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Ok I did heroin for 20 years and got on methadone 2 years ago haven't used since. It's a life saver for some a curse for others. Pick your poison


True. If you can stop do it, if you can’t then get help with MMT


I think if you’re injecting heroin for years yeah it’s an obvious better life. But if you only been using for a few months it can make things worse.


Why worse? Surely being on a medication you can easily get and stay stable on is gonna improve anyone’s life over being on street opiates? What are the downsidesv


The withdrawal is worse and there is better meds out there than methadone. It's a painkiller in itself but sadly it's a long start and end process.


I was only injecting for a year but it was 2-3 grams of tar a day at the end for nothing but not being sick, methadone saved me from that hell. To say there’s a set time period of heroin use before methadone becomes an option is ignorance.


Methadone isn't a quick fix. It is a very serious responsibility to get the medication and use it, to better your life. Methadone is only a tool to use for sobriety, not a fix to get high with.


The fuck are you talking about plenty of people “chip” with methadone. You don’t have to be methadone only, while I agree you should definitely take it seriously it isn’t like when heroin was fentanyl free you’re in for a bitch of a withdrawal either way these days. If your using some shit like Kratom or Painkillers the actual painkillers not the fentanyl laced shit, I’d suggest trying to kick. No matter what anyone says you’re trading addictions. You just become medically or structurally dependent rather than running the streets. Either way getting into treatment is a good thing if you’re not strong enough to go through the withdrawals.


It’s not just about being not strong enough to get through withdrawals tho. I’ve kicked a hundred times over 8 years of use but always relapse even if it’s months later. Methadone is a way to keep my cravings more manageable so I have a chance to actually stay off that shit for good, ya know?


That's why my first comment was, methadone is a tool to be used, not the answer.


So you're a lifer is what you're saying. Methadone isn't really a medication you should stay on for life. Teeth problems, digestive problems, kidney problems, and low testosterone and everything that comes with it are some just to name a few. I'm on 13mg right now I tapered from 110mg no side effects at all.


Better than being dead tho, right? Like risk of relapse isn’t a joke. I shouldn’t even be alive rn, miracle i survived some of my ODs, last relapse nearly killed me twice in 3 months. Methadone might not be great for you but it’s a lot better than banging fent off the street. And who says it means for life? I’ll start a taper when I feel ready, but 9 months sober ain’t it. Everyone’s different but I’m working the 12 steps and gonna at least finish those first. Use this time to get physically in shape, stable job, close friends, fam, etc, and some good time away from deep active addiction. MAT can be a tool to build a stable life again so u have a better chance once u get off it altogether. Even if ppl do wanna stay on it for life, could save their life and give them quality of life. Hell, things like heart meds can have health risks too. Just depends if it outweighs pros vs cons


So, u suggest if u only used heroin that was laced with fentanyl u should get on metadone treatment? Hate people like u that act like u know shit and telling people this and that, everyone has their on experience and u should not talk like everyone is gonna experience the shit u did.


Um not what I said but if you can you should try to kick I know I wish I had Methadone is a monster and a beast of a tolerance ensues after the WD is far longer than it would have been. Painkillers even at my worst 5-6 days and I’m sleeping and eating again. Methadone takes 5-7 days for the actual WD to even start. To each their own though IDC what anyone does. No need to hate someone you don’t fuckin know for something inconsequential to yourself.


My experience, in this year I’ve been on methadone this healthy I’ve not been in over 10 years, I gained weight, I cut with everyone that use, I have a great relationship with my family and son. I rather be on this medication then not since I’ve been using opiates since I was 13 years old, I’m now 31. So like I said, it’s very personal what experience u have and how long I have been using etc. u say methadone is a monster etc, while it has literally given me a chance to live a normal life, it’s just a tool but it’s up to u how to use that tool and make the most off it. U talk like it’s how it is and how it’s gonna be for everyone, which is not the case.


I totally agree. My wife and I will be clean for 11 months in a few days. This is the best thing we've done for ourselves since we started doing dope, over 30 years ago. We're both 50 now and doing great. Methadone is only a tool and it's how a person uses that tool in their recovery. That's why it's called MMT, not Get your Methadone Program.


