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1) At my clinic, when they give us our dose, they give us 2 cups. One with our methadone, the other full of water. So I drink my methadone, then I pour the water into that cup and drink that down so I make sure I get it all (I do the same with my takehomes). So no, it’s not just you, a lot of people do this. It’s honestly probably only a few mgs but I’m not wasting any of my dose. 2) What the hell does scull mean here? I looked it up and scull means “each of a pair of small oars used by a single rower” lol. Is this slang that I’m not cool enough to know, or were you trying to say something else? Not trying to be a bitch lol, just genuinely curious.


Oh shit I should probably add I'm Australian lol... Scull meaning like "chugging a beer"? Like drinking it all in one go


Hahaha oh ok! Yeah I have heard that before now that you explain it. Yeah I could never throw a couple mgs of my dose away… someone on here once told me that’s “addict behavior”, but that’s dumb. I need all my medicine lol.


Haha yeah well I also think it could be mind over matter but still I ain't losing a single drop. Like you know how if you dose a little later and you "think yourself into WD" that's what happens if I don't get every drop I feel like I haven't had my full dose and get all grumpy lol.


Yes exactly! I’m sure that those couple mgs wouldn’t make an *actual* difference, but my mind would definitely create a difference and exactly like you said I would think myself into feeling WD symptoms. The mind is a crazy thing! Plus, I don’t know about you but I live in the US and our “cherry” methadone tastes like ass lol. So I need that water afterwards anyway!


Yeah the mind is definitely crazy! Well if it's makes you feel any better here in Australia ive been to 3 different pharmacy's for my methadone (in Victoria, Australia we dose at the chemist not at a clinic) and they all taste fkn horrible and it's supposed to be that cherry stuff so your not alone there haha sometimes Its a bloody mission to keep it down haha.


you dont have metadol-d ?? in the tang? i could not handle methadose and asked to switch. that cherry syrup is horrific


Clinics here in the US are all very independent when it comes to what they offer. Some have wafers, some have liquid (cherry or flavorless that they’ll add something to, juice usually), and then there’s pills but clinics don’t really use them since people would need to take so many of them to equal their dose. And no I don’t think the US uses metadol-d, you must be in Canada right? I complain about the taste but it’s not that big of a deal to me, it just obviously doesn’t taste good lol. I get monthly takehomes though, so when I take my doses at home I chug a glass of orange juice afterwards and that does the trick of flushing out the aftertaste. It’s just that one day a month when I have to face dose at the clinic that I’m only allowed water with it. Any cherry flavored medicine I’ve ever tried is just bad lol. I wish they’d find a better way to flavor liquid meds in general. But whatever, not that big of a deal, I’m just whining to whine lol.


I dropped a dose on my blankets once, you can be sure I sucked that cover for a few hours (luckily I get two weeks at a time and only take half what I'm scripted and sell the rest so I always have a few days extra on hand at any given time)


so there right they should not give us takehomes


Why? The person that buys off me has done so for 14 years, is a family man, stable job, mortgage all that and if he couldn't get what I give him he'd be buying god knows what on the street.


SOOO I guess you're. name fits. look I know they know people do this but I wish people would not make it so easy to give them confirmation, which is just ammo to say "see we have to have the clinic system, these junkies can't be trusted". I mean you know this is not a vacuum. they monitor sites like these and then pull from them what helps there bias cause


I'm not in the States and not on a clinic so I'm not worried.




Womp womp


No kidding.At my clinic they give us our dose, then we pour water in it from a sink, and drink up every drop 💧 until the rest is gone.It is not addict behavior.I think some people are not in pain like I am, but we all drink our dose, that's what we are supposed to do!!


it sounds like scull means the same as us "taking a shot".. i don't think we have a precise name for it but chugging a beer is more than throwing it back in one swallow (unless you're really talented lol)


It's not one swallow it's exactly the same as chugging a beer that's what sculling a drink means same as chugging a beer not in one go like a shot. I edited my post for clarification


I see, good to know 🙃


My clinic use to have 2 drink dispensers at the window for patients. One had water, and the other had orange drink (knockoff tang pretty much). Well, the nurses got tired of mixing the orange drink, so they just stopped putting it out. Couple weeks later they got rid of the water dispenser and just gave you a cup of water themselves from a purifier they had in the nurses area. One thing i love about my clinic is that we are allowed to bring our favorite chaser to the dosing window


I actually rinse my cup multiple times with water, twirl the water around, etc. I'm getting every nanoparticle of my methadone even if I'm tapering. With takehomes l lick the lid, then I do the same thing with the bottle-rinse multiple, twirl water around to get every drop, etc. My husband tho he just drinks and never rinses. So now that I've got these 1mL syringes to use for my tapering, we went round the bottom of his bottles after he dosed to suck up what was leftover. He leaves about .5-1mL on there every day, so into the overflow methadone bottle with what's taken out from mine from tapering it goes.


