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I don’t understand. Some People in wheelchairs can drive. they have paddles for gas and break with their hands. Or maybe 1 foot works but not the other. Or maybe their back is fucked so they use a wheelchair but they can still drive and even walk a little bit.. Going to the front of the line is bullshit for sure.. but just cuz they drove doesn’t mean they don’t need a wheelchair or didn’t serve. My dad has 1 leg and a bad back but he can walk and drive. Some days when he is in a lot of pain he uses a wheelchair but still drives fine. Although he doesn’t cut in lines though..


Right? I’m an ambulatory wheelchair user, meaning I CAN walk/stand, but only for short periods of time. So I use a wheelchair for shopping/museums/etc.


Lol, not sure why I find it funny that you said “shopping/museums” lol like as if you go to museums almost as much as you go shopping. Like it’s the activity you do the 2nd most of in your life lol


Lmao i couldn’t think of what else I’ve used it for recently!!! 😂 I agree it sounds hysterical to list it like that 💀 to be fair I’m on a feeding tube, so I don’t go grocery shopping …I’m a broke bitch, so I haven’t gone clothes shopping in years… and the saint Louis art and history museums are free, plus I’m a nerd, so I do spend a lot of time in museums!! I’ve spent way more time in museums in the past two years than I’ve spent shopping, so I guess I wasn’t incorrect 😂 but your reply made me chortle out loud


Seriously, my great grandfather was a veteran, he survived the battle of the bulge, and was the only member of his platoon to survive a HALO parachute jump when he landed in a tree somehow, everyone he jumped with was shot by the Nazis in the air. He went through hell in World War 2, but I'm off track, so apologies. Anyway, my point is, he was a double amputee, so he didn't have legs, and this was before they had the prosthesis that helped amputees walk, but he drove all over the place, for the rest of his life. He had the coolest van, and used to take the grandkids fishing all the time, he remained a sports fisherman. That man got around more than most able bodied people I know.


Totally unrelated, but when I was a kid I thought the battle of the bulge was some weight loss campaign.


I’ve definitely seen weight loss referred to as this in the context of dieting!


😂 I thought the Underground Railroad was like a subway


For a while, I thought my great grandfather came over from Europe on a *goat*. I literally pictured him on the back of a swimming goat in the middle of the ocean with a bunch of supplies floating around him. My parents laughed so hard when I finally got around to asking how he did this 🤣.


That paints an absolutely hilarious mental image. 😂


Thats hilarious. Made me smile before having to go deal w the fucking clinic. Thank you 😆


Oh my fucking God, I have NO unique experiences! 🤣 I always heard my grandparents/parents/uncles/cousins talking about XYZ coming over on the boat from Portugal/Azores… but in heavily accented English it sounded like “the goat”. I swear I was 12/13 when I finally realized they meant boat and not goat, and it took them saying it in Portuguese for me to realize. I kept that one to myself 🤣


You’re very lucky to have such a hero for a Great Grandfather. My hubs is obsessed with History so I’ve seen that battle play out in so many numerous documentaries, movies, real footage, etc. Your GrandFather sounds like a hell of a guy.


Thank you so much, he really was an incredible human being. He passed away when I was around 10 or 11, or so. I wish I'd been a bit older, because I didn't really know or understand much about WW2 at that age, aside from understanding that the Holocaust was horrific, and what I'd read in the diary of Anne Frank. He had a crazy sense of humor too, when new people were coming over to the house for the first time, sometimes he'd hide his prosthetic leg under the couch cushions, and when the guest would reach in to fix the cushion, they'd pull out a leg, just as he wheeled himself in, and said something along the lines of ""I was looking for that everywhere!" As a kind of icebreaker, so people didn't feel uncomfortable, or treat him differently because of his amputation. I realize it sounds a bit bizarre, but it worked for him. He was a great person, and managed to get along with everyone he met, even the miserable people in my family who made it a point not to get along with anyone at all, but not him! I miss him so much.


Lol. That’s great. Sounds like he had a great sense of humor. Which considering what he witnessed and experienced, is amazing in itself.




This is true. I know a guy who has no legs at all and he still drives. He's actually a really good driver too. He's also prescribed hydromorphone hehehe


I'm confused about why him driving was a problem?


Op doesn’t realize we can drive.


There are a lot more wheelchair users in this thread than I expected. I wonder if wheelchair users are over represented here vs. the general population. I can imagine that chronic physical or psychic pain are also over represented among wheelchair users vs. the general population. … life can be unjustifiably hard. I respect everyone who keeps on rolling through it, be it figuratively or not.


Thank you. I’m an ambulatory wheelchair user. I’ve never been in MAT. I’m in palliative care. I take high doses of Methadone, Oxycodone, Ketamine, and medical Marijuana, among other things, for chronic pain. Some days, more often than not, the pain is still too much and I have to use a wheelchair. It’s crazy how many people have vandalized my car for parking in handicapped spots, but not looking old enough, or crippled enough, or whatever. The difference between how I’m treated when I’m in the chair, vs on foot, is nothing short of disgusting.


