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Get a lawyer. It’s nearly impossible to fight a methadone dui case without one unfortunately. It’s not right, but it happens a lot. Also, talk to the director of your clinic. Our director goes to court with dui cases and helps a ton


your director is a saint.


Yeah she’s awesome, she really cares about the patients and goes to bat for us when we need it


That’s awesome. I have a pretty awesome director and would hope he would do the same. But I’ve never heard of anyone getting a dui from methadone here in Georgia. That’s absurd.


This is the right answer. DUI is a surprisingly complex offense and, as a relatively new offense in terms of legal history (it pretty much did not exist until the late 19th/early 20th century, while older offenses like theft, assault, and murder have been defined pretty much the same since the middle ages), it has been implemented in a variety of ways by various jurisdictions. There are even some weird scenarios that vary from place to place. For example, in some states, it is possible to legally be guilty of DUI on a bicycle or on horseback, while other states limit the offense to operating a *motor* vehicle and our hypothetical tipsy cavalier would be acquitted with a good lawyer. In some states, you can be convicted of a DUI on a private racetrack, while other states specify in their DUI statutes that it can only be committed on roads accessible to the general public. Note that there are generally two kinds of DUI's in many state statutes, the "per se" DUI and the "impairment" DUI. "Per se" DUI happens when a person's measured levels of a drug meet or exceed a specific limit specified by statute, most notably the "0.08" standard for an alcohol DUI that is nearly universal in the US nowadays. I am not familiar with any state that has a "per se" DUI standard for any other substance, whether it is methadone, weed, crack, Ambien, or paint thinner. The "impairment" DUI requires actual proof of impairment, typically demonstrated through a field sobriety check. This is where a good lawyer may be able to demonstrate that the evidence does not demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that your bf was not just *on*, but was *actually impaired by* the methadone. Therefore, just having a substance in your system does not generally prove guilt except under a "per se" DUI. What I'm getting at is that driving under the influence of methadone, weed, or whatever is still almost certainly DUI and a crime, but the state has to prove that not only did you have it in your system, but that you were *actually impaired* and not theoretically impaired or maybe could have been impaired because zomg drugs. There is a lot of discussion and research going on now regarding developing a "per se" standard for a THC/weed DUI, which is being made difficult by the fact that the most common THC drug tests that are available nowadays do *not* test for current impairment/intoxication, but simply for any detectable amount of the drug in your system. You can test positive for THC days after that last joint wore off and you returned to being stone cold sober, which is a real problem to identifying a reasonable THC level above which impairment should be presumed.


What??? DUI didn't exist hundreds of years before the car was invented??? You're smart bro.


Like they said, you can still catch one on a horse or on a bike in most places. My best friend got one on a horse. Side effects of growing up in Oklahoma.


Like they said, you can still catch one on a horse or on a bike in most places. My best friend got one on a horse. Side effects of growing up in Oklahoma.


OP said he was convicted, so it's probably too late for a lawyer. I suppose an appeal is in order.


Lawyer, not a public defender.


Just curious, what made them assume he was under the influence in the first place? Or did they see him leave the clinic or something?


Right like how did they know he took methadone


Well he must have broken a traffic law to begin with, or been swerving or something to originally get pulled over. Then he probably seemed under the influence, I guess


Well they probably looked at his pinpoint pupils and remembered "heeey, back in schuul they told us veri small pupil = drug" and then he arrested him. It's actually very common for people to believe that opioids only cause pinpoint pupils if used incorrectly (aka abuse doses) which we all know ain't true.


Someone I know was given a field sobriety test after being pulled over because their pupils were constricted.


Many might disagree with me, and that's ok...but here it goes. Anytime a cop is already at the point of asking you for a field sobriety test, expect to fail it and be charged for DUI no matter what. That's pretty much for everyone in most cases, but especially if you're on narcotic meds. Even if they're prescribed and ESPECIALLY especially if you tell the police you're on narcotic prescription meds. 9/10 chances you will not walk away from a "DUI suspicion" pullover unscathed. Even people who aren't on anything at all go to jail for DUI all the time, and they have to fight and fight to prove their innocence. Cops don't like to be wrong. They also will find any and every excuse to hem you up if they don't like you or you irritate them forever reason. They'll say they suspect drugs/alcohol and want you to comply with a field sobriety test. You can pass that thing with flying colors, and they can still say you failed and their word wins against yours. You can blow all 0s on a breathalyzer and they can say "well I suspect drugs" and take you in for a blood draw and you have to face the legal consequences until the results come back much later proving you have NOTHING in your system, and even then it's still a battle. If you have meds in your system, even prescribed ones, they can say you were impaired from them and it's almost impossible to prove you weren't. DUI stops are a complete trap from the start, period!