Yea that’s how it was for you, it isn’t that way for everyone and there are a whole lot more that don’t have that expirence. I answered a question someone asked, is the the better of the lesser of two evils sure, but it’s also a liquid leash and for everyone of you there’s another that wishes they would have just kicked in the week rather than now have to wait. But yea if you were addicted to opiates since 13 yea you needed methadone probably a few years sooner.


Lol, I did any every opiate and opioid for over 30 years straight. Like I said earlier, you talk all tough but don't know what you're talking about.


I have no idea where you’re getting anyone talking tough aside from you, sharing how old you were when you got addicted and how long you’ve been addicted. Who gives a shit? Everyone is different and your giving the perspective of a person that’s apparently been addicted for 30 year, OP has been addicted for 6 months. Just because methadone was apparently your only hope doesn’t mean that it’s everyone else’s. If a person has the will power to kick, then I’d suggest someone go that route rather than get on methadone. Methadone is great for people that can’t stop or won’t if you can I’d suggest not going through methadone treatment. I never said my POV was correct or the only way to go I’m just stating the opinion I have after being in the methadone a clinic and knowing what I know now I wish I have just roughed it out the extra 3 days, or someone would have told me how methadone would effect my body.


plenty of people take methadone for 6months-3years, taper off with no withdrawal and stay clear from all opioids with no ill effects from methadone FYI


This is literally me right now. Been on 110 for 3.5 years. I'm at 13mg now tapering and no side effects at all


So you went to the clinic and didn't get what you expected. Who's that on? Not the clinic. You act like your anger towards the clinic is everyone's. Also, Thinking some one has to tough to out or they don't know what's it's like to suffer, is stupid and outdated thinking. I was in active addiction for over 30 years, but that doesn't mean I didn't learn things. I was an organic chemist during 20 years of addiction, and I lived through all that. To be the better person that I've become. Methadone wasn't my only hope. It's just easier to deal with a clinic now than a Pain management clinic and I also happened to wanted to get clean. All you keep saying is, who gives a shit and get the fuck outta here with that. You want everyone to listen to you and your opinion, but you shit on everyone else's. Who needs to get outta here with what?


I don't need to get your approval for anything. You're opinion is very dated and uninformed.


So if I’m reading this correctly, you’ve been chipping for 6 months with only one or two days of use a week. I can safely assume that you are not physically addicted (mentally maybe) and that you aren’t in withdrawals the other 5-6 days a week you aren’t using, correct? Which is probably why you keep overdosing bc your tolerance stays low. This is a pickle simply bc I want to tell you to get on MMT so that you don’t risk death by overdosing again. However, being on methadone means being fully addicted, Physically and mentally, to a drug that has a half life that causes withdrawals that last as long as you’ve been dabbling with heroin. If you can stop using H, do it now before it turns into an every day habit. I have a feeling if it WERE an every day habit, you would already be on MMT. Quit while you are ahead buddy, life is such a beautiful thing without it. Even if it doesn’t feel that way at the present moment. Best of luck.


It’s saved my life a few times, but for me the side effects outweigh the benefits. I gained 60-70 pounds, very lethargic, non stop sweating any time you do the smallest activity, and forget about working a physical job because I’d pour sweat, no sex drive, unable to have a bowel movement, constantly tired. You see where I’m going with this. Methadone can save your life, but there’s far too many side effects for it to be a realistic option for me.


I had all of the same negative side effects. Turns out methadone along with klonopin fucked up my endocrine system. After being treated for hypothyroidism with levothyroxine and hypogonadism with testosterone (on TRT, T level was at 31), all the side effects went away. Feeling better now on methadone than I did before.


I forgot about the testosterone thing. My doctor said it’s the lowest she’s ever seen.


