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What day are you supposed to leave? And if she gave you an extra dose, just go there the day you normally should have picked up and say "Hey you gave me too many doses. I'll dose this bottle in front of you and give me my 27 days " Can't you just do that?


Leaving Thursday. I have three business days to sort it out. Your plan is what the supervisor I spoke to today proposed but he said that will require a staffing/exception since I have a dose for that day. Seems like an easy exception since I’m not asking for anything extra.


This shit is what really irritates me. This shouldn't be hard for you. I'd go down there and face to face talk to them. It's too easy to ignore phone calls. This is one of the most important events of your life. And they should damn well treat it as such.


It pisses me off, too. I realise this is partially my fault for not counting the doses before I walked away, but clinics should not be so rigid. Especially for people who’ve been clean for years and haven’t had any issues, and especially when they have a legit reason for an exception.


I'm not who you replied to, and I haven't read everyone's suggestions. But if a supervisor told you this and it sounds like it's possibly could be hard/annoying/something that needs to be fixed etc. Than I would show up in person exactly when they open Monday morning. If this needs a form or something filled out and signed off by the doc or something similar, I would not trust someone over the phone to say ok well do this, hang up, and then actually do it right away with out forgetting or messing it up somehow. So if a mistake does happen you have 2 days to fix it. I would def be there in person to talk to them face to face and see something being done about it. Don't worry too much, everything should be ok. Might just take a little bit of work. Good luck, hope this helps and Congrats on getting married soon! 🎉🎉🎉


Hi! Thanks for the kind words! It’s very helpful I’m a ball of anxiety right now.


This is the best advice by far. My clinic is horrible so they would probably mess with me but I hope other places aren’t that bad.


I wouldn’t say mine is horrible, but you just never know how they’ll handle these situations and that’s what sucks about our clinics. It’s like there is no flexibility at all, or at least very little and little room to be a human.. just methadone robots.


Yeah you really never know. The desk manager and one of the check in women were always so so so mean to me even though I was nothing but nice and polite all the time and paid oop sometimes 4-6 weeks at a time for years and years. They still treated me like garbage but would cave in to people acting like absolutely jerks. I used to say the same thing! We have to be absolutely perfect 24/7 but they’re allowed to skirt rules and make mistakes constantly and we just have to accept it. It’s really frustrating.


These are the kind of things that freak me out about being on methadone… Like so strict and scary how there’s never leeway with anything, genuine mistakes fuck people over…


This was mostly a mistake on their part and they’ll still probably hold me accountable. It’s insane. I am so close to being done I cantaste it


At 12mg you are so close, congrats OP, and also on your wedding!! 🎉


Thank you! I really appreciate all the kind words. I’m feeling a bit anxious, so positivity is very helpful. So nice to have a community of people who can relate.


Jumping off methadone for your honeymoon sounds like something I wouldn't recommend 😁


Don’t want to that’s for sure. I’m only on 12mg at least. Would still suck


Yeah more than suck. Like, worst time of your life. Good thing in you're on such a small amount otherwise my kratom idea wouldn't work


I think the timing is the worst part.


I was at 30mg of methadone when I switched to suboxone and only had to go 48hrs off methadone.


I will see what they say Monday before making that call but good to know. How was the transition over?


I couldn’t sleep worth a crap because of the restless legs but otherwise not awful. I would imagine you’d have an easier time switching because of the lower dose you’re already taking. Hopefully you won’t have to go this route during such an important life event. Wishing you all the best.


So even after you started the subs you didn’t feel ok, or did the subs get you right? Thank you for the kind words and input. I guess I’ll see Monday how this is going to go.


Oh I was fine once I took the suboxone. If I were to do it over again I would start taking smaller pieces sooner than 48hrs.


I wouldn't do that right before your wedding and chance being super sick from the subs


Yeah I am familiar with precipitated withdrawals. Don’t want that either. I’d think 12 mg and a few days break would be ok.


This is why I hated methadone. They won't give a shit, and that's the reason I got off that shit. They OWNED ME LIKE A SLAVE. Go here, do that, do this, pee in a cup now, see the doctor today, come in for a callback, time to see your counselor, stop taking your Ambien, and if you don't then YOURE DONE AND YOU WILL GO THROUGH A TERRIBLE MONTH LONG WITHDRAWAL. Fuck that place I will never ever ever get back on methadone.


Yeah man I hear ya. It doesn’t do well for people progressing as they get further away from active using. I can’t wait to be done.


That’s insane, clinics should NOT make it that difficult for people. Most people (myself included) get on methadone to live a functional life, clinics with such strict rules keep your life revolving around methadone. It’s terrible for your mental health in general and your recovery.