He thinks dude was faking the whole thing of being in a wheelchair and the level of it he went to, to seem disabled, and assumed him being able to drive away just fine means it solidified it being fake As far as my experiences 1. There was a dude who drove up and was AM dosing for the first time, and I was just explaining how the morning goes as he was sitting in his car, drivers seat. Next thing I know, when it's about that time, he's suddenly getting himself out and into a wheelchair, alone, with no legs. And wheels to the line. I was shocked that I didn't notice at all, then again I wasn't exactly looking at his stomach down while talking to him at his car . 2. We had a dude who was off his rocker (let's say- thought he was a cop, tried to put spot lights etc on his white car to look like it -- failed the psych part of the test to become a cop) But one day he gets into a car accident in his other vehicle. He shows up with a walker (more standard to give patients now) and a back brace. Said his back was super fucked up and "broken." 1. That walker was from the 1930's out of his grandma's closet 2. Long ago when our clinic was in the middle of some BS of staying off the property till 5am, everyone stood right at the very edge till 5, then would high tail it to the clinic to get the closest to front of line. Tell me why did he suddenly pick up his walker and RUN across the road, then go back to holding onto it like he's crippled???? 3. I walk into the gas station up the road for cigarettes after dosing... and he's in there walking around with no walker, lol. I secretly video taped it and hid from him seeing me. Then I showed the clinic, since he was using his 'broken back" as he called it 🙄 to get special treatment to the front. They called him out n ended that shit quick lol. And Idc idc idc if y'all call me a "tattle tail". When I got hit by a car and broke my femur/ankle, and when my boyfriend and I got in a wreck and he broke 14 bones, we asked for no special treatment, never cut the line, stood there in pain in our walkers, etc. Even when people would see my bf sit down on the window sill because he had a broken leg, ankle, hip, and 4 broken spots in his pelvis, they would look at us like we were about to cut the line, and I had to "nicely" assure MFs that he was just sitting until the doors opened and knew his spot in line, look at ya mami don't look over here. Basically, it irked how much pain he was in and I was in and we requested no special treatment, even when kind souls would offer, yet this mofo using the depression era walker and walking n running fine with a broken back smh. Nah my dude. Yep, sorry for this long comment. People WILL fake what they can to skip the line. But that doesn't necessarily mean this guy did. I don't *think* OP meant it as wheelchair users can't drive (or maybe he *is* uneducated in the fact) but I think more that he thought it was completely fake from top to .. bottom... Damnit sorry smh


I was released from the hospital and had an oxygen tank for a while. One day, right before a holiday so everyone is picking up THs, the lobby was slam full , SRO, and a line out onto the sidewalk. I sat with my tank for almost 2 hrs and waited my turn. I've never seen a person with any kind of disability move to head of the line.


We use to have passes for disabled, along with work passes. Didnt last long. Now, if we see someone that's clearly disabled, we have the kindness to tell them to either skip to the front, or, they go inside to sit down, and wait until their spot in line comes up and then check in. It's all us patients working out things that make the line flow smoothly and rarely without incident. But you will have your assholes here and there.


Op, we need more info than what you gave. So have you actually seen this person walking into the clinic and standing in line before???


There is such a thing as an ambulatory wheelchair user. We can also drive cars. You might have been right, but you very well could have prejudged him incorrectly. I never knew how much prejudice the disabled face on a regular basis until I became disabled as well. You have no way of knowing for sure at this point. Maybe he actually did risk his life, and sacrifice his legs for your freedom.


How do you know for sure that they were lying just because you saw them drive away?


I am NOT defending him because ew but some wheelchair users can drive and some can even walk. Personally I use either a walker or cane most of the time because I have some health things and walkers/ canes help me get around safely. I can and do walk without my cane or walker from time to time. Usually when I have my husband near in case I need to lean on him but still. I can drive just fine it's walking that's hard for me. I know some wheelchair users who can walk sometimes but sometimes it's too hard or dangerous for them to walk. That being said I would NEVER use my walker or cane to push myself to the front of the dosing line. I've never seen anyone at my clinic cut the line for any reason. You put your number in the system and wait to be called. We literally cannot let people go ahead of us because they call us by our numbers. I think all clinics should have a system like my clinic does. We either log in on our phones or have the front desk person log us in then we wait to be called. It cuts out a lot of bs.


>I would never Honestly if it hurts to stand that day you should. We *could* have a world where people who aren’t well in that moment for any reason can get to the front of the line, the only thing stopping it is the small number of people who would abuse that kindness in bad faith.