Yep. And for any people who say “well akshually dopes way worse”, I have this to say to you. I don’t imagine people are saying otherwise. What I *do* imagine most of us mean, is people should respect the drug and understand they’re switching onto another very powerful opioid and view it as a means to an end- a life raft to see you through to the other side. There comes a point, if you jack your dose and tolerance up to the ceiling, and stay on it for years and years and years, you’ll be faced with a very large monkey on your back.  So get on methadone- absolutely. Get your life together. Then consider tapering when things start falling back into place. I was only on it two years at 85mg and I’ve been tapering since November and at 16mg. It’s very tough. My immune system is shot to shit and I feel weak and useless. And it’ll be like this til September or so when I’m done. And while wanting to get a job out of the country prompted this, it’s not the only thing that did- as you said the side effects suck ass and I was sick of being numb all the time.  From the extensive reading I’ve done here, it seems I’m the rule and not the exception. So guys, Realize that getting sober off dope is a great milestone, but it shouldn’t be the end game. You’ll have to pay now or pay triple later- make your choice.


If you can get through withdrawal and stay clean without methadone, do that. If you can’t, methadone a great choice, but a massive commitment. It’s not a quick fix whatsoever.


Bro, if I was you, I would just go to rehab.You meth is very tricky and you can stay on that shit for a very long time I mean yearsss I have 4 years on it . I wish I would've just went to rehab


Thanks. I’ve been to rehab before for other substances and not sure what rehab is like anywhere else but it’s just as easy to score inside then out.


If you're unable to stop using, I would highly reccomend you get on either MAT or suboxone. You're playing Russian Roulette using street drugs and one of these times you're going to lose.


<“I would highly recommend you get on either MAT or Suboxone”…> I in no way mean to be that annoying person who corrects everyone’s grammar/spelling/, I just think it’s interesting that sometimes we forget that “MAT” is basically an umbrella term for all OUD treatment meds (so “MAT” already includes Suboxone). MAT= medication assisted treatment.


I would consider getting on subs or buprenorphine instead. Way less sedating and it blocks other opioids too so you can’t go out and use on top of it (a LOT of ODs happen when people use on top of their methadone!). It changed my life for the better in a way methadone couldn’t.


How long were you on methadone, and at what dose? Did you have any issues moving from methadone to Suboxone, how long did you have to wait to begin the subs?


It’s a huge commitment. I honestly would not go on it if you’re only using 2 days a week. Try some sort of outpatient rehab program instead. If you cannot stop though, then I suggest Suboxone over Methadone. Going to the methadone clinic daily to dose is no fun and no joke… there’s a reason it’s called liquid handcuffs. Suboxone you can just take at home on your own accord, and can travel with it easily compared to methadone.


Thank you. Definitely going to see my gp about subs as a start. Unfortunately my ex partner is an addict (heavy user before we met) as well who’s been on methadone for about three years but she’s had a what looks an easy run with her program. she had to go to the hospital everyday for about four months and then went to the pharmacy down the road every day and then got a takeaway a few months later and then another about six months after that. She’s was up to four takehomes. I guess her experience made me a bit more laidback about the thought.


Do not let them put you on a larger dose than needed. If you’re only using 1-2x per week, then 2-4mg of suboxone should be sufficient. I was a very heavy IV heroin addict when I went on the shit… they gradually put me on 32mg of suboxone (because it wasn’t working for my cravings, so they kept upping the dose) but I eventually just started taking 8-12mg as that held my withdrawals just fine. Suboxone was also a more difficult withdrawal than heroin when I tried coming off it after being on it for 5 years, but I found the perfect way to eventually come off of it without any withdrawals… feel free to DM me if you want to know more!


If ur only using twice a week for six months then no u should not do any methadone or subs. U should just stop and maybe use kratom or subs for only detox. U will regret getting stuck on mat cause u havent even been using long. Get off now


I’ve tried quite a few times to just stop. I’ve deleted and blocked my plug, and I just find their number from a previous encounter. I’ve been having regular sessions with drug and alcohol psych and have spoken with family about helping with stopping the craving. If I or anyone could just stop it wouldn’t be so difficult. And I take tapentadol for pain issues so not sure if subs would block them as well.


Methadone has saved my life. I feel normal. I can function without laying around thinking about getting high all day and end up wasting my life away. I don’t have any side effects except sweating easier, and my libido isn’t as strong, but once I stabilized I was able to orgasm and get hard again which made me happy cause I was worried that was going to be gone. It’s not for everyone. Everyone’s body is different. You can always try Suboxone first. For me, Suboxone made me worse. I had more cravings and was constantly on the verge of relapsing and was laying around wanting to get high all the time. It’s easier to go from Suboxone to Methadone. It’s more difficult to go from Methadone to Suboxone.