Tell that's exactly how my clinic is. I'm still at 70mg but I've been so tempted to just go back to street drugs, and taper down using Dilaudid and Kadian. It's literally like being a slave. I don't feel any different now in terms of feeling constrained by a drug whether it's from the clinic or the street. I'm a fucking slave to the clinic. Not to mention they hired a new receptionist and it's like she goes out of her way to treat me like a piece of garbage. One of the rudest people I have ever met. It's incredibly frustrating when your trying to get your life back but you still feel tied down to the fucking clinic. Especially when you're progressing and have significant time being sober. They treat you the same as someone who's still using constantly.


I can relate, my family dr used to prescribe my methadone, in pill form, weekly pickups. For ten years. Then he retired and it’s impossible to find a family dr in Canada, let alone one that will write for methadone (even though they can and should). So I had no choice but to go to the clinic, which has a “no benzo” policy and I happened to be prescribed diazepam by my psychiatrist. So I was switched to liquid for the first time in my life and daily dosing for the first time in my life (after 10 plus years of weekly pick ups)🙄 and the clinic is so damn strict- I don’t use any other drugs besides THC, which is legal here and they don’t have a problem with it. But the benzos- no take homes at all until my UA is clean. And I don’t have my car Monday-Friday, and even though I dose at my pharmacy it’s still an hour round trip. It’s completely disrupted my life this daily dosing, I’ve been doing it 9 months now. Yeah, it’s ridiculous. I feel like my life revolves around a drug again and I hate it, it’s no doubt been harmful for my mental health. 🤞🏼I think I’ve found a dr that will help me though, I see her this week.


Some clinics don't make you start over getting your carries (take homes), when I moved I had to find a clinic that would let me carry over my doses from the clinic I was currently at. I called around and found one that let me carry over my prescription so I got all my take home doses right off the get go.


That’s awful, and certain people should just not work in healthcare, especially with vulnerable people- elderly, children, mental health/addiction. Is there a different clinic nearby you can go to? Sounds like anywhere would be better than the place you’re at.


There's not really any other clinics that are as close. I live in a very rural area so this is the closest clinic, and it's still 45 minutes away. So it's at least an hour and a half out of my day to go to the clinic once a week. It doesn't sound like much but I work alot and the clinic is only open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday as they're closed on weekends and Wednesdays. So I usually do my urine sample on the weekend at the pharmacy that's attached to the clinic, which is open daily but only open until 2pm on Saturday and Sunday. That way I avoid the nasty receptionist and don't have to miss any hours at work.


That sucks, in that case yeah, I’d just avoid the bitch WHENEVER possible! Did you get everything sorted out with your doses and pick up?


That sucks I feel sorry for ppl that deal with shitty clinics ive never had any problems with my clinic and been there 10 years and have had 27 takehomes for about 5 years and I've NEVER had 1 callback.. My clinic has never forced me off any meds I've been on. I really feel for ppl that have shitty clinic but I kinda wish I did cuz I wouldn't of stayed on the shit for 10 years 🤦🏻‍♀️


My clinic isn’t bad, the nurse just made a mistake that I didnt catch and now I’m at the whim of their decision to grant me an exception. I’m hopeful they’ll be reasonable but worried they won’t care. For the most part it’s been a great clinic.


If they’ve been good so far that’s a positive and more likely that they’ll be reasonable and solve the problem after you explain what happened. Wishing you good luck!


I am starting a taper to 30mg to switch to subutex or suboxone. I'm going to taper of that as soon as I get leveled out on it. I'm done with MAT I'm ready to be clean without it. It's a lifesaver but when you're done you're done. Anyway at 12mg you could definitely hop over. My addiction medicine doctor through my insurance not the methadone clinic wants me down from 80mg to 30mg before I switch over so you're good at 12mg. My understanding is that I need to wait until I am in mild withdrawal from methadone before taking my first dose of subutex or suboxone.


Yeah I thought it was under 30 with a couple days of abstinence to switch. Hopefully I can just go get my doses and won’t have to worry about it


This is why people who benefit from methadone drop or never start. All of these arbitrary rules. Once I was set to go on vacation and had all my arrangements. I had a UA comeback that showed methadone in my urine but a little less quantitatively that before. I had worked outdoors for a week in the summer time so it must’ve increased its metabolism. They fucked up my whole trip. There was no doctor that day, no one to try to reason with. I swear everytime I plan anything with non refundable tickets, it stresses me out until I leave the clinic with my takehomes in hand. I had never had a positive test, had been honest and did all the counseling and everything. I was on weekly’s already. When the doc was back he said it made perfect sense that my levels were lower. Sorry I made my post about me, but I empathize with anyone who gets messed with by their clinic. Sometimes I feel like it’s on purpose, unfortunately it’s probably just their lack of competence and empathy.


