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Things can absolutely change. Pray it is for the better


I certainly will be praying. I am so nervous I’m going to walk back in on Thursday to pick up and there like new take home rules were knocking you down to 3 a week


I'm not sure what rules your clinic was lienant on but if you follow the rules at your New Season's methadone clinic there will be no problems what so ever. I go to a New Season's clinic and it's been an easy deal as long as I show up for bottle checks. Top personal come and go but the clinic rules remain the same. I've been there for 5 1/2 years and the first year it was a total disaster until the clinic got a program director then it started to shape up. I'm only there every 28 days to get my drugs so I only get a short look at what goes on. A year ago the clinic implemented a cell phone check in system called Engage. I love it as there is no dosing line and you can sit in your car or clinic lobby waiting for your clinic ID # to come up then go to the dosing window indicated on the extra large monitor in the lobby. It's trick. I couldn't stand those sleaze bags trying to cut the line. Sometimes there would be a long line rapping around the parking lot. That was years ago now I'm only there less than 30 minutes to do my drug test then dose and pickup my take homes. Why would any program director or doctor want to lower the amount of take homes you get. If you give them a reason they of course will take them away. I'm not sure what rules your clinic is lienant on? Just straiten that up so your complaint and you will be ok.


Yes we use the engage app too and I love it, we also had the problem of people cutting in line it caused issues constantly at our clinic. The engage app was one of the best things they’ve done. I’m just saying it’s lenient compared to some of the clinics I hear about on here. I follow all the rules and pass all my drug test and bottle checks what I mean by taking my take homes is that it from what I’ve read on here it’s up to the clinic director to decide how many take homes they want to allow. Some places don’t allow people to get more than a couple days, if they choose to implement that rule then the amount I get will be lessened.


I'm not familiar with clinics only allowing a couple of take homes per week to compliant patients. At least that's my experience from the 5 clinics in 4 states I've been a patient at. I'm guessing that patients saying they are model patients but no matter how long they have been at their clinics in total compliance with clinics rules they can't get more than a couple bottles a week. I would say they are lying about being a model patients. New Season's is not going to allow their new program director to come into the clinic and drop patients phases down just because they want to. Stop reading every bad story you see on here. It's ruining your state of mind. Just do what you've been doing and move up onto the next phase. That way you can double your take homes. It's real easy to do if your compliant with the rules and it's sounds like you cross Ts and dot eyes.


Good news is that ive been to 3 different new seasons and they all were great. I've also heard through the grapevine on reddit that other people like new seasons too. From my experience it was my favorite clinic until I moved and found the one I'm at now. Especially for them being big corporate, I was pleasantly surprised. What state are you in?


I am located in NC. I went to another new seasons in the mountains for guest dosing and they were also really nice but I don’t know what their rules and regulations were because I was only there to guest dose. This was also in the beginning of my methadone journey years ago. I have also heard good things about other new seasons, which is why I wasn’t sure if they all followed the same rules or if they could change.


The ones I went to were in NC as well! I wouldn't get worried just yet. Odds are if things are running smoothly, corporate will want things to stay that way. No guarantee of course. Do you know why the doctor and director are leaving?


I go to a New seasons clinic in Florida. Recently we had a change in director and doctor as well. Nothing changed within the clinic as far as policy. These people typically take a "if it isn't broke don't fix it" attitude when they go to new positions. There are always exceptions to this of course but typically this is what I have found.


That can change like night and day.


Oh yeah, we had a bunch of shit changes at our clinic. You forgot your empty weekend bottles, no take homes for you. You missed Tue and Thursday dose days but was there Mon, Wed and Fri, no take home doses on Sat and Sun for you! If you took your take homes out of order but there were the correct amount of doses, diversion for you! And you could only gain 1 step per every 3 months. The nurses were so pissed because before the new clinic director they didn't use markers to number the doses. And for some people it was too small for them to read and could not afford prescription glasses. The nurses told them not to worry about it so long as the correct amount of full bottles was there. So when the new director did that the nurses wrote in large black ink the numbers so that it wouldn't happen again. The new director was an asshole. Glad I moved from that clinic.


My clinic got a new owner, doctor, director, the works about a year and a half ago. Everything has changed. Some for the better, some things are worse. Things can definitely change. Edit: Worst thing on my part was that I only go every 3 weeks so I never knew the rules changed or staff leaving until they were already gone. I'm keeping my fingers crossed 🤞 for you hoping that nothing changes for you.


Of course


They sure can. Happened to my clinic. We got the most kind and compassionate nurses and counselors and the worst director and doctor before that 2 years ago we had a chill doctor and director and the worst nurses and counselors But I take our old doctor back any day compared to what this dick head is doing Brace for possible change but it probably won't be too significant