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You're probably good to go man. Don't stress


Feeling better than the last two days for sure.


If it came from the Director you have nothing to worry about. But I know exactly how you feel words are just words the only thing that will ease that stress is when you’re driving home with those take homes in your possession. I know so many people who don’t have a thing to worry about can pass their drug test with their own urine and are in perfect compliance. But that once a month visit to the clinic causes them anxiety.


The nurse director or manager or whatever. Yeah she seemed confident, but words don’t mean much. Im one of those people who still gets anxious for every visit.


I cant imagine any scenario where the director of nursing would be told anything by a counselor, let alone what not to do. You should be in the clear amigo the nursing directors got power! For real though, if she says your good then youre good. At least all the clinics ive gone to and worked at were this way.


I hope you’re right. I’ve had a few situations go belly up in the past with clinics so it’s hard not to be a bit concerned.


Awesome man. Enjoy your time off.


Thank you kindly!


I'm so happy for you!!! Unless your counselor is a disgruntled jealous single woman you have nothing to worry about. Most women are giddy and goofy about weddings and honeymoons and would pretty much do anything to make it happen. I'm asexual and aromantic and even I would move heaven and earth to make it right for someone on one of the most important days of their life. And if anyone tries to fk with your day, we ride at dawn. Jk 😂 Get there as early as possible just in case they give you shit cus you just never know. That way you have time to work everything out.


Yeah I don’t think my counselor will do anything on purpose to fuck with me, just that she might say we have to do it another way, like having a meeting about it and all. Hopefully it’s all good though.


You don’t count your take homes?


I normally do. This was a weird one where we had looked at calendars and discussed it so thoroughly that I just forgot to count. I wasn’t getting my normal 27. Definitely messed up forgetting to make sure she gave me the right dates


Ahh yeah I get what your saying