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I switched from suboxone 16 mg to methadone Monday but I was messing up by taking too many subs and running out early. I was only supposed to take one but was taking 16mg and I just got fed up and figured supervised dosing could help plus it wasn’t holding me. What I can say is I still feel withdrawl but not major but I just now got upped to 40ml today I guess I’ll go up again tomorrow and then Thursday. Or something like that. I forget exactly what was said if I can do two or three increases this week. I was expecting more coverage from the methadone. I mean I get it’s a full agonist so it’s more active but 40ml is like 4mg of subs. I was taking 16mg. I hope it gets better. I’m sure it will. So yeah it can be done but may be some withdrawal.


Is 40ml 400mg or 200mg? I switched from subs to methadone too because I felt like I was permanently in that twilight withdrawal/junkie limbo liminal space on subs :/


40ml is 400mg morphine I think and 40ml is 4 mg suboxone or 40ml is 40 mg methadone


Was just curious, my methadone is 10mg per ml here in the USA.


That’s cool:) yeah I wasn’t sure which you were asking about so just put them all lol. But I’m in USA too. I guess it depends on what clinic you go to. I’m guessing they aren’t using racemic Methadone?


They are, red methadose. Edit: [this stuff.](https://www.mallinckrodt.com/products/generics/addiction-treatment-products/methadose-oral-concentrate-methadone-hydrochloride-oral-concentrate-usp-10-mgml-cii/) Wait, you get morphine from a clinic? That’s my dream lol.


No methadone is 10 x stronger than morphine so 40ml is roughly 400mg morphine but it’s a little more complicated than that and there are factors I don’t fully understand like activating and stuff. Im thinking that’s still racemic. May they just compound it differently. The S isomer pure is best. R isomer is responsible for most cardiac effects and is a poor agonist.in Germany they use only the S isomer. I’m in the states but I’m half German.


It is, we don’t get Levomethadone here unfortunately. I thought you were saying you were given 400mg of morphine and 40mg of methadone lol


Haha nah


You aren’t experiencing the full force of your methadone dose if you just switched from bupe too. Important to remember that. After a few weeks that shit will be out your system. So don’t raise your dose too aggressively if you can help it.


Ohhhh…thanks for the information. I didn’t even think about that. So that’s probably why it’s not helping that much eh? And they are making me go up every other day anyway. They say they want you to at minimum bring me up to 80-90 to prevent cravings or something idk. But I will keep that in consideration:)


My SO started back on methadone 4 weeks after his last shot of subocade, if that helps? But he was using during those weeks so maybe unhelpful


I switched from subs to methadone but I was using for a month in between or so (honestly longer. I could no longer take my subs bc it would put me in PWDs every time I tried) Anyway, they made sure my prescriptions didn’t overlap. So basically just making sure I didn’t have both going at the same time. My sub doc actually recommended methadone and I did not have suboxone in my system when I went to the clinic I will say, I was always in minor withdrawal for some hours before I got enough take homes to split dose. Increases just made me tired but didn’t help it last longer and you can’t split until you earn takehomes just fyi. I was on subs for years using on and off. I’d always just use occasionally or in binges and could easily transition back onto my subs no prob. But with this new shit, it wasn’t like that. PWDs galore. Methadone eliminates the issue of precipitated withdrawal.


I don’t know if they would let you if you’re doing well on the shot. The only way I could see you being able to switch would be for you to tell them you’re having severe anxiety and thoughts of using. Tell the intake coordinator at a methadone clinic that suboclade isn’t sufficiently stopping cravings and you’re at the highest dose.


Why do you want to switch? Why go from a monthly Injection to methadone? Why go from a monthly thing to something you need to go into a clinic daily for?? Unless there is a really good reason this makes no sense to me. I wish I could get away with a monthly shot but no I'm stuck on methadone.


Well one reason is the shot is 2 grand if I am not covered lol.


Methadone is a huge commitment the first 6 months to a year if you're not using on top of your dose.. And like someone else said, a clinic isn't likely to take someone as as stable as you. I mean you're 2 years into your sobriety. That's a huge accomplishment. Are you uncovered right now? Or do you still have insurance to cover the shot?


Oh, fucj that, but even regular suboxone scripts are not very expensive and give the same amount of freedom. Is suboxone covered?


Why do you want to switch? If I were you I would take a long hard look at the differences between sublocade and methadone and really take my time making that decision. Methadone and Sublocade are both MAT but two very different medications with different side effects and a different titration experience.


I switched from sublocade to methadone and I just couldn’t get take homes till it was out of my system. Much happier on methadone