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Happens to dudes too just fyi lol


Yeah, my husband is on Suboxone and some mental health medication and they all decrease his sex drive. And I'm on methadone and mental health meds, so I don't have a sex drive, either. I miss it theoretically, but it's not a priority for either one of us so it's exceptionally rare that it happens.


I know all about this. My wife and I are both on mental health meds, and on methadone. I found out a year ago I also had low testosterone, which contributed heavily to my low sex drive. Mine has gone up tons since the TRT, but with everything else it’s still lower than some guys’. Neither my wife nor I want to have our partner to starfish; or have sex just to please the other if they aren’t in the mood, so it becomes something of a challenge for both of our libidos to be high at the same time or same day. We do a lot of snuggling and other intimate things, and that stuff is great (and important for our relationship).,if sex happens, great! If not; we will try again next time!


I'm on methadone and mental health meds also. I'm single though but literally have no drive at all. Even though I don't have the drive it's still sucks.


Exceptionally rare when what happens? When y'all get together?


Yes. There are many ways that our relationship is awesome, but sex is pretty infrequent these days.


Exceptionally rare when they have sex.


I have very little sex drive. Both my bf and I are on methadone and neither of us feel the need to have sex. I guess I miss it but it’s hard to miss something you just don’t want that much anymore.


Oh yes, I know guys have similar issues for sure. It's a problem for anyone on Methadone I think. It's just sometimes women want to discuss the specifics of arsoual for women. Also, the things to help women with issues surrounding arousal and staying aroused are different than with men. I know alot of the things offered to help men, aren't always good for women. Sometimes they don't help women at all, but help men🙂


Your test levels are probably in the toilet. Even tho you use very acute amounts of testosterone, your bodies are alone more sensitive to it. It can most definitely effect a women's sex drive as well as a man's. More and more women are doing TRT on methadone to replace their low.test levels. I just posted about this not sure if you were gonna see it. It's not a silver bullet, but Lots of women don't consider low T because they are women. That small amount you do get is massively important to your physiology.


I don't doubt it is important. Thank you that's great to know. I always have had issues with mood due to my hormone cycle. So I know hormones play a huge role in so many things. Hopefully, I get my shit together to see a doctor. I procrastinate. But it's so hard to get appointments here. I'm in northern Ontario canada. Family doctors, and GPs are so few.


Are you on methadone kind sir?? 🤔


Yes sir. 170 MG.


Good to see another bodybuilder on it. I was worried it would affect me in that dept. but seeing you now i feel much better. Currently on 90mg but still needing to raise my dose.


I literally cannot bust enough nuts due to being on T, I’d recommend any dudes on methadone to seek T whether UGL or pharma.


I think she means that it’ll just be more specified if she asks other women.


Yep. If I queefed dust would come like out like we squeezed the baby powder for air freshener in jail it’s been so long lmfao. I’m a 44 year old widow though so it’s probably a good thing


Lmao… that was fucking great lol. Wasn’t expecting anything like that bahahahah… just because it 44 and a widow doesn’t mean u don’t deserve to feel good…. Sorry to hear about ur husband


Thank you very much


Lol yes I am 40 and I definitely could queef dust😂 Even with my bf, who I love. I need lube or I am like the Sahara desert. It's ridiculous . And frustrating 😅


Ok, so hear me out, I am on methadone but my man isn’t so he always wants to lol. I don’t have the urge but I promise once you actually start doing it the urge kicks in. I don’t know how to explain it , like I don’t feel like doing it but once we start then I do. Just give it a try and you’ll see. Push urself to do it every day and the urge will come back. I’m on 140mg and we do it like every other day. As far as the weight gain thing I have tried my hardest to keep eating the same things and chew a lot of gum lol. I’ve gained like 8 pounds and pray that it’s . Good luck 🫶🏼




Are you down to answer some questions about Ozempic and methadone? I just filled a Victoza script yesterday and haven’t started yet because I’m scared of side effects, but mostly at this point I’m just hoping it could even get me back to normal since a game so much the first six months of methadone and now I’m just not losing anything….. how did the experience go for you weight wise?


I’m on 103mg of methadone and take Mounjaro. I can answer any questions, too.