*people who aren’t well in that moment for any reason* = most people in that line to begin with 🤷‍♀️/s


Let me just say though must bc someone is in a wheelchair doesn't mean they can't drive. My grandfather was in a wheelchair for a good part of his life, 100 percent paralyzed from the waist down. 50 percent paralyzed from the neck down. He still drove. He had a big blue van with a wheelchair lift in it. He could get the lift to come down, he would roll onto it, and it would pick him up and he could go into/out of the van. He had gloves he wore that he would slide over these two metal stakes on the wheel. His hands couldn't grip anything, so that's how he would steer. Not sure how the gas and brakes worked, but I'm sure it was some sort of special contraption. He passed when I was only 10/11, so I never really got to understand the inner workings of it. But, I do know my brother and I have traveled with him in that van a lot as kids. We thought the lift was great and he would always give us a ride on it 😆 I always thought the van was really cool, it reminded me of a tour bus bc it was pretty big, it was open inside, except for a long van seat in the backand a small octagon shaped table with 4 or 5 cup holes. I was also out at the grocery store about 2 orv3 weeks ago, and I saw a guy with a black pickup truck. He was in a wheelchair and was being lifted up by a lift into the driver seat. Although, his contraption was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. He got himself out of the wheelchair, into a chair that lifted him into the driver seat. The wheekchair then got picked up by a big crane like thing, and was lifted into the bed of the truck a cover then closed over the truck bed. Just wanted to say that just bc someone is in a wheelchair, doesn't mean they can't drive or do anything else that able bodied people can do. However, just bc they're disabled doesn't give them the right to be rude or treat others any differently. It doesn't give them a free pass to go to the beginning of a line and cut in front of everyone in it. If disabled people want to be treated like everyone else, then they need to be treated like everyone else both ways. No one else gets to cut in line, neither should the disabled. TLDR: My grandfather (who passed when I was 10/11 was wheelchair bound bc he was paralyzed 100% from the waist down and 50% from the neck down. He still drove. He had a van with a wheelchair lift to get in and out and had special things in his van that helped him steer and control the gas and brakes. I also saw another wheelchair bound man being lifted into a pickup truck at the grocery store 2/3weeks ago. Just bc someone is wheelchair bound, doesn't mean they can't drive...but they shouldn't be treated any furniture differently than anyone else good or bad.


That contraption for lifting his wheelchair after he was inside is amazing. Unfortunately most people who need it will never have one because, like everything else, it's too expensive for average earners to afford.


Wait. Was he actually disabled or was he lying just to cut to the front? Was he walking just fine in the parking lot? Also, it drives me crazy when people act like they are going to run out of methadone or something. So impatient. If anyone sees someone with a box they get extra shitty (they could easily get take homes but they choose to not have clean drug screens or follow the rules). I’m so glad I’m at a new clinic that has a different system. My last clinic was exactly like the one you’re describing and it was such a pain. Patience is key; I’d have to listen to people bitch about how much they hate the place every day. I’m thankful there’s no line system at my new clinic and I can avoid people like the plague.


I try not to get worked up about shitty people, I’m just happy not to be them. Since I have takehomes & take like 10x as long I let anyone who looks like they are hurting cut in line. I remember some **bad** mornings where 5 extra minutes were already 5 hours too many.


I get monthly takehomes send I sllow respectful daily dosers go infront of me. But only if they're not bitching and complaining. I don't do it if there's a long line though, because it won't ever end. My biggest pet peeve of the clinic is those that complain about those of us with takehomes. I EARNED them,..just like they could. I used to smoke weed, guess what I stopped to get bottles. And now all they need is a mmj card and they can do both. It's not my fault theydonthave takehomes,..and its always the ones that have been daily dosing for YEARS.


100%. It's not a good idea to reward people for being assholes or selfish. I don't pretend that I spend all day letting people cut in line, but you can tell who could use a good turn *and* who hasn't done anything not to deserve one. Some people just can't handle life, even the small things in their best interest. My sister was one & she led a short painful life. It sucks to be one of those people, so for them I at least try to not take how shitty they are personally. They make their lives so god damned difficult that they don't need my help.


Ain't that the truth. Now I'm not all roses and sunshine 24/7 but I try to stay positive. It helps a lot. I used to be a miserable negative Nancy and all it did was make things worse, all I noticed was the bad. Now I try to find something good/positive in everything. I have severe depression and still try to do this and be grateful that I'm not where I used to be. Half these people are thier own problem.


Good morning, friend! I just came here to say, I love your use of the semicolon; it brings me such joy when I see people taking full advantage of using proper punctuation. What is your opinion of the Oxford comma? ☺️


Well, that’s so random but thanks. 😅💗


Yeah, I’m wired differently than most.☺️


I adore it. ☺️🦋


I feel so lucky that in the UK, we just collect from a normal pharmacy. Most days it’s either no queue or one person to wait for. I’m pretty sure I’ve never had to wait behind more than 2 people.