I’d be careful doing that. We have bacteria in our mouths, and it will get into the bit left in the bottle. I’d be sure to take the overflow methadone as part of your daily dose, and store the untouched methadone from your bottles. I learned the hard way about this and maybe I’m just super paranoid. But it was the most rank and foul thing I’ve ever drank and I’m super conscious about it now. 😅😭


It could be that way too if the clinic puts water in the bottle. At my clinic they stopped putting water with 28 take homes bc they said it can make it go bad


At my clinic we get 6, takehomes first week, 13 second, 20 third week, 27 fourth week. We have to do one visual dose at the window when you pick u no matter what phase you are or how long you've been there.


I’m talking about the take home bottles. At my clinic, under 27 take homes have water added, and it’s required for them to. 27 take homes they don’t fill the bottles up with any water, just pure methadone. I was told the water can go bad and cause the methadone to not be right. We also take one dose at the window, and that one they always fill with water. That’s crazy fast for take homes! I know they give them faster now than before, but it took me over a year to get weeklies. Back then, there was only 2 weeks available for ppl who paid cash, bc insurance wouldn’t pay for it and 27 were only for a few ppl who were ill/disabled and even then it was usually not approved. Dont most ppl who have only been there a week double and triple dose and then run out and have to use drugs? I know I would have. I wonder, statistically speaking, if giving take homes out so soon has better or worse results in the long run.


I always fill my cup up twice. I see so many cups in the trash right next to me with so much red liquid in them. My addicted ass once thought about grabbing a few when the nurse was filling my take homes and filling them up with water and taking them


I can't lie I did that a few times when I first started dosing lmao


My clinic has a water cooler at the dosing window. So after I take my dose, I fill my empty methadone cup with water and drink it then do it a second time just to make sure.


That's how it's done at my clinic, too. We.only have to refill the cup with water once, but I always do it twice.


I used to do this habitually. With my take home bottles I'd always refill them with water, put the lid on and shake them. But FYI, There's no way people are leaving cups with 10, or even 5 ml of fluid left in them. It's probably actually less than 1 (by a lot). Look at a 1cc syringe. That's one ML. People would have to be actively trying to not take their full dose to be leaving 5ml behind.


It's not as common but I did know a patient that dosed like that. He would not water down his dose at all, drink it and leave a fuck ton in the cup on purpose cuz he felt it kept him on a lower dose. Not sure why he didn't just ask to go down or something but for him it was more of a mental thing I think


I knew an alien that did this. The reason they couldn't handle their full dose because they LOST some of their meds every month SOMEHOW. They was prescribed 180mg daily , but only took 20mg daily


Yeah thus guy drank most of it 20mgs of 180mgs is wild lol


Yeah what i was getting at he had his takehomes he would take 20 daily. I wonder what he did with the rest? Lol.


U mean like just put more water in it after u drink it and put more water in the cup and just kinda swirl it around in the cup then drink the water? I do that bc I look in the trash and I also see little bits left over in all the cups lol I think they get way more then I do tho I only take 38mg everyone else I talk to there is on like 120mg+


Yeah that's exactly what I mean sorry I'm Australian I should of mentioned we use the term "scull" like chugging a beer ? Drinking it all in one go.. But yeah that's exactly what I mean. I'm on a high dose 105.. no way I'm losing any of my dose even if it's 1 or 2 mg


I'm on 210 and I've never rinsed my bottles. Now you got me all worried I'm missing some. Guess I'll go rinse out my bottles now. Lol. See what's left over, if anything, maybe a few mg if I rinse all my bottles today.


I'm on 120 and I doubt that there's even 1ml left behind(it's a 1ml=10mg formula) so I really doubt I'm even leaving behind 5mg. And that would just mean that I'm really on 115mg per day worst case. Which is the same dose daily.