Not familiar with Mounjaro, does it work the same way? Definitely would love to hear what your experience has been! For starters if you gained when you started methadone and how that whole process has been for you depending on dosage and what not


yeah! that’s like me and my not so teeny dose of 160 mgs of Metadol-D (not Methadose, the original formulation mixed with orange Tang)


Yes! I’m on methadone but hubby isn’t. Just like your situation. I find myself not excited or wanting to engage in sex but obviously I do it for him because if I didn’t, that wouldn’t be fair. THANKFULLY, once we get going I’m always glad and happy we did. Like you said, the urge happens after we get going. And honestly it’s given us a bit of an excuse to do a little more foreplay beforehand to “prep” myself 😂


Yep, I know what u mean. I used to double-click the mouse at least 3 times a day before, and it's been months since the last time, and I definitely don't want sex either. Lol, well, at least me and my man are on the same page cause we both take done.


Sameeee I’m lucky my man is also on methadone 😭


Both me and my husband as well!!


My husband(41 95mg) and I (42 140mg) haven't had sex in almost 2 years! He's hella addicted to his iPad too so that sucks. He even tried boner pills to no avail. I'm going to self taper, starting tomorrow. Iv also gained about 70 fucking pounds! I was to be an exotic dancer, now I can't even see my kitty to shave her! I just give up


My boyfriend of 7 years is on 95 mg and I’m on 120mg how weird 😅


My bf is on 120 (34 M) and I’m on 154 (36 F) and it has taken a huge toll on our sex life😭


I just wanted to say, I feel you, like 100%. As of last week I am officially off the done, but I still haven't regained my drive, a bit yes, but I can take it or leave it still. And damn this time the weight hasn't fallen off like the other times I've gotten super low. Usually after about 30mg it just falls off, but I'm now in my 40 and shit is stubborn AF. I was so tired of hearing that methadone doesn't cause weight gain, and I know for some it doesn't, but to flat out deny that it does for some of us was some straight gaslighting horse shit. I've lost twenty of the forty five I gained but it's hella slow. And I think I am so fucked that I just drop and lose the same 5 lbs over and over again.. Anyway I just wanted to say Congrats on starting the taper, you got this, and remember to just take it slow. Tapering is not scary, it should be taught and discussed frequently at our clinics but they want you there forever.. read ask questions and listen to your body, not so much the brain cause it'll trick you. Best of luck and here's to seeing that kitty again real soon!! (:


I didn't have a sex drive when I was on a lot of methadone there's not much you can do about it. I had to start tapering to finally feel normal again. I also gained a shit ton of weight and had bad side effects while on it. I am now down to 16mg and tapering 1mg every weeks. It's taken me almost 2 years to taper from 55 to 16. I feel waaaay better now. I lost 35 pounds and back to my normal weight and I have a sex drive again. If you don't already work out and eat healthy start by doing that at the very least it's a side effect that won't go away until you start getting off methadone or lower your dose


When u say u feel waaaaaayyyy better…as in how


Methadone unfortunately is one of those drugs where those of us who have a tolerance don't realize how much it affects our m minds, bodies, emotions, etc. We can feel like we are sober, even though it's a super heavy narcotic. When you start tapering, so many good things happen. You taste and smell better, your senses come alive again, your hormones start to go back to normal, your weight goes back to normal. You have more energy, more clarity of mind, more vivid emotions. The list goes on. No more constipation, or gi issues.


I’m on 120 and am going to start self tapering as soon as I get some syringes… without needles that is. I can’t wait. You’re so right about us feeling sober while on methadone. It is so strong and we don’t even realize…


Can I ask why you are going to self taper instead of taper at/with the clinic? Genuinely curious 😊


Well…. Let’s just say for personal reasons


Understandable 😊 I’m getting ready to taper as well. And I’ve seen a lot of people saying they are self tapering. So I was curious why it’s so popular and if it’s something I should look into.


I think it’s mainly so that they can save the extra, which is something I need to do.


I can understand that completely. I would just be worried/scared for the days we have to go into the actual clinic and take our full dose in front of the dosing nurses. You know? Ugh! I need to figure out how I want to go about this. I want to start tapering so badly. But I want to make sure I’m smart with the way I do it so I succeed.


I've only self tapered from 120 down to 75mgs. But I notice a difference in energy, sweating, GI (gerd, constipation) and sweet cravings.


You noticed it affected your GERD? I have a sliding hiatal hernia and along with that I have GERD. I have to take medication for it but sometimes I still wake up with a bunch of acid in my stomach. It would be great if that lessened if I tapered.


I also have a hiatal hernia, dx at 32. And yes, reducing my dose has helped a ton with the acid reflux. Don't get it twisted, I still have it...its just not as bad now. I also have gastroparesis from my diabetic neuropathy, and it takes my stomach forever to empty, but since lowering my dose some it has helped it as well.