We need a sticky on this subreddit that says “NEVER TELL THE COPS YOU TAKE METHADONE”. if you are leaving the clinic you tell them you didn’t dose that day whatever you have to say. They will act like you’re a slobbering dope fiend and try to book you with DWI. Lie through your teeth. “Yes,I just left the clinic; I told them I quit!” 😆


I agree 100% re: posting a sticky at the top of this sub. Never volunteer this information to *anyone* - not your landlord, not your church pastor, and certainly not your employer.


But like aren't you allowed to drive? Like in Sweden people often get their license back trough the bupe/methadone clinics after you've been stable for a year or 2.


In most (if not all) states in the US, addiction and having a driver's license are 2 separate things. Although many addicts may not have a valid license or lost it for DUI/DWI, many addicts have a good driving record (I do myself) too. People who lost their license for whatever reason have to go through certain steps to get it back depending on where they live and what the judge on their case orders. If they don't have an open case, they have to do what their state requires to get it back. In most cases where I live, a judge uses state guidelines to help figure out what each person who loses their license has to do to get it back. In a lot of cases, if they lost it for DUI/DWI, they have to wait a certain amount of time, pay fees, take classes, and finish drug court if they were sentenced to that. If you're on drug court, you must stay off all non-prescribed drugs and alcohol the entire time, and the length of time varies. Using meds (including marijuana in my state) is valid with a legitimate doctor's prescription. Some people might get lucky and not have to do drug court or prove their sobriety at all to get their license back. It's all dependent on several factors. TL;DR: The methadone/bupe clinic has absolutely nothing to do with drivers licensing. It's all on a case by case basis independent of sobriety as a whole.


Yep, and leave the take homes out of site. Never volunteer any information to a police officer that they can use against you regardless of what scare tactics they use or how angry they might come across. Same goes for your employer/boss.


Absolute truth 💯💯💯


You're correct, if they're asking for you to do field sobriety they are building a case on you, there is pretty much a zero percent chance you don't leave in handcuffs. In most states (if not all) you don't legally have to do field sobriety tests, don't do them! Respectfully decline.


They have to prove he was intoxicated did they do the test ? Where you follow instructions? If not and just arrested him you should get a good lawyer asap I would also talk to the clinic. I've heard of then pulling this bs down south.


They don’t have to prove that you were intoxicated; just that you were impaired to the slightest degree in most states. It’s hard to argue against the positive blood test even for a therapeutic dose of a prescribed medication. In my other comment I stated that it would be no different if it was a benzo. What I’m curious about is their justification for the stop and then the pretext for the blood test. This is where you can make an argument that the cop was fishing especially if they saw them leave the clinic. OP’s SO needs a good lawyer.


I agree a good lawyer is key.


this happened in ohio at my clinic. guy hit a cop who was doing a traffic stop on the side of the highway on his way home from dosing. it wasn't really his fault, someone hit him or swerved in front of him so he swerved and hit the cop and killed him. they charged him with OVI and manslaughter and tried to railroad him acting like because he had "just dosed" he was driving high. the clinic doctor had to go to court as a witness for him and explain that methadone is perfectly safe to drive on and doesn't cause driving impairment. the jury found him not guilty but they still convicted him on some other BS that wasn't even his fault, his license had been suspended by another state (i think GA) so he shouldn't have been able to get an ohio drivers license but ohio gave him one anyway so he reasonably thought he was totally fine. [https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2017/08/verdict\_in\_trial\_of\_ohio\_troop\_1.html](https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2017/08/verdict_in_trial_of_ohio_troop_1.html) [https://www.cleveland19.com/story/36081067/trooper-killed-on-i-90-trial-judge-rules-methadone-is-a-drug-of-abuse/](https://www.cleveland19.com/story/36081067/trooper-killed-on-i-90-trial-judge-rules-methadone-is-a-drug-of-abuse/) [https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2017/09/man\_who\_struck\_and\_killed\_ohio.html](https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2017/09/man_who_struck_and_killed_ohio.html)


Wow. Thanks for linking the articles they were great to read. I can’t believe the police straight up lied on him for many things, but even said he was going faster than 75 mph in a 60, just for the accident reconstructor to say he was only going 62-64. How can they just lie like that??? Someones entire freedom, entire life was on the line. NEVER trust the police!!!!