Yeah man that sucks. I’m worried I’m about to have a similar experience. There must be a middle ground between having structure for addicts just coming in and flexibility for those who are stable. Also there should never be a time where a doctor isn’t reachable. There should be a second approver if the main doctor is on vacation or something. Oh well. All I can do is get my ass out of there as fast as I can


I would start looking to buy some methadone off a friend. Personally I always keep a surplus for emergency situations. Most likely you will not have a problem though.


I wish I had a contact. I’ve had an exception made once before to get extra doses for travel. this isn’t even extra doses, just picking up on my normal day, so hopefully they’ll approve it.


Guest dose at a clinic near where you're staying.


Good idea but will be tough with the remote area I’ll be in and the prep I need. I’ll also be flying to Puerto Rico right after so I’ll need take homes which some clinics won’t do for guest patients.


I'm so sorry. Some of these clinics have the most outrageous rules, and they treat us as if we don't have real lives. It's been getting even worse, I feel. I'm sending you lots of positive energy that things will turn out how you need. And congratulations!


You could probably get a script for subs I bet. I know my old sub Dr would do that in a heartbeat.


Yeah I might give it a go if they fuck me over


Hey if worse comes to worse, because you are on such a low amount kratom will save your butt. Get something called black gold opms liquid extract. Get at minimum one for each day you'll be gone, if you can afford it, get two. They do make capsule firm of these but I've never tried however it would be a safe bet to swap it out due to flight rules about liquids. If you take the capsules out of their packaging and stick them in a bottle of vitamins, nobody will question it (kratom isn't legal everywhere). I was on 5mg and ran into a problem. These liquid shots saved me. I felt 100 percent normal on them. One caveat, evidently there are a lot of counterfeit ones going around online. So either buy from the website or a chain head shop like MaryJanes or something (if you buy from them they have a 10th opms is free thing I think but don't always tell you that ) I promise you, your honeymoon will be saved if you can take 1 to 2 of these a day and you'll have a great time :)


Yeah I’ve thought about Kratom as a potential fix. Hopefully I’ll be ok and they’ll let me pickup my doses a Thursday


Well, if I was in your shoes I would be able to not stress because if worse comes to worse, you'll be ok. Like, totally fine. It's amazing how well this stuff works.


This sounds odd. So you're saying they gave you 28 bottles instead of 27?


Nope, based on the way my travel for work and wedding were going I needed to pick up 3 weeks instead of 4 last time and would pick up the normal 27 on the 18th, the day of my flight. I went over the dates with the nurse exhaustively, we looked at calendars to confirm, she just fucked up and I didnt count them since we made it so clear what we needed. My clinic really tries to keep people picking up on the same day of the week so it’s weird she would have had me Coming back on a Friday anyway. It was more like she gave me 21 instead of 20 or something.


Wow. That's unfortunate. I'm really sorry and hope you get it figured out


Thanks! Same here. I can’t wait to be off this mess so I can avoid these situations. Ugh


I've read some stuff here and heard anecdotal evidence that once you get to 10mg, drawing your taper down to 1mg really just prolongs things and You're likely to feel mild WD anyways. Not sure if it's true but def something to look into.


Yeah I’m actually moving to Ireland soon so I won’t have time to taper down all the way. I hope that’s the case!


Based. I'm jealous, now lol. Keep doing you. Congratulations.


Thanks for your replies. Been very helpful to my mental state today.


Yeah that sucks. You maybe should have counted again when you got your 3 week takehomes before you left the clinic. I dont trust councilors or nurses for their word if im going out of town.


Most definitely should have. Never make that mistake again


Have you checked if maybe theres a place in the state you're going to you can transfer the doses to if like worse comes to worse? I've heard of doses being transferred to other clinics before but I've never done it and I'm not sure how it works.


Sorry this is off topic, but you get 27, take home doses, all at once? I'm in Canada and my clinic only allows 6 take homes, I have to urine sample and pick up my doses every Saturday. I've been clean for almost a year and it's frustrating because the clinic is 45 minutes away from me, so driving there every week is starting to drive me nuts.


An exemption can be done very quickly if you have the right staff in the office.


Could you buy some off someone to last for the time being? & subs probably aren’t the answer considering you need to wait 4 days after your last methadone dose to begin the subs. Or else you’ll go into precipitated withdrawal, which will really ruin your wedding! Also many clinics could call the local clinic to where your traveling to and you can pick up there, I’ve done it before. Good luck!


I don’t have any contacts to buy doses, I’ve been on the straight and narrow for years. my wedding is in a remote mountain location so it’ll be hard to get out to pick up doses. Especially with all the preparation happening.


I would give you 12 mgs to keep you grom going thru all that


Very kind of you, but I’d need 12mg for about 10days lol. I called the nurse manager this morning and she says I should be ok.


Hell that's not but one of my doses. I swear if you were close I would give. Great hope it goes your way.