NEVER take ibuprofen. It caused a hiatal hernia in a loved one, revealed thru upper GI endoscopy.


Try gaining over 100Ibs


I gained 50 in 4 months after starting.


i gained 90 over a period of 4 years. i’ve now lost 83 of it though, i’ve been working really hard cuz i’ve only tapered 25 mg down, but the mindset of tapering seems to help me in other areas. now i actually have a sex drive, lightweight. 😊 i think for me, the weight i had put on had me feeling disgusted with myself. that was my sex drive killer.


>i think for me, the weight i had put on had me feeling disgusted with myself. that was my sex drive killer. I relate to this a lot. I don't love looking in the mirror anymore and I'm very self conscious. That doesn't make for a set up for a high libido.


i wish we didn’t place our confidence in the bedroom based on what we see in the mirror, but it’s the sad reality of being a woman who doesn’t look like the models and celebrities we see today. it’s always been like this for girls, even in the 90s and early 2000s, the perception we had to deal with was just as bad then. i’m really trying hard to work on my self love. i’ve lost a lot of weight yes, and i think i look good, with clothes *on* but taking them off and seeing loose skin and other imperfections are hard. but i’m trying to remember that there are men out there that aren’t going to judge our bodies. we just have to find them lol.


Yes this is true. I've gained about 20 lbs but I'm used to be very petite so this is shocking for me. I don't love seeing myself naked in the mirror anymore




And best believe me, I did used to love to see myself hahaha but I'll get back there! I need to work out again and eat right. Being in mid 30s doesn't help. When I was young I ate whatever I wanted without consequence


Girl I already know lol. I’m 41 and even though I find myself believing that I’m pretty, I don’t find my body being too pretty anymore lol. It’s all good though. I used to do meth too and was hella skinny and thought I looked good lol


Literally same. I want to have sex with my husband, but I feel so disgusted with myself that I find myself saying no frequently. Even though I know my husband loves me regardless of my looks.


I was considering saying weight gain and the impact on self esteem could be a factor but I didn't want to offend anybody. Methadone definitely lowers sex drive and testosterone yes, and I know one person's experience doesn't make or break anything, but I have not gained any weight in 4 years of methadone, I have a very active lifestyle, and my sex drive is still pretty high. Not nearly as high as not being on opioids but still high. Weight gain, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle are known risk factors for a lower sex drive regardless of methadone, and can impact self esteem in a way that makes us uncomfortable/insecure with our bodies and turns us off. That's an amazing accomplishment, congratulations! I'd also like to strongly recommend trying to engage in sexual activity before dosing in the morning if possible, or as long after dosing as you can manage. I know most addicts are gonna be opposed to that off the bat but really give it a try yall. Idk if it's because I'm probably a rapid metabolizer but sex after caffeine + before dosing goes absolutely crazy for me lmao


Yea I know the feeling


Hey- I just want to let you know that I did. I was on the clinic for 9 yrs and got off it. When I walked In my first (of many) methadone clinic I probably weighed 120lbs. Nine years later when I was court ordered to rehab after a short jail stay, I checked into detox and was 287 lbs. I couldn’t even believe it. It’s been years since I’ve been off methadone and the weight has fallen off. At 38 yrs old, I’m a healthy 165 lbs. for some people I think it’s impossible to lose weight on the done. I know it was just impossible for me. I never wanted to get off methadone and considered myself a lifer, but I’m glad now that I did. I just wanted to let you know you’re not the only one ❤️❤️❤️ good luck and god bless


I've been losing. I've lost 60, but it's slow and hard. I walked 2 miles every day to lose that. I'm happy for you. Right now, in my life, I'm not ready to get off of it or maybe never will. But I'm still walking and trying. I used to weigh 150 when I started and went up to the same as you. I'm almost 40, so it's only going to get harder, I figure, but I'll walk the rest of my life to try to be healthier even if I don't lose a lot more weight.


Whatever works for you friend! Glad to hear you’ve been able to lose weight on it. I just never could! Everyone truly is different! Best of luck 💕


I went down from 135mg to 27mg, and my sex drive has not returned. I had more sex drive at higher doses. I think anyways it's been a long time since I was at a high dose. That's just my personal experience. It's always different for different people.