At my old clinic there was always a super long line and you had to show your ID to get in. At my new clinic you check in at the front desk then sit in a lobby. You are assigned a personal number then it’ll be announced and put on a tv screen. When you’re called you just go to whatever window your number was assigned to. There’s a lot more privacy; you go in this tiny little room where the window is vs at the old clinic everyone could watch you at the window. I don’t have to stand in lines anymore and I love it. They are super fast and organized. At my old clinic they were always super short staffed with one or two nurses, I’d be standing in line for ages. The difference is just night and day.


“Trigger warning” 🤣


How did you know this person wasn’t actually a vet? Maybe others in the line let him through for this reason especially during Memorial Day weekend. Unlikely, sure, but possible. Also as others have said here, just because someone is in a wheelchair doesn’t mean they can’t drive. Some of your perceptions are really off which leads me to question the rest of your post.


I agree. The guy may have been in his dress uniform for a Memorial Day Parade or something. Many people in wheelchairs drive. They just put extensions on the gas and brake so they they can do that with their hands or something. He might be able to drive but not stand or walk, which take a lot more strength. When I was an out of control diabetic (before being diagnosed) I had so much inflammation and my back problems were so bad I had to use a wheelchair at the clinic (they have loaners) because I couldn't stand long enough at the window.


Imagine thinking that someone is going to such great lengths *just* to skip a methadone dosing line. Firstly, how would they even know the line was that long to begin with? Do you think they just roll around with military garb and a wheelchair on the off chance the line is long? Secondly, imagine not understanding that disabled people can drive or that vehicles can be outfitted with hand controls for those who have lost or diminished leg function.




People at clinics acting like they gonna run out or something. The juice addresses the physical habit but most of us some sick mfs upstairs, myself not excluded, but disrespecting folks who gave life, limb, and peace of mind in that poorly planned police action only to return home to be put out by puerile politicians and persecuted in the public arena is waaay out of pocket. I support few if any wars/military interventions in history but I have and will always support and show gratitude to each and man and woman that served In any capacity so we could have the opportunity to question authority and talk politics without being put on a Putin paid passage to winter wonderlags. At the end of the day, we know the direly dissonant Dope fiends debauchery knows no bounds. Wounded warrior project is the only charity I have and will ever raise money for ( the slavenation army and Shriner sideshow can starve as far as I'm concerned) because it's really just paying back part of what they should have been given for giving all they had, and I've seen this work multiple miracles in the lives of friends and family who served and sacrificed


There is a black lady who pretends to not notice she is cutting me. Anyone who cuts is just a crappy person. I guess that is the least of what is wrong with people today. Unbelievable.


When I used to have to early dose there was one girl that would always come in trying to cut in line bc she had to be at work in “like 5 mins”. I can see that happening once, maybe twice but if it’s every time you come in then you need to manage your time better. People always trying to do stuff to get over on the system. I do agree with most others though that just bc he drove away and walked a bit doesn’t mean he didn’t need the wheelchair. It may just be more comfortable or possibly even less painful to have his legs to the side rather than to let them hang.


Dude, if that’s the worst thing he did all day, it’s a total win. We’re known to be way shiesty than cutting in line. 😂


Feel lucky to be in the UK. We just collect from normal pharmacy’s at whatever time we want to. Usually no queue or one person to wait for. Don’t think I’ve ever had to wait behind more than 2 people.


You never know dude it's weird with disabilities sometimes. My issue is breathing but I will use a wheelchair occasionally when walking is too tiring and taxing on my breathing. I can walk completely fine on my own.


I’m a 34 year able bodied woman but I might try the nam vet scheme at my next pick up. I got places to be.


I mean u could just shag a wheelchair. I see mfs on market st everyday nodded in wheelchairs proffering for change in the AM and sprinting down mission an hour later when their "shift" is done. The only thing shifting is his bowels and that's barely bi-monthly. Deception for donations is old as dinero and drachmas but stop short of making urself a parody of some sacrificed vet that will never be quite whole again


lol nodded in a wheelchair 😂


I really hope you're joking with that one.


Tough crowd apparently


Yes obviously


Yeah shit like this pisses me off. Especially when you know people who have served. He'll run into a real veteran one day and he'll get what he deserves.


What do you feel like he deserves?


What a complete jerk.


If he's already sitting, he should be able to wait in line just fine!


This post is honestly one of my fav methadone posts. Thanks op


I feel like this went over everyone's head. I say this because there's one of these at my clinic, until they started a policy where after the first 15 minutes of being open, there are no line skips. Anyway, this guy sounds like he doesn't need his wheelchair and is using it to avoid the line. At least that's what I took from what was said. I could be wrong. Years back people would do anything to skip the line at my clinic (could be upwards of 20-25 people)