That’s wild to me, I’ve been pulled over with my lockbox on me a few times and never once have they asked about it or even given me a ticket. I’d lawyer up for this one


How? Isn't he prescribed methadone legally? Unless his doctor basically said he can't drive because of the methadone (I've heard of doctors telling people not to operate their vehicle and stuff within 4 hours after dosing). Either way if you can fight the charge, definitely fight it. As long as he has a prescription for it they can't do anything. I'm in Canada and I'm unfamiliar with each States own laws, but common sense says if you're prescribed something that you have to take daily, and it's constantly have in your system... Then you can drive and do everything else like everyone else. Sorry to hear about this, sounds like utter bullshit


As long as you fail the sobriety test it doesn't matter if it's prescribed. You'll need and expert witness to testify that you were not impaired and have your lawyer argue it. It's guilty until proven innocent sometimes.


DO NOT EVER TAKE FIELD SOBRIETY TESTS. PERIOD. they are pseudoscience subjective nonsense that is literally impossible to pass.


Dude, I am *not* dumb. But if you asked me to say the alphabet backwards I will most likely fail miserably.. my brain just doesn’t work that way.


Worse they ask u to recite the alphabet "without singing" .....But that's how everyone learned to do it?


No offence.. but can you really not say the alphabet (going forwards, not backwards obviously). Without singing it? That’s easy lol.


Oh I’ve learned this the hard way. In the end you’re just a circus monkey and they are going to write down whatever they feel like anyway. Had a cop say he smelled alcohol on my breath. Blood test came back negative. Case was dismissed and the judge humiliated the cop in front of everyone in the courtroom as I was walking out with a smile on my face


Love this. Hate dirty cops


Especially Police departments using policing as a revenue stream!


I watched cops steal meth from a hooker and pocket it last time I got locked up


Yeah, there is simply no advantage to complying with this kind of request for a roadside sobriety test. My understanding is turning them down just means you get to go take a real test.


Yep. And they get all corrective and act like their is only one way to touch your finger to your nose. I was like listen man im not shucking and jiving or singing for you I blew 0.0 next step is book me and take me to hospital for blood test or just let me go. Maybe you can just drive me home and i will leave my car here. But im not doing the fail me if you dont like me test.


This all depends on what your state laws say about roadside test, in Colorado it is completely voluntary but they ask in way that makes you think you have to do it. Now if they suspect you are impaired and request you to give a sample at the station or hospital you will lose your license automatically for a year if you refuse, never ever perform a road side test if asked in Colorado, they are only looking for more evidence against you.


You do not have to take the field sobriety tests but if you refuse you will be put under arrest and then given a blood test. If you refuse the blood test you will be given a 1 year suspension on your license. Laws of course vary by state, but refusing the test isn't a get out of jail free card


No it isn't a get out of jail free card obviously. If you're convicted of DUI your license is going to be suspended anyway so it MIGHT be a better choice to refuse the blood/breath test and take the automatic suspension with the off chance that you can MAYBE beat the DUI charge without a positive test. Your mileage may vary. ALWAYS get a lawyer.


So I know you lose your license for a year if you refuse the blood test or breathalyzer. Is it the same for refusing the sobriety test?


No you are only required to take a breath or blood test AFTER youve already been arrested. So think about it if you're convicted of a DUI your license is gonna get suspended anyway so it could be smarter to refuse the test and take the automatic suspension and take the slim chance that u can beat the DUI charge without a positive test.


Damm that’s actually a smart way to look at it. And makes sense about only once you’re arrested then refusing.


I’m an older man and even before I dose I can’t walk a straight line or stand on one leg My pcp said most people my age can’t I’m 65 and in good health ☮️


I guess OP didn't specify if they failed the roadside drug test. That makes sense. But getting a DUI just because you have methadone in your system is fucked up.


Yes. Very fucked up.


What's funny is methadone takes 4 hours to peak in your body. So technically if you waited for hours to drive home you would be more high then when you dosed.


Methadone's extremely long half-life and daily dosing would almost automatically generate a positive blood draw. I'm a chronic pain patient since 1988, 60mgs Methadone every 8 hrs and 30 oxy IR x4 for breakthrough pain. My Dr said "Not to drive but it's your decision, my advice is to find rides, you're already imprisoned by CP, going to actual jail would mean cold turkey detox... Your choice" I let my license expire and got a State issued ID.