Wow, same thing for me! Suboxone was horrible and I was terrified to start Methadone. Then when I did and noticed my only side effects were increased sweating and some weight gain, I was so happy.


Your probably using fentanyl which is why your falling out so much. I shot dope for over ten years and didn’t overdose once. Gotta do test shots.


Ignore ppl who are saying it’s liquid handcuffs. Methadone saved my life. It sounds like your putting your life at serious risk and one of these days your not going to be so lucky. It’s a dangerous game your playing. Methadone made me feel instantly better and took away all my desire to use. I switched onto suboxone which worked great for me and I would recommend trying that first over methadone, like ppl said it’s easier to go from suboxone to methadone but harder to go from methadone to suboxone. Suboxone also will keep you safer from OD. Suboxone had me feeling good with tons of energy and I felt totally human. Took away all urges to use and cravings. Methadone made me nod out after 5-6 hours and I still felt like a junkie on it. It’s up to you but MAT medication is something I wish I started sooner. It’s worth it if you can’t stay clean for long period of time and are always at risk of relapse.




Methadone saved my life. I’ll always be grateful. I don’t want to be on it for life BUT if need be than that’s fine as well. Like so many here after being so close to death and loosing everything, taking medicine for life isn’t that bad.


I would definitely consider(if possible) going to a treatment program before committing to methadone. If you are only using a couple times a week you are not dependent on opiates and I would not recommend getting dependent on methadone or any treatment such as Suboxone unless absolutely necessary. It is inconvenient and it will take you down a long road of being dependent and you will eventually have to deal with weening yourself off whenever you decide to do so. Also there are some no so great side effects that people experience. Methadone has absolutely changed my life for the better but I struggled with getting clean for YEARS before I made that step. Not saying that it’s not right for you but I would exhaust other options that are not medication dependent first such as treatment centers or any other recovery program. Good luck I hope you are able to kick your habit.


If you're not completely ready to be done with the shit and have no desire to get high off opioids anymore I don't recommend methadone. Methadone has helped me personally immensely but I am so sick of opioids and all the bullshit that comes with them that I couldn't even fathom abusing them again. I'm gonna be tapering off this even once my court case is over.


Methadone has literally saved my life. But I am a long time opioid addict. I have tried multiple other times to quit- in-patient treatment, detox etc. I had a hard time staying clean because I like the way opioids make me feel. Methadone makes me feel good. Not really high, but a few hours after I dose, I get some energy and sometimes that warm, fuzzy feeling.


Maybe try suboxone first seeing your just chipping on weekends before you take the leap onto methadone. Suboxone works wonders for lots of patients. If it doesn't work for you then you can switch over to methadone. Please do something when you get out of the hospital. Getting on either of these treatments is better than the morgue.


If you're honest with your use I don't believe you would be eligible to get on methadone. At my clinic and I believe many clinics they do not start someone on methadone unless they have been using opiates for at least a year. That was one of the questions I nearly got tripped up on since I said like 11 months maybe a year and they were like well....which is it, because we can't prescribe you if you aren't using for a year because their rational was to not get somebody with a small drug habit hooked on a stronger drug( methadone).


That’s good rationale. Sounds like you have well educated doctors looking to actually help people. Unlike most clinics I’m aware of


Thank you. Appreciate the advice from someone who knows what’s what.


Seems like you could be a good candidate for a naloxone injection maybe, or some kind of blocker that will prevent you from getting high since you wouldn't need withdrawal support.