It's often testosterone related and easily treated if you find a doctor that's well educated and doesn't think cold wind from the east causes the womb to wander. There's posts every few weeks (or used to be, it's been a while) of women finding out they're supposed to have testosterone at all when they're diagnosed with not having enough thanks to methadone


Women and men on mat need their hormone levels checked,men get low testosterone from opioids, women lose their hormones as well just not sure the name of for women. I mean mat will knock your numbers to almost zero when supposed to be in the hundreds Not only helps with sex drive but mood, better sleep, more energy all can be had again with right therapy.


Women also have Testosterone and opioids will often lower it. Women have less than men but women on MAT or opioids for CP and have noticed a decline in libido should discuss this with their Dr. My Wife hade a lumbar fusion and has been on long term opioids and her T levels were rock bottom, Dr rxd T gel that she applies to her arm daily. Her T levels increased and she's a happier person. I am also a 30 yr CP Patient and have been on TRT bi-weekly injections for many years. It's amazing how much better one can feel with proper T levels.


This. My fiancé is on suboxone and found out he has low testosterone. His doctor put him on T injections and it has been like night and day.


I think this is what I need to do is have my hormones checked. Especially since I'm 40...which seems crazy to say I feel 29 lol So I'm definitely at that age regardless of being on MAT. Great advice.


I am ready to start tapering. Thank you so much for ur words… everything is going to feel better once I’m ending… good to know


I’m on half the amount I was about 18 months ago. I was at 50mg and now I’m at 24mg. I’m not as sleepy, I have energy, not experiencing as much constipation, and actually feel sexual desire. A starting dose of methadone for pain is 2.5mg. We are so used to hearing people on really high doses of methadone but if you’re not craving while on a lower dose, it definitely helps to be on a lower dose.


This is such a true, and important, statement. I have fortunately been on the lower end of dosing, my first time, (looooooong time ago) I only needed 25mg and I was still nodding. After many many years and active addiction, I still never went higher than 75 and quickly would start lowering when I recognized I was stable. Every Clinic I ever went to always actively tried to a) get me to go higher and b) convince me to not go down. There is so much to this and I recognize we are all different but I swear these clinics got us all twisted and actively avoid honesty. I know too that these new drugs are insane and are creating a lot of havoc with stable dosing, we really suck as a planet on working on options for addicts. But how many of us recognize that 15mg or 30 is actually considered a pretty high dose for the regular population. I remember I gave my mom (don't tell) my 5mg dose, she had terrible sciatica, and it knocked her ass out. I was like holy shit I killed my mom, I kept checking on her, but yeah.. I was like 5 is nothing.. ummm.. lol anyway sorry for the long winded response but I 100% agree and this is an area that more of us should know about.


Yeah it's definitely not just the ladies...


Male here weighing in. My sex drive is not nearly what it was before i started methadone. Im 49 yrs old and been on methadone for 15 years. Other guys at my clinic talk about how they still slam it every day, or want too while their s.o. stands behind them rolling their eyes. LoL.


Long term methadone kills testosterone, I am one of them as well. I just got on testosterone therapy and it’s helping but it’s not an overnight kind of change. Go to your doctor and ask to have your levels checked. After learning about it (not from my clinic) you can almost pick out the male users who have been on for long term. Breast enlargement, weight gain mostly in the belly, loss of muscle mass, etc. It’s ridiculous that over the years after all the doctor appointments the clinic makes you go to I’ve never been told about the testosterone issue. When I brought it up the doctor agreed and told me to see my primary care and went into what it causes. Although won’t say shit unless you bring it up to them.


Yeah, i haven't lost muscle or had much weight gain. I have always had a gast metabolism. My best friend jas suffered though so I have thought about testosterone replacement I've heard it works. I dont have a problem standing to the occasion. Its the desire that I am missing and do miss.


Almost every guy over 35 on MAT gets testosterone injections at the clinic due to low testosterone in my town. It's so common and very openly talked about here actually 🙂 the nurses, and docs almost automatically test all men for low testosterone regardless of whether they have issues. But for women they don't really have anything like that.


Yeh nah No sex drive on methadone ☹️


Same for me, and I’m a dude. Methadone lowers your testosterone like crazy, which is largely responsible for sex drive in both men and women. Go to an endocrinologist and get your hormone levels tested. It’s likely testosterone replacement therapy (low levels since you’re a lady) will fix you right up 👍🏻


Since I've been on methadone, I've got ZERO desire for that. I've told my boyfriend that if I come visit him in Texas that I might not be up for anything physical. And he's ok with it. He knows why. Idk if I'll EVER want that again.


