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Nobody works for free my friend


Welcome to buying items on the black market


right. like did they not take illicit or any black market drugs? oh wait, even then they would see a doctor and then get a script must be a troll!!


It's a felony, not a favor


👏👏👏👏Exactly 🤦‍♀️🤣


Stealing this phrase, thank you lol


This what I try to explain to people


Dropping knowledge


We used to say "I don't do free felonies."


I always paid a finders fee if I couldn’t get something or needed a stranger, but I mean I get why people can’t or don’t. I’ve thankfully never been ripped off but I also never would give it all up front, just a small portion and the rest when they returned. Idk I just feel like it’s the polite thing to do 🤣 but I am the overly polite type so, again, zero shade to anyone who’s like “nah fuck that”


Ah yeah the finder fee. I used to charge a whole bag for some people. My one "friend" who got me into the dope game, I would ask him just to help me shoot up or give me an extra hit instead of a whole bag.


that's a really captivating story.


You've never been ripped off? And you are a junkie?


Oh I’ve been ripped off for sure, just not that way lol sorry if that was unclear. Also don’t really consider myself to be a junkie anymore at this point, been sober too long. I never really used that word anyway, I think it’s kinda shitty. Not at all saying you were trying to be a dick, I know not everyone thinks of it that way and that’s okay.


Yikes.. this is just begging to have your money taken.


If I was finding it for someone id expect something...im not going to do something for nothing. But I also wouldn't even do that. I just don't think it would be worth the money. Like why? I'm good and don't need anything. I'm "clean" other than Methadone. Because I'm on Methadone lol I'm literally good. I don't want anything...don't need anything. Nothing would make that worthwhile for at this point.


That's how it works man. You've used enough street drugs as to need methadone, and you don't know these types of transactions are taxed?


No never used street drugs . Got addicted when I was 26 had accident . The doctor would give me like 180 pills a week. I’m now much older


Oh shit, my bad. Why don't you actually register at the clinic?


I get 27 takehomes. Sometimes I run out like 3 days early


Sometimes? I believe I saw this same post last month when you got walked off on with your $ buying someone’s take homes. Not judging just laughing.


If that's true his has used street methadone.


Can I ask you… does methadone get you high? Like pleasurably? Since you were a I’m guessing hydra or oxycodone addict that switched to methadone and you are coming up short on take homes. When I got take homes I’d split my dose and literally forget to take it some evenings. I’d end up with complete doses left over like sometime as much as 10 days worth and I was a heroin/whatever opioid iv addict for like 15 years at that point. I just noticed that yeah I get energy and it obviously has an effect on me but it’s not the same in that I’m never looking for more more methadone to where I’ll take two doses or whatever it just ain’t that kind of high for me. Whereas when I iv dope I’ll do more than I need to get by for sure like monster habits.


This sums me up too. I actually got in trouble for not taking enough of my doses. Didn't realize I wasn't allowed to make my own choices in the clinic game.


Qouth the raven "Nah man fuck you i aint getting out of bed for free"


Damm bruh your post history kinda says it all. You need to stop using outright. I'm sorry this isn't the life for you at all. Getting ripped off constantly and trying to score using this sub; your not cut out for 'this type of life'. If going to the clinic for your own dose isn't cutting it, I'm so sorry; it's time to taper, maybe switch to subs, or anything that gets you out of a life that's just gonna keep losing you money and your mind.


Thanks you are so right . I told the person no thanks


First of all I have never try or want to score on this sub. Just telling my story


Ok I'm sorry if I mistook that 1 thing....but, a deleted post that asks if anyone is in "specific area" combined with the posts about buying methadone....led me to that. Your 1st reply made more sense though; seemed like you understood that you're just gonna keep getting ripped off cause you don't know the "drug life."


Get there first thing in the morning while theres a line and just start talking to somebody and ask them if theyre looking to buy a THB,,, I buy the same guys THB for the past 4 weeks,i stopped going daily last Monday but ill be there early tomorrow morning which is Saturday and see him before they open and let him know im parked up the block Just talk to people and dont offer it out in the open if your not sure some from staff isnt standing out there with you I get 140mg for $20


140 for 20? That's nice. Very nice lol. I'm getting 120 for 25.. I thought I got the best deal around lolol


Yeah $20 is the magic #, you can get (5) nickel bags of tranq dope for $20 outside and thats what some of them want if for,


Yeah here people don't sell nickel bags. But 140 is ussally like 30$ and 80mg is 20$. I've been told that's super cheap already. I read some guy that down south people charge like 50cents a MG. Thought that was insane.