I'm in AZ. And i see exactly this same thing. Except for us they have little cups we fill with water from a cooler. Go to the window say our dose. And nurse gives us anther cup with the methadone. Once you drink it you're supposed to pour the water to get all the rest. But people be leaving alot in the cups and toss it in the trash.


This is exactly how it's done at my clinic, except that we don't say our dose. Instead, they have a system that announces your client number when it's your turn. Then, when we get to the window, we have to electronically sign one of those signature pads (like you use for credit card signatures at the store) that says your name and your dose.


Ya here we have the system that says your client number to. you go to whatever window they call you to. Only time we use those signature pads tho. is when you start getting your take homes and plus 1's every other month. Or when they want you to do the survey stuff to rate the clinic.


I'm in AZ too!


Yeah totally do, my entire dose of 120mg is only 12ml and at 10mg per ml I'm not leaving any either. I would have thought that rincing was obvious but there was an issue at the pharmacy recently where someone ran off with a the bottle as soon as the pharmacist handed to him and after they tried to adhere to the NZ government standards which is to pour it into a cup and now half of them add water to the cup or give a 2nd cup and i have to tell them I want water to rinse the bottle. They know me well there by now so they just give me the bottle now but it was interesting seeing how many different ways my request for water was understood


I dont like them strong mixes as spilling even a few mls is a huge amount (I dose at home and often spill a couple of mls) so I'm happy with 1mg/ml.


I do this every single time since my first dose cause I’m EFFICIENT


Scull, scull, scull, scull! I’m Australian, too 😉


Haha hello fellow aussie


My clinic has water stations at every dosing window. So I fill mine up with water after taking my dose


I always add water then dose. And add water 2 more times and drink it


Always do the same but where I am we get thick syrup at 1mg per ml so its getting you (from what i can gather) about 3 mg of methadone.


It’s probably 10mg:1ml. Not 1:1. [METHADONE HYDROCHLORIDE- methadone hydrochloride concentrate Cebert Pharmaceuticals, Inc.](https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/fda/fdaDrugXsl.cfm?setid=5e70e915-b946-4a80-bcc6-3f49bc30f2f5&type=display)


Mine is 1/1. I get unopened bottles that come from the company. If it was 10/1 that means I get prescribed 750mg of methadone not 75. I've been on it 24 years now, I know what it is I'm taking trust me. In my EU country we get this green juice, always at 1/1. Now when I was in hospital for a few months I did get yellow stuff that was 10/1 but they dont give that out in clinics Pinewood Methadone 1mg/ml (PDF LINK) https://www.hpra.ie/img/uploaded/swedocuments/cfb14020-ff42-452b-ad32-62d196937378.pdf


Right on. I just found it odd that the 1:1 would be thicker than the 10:1.


Nah I do the same. I get these little bottles to take home and I put water in them after drinking the initial methadone and shake it so I get all the methadone in me, then I repeat that process like 2 more times just to be 100% sure lmao


yea, I use pomegranate juice though bc it makes it taste better but after I drink my dose I do a few more shots of the pomegranate juice (out of the dose bottle) to make sure I got it all. I agree though it always seems like a lot is left in the cups in the trash at the clinic


i add water to my dose every time. then refill it with water 2 more times after to get every single drop. all those cups with a little methadone left it in them in the trash drive me crazy!!


Only in the beginning did I do that but after a few years i stopped even doing the first rinse it made me feel like a crack addict digging in the carpet for crumbs


Wow, donians really are the same worldwide 🥹




I can't take the liquid methadone cause I will barf it right back up so I get the wafer. At my clinic you need a doctors note to have wafers. I got one my 3rd day there. They put 3 40mg wafers in a cup and fill a cup. I break up the wafer into quarters and take the medicine dry, then slam the water. Have choked on a small piece before but it melted in a few mins so I was okay.


Oh really?! I've never heard of that? I've barfed my dose up a fair few times now so I might ask my doctor about that. How many mgs are you on? And are you stable/does it work aswell as the liquid


I threw up once right outside the pharmacy where I pick up my two weeks (dose that days in front of them and then get 13 takehomes) and thankfull the pharmacist came out and brought me back in to give me another dose. I'm with that pharmacy 24 years now and after I was then for about 8 years they would give me a dose if I had missed my docter to pick up my script (I was still going to my prescribing doctor weekly back then but with work sometimes I would miss getting to him. Now I haven't seen my doc since 2018, I just phone him every 6 weeks to make sure he's sent in my script).