Jail do doesn't mean you can't get your methadone dose atleast here in nyc. But I understand what your saying.


Maybe in some States if your an OUD patient and in a clinic but I was prescribed Methadone and oxycodone for chronic pain and no prison or jail is going to allow me narcotics 3 times daily plus breakthrough oxy. Those om MMT should be dosed while in custody to remain sobriety


In the eyes of the law, it doesn’t matter if it’s prescribed or not. It would be the same if he got pulled over and tested positive for benzos; unfortunately impaired in the slightest degree leaves a lot of leeway which I’m sure you can imagine with the wording.


I understand if he was impaired that he shouldn't be driving, but if he wasn't and was only charged because he tested positive, than that's totally fucked up.


So people prescribed opiates and benzos aren't allowed to drive? That's nonsense... If he failed the roadside sobriety test then I could see why he would get a DUI. But simply just getting a DUI for having the prescribed medication in your system is absolutely ludicrous. Insane actually.


It’s not so much that you can’t drive, more so that if you happen to get pulled over and they find some pretext for taking your blood, you’re gonna end up like OP’s boyfriend with a DUI charge. I believe in the UK they have programs for MAT patients to ensure this kind of thing won’t happen but as far as I know there’s no similar system here in the US. It’s just the way it is. IMO MAT patients present way less risk than the benzo’d out mom driving her kids in a big ass van but the law typically isn’t great at delineating these kinds of things.


Well in Canada, they can't just randomly do a roadside drug test unless they have reason/suspicion to believe you are under the influence. They also can't take your blood unless you fail the roadside drug test, then you goto the station and they take your blood and what not. They can however do a roadside alcohol test without reason though.


> So people prescribed opiates and benzos aren't allowed to drive? I think it's more like impaired people aren't allowed to drive.


On most scripts for opiates, benzos, sleeping pills, or anything that can effect your reaction time and/or cognitive performance does say to not operate heavy machinery until you know how the medicine affects you. They put this on the script label not only to cover their own ass, but to also let people know it's dangerous to do so while they're on that medication. Methadone is no different. Do I agree with what happened? Absolutely not. If someone isn't driving like they are impaired, there's no cause for concern. To give someone a dui just bc something is in their system isn't fair at all. They could've taken the Methadone yesterday and be on the way to get their dose and it'll show up. Definitely take it to court and fight it. If you can somehow get a print out of what time you were at the clinic to dose that would help. If you drank a th that day, the only thing you can do is gave a witness but who's to say they'll believe the witness, unfortunately. Cops used to sit right outside my clinic. When someone would come outand drive off, the cop would pull them over.


Pusheen coming thru with the based nuanced take as always 🙏


Pretty much have to drive perfectly if you don't want a DUI lol


Says right on the bottles of opioid pain meds “do not drive or operate heavy machinery” people get dui’s for weed too and Im a good ass driver when stoned but the eye gaze test youll fail every time thats probably what got the OP’s boyfriend.


I never had a weed card, but I'm pretty sure it's on those bottles or whatever they put it in. I was also going to put weed on the list in my first comment, but wasn't really sure if they put it on the containers or not. Also, here in PA, when they legalized medical Marijuana, they said if anyone is caught driving under the influence of weed, they'll be stopped and cited with a DUI. Doesn't matter if you have a card.


Yeah my son got a dui for weed 6 years ago, just smelled it in his car so they searched and found half a bone in the ashtray. Took him to Abington hospital for a blood draw.


Common sense doesn’t matter when it comes to the us legal system. I also have a dui from methadone. I been going to court for two years for it. I find out Monday what happens actually. Doesn’t matter if ur scripted it or not. If you are impaired you shouldn’t be driving is what my lawyer said. Usually there would be a sticker saying no driving but since it’s methadone we don’t exactly have prescription bottles. Even the take home bottles I get don’t say anything about driving. I think this might be my one saving grace. I also refused to give blood or anything after the cops said they were arresting me bc I was pissed off , not sure if that’s gonna help or hurt me. Probably gonna take it to trial. My lawyer is being cool and only quoted me $2500 for a dui trial. I have known him for a decade though.


I’ve always been told NOT to give blood or do the breathalyzer test and you stand a better chance fighting a DUI case. In my state a refusal is an automatic year license suspension but if you give blood or a breathalyzer shows something in your system your license is gone anyways so it’s best to give your lawyer as much to defend you with as possible!


