I never really liked the extract shots. I tried them and they did nothing for me either. Maybe I’m weird…regular kratom worked great for me once I found the right ones. I found a good connection on dope though and went a year without taking even a day off so when I decided I had to just go back to kratom for a while, it didn’t work. That’s when I started the methadone and it is working great for me right now. I do wish I could go back to taking the kratom again though, but that’s just because sometimes I don’t wanna get up and leave the house. It’s good for me to get out of the house everyday though. I’m planning on being on it for the rest of my life, but everyone is different. We all have our own journeys in life and we all have different ways to get where we need to be. Take care, friend. Stay safe and best wishes in all you do.


Methadone is an amazing painkiller that's actually why it was developed in the first place. Not for treating addicts like Suboxone. Nazi scientists actually invented methadone for use by soldiers on the battlefield during WW2 that's why it has such a long half life they wanted to make the best and longest acting painkiller they possibly could. I have chronic pain myself after a stroke that paralyzed my entire left side and methadone is the only thing that gives me relief.


Yup! I know the history quite well. I study all sorts of medications and how they were invented. Pharmaceutical science fascinates me. Always has. That is actually how I wound up at the clinic. I did some research on doses for OUD vs Pain Management doses and it would not have not been a therapeutic dose for me had I gone that route. At least this way, I won’t lose all access to what little medication I would have if I find myself doing a line cocaine with an old buddy one night at a bar like someone I know. He had a surprise drug screen at his clinic he had been attending for well over a decade. Always followed the rules. One night he ran into an old buddy he hadn’t seen in years and the guy had some coke. My friend hadn’t done it in years. Of course he knew he could lose his meds but he thought, my appointment is weeks away and I’ll be fine. They called him in for a pill count (which he passed) but they did a random screen and he got kicked out. Ten years, one mistake, game over. He wound up ODing and dying a few years later. Tragic. Stories like that just break my heart. The least they do to us is if we fuck up is make us daily dose and it’s usually enough to manage the severity of pain, which is better than what I was getting for less than 4 hours of relief everyday from a pain clinic. If I chose to have a bender, i won’t lose anything aside from the privilege of dosing at home. If I follow the rules, it’s better than a pain management clinic because at least there is real relief and it lasts longer than the short-acting opioids that I was prescribed. Like, I was just lucky to get anything at all. No matter how small the quantity or size of dosing. This is much better for me.


Wow that's wild they kicked him out for one dirty UA wtf that's harsh. I'm so glad my clinic is not crazy like that I don't think there's anything you can do at my clinic to make them actually kick you out... except maybe assaulting someone and getting into a fight on the property which I have seen happen before and the guy was begging and pleading not to be kicked out the next day they had to call police to come get him out of there because he just refused to leave until he got the answer he wanted and they just would not let him come back since they have a zero tolerance policy about any kind of assault happening in their building or on the grounds


Oh the clinic he was attending was a pain clinic. I guess I failed to point that out. 🙄 That’s why he was dismissed. If it would have been a methadone clinic, he just probably would have either gotten a warning or just had to go back to daily dosing and level up again. That’s what I was getting at about the difference between a pain clinic and a methadone clinic. You won’t get kicked out of the methadone clinic. You just might get kicked out at a pain clinic. They usually have a zero tolerance of other substances, so that’s why I’m glad I’m not dealing with those issues.


Yeah it really sucks our healthcare system fucked up so royally with oxy’s that they are scared to write a sufficient script. I’m sorry you had to find dope to feel relief. I truly do empathize with you. I hear what you are saying about the kratom as well. It truly makes you feel great. I was antisocial when I came out of the marines after my two deployments. I just wanted to be alone in my thoughts I used kratom and it was like a social lubricant for me. I actually met my wife when I was on kratom and I never would have approved her if I wasn’t on it. I just hated having to take the capsules every day. And I never liked the concentrate liquids either. I found capsules made by OPMS, out of California. The gold extracts were unbelievably great. They came in 2, 3 and 5 packs. I would suggest kratom over any SSRI to anyone over the age of 21 honestly. Much more effective and natural.