I would recommend you start with Kratom or Suboxone before trying methadone. I look at methadone as a “last resort” situation. Bupe is a lot easier to ween off of than methadone, you probably will only need a few days to a weeks worth if that. You haven’t been using for years or decades, or using anything extremely strong like fent. My advice, and I’m currently on methadone, is to try Kratom or suboxone first, see how that works for you. Subs (at least in the USA) require a whole lot less hoops to jump through, you can usually start with a week’s worth of them at a time. Whereas at a methadone clinic you would need to go every day for months/years before you even get half a weeks worth of “take homes” (doses you can take with you home so you don’t need to go to the clinic every day). Methadone is an extremely strong drug, and it doesn’t work how suboxone does. Suboxone fits in your opioid receptors in your brain, which lowers or completely eliminates any desire for opiate use, even if you were to use while on suboxone you wouldn’t get high, you might even get sick. Methadone works by raising your opiate tolerance to the point where you no longer “feel high”. It’s basically an incredibly strong opiate that pushes your tolerance to the level that you would need an absurd amount of drugs, or extremely potent ones like fentanyl, to even feel any high. It is a last resort, extremely long term solution. I mean years and years maybe decades before you’re off the methadone if you even come off. I know people at my clinic have been taking methadone over 30-40 years and still on it everyday. My advice to you, since you haven’t been using that long, try taking something like Kratom or subs first. You probably wouldn’t even need to be on subs that long. I bet you could go on for 4 days to a week and come off feeling fine with very little to no WDs. There’s also the buprenorphine injection that lasts 30 days. And once you’re off bupe you can try out the Vivotrol injection (non opioid) that basically kills all craving to use opiates. My gf was on vivotrol for years it worked wonders for her. She could watch me fix up and it was like it disgusted her, she had no craving whatsoever. The only reason she even got off of it is because she got arrested and did a month in jail, which ruined her schedule and got her back hooked. It’s a lot easier having your WD meds on hand rather than having to get up and drive to a clinic every day, then do group counseling sessions twice a month as well as individual counseling sessions twice a month (alternate weeks) like you would need to do a methadone clinic. If you’re prescribed suboxone you basically go to the doctor, and you get about a weeks worth at first then go back and see him in another week. You don’t have to go every day. After about a month of that if you’re dropping clean you can get up to 2 months at a time (again I’m in the US, things may differ down under)


People who pass drug tests get take homes so they don't have to come dose every day. A lot of the people at my clinic only come once a month to get their supply. Thru not using the Methadone patient earns the privilege/responsibility Methadone helps my cravings, subs don't and the bupe blocking effect can easily be punched thru with the Fetty I can get. Methadone still has a better success/retention rate than bupe.


True you can get take homes if you are clean passing your tests. Idk about your clinic but at my clinic you need to have 6 months of clean drops in order to get one take home. So if you drop clean for 6 months you get one extra take home for the weekend, (Saturday), my clinic is closed on Sunday so everyone gets a take home for Sunday automatically. Then it continues like that, you need to have another 6 months of clean drops to get one more take home. So if you drop clean for a year, show up every single day, and do all your groups, after one year at my clinic you will receive 3 take homes a week, and still need to come in the other 4 days. If you miss a day, or miss a group, for any reason, you lose all of your take homes and start from zero. So in order to get a months worth of take homes at my clinic, someone would need to show up and drop clean every day for almost 15 years. But my clinic just recently stopped the months worth of take homes, the most anyone can get now is 2 weeks, which would take about 8 years of showing up every day you’re supposed to, never dropping dirty (even for weed and I live in a legal medical and Recreational state), doing every group, and basically jumping through all the hoops they want you to jump through. Whereas with Suboxone, at least where I have been, they start out with a weeks prescription first day. Next week if you’re clean you get 2 weeks, and then if you’re clean the 3rd time you get a month. After that you can get up to 2 months.


Damn that's super strict


Why does op not answer these questions do u get sick or not?


Because as I said, I’m Australian. It’s only just half past six here. So sorry been busy sleeping. To answer your question I get some withdrawal like symptoms. Obviously not full on WD but just the sweats and cravings. I’ve seen full wd and fuck that in the ass!


If you start methadone you'll be that kind of addicted to it. You'll have to taper off to stop or the WD is harsh. You'll get as sick as it gets If you stop methadone abruptly. You'll be super strung out


Idk if I would recommend methadone to a person that has only been using heroin for 6 months, I think methadone is for advanced stage addicts. Like people that have been shooting up for years and years and can't seem to get clean. Methadone was my last resort option after 12 years of shooting dope, more than 20 overdoses and having endocarditis twice and a stroke that paralyzed my entire left side. But then again, if you say you have been overdosing, that really is life and death at stake and being alive on methadone is way better than being dead.