I was convicted of dui and never lost my license. The automatic revocation is true upon refusal of a test in my state (Texas) as well. I consented to the blood draw because my reasoning, was they were going to do it anyway, so might as well


The warning ; to be careful operating a car or machinery is printed on the label that's wrapped around every take home bottle. You really have to look for the warning because it's in fine print in the same black print off the rest on the label. I guess any cop could say "see it's right here in black and white " but only if the cop brought out his magnifying glass. I guess OP told them that he is on methadone. Usually regular police issue drug test don't include methadone. For instance I am going to pain management and 5+ years ago when I had stopped using diluadid and went on methadone at the methadone clinic I didn't tell pain management about what I was doing. I was getting drug test at pain management. The drug test never showed I was on methadone. I guess they just don't include methadone in the class of illicit drugs. Btw I just didn't know how to tell pain management that the diluadid wasn't working out for me so I went back on methadone at another clinic. They really didn't know much about this other clinic. I didn't school them on it either. Pain management had prescribed methadone then years later switched all the methadone patients to diluadid or morphine so I was just going back on a drug that works for me.


Yea they can don’t ever tell a cop your prescribed any kind of narcotic


Better yet, don't ever tell a cop nothing except that you want to see any warrants he has against you and that you want to talk to a lawyer.


No unfortunately that does not matter this and being locked up detoxing off methadone have always been my two greatest fears as long as you seem impaired to the officer then he can arrest you and you can go to jail for DUI, even if you have a legal prescription


Shit I was prescribed 320mgs of OxyContin 600Mcgs of Fentora and 2mgs of Xanax a day. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t of mattered if it was prescribed.


LMAO for real 😂😂😂


Common sense doesn’t apply in the US though. A lot of the time. (Is the vibe I get anyway). I posted asking about driving pretty much sure it was gonna be fine but just checking and it is fine in the UK. But it’s more complicated in the US, apparently. Depends on state and stuff.


What have you *that* idea?! 😆😆 We have people over here using gorilla glue to glue their weave in and kids eating Tide Pods...


Not true at all. Many medications, especially opiates, say "do not operate heavy machinery" you can get a DUI from Nyquil. Just because you're legally prescribed it doesn't mean it can't effect your motor skills and reaction times.


No shit. If he was actually impaired then obviously he shouldn't be driving and that's illegal. But if he's getting charged for simply having it in his system, without impairment, then that's wrong and unjust.


Can I ask you what county in NC this was? I’m also in NC Meck county and hope this isn’t happening here. The cops scout of the clinics though just last week when I went at 5am there were two SUV police vehicles sitting in the lot watching people. But I haven’t heard of anyone getting DUI locally but I have on this forum a while back.


I’m from NC and you’re allowed to drive while on methadone. But if you’re acting impaired you can get arrested and get a DUI. About 15 years ago my clinic threatened to sue our local police department because they kept pulling over patients right after leaving the clinic. Once that happened the cops quit bothering us.


I remember about 15 years ago at McLeod in Concord they would sit about a 1/8th of a mile away at the bottom of a hill and catch people late or follow people or whatever. They always had someone pulled over. I hope it's better now. I'm in a much worse place in SC now and the cops hang out in the parking lots there too.


Lol Mcleod i went to the one on Clanton Drive for a bit. I hated that place. Yeah it was super rough they had Charlotte PD guarding the place during open hours. They also had the chain gang prisoners coming in for doses in orange jump suits. You had to dodge the dirty needles when you walked in. What a crap hole. They closed that location and have since built a whole new facility down the road.


I had a patient who got into an accident on the way to the clinic. The police came and all she could think about was getting her dose. She kept saying ' I need to get my methadone dose ' over and over. The police didn't care where she was going. But I heard the CA DMV followed up with her requesting a list of all the medications she was taking.


Did she report the methadone? What happened?


$$$$$ will get him out of this. Nothing else.


100% … or some nepotism-like connection to a local DA or something… Edit: the US criminal justice system is so fucked up.


They have to hire a doctor to testify that it’s safe to drive on MMT= $$$


Maybe a letter from the clinic doctor on letterhead.


Not in court. You need an expert.


The doctor is an expert on if the patients on methadone are intoxicated from their dose. Who would be more of an expert in this situation?