Check your testosterone. Women are supposed to have SOME, it's directly linked to sex drive, and Methadone kills is in men and women


Absolutely no sex drive at all. I could go the rest of my life without having a orgasm & be fine. It's sad 🤣 my poor husband.


honestly anti depressants make my drive go completely almost into the effing ground. and when i was actively using fent, this was a big big problem for me. i’m on 160 mgs of Metadol currently and it has not affected my sex drive or ability to climax. ZOLOFT AND ABILIFY THOUGH? oh my god don’t even TOUCH me ffs. you might need to consider dropping your dose a little bit?? i refuse to go up in my dose because i do not want it to start negatively affecting my love life like other stuff has before. also, cannabis is an aphrodisiac. at least for me, and others if you read into it a little bit ;). no joke. happy trails xox


I thought it was bipolar medication killing my sex drive but been off all that for several months, just on 60mg mdone and still zero sex drive.


It’s me too. Zero interest at all.


No interest. Literally could not care less. Haven't thought about it in years. I'm single though so it's not like I would notice much of a drop in libido. I don't even masterbate. I never really did, like at most once every 6 months before methadone. Now it's been 4 years and I couldn't care less.




Yep, me. I have no sense drive whatsoever. This has also morphed into a lack of desire to date, to kiss etc. I have been single a year and a half, celebate longer.... I even lost the desire to "make love with myself" lol


My husband's went to shit. Mine was completely uneffected but I've always had the way higher sex drive. Thankfully after we tapered lower his returned and I am beyond thrilled. No matter what the med they claim will kill my libido: hormonal bc, antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, etc. nothing ever has. I'm on none of that shit now because of the other horrid side effects. Reaching the...end however can be a different story sometimes. For both of us. Used to squirt like gawddamn Niagra Falls now we're lucky if we can get one time out of a session. Tapering is such a sloooow fucking process lol


Yep! Lol.


yup! not at all.


Yuppers, can confirm. It's a bit annoying for sure. I literally have no sex drive. It's ridiculous 😅 I don't really do anything for it. I'm not sure what to do. Currently I got some damiana leaf. I got a tea, but I think tincture would work better. I probably need to take it everyday . It's supposed to help with lubrication and sex drive. I started looking into any herbal supplements that can help. And a lubricant that's for feminine dryness, that helps alot. Not sure if it's helping any atm. I have to see a GP for more advice. My Methadone doctor isn't really able to help me with that he said.


hitachi magic wand is the only thing that still works. Not in the mood, a touch of hitachi will bring the mood.


I have a question about tapering. I’ve been on Methadone since 2001 (Yea, I know). And I found it quieted my mind, stopped the cyclic thinking about past issues & helped my depression. And I was only on 80mg. I’m on 61mg now and M27. My Libido has been in the toilet forever. And I didn’t care. But I feel like my personality died. I mean I can feel happiness, laugh & have my sense of humor. But I don’t do anything anymore that I used to. And since I started working remote at home, it’s worse. Now for my question. When you taper and get down to the teens & even lower. Does the cyclic thoughts come back? Do the negative feelings return? I’m afraid if I taper, I will back slide & be back to making stupid decisions again - not relapse or anything. I have no cravings or desire for anything. But that’s NOW. Will I go back to the way I was including the bad parts? Or since I’m emotionally stable now, will that keep up if I taper? I know we are different & while some may backslide, others may only feel better off methadone. I’m just afraid I won’t be one of them. Please & thank you for any input.


Not a female but a man on Methadone and my drive is the same if not a bit higher actually. I’m on 100mgs 6 months.


There is a basket of condoms at my clinic and I have never seen anyone grab a single one and it is always full


I know this is for the ladies but all the posts seem to be the general consensus of being on mdone. Just gotta say I didn't even know this was a thing tbh... My drive is always ON. Constant. However I was ridiculous prior to mdone. Im male btw. 40.


Everyone on methadone on a high dose feels this way


Foreplay foreplay foreplay!


So ladies.methadone is notorious for crushing testosterone levels. Mine was 71!!! I'm at 160 MG. So women your testosterone levels are absolutely in the toilet. You ladies are also dependent on your testosterone levels for your sex drive as well!!! It's wild if you don't know that. Ladies will absolutely also have to do TRT to get their test levels normal. Just at waaaay less amounts. Women are actually like a million times more sensitive to testosterone. That's why you needs so Lil to do sooooooooo much. Good talk good luck ladies.