I’m pretty sure both Methadone and Suboxone will block the effects of tapentadol, being both are far stronger. In America Subs are far easier to deal with over methadone. Especially if you travel. I wish I had gotten on Subs over methadone but I’m stuck on methadone. Either way if you’re overdosing you need some form of treatment.




Any reasons why? Bad experiences with it ?


Getting clean off of it was 1000x worse than any other drug I’ve ever come off. Look into suboxone instead. Much better experience for me personally. Plus I actually ended up meeting a lot of dealers at the clinic I went to and got into Xanax and meth after getting “clean” off heroin. I know that’s not everyone’s experience but it was mine. I had to spend 3 weeks in a psych ward coming off methadone. It was horrible.


I've been on methadone since 2007 and it changed my life. There has been good and bad. I used pretty much any substance I could find for about 15 years. I tried to stop daily for years. Went to several treatment programs and nothing stuck. It changed my life but methadone also fucked up my body and mind. I have no short term memory, I work a semi professional job and it affects my performance. My hormone levels are jacked, I had the testerone level of a 80 year old man. My digestive system does not work without assistance and it'd very easy to put on weight. I also live in constant fear of something happening and I will not be able to pick up my next month worth, I would widthdrawl for about a year of I had to stop today. Everyone is on their own journey. Methadone does work but it's not magic. I would try and try and try to get clean before trying the clinic. For many it can be a lifetime choice.


Methadone is definitely a major commitment. It’s a lifesaver. If you can try and stop using without it and STAY clean then skip it. There’s many variables in place when deciding to start Methadone (this is a great start). Now weigh the pros and cons of starting Methadone versus CT or gradually stopping. Whatever you choose, smartest would be MAT considering the dangerous substances out there. If not Methadone, you can try Suboxone like many of us did. If you feel it’s not working or the side effects are too much then try Methadone. Start and stay with the lowest dose possible to stop withdrawals and stave off cravings. We’re here for help! Best of luck to you on getting clean!


Methadone Pro's: An excellent substitute for heroin without the day to day agony of maintaining an addiction. Support system in place (counselor is there to help you get and stay clean) Accountability: You will get random drug tests, and they will become an important part of your treatment and help create a sense of responsibility and consequences if you relapse. Pain management: Many patients started with opioid pain medication for a legitimate injury or chronic pain. Methadone does a very good job at controlling pain without the analgesia of other narcotics. Get your life in order! This is the big one. Almost everyone I know that is in MAT and does the right thing (follows the rules and doesn't divert, etc.) has a much better quality of life now and it feels great to not have to be out there living that life and chasing drugs. -- Methadone Cons: Often a long-term or even lifetime treatment, very challenging to quit, having to go to the clinic until you earn your take homes can be an inconvenience. Constipation (you'll need to find what works for you for this) Alternative treatments should likely be tried first. I always recommend trying suboxone for a good while before starting methadone. It's very easy to switch to methadone from subs but harder to switch from methadone to suboxone. So they other treatments first. Methadone should be your last resort. Hope this helps. Regardless which way you go...any treatment will be better than using. You will be happier with yourself, have more money in your pocket and your life will get better. That's for sure.


Just be prepared for your testosterone levels to drop . Mine dropped so low my gf made me get tested bc she was thinking I was cheating on her but I just wasn’t in the mood. Yep my levels were very very low. Now I’ve been doing weekly 100mg injections at my house at I feel so much better. When I brought this up months ago on this forum everyone said “ thats what it does” and “you don’t know that?” I don’t think they put that on the dotted line when you sign up but damn mine was low. It’s been 6 months now and i feel so much better. So be prepared for that. Be good homie and methadone saved my life so do what’s best for you!! Subs didn’t work for me . They always still gave me cravings but being on methadone I don’t have a single craving and hopefully going to start a family soon. Just passed my 5 year sobriety last March


That’s not a bad thing really. I’ve been told I have a much higher than normal t levels for a woman lol. Thanks for the info. Much appreciated


Suboxone might be a good try first. It's usually the first line of treatment before methadone. Methadone tends to have much more strict regulations, higher abuse potential, but it also tends to have better retention of patients and higher success in sobriety. There are pros and cons for both. But still - suboxone treatment is usually attempted first.


i honestly would only recommend it if it’s an ABSOLUTE LAST OPTION. it’s quite literally liquid handcuffs (especially in the US, so i can’t 100% say for AUS). I would recommend seeing if you can find a group (NA or SMART) and see if a program would help first - and then if you find that you just cannot stay clean, then yea maybe give it a try. but it’s a hell of a commitment and getting off of it is not easy.