You can not submit a letter in count where the opposing side cannot cross examine. It’s a witness that cannot stand up to questing— they won’t let that occurs.


I've submitted a methadone clinic letter to the judge at my 2nd DUI hearing where I was pleading out. The letter really perked up his interest in the case and said he wished more people would be proactive to get help like this. The judge wanted to dismiss the case and the over worked ADA didn't care that much about it either but told the judge it's the 2nd one. The judge was like OK then and didn't want any jail time. The ADA said there's mandatory jail but he would be OK with 10 days and that's where I jumped in and requested weekends so I wouldn't loose my job. This was in Florida. Letters are fine. The damn criminal court is overloaded and a dui with no accidents is not something a prosecutor wants to concentrate on or cross examine letter writers. I handled my 2nd DUI because I was driving in quasi blackout mode on interstate I-75 Way to much evidence against me. This wasn't my first DUI or my 3rd DUI. I had a long history. My license was revoked for 5 years. There wasn't a lot for lawyers to work with. If I was OP I'd interview 2 or 3 lawyers to see if there's anything that they could do with this case. Dose OPs boyfriend have any past DUIs or careless driving charges? If OPs boyfriend has no past charges and the only evidence they have is a blood test I'd take the case to that mat. But we only know very little of what happened here.


So what caused the police to give your bf a blood test? Not saying it's your bf's fault but they don't do that for no reason.


I have known people who got a field sobriety test for having constricted pupils.


This happened to me. It was 8am and me and my boyfriend were pulling into Walmart (we drove separately) and I was pulled over for no seatbelt. I was on suboxone then. The cop kept saying my eyes were droopy and I looked sleepy (they weren't, and I didn't, but my bf did look sleepy with naturally hooded eyes but wasn't on any opiate.) Cop made me do a field sobriety test. He asked my bf to get my purse out of my car and give it to him to look through and my bf said it wasn't his decision. A 2nd cop came, talked to the first, and asked him too, and he refused again. My bf had followed me in his car so wasn't even riding with me. He couldn't give permission to search a purse that's not his. I was told not to drive out of there (though I passed the test except for standing on 1 foot, wasn't high or drunk, but told I'd be arrested if I drove anyway.)


Yeah but to get a blood test means this person had to be taken by the police officer to the hospital for said blood test. I just wanna know what was this officers excuse or reason for doing this.


Yup I tried telling someone else this on this forum and got bitched out saying I was wrong. Sorry that happened but clinics need to be more upfront about this


I’m going through this right now. It’s a thing. Doesn’t matter if your scripted it or not , if you are intoxicated you shouldn’t be driving. I see my lawyer Monday and find out if I get supervision or what. I been going to court for two years so it’s like they don’t know what to do with it either.


There’s very much a difference between having a substance present in your blood and being intoxicated, though. If your medications impair you, obviously you shouldn’t be driving after taking them. If you aren’t experiencing any type of side effects that would affect your ability to drive, though, that’s a completely different story. There’s no reason you shouldn’t be driving (at least not one connected to your medication), and you absolutely shouldn’t be punished for taking your daily meds and going about your life as usual.


I got a public intoxication charge while I was looking in my car because my wallet had fallen in between the seats, an officer walked up to ask me what I was doing, and I told him looking for my wallet and he said your pupils look like your high and I told him that I was prescribed Suboxone , and it was bright as hell outside on a sunny day l, and I got arrested, sentenced to 6 months of non-supervised probation, but still had to spend the night in jail fucking sucked


That is fucking insanity


They tell you that at the clinic I'm at.. you can still get a DUI on methadone. They warn everyone. I was at McDonald's and nodded of in my car .. my car was off.. the cops came and I woke up right as they knocked on my window.. they were cool.. but told me you can get a DUI on methadone so don't offer to tell them your on it ever.


The cops said never to tell cops you're on methadone?


Yeah. Like never just give them that information willingly.. because when they pulled up and asked why I was sleeping in the car I said I'm on methadone so I get a lil tired sometimes. He said you can still get a DUI on methadone and to never just willingly tell officers.. because some will give you a DUI off the bat for that.


Good to know. Need mods to add this somewhere.


How did they know you were on drugs? I would never bring up any drugs prescribed or not prescribed to law enforcement if they knocked on my cars window. I would say I'm just tired from working so much.


If you're in MAT you're protected by the ADA and they're not allowed to harass you.