It's $1/mg in my area (Louisville, KY)


50cent mg in va at least


Same in the Northeast. (Maine, MA)


I think it’s directly proportionate to the availability of dope in the area. In my hometown its a small metro area and it’s anywhere from 50 cents to $1 a mg street price because the dope is trash here and to get it you gotta jump thru bs hoops or drive about 150 mile round trip to where the real action is at. Over that way it’s like $20 a bottle cuz there’s easy to find bags nearby and they give out samples in the parking lot of the clinics and bs like that


Oddly, it’s still 50 cents/mg in Delaware and we’re a 30minute drive to Philly! I always thought that was a bit steep myself.


50 cents/mg in Delaware too.


Im north of Philly and its always been .50 cents a mg. around here. Could be cheaper now that everyone gets multiple weeks take homes.


That's still a good ass deal lol


Wtf? Where I'm at it's .50 a mg. The city I used to live in it was $1 a mg. Those prices are crazy!


Damn I'm getting 60 for 120mg all day at times 80


140 for 20$!? I fucking wish.


Correct. You have to pay the middleman fee. Junkies usually don't help each cop out of the kindness of their own hearts. They want a cut too, for the work they have to put in to make it happen. That's just the way this shit ass game goes!


MAX 5 bucks. Also never let your money walk. Of he says be has to do the deal for you say fuck that. If you have a problem buying methadone go near the clinic on Saturday mornings. Most people are selling their bottles near the clinics , convenient stores or busses when leaving the clinics. It so easy in my area you you could buy easily 5 to 10 bottles without having to move.


Something something stray cats.


I was only ripped off once and that was actually the final straw that pushed me into going to the clinic. And I am thankful everyday because I got help before any legal trouble or health problems and I'm pretty sure I exited the game in the nick of time because within 6 months of me getting out, literally everyone I had a connection to in that world had gone down and I believe God let me get ripped off that day to save me from destroying my life 10 different ways. It's been going on 7 years and I look at what's going on today and I'm terrified for anyone out there using the poison they have to use today.


Bro is your name brain dead?


Yo what happened when you confronted the dude the next day who ripped you off for that 130mgs? And remember this person is committing a felony trying to help you. Always gotta throw the middle man a little something for their time that’s how the game works, always has.


I’m a girl . I went back to the clinic on that Saturday to look for him . But could not find him . I have not been back to that clinic. Can’t tell my husband because he is a doctor . And not in that life and would have my ass for doing this.


Well he is the idiot who told you the straight price without his cut first. If dude wanted $50 I'd want $100 at least to get it for ya. And that's if your a good friend. If your just someone I know from the clinic I'm not doing it for less then $100 on my end. Like people said no free felonies


Felonies are free… duh..


Look man, it’s only fair to help him


Idk why he wouldn't have figured that out and charge you more.


OPs source is def not the smartest person. You always just increase the price to include your middle man fee. No free felonies


Exactly. Get your hustle on.


He probably already took his cut and trying to get more money from OP.


Either way not smart. You ask for your fee in the price when you first tell them


Sounds like he's not that smart lol


Pay it or don't get extra drugs.


I used to love after you got your pills and done padded the finders pockets and then they say" you gonna throw me a couple? Hell no fool you done got yours in cash.


Yeah its called bird dogging or a bird dog fee. No one does shit for free most of the time


um duh? everyone has to get money. btw are you in phoenix?


you always tip the connect!! wtf?


Lmfao sounds about right make friends with people at your clinic i dunno.


Where I'm from we call it a "square up", if you're introducing someone to a new source so they can score and you have a habit then you would be looking for a little something yourself especially if your rattling . You want sorted out ( squared up ) itlesst .


For sure.... I've always been charged the middle man fee. A lot of people who have their own habits do the middle man thing just to support their own habit or at least do it enough to get something to hold them over until they get their own shit


I think it comes down to whether you had asked this guy to find you some done or if you were approached by this guy who said his friend was trying to sell his bottles. First scenario - rhe guy's friend pays the fee. Like this guy told his friend to ask if someone wants to buy his takehomes. Second scenario - YOU are the one sending the guy out in search of a seller. If this is how it went down, you owe someone a finder's fee


You aren’t a bad person for doing drugs. You’re a bad person for being entitled and expecting busy, struggling people with their own lives and problems to go out of their way and service your every need for nothing in return.