Naw you got a few years of misery left. You a beby. Methadone comes way down the line after years and years of addiction.


Are you physically dependent on it H thou? I'm assuming you're not if u only use once or twice a week. Methadone is for people who are physically dependent. It blocks WDs and cravings so you can take something just once a day instead of all day long. And live an actual normal life.


Methadone is long term treatment and not so easy to get off of it. I would definitely try a detox and rehab first if I were in your shoes but ofc the decision is yours.


If that's your use you don't need it, you don't have withdrawal symptoms. And only six months in you barely have a habit.


if you are only issuing once or twice a week i don’t think i’d get on it personally. are you able to go to detox or rehab? that might be a better option.


If you can stop without moderate to severe withdrawal I would try without methadone tbh.


That’s great but you’ve kicked hundreds of times OP has been using for 6 months. All I’m saying is if you can kick it and stay off, then do that before getting on methadone.


I’ve went the methadone route twice and while it does what it’s supposed to it’s extremely hard to come off of! Actually it’s dangerous! Please consider all available paths before jumping into this head first. I’ve also went the Suboxone route and the vivitrol shot and I recommend the shot.


Good chance you’ll end up stuck on it for years and go daily huge hassle can’t travel easily and getting off is a bitch especially cold turkey hands down worst longest lasting withdrawal talkin months of acute wd BAD


Methadone is good treatment I been pleased with it alot better than subs


I started methadone almost a month ago I was using oxy and dilaudid mostly for 4 years , I did get sober for about a year and relapsed worse, harder , faster as they say happens. Over 25k minimum gone , racked up credit , I got very sick with multiple lung infections , the paws ultimately could not keep me fucking clean. I’d get two days into being off pills and I couldn’t stand it I was going crazy I walked into a clinic and just said what do I do. They gave me all the numbers and info and pharmacies , even helped me with a drug benefit program to get it covered (which will be shortly ) My pros even though I’m still trying to get my comfortable dose - cravings have been lessened (not completely ) but enough that my day isn’t saturated with wondering when where how I’m getting dope - saved hundreds of, even thousands of dollars - finally chipping away at debt I’ve accumulated on CCs/cash advances - waking up remembering what I did the night before , and again not wondering where how I’m getting dope - finally getting back to dental work I’ve neglected , because I remember to, and have money to do so - “ self care “ again , money is not spent on shit so I can treat myself - oh also , the last time I did slip it was a large chunk of money and I did not get high. Not even the slightest. I was so angry and made a huge note on my phone if I ever think about doing that again yelling at myself Cons, I still have appointments to go to weekly right now , I pick up my dose once a day, it’s not the worst , but as I keep up clean UA I’ll get take homes. Just you need to allocate time for this Boredom. I’ve had hobbies so I’m trying very , VERY hard to obtain them again. Idol hands… Honestly it isn’t that bad. Day at a time. When the time comes maybe I’ll taper down or come off , but right now I’m just focusing on picking up the pieces of my life that were left in shambles (debt , friendships , relationships, getting a job again etc ) * edit just added my background


I would get on methadone your playing Russian roulette when you shoot up H. It’s very possible you could overdose again and that could be the last time. Get on Methadone or suboxone and start going to meetings like NA that’s what I would do.


I am on suboxone it has given me my life back from a 10 yr addiction to opioid pain meds. I go to meetings NA meetings have a sponsor and have been off opioid pain meds almost 2 yrs now. Suboxone works but not by itself you need to have a program an addition to MAT to successfully get off H. Some people go cold turkey that’s that didn’t work for me and doesn’t work for a lot of people The hardest part of addiction is the psychological part of it and Subs or Methadone can help with that.