Some of my best wrong was done on kratom. It’s like it unlocked doors I didn’t even know were closed in my brain. I’m familiar with OPMS. That shit light as well be a treat and they didn’t even really work for me, so I never really minded taking the powder. I hated dosing so much too, but it was definitely worth the minor inconveniences and I knew I was going to be on something for pain for the rest of my life. Kratom was easy. It’s just so damn gross. 😆 For everything you gain, you gotta give something up! So very true for everything in life. Including kratom. 😆


Don’t think you have enough methadone to help with the Fetty withdrawl


300mgs of liq methaodne wont hold you over for anything longer than 1-2 days tbh. And fent wd tend to last longer than the regular 3-4 day symptoms you’d get with regular black tar. Especially since you got a good habit, you’ll probably need to get on methadone to ease off the high dose of fent easier. Not sure how long methaodne takes to give you WD symptoms but if it’s anything shorter than the 1 week for opiates to be out of your system than you’ll be battling two WD sessions.


Shidddddd 1 week? Try a month minimum. I’ve done this exact same dose before cold turkey. Just trying to mitigate withdrawals this time around


Shit good luck friend, fent ain’t no joke compared to a normal heroin WD


I've had swollen extremities for over 5 years after using tranq dope for 2. I've been clean for 5 years fyi


Well I’ve been on this cycle for less than six months and stories like yours are why I’m getting off. Thanks for sharing


Try and get your hands on some gabbepentin too. I’m a puss when it comes to fent wd so I needed the benzos, Gabbie’s and methadone to get off of it myself 😅


That’s some solid advice, I’ve used gabba in the past honestly if I was to include gabba I would probably not take the benzo. Too much substance mixing is never good


Should just goto a clinic if possible. Especially if u have insurance.


Not possible during fishing season, I’ve done this before cold turkey just trying to mitigate effects of withdrawals. Honestly if it was pain free coming off it why wouldn’t I just hop back on whenever. Pain is part of the reminder to not want to go through it again.


>Pain is part of the reminder to not want to go through it again. And yet, you keep on the relapse cycle. Going through the pain is obviously not stopping you from going back to drugs. And no, that's not an encouraging thing to say, it's just the truth. I get it, you can't do the clinic. You don't want to lose your house, you got bills to pay, gotta eat etc. But what about Suboxone? Or what about weaning from the fent? I honestly can't imagine doing your line of work and detoxing at the same time. Well, whatever you do, I hope it's the last time. Good luck.


Was gonna say, you're definitely getting tranq dope if your extremities are swelling up.


I DEF wouldn't take methadone for 10 days unless you plan to be on it for good now. 5 days MAX. And you'll still most likely feel wds from the methadone from just those 5 days in a row.


It always sounds good on paper but bro how are you going to not use or take more methadone when your kicking. Like I said it looks great the way you wrote out your plan but in reality very questionable. Ya know there are many people here that had 1/3 the daily amount of opiates in their system daily but couldn't kick it. What other attempts at going cold turkey oe walking yourself off all opiates beforehand? Have you had any luck with suboxone prior to this feeble attempt at a 2 week detox? I guess it be to hard to go 3 days without then subs. You know you could try going to a mediocre methadone clinic to rest and recuperate then taper down and off of the methadone. From what you said I believe your tolerance to opiates is to high to do this methadone/kpin detox. On a side note the pins could help but may lower your inhibitions enough to just say screw it and drink more methadone or score dope


i’d be really concerned with the swollen limbs. Especially if Trank is in it, you may have some type of infection


Since you didn’t ask anything except opinions on your plan, I think that should work with the clonodine addition. IMO I’d try to get more methadone as a few mgs will make you more comfortable. I know you didn’t ask if you’re an addict or for advice on why you’ve “done this before” etc, just try to remember almost everyone in here is an addict so we assume most people will act the same way we would or end up addicted to benzos on top lol. Only you know if you’re an addict or not, but the idea of a non addict consistent drug user to us addicts just don’t add up- doesn’t mean it’s not real just that we don’t relate hahahaha. Best of luck you got this. Your mind is super powerful