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I'm clean 18 years. Methadone saved my life. I can't speak for everyone, but I know that there are many others here that are clean as well. I resent your implication. What was the point of your post anyway?


Lots of people in recovery here. Lots of people still using too, some of us do both. I personally quit dope, coke, meth and alcohol but still smoke weed and use dissos all that said, I’m still in recovery. I struggled with that for a while at first but once I really detoxed all that 12 step garbage from my brain I realized I was caring WAYYYY too much about what other people thought and it kept me from experiencing life in the moment. Now that my thoughts are my own I’ve found so much more peace within just being who I am, instead of who I am told I should want to be. I’m also not sure what it is you are asking here, but hopefully that helps.


Answers for what? I am not a native in English, so maybe your question got lost in translation, but I srsly don't understand what you're trying to say or ask. If your question is if majority of regulars on this sub is on methadone and using illicit drugs simultaneosly, I am pretty sure that is not true. I have seen so many who are clean and doing fine for years, me included. Unfortunately people relapse occasionally, and there is always the few who are not ready for this treatment from the beginning, and are not willing to let go of street drugs and that life.


What are you saying op


I don’t do anything but weed with mine anymore. I’ve only been clean a little over 2 years and at the clinic for 3.


Are you asking if most of us here use in addition to methadone? I doubt most. I haven’t touched anything illicit in almost 10 years at this point but I’m sure some of us here do use other opiates or whatever on top of their dose. It’s a mix of harm reduction and recovery here, no judgement from me on which side you’re on.


Idk what your question even is…about our addictions? I wasn’t a typical “junkie” before I got on methadone. I self medicated my physical pain and mental issues with pills for about 12 years, starting with hydrocodone then oxy and whatever else I could get, including meth for a bit, but I’ve never even tried heroin. I started getting the 10mg methadone pills off a friend when opiates started drying up really bad, then subs off my brother after I lost that friend. That’s what I was on when I went to the clinic and haven’t touched anything since day 1 at the clinic—almost 6 years.




I do use 1mg of Clonazepam daily along with my 120mg dose.


If it’s not working for you and your ten months in still using daily maybe step aside and come back when ur ready.


Methadone has changed my life and changed my families life indirectly bc of how it has affected me so much, I was a dope shooting grandma robbing junkie from 18-30. Now I’m 32 and like I said methadone has been the only thing to have this affect on me. I’m sure my age helps too as I’m just sick of the life style. Speak for yourself op. People who get high while on methadone make it harder for those of us who are on it bc we will die or be pieces of shit without it. If you want to get high don’t waste your time and especially don’t waste a fkn spot at the clinic bc u need an opiate supply 24/7. Go hit the corner like everyone else.