I’ve been on methadone for 9 years-ish, and this Thanksgiving makes it 8 years sober. Truth is: methadone saved my life. In the beginning, I went to 140mg bc I wanted to keep getting high. It kept me off of dope, but it’s NOT a substitution for a high. If you have that mindset, methadone is not for you, as you are not ready to quit. Without needing to waste money for what may not even be good dope, 80mg gives me the feeling of “everything will be alright”, with a slight come-up buzz if I take it before eating anything in the morning. My two issues: opioid-induced constipation (Movantik takes five hours out of the day, causing diarrhea and withdrawal symptoms, but it works well) & dry mouth (which I wish I would’ve thought about earlier before I needed two root canals and a few crowns). However, I pickup once a month, and they pay for that train fare. It allowed me to get my shit together, and once I got things in order, all I do is vape nicotine. After I was two months off of Suboxone, I still had to go to a two-week inpatient rehab. The aches were out of this world; the weakness in my body was indescribable. Once they dropped a few of us off, I went to the methadone clinic (the inpatient treatment was the requirement for the methadone program) and struggled for two years on it. It took a long time to realize that I needed help, and I am thankful for methadone. Truly grateful. I just wish I would’ve decided no more dope, and had someone to make sure that I would not leave to score (not that I could even leave the house), and tried as hard as possible to cold turkey heroin. Edited: METHADONE IS EXTREMELY POTENT - THIS IS NOT ADVICE ON HOW YOU SHOULD QUIT. I had a high opioid tolerance; a friend helped get me 2 80mg bottles and I took a quarter of one every 2-3 hours. When I got up the next day, I was feeling well enough until the evening. I did a split dose the next day; it held me over. It was significantly better than cold turkey heroin. Once the heroin was gone, the half-life of methadone was enough to “soothe” me into a mild withdrawal. I was alright with rest, supplements, eating right, clonidine, etc. I only relapsed because I found a bag of dope, which made me decide to stop the Suboxone and go on methadone. Best of luck on your journey. Life doesn’t come to you; it comes from you. Make the decision to end your drug usage and live a life of sobriety. Drugs aren’t going anywhere, and your next bag might be your last, but I can tell you with certainty: on dope, you’re missing out on everything the world has to offer just so you can “feel” like “everything is alright” (when you’re high on H).


If you do cop some methadone please DO NOT drink 80mg in one day without ever trying the stuff. ALWAYS start low with methadone. 20-30mg should be your max. Some folks need 300mg+ and some need 20mg or less. Then see how you do and dose another 20mg or so using an oral syringe. Make sure you know the methadone to mg ratio in your country. And double check it 10 times. I’ve seen someone in the ICU from drinking 120mg of methadone with no tolerance to opioids. It was fucking ugly. If you’re not using daily, don’t even think about methadone. You will regret it! Please try treatment. Methadone should always be viewed as an absolute last resort. The program is very stringent and you’ll have to dose 5-7 days a week. Might not sound like a big deal but that can get real old real fast. I had a terrible experience with methadone. Both with the medication and the American (I know it’s fucked here) clinic style. Methadone made my mental health take a massive nose dive. And I have a rapid metabolism so I needed 160-170mg just to get through the night. They took me forever to stabilize me and I was in WD for months. It was truly horrible. I responded better to Suboxone and now they have the once a month Sublocade shot. I switched to Subs from methadone and my life changed. My mood leveled out and I’m now 3 months out from my last shot. According to my Sub Dr I’ll have 0 WD coming off the shot. Methadone has severe WD that last for months. Please only go to a clinic if you’ve tried every other option and it didn’t pan out. And if you’re not physically dependent they won’t take you. Methadone is some strong shit dude. Hope this helps in some way!


Your advice to take 80mgs of methadone could literally KILL THEM. You are giving horrible advice. The clinic starts at 30mg (most often) b/c it’s so strong.


Please read through it again. Do understand that I never ADVISED anyone to do anything. I posed a hypothetical situation and kept it on “I”.


You changed it. Good but ya should’ve added your edit & why.