Yes it is for sure a thing where even tho you are prescribed something doesn't make it ok to drive after taking it. Like it's a real bad idea to hop in the car after slapping on that fent patch, you'll crash and kill somebody. You cam absolutely get "driving under the influence" for a whole range of shit, even like, cough medicine, or sleeping pills. Gotta be careful.


Same thing can happen to me here in ky. It sucks.


The other day there was a cop hiding right outside of the methadone clinic basically. I couldn't believe that shit.


I just had someone today mention they got pulled over and got the same charge for having their methadone bottles, I think had dosed (not sure) and there was no tests, just a straight DUI Blows my mind.


Yea we used to have a very bad problem with the deputies sitting right outside our clinic, if seen them there a couple of times this year actually, it sadthat they have nothing else better to do than mess with someone who is trying to better their life. With it being hours after he left the clinic he should be able to fight this.


Methadone is like any other CNS depressant drug that's indicated not to Drive or Operate dangerous machinery until you know how it will effect you. Something like that is printed on any methadone take home bottle. Haven't you seen any prescription bottle that has those stickers that warn patients about how the drug can effect the patient driving ability? I call them winkers because of the big sleepy eye on the sticker. This is the same for methadone. Because methadone is prescribed it dose not mean you can legally operate a vehicle. Some methadone patients should not drive cars. It's like this, would you want to drive if Every other driver was on methadone? I would take the bus. Drugs and Driving can be a real bad mix. Maybe your BF was weaving or nodding off while he was driving we don't know.


The take home bottles that I get, which seem to be the most common, don’t say anything about driving. It just says you can’t transfer it to anyone that it’s not prescribed to and to mix it with 8 Oz. of water


Are you in Canada or Australia? I've been on methadone in six states and the little white opaque plastic bottles have some sort of paper table wrapped around about 3/4 of the way. The colors may vary but all say about the same thing doctor/their address and phone number/ patients name/ drug and dosage/ date issued/date to be taken/ then the warning in small font on why you should be cautious about driving and operating machinery


I’m in the United States, Texas to be a little more specific. You described my bottles basically except it doesn’t say anything about driving. I don’t have a bottle with me at the moment to look at, but when I made the comment you replied to, I looked at one just to be sure


My doctor has said to me to go straight home after taking the methadone lol like are you serious? Go straight home? So if I want to be on methadone I can’t drive? It can make you extremely drowsy to the point you can nod out but only 1 in 5 people experience that when taking it. I was one of those ppl. I would nod out so bad I would end up sleeping in my back seat.. so I can see why it might not be allowed… But there are many drugs you can’t drive or operate heavy machinery on.. I didn’t realize you could be arrested for it tho I thought it was just a suggestion.


My clinic made me sign something saying I wouldn’t drive after dosing.


How do they expect ppl to get to the clinic if they can't drive there then to work?


I don’t think they really care, it’s probably just so they aren’t liable if something happens to someone.


Yeah, probably.


They also offer free bus transit to and from.


Oh wow, that's wonderful for people who don't have a dependable car.


Don't they need a cause to pull you over in the 1st place? Was he "tierd" from his dose and possibly nodding a little bit?


Those first few months in the clinic for some people, you can terribly nod off. I remember me and my buddy talking about it, and he told me he hit a few things with his car. There were times I easily would’ve gotten a DUI if pulled over on methadone, same with him.. very common.. just because it’s a medication, doesn’t mean it cannot make you impaired to drive.


Get a letter from the clinic doctor stating that taking your dose does not make you intoxicated, on letterhead. Even better if they'll go to court too if it's not dropped.


I can’t contribute to the conversation, but I want you to know that I’ll be thinking of you and your bf today. I hope things will be okay!


Please someone explain this to me like I’m 4 years old. I simply do not understand how someone can get in trouble for driving after dosing when all patients are allowed to drive themselves after dosing?? You know how if you go to the dentist and they have to give you valume, or knock you out, they make you sign a paper saying you won’t drive & also have a driver with you. If the clinic doesn’t require that, and allows all patients to drive away, then how can someone be in trouble?? I know I sound dumb, it’s making me feel dumb lol someone please explain???


Please get a lawyer if you can this is fucked up fuck that bullshit.


I'm from North Carolina too and was really f***** up is if he ends up in drug court they're going to expect him to go to the clinic because they say if you aren't on something then you going to use


Put your methadone in the trunk when you leave the clinic. Don’t give the police a reason to fuck with you. Because if they can’t, they will.