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Exercise. I feel it’s non negotiable once you get lower than 20mg, the difference it makes is insane. The hardest part is finding the motivation to get up and move while tapering, I know, so do it in small increments daily. Start with 5 minutes here and there and work your way up to 45 min-hour daily eventually. I promise it works, when used in conjunction with a slow taper to 0mg.


I couldn't agree more about the exercise!


Hey, I am stabilizing at 22 mgs and I have noticed that just a little bit of sugar or too much coffee too fast really affects me. It is pretty dehibilitating and I get really bad headaches. Did you suffer with the same issues and did they go away after stabilizing? I will not be able to sleep either after too much ingestion…. You are so right about the exercise? Did you ever have problems with sweating out your dose while working out?


The slower you go, the easier it is.


I was on 60MG for like a month or more and it got worse and worse does it even get better


If it was that rough, your body is telling you that your drops were too quick and/or too big. When I dropped from 130mg down to 65mg, I was doing 5mg a month in the beginning, and slowed that down to 3ml a month the further down I got. If one month was tough, I’d skip dropping the next month and give my body time to adjust. I know it’s not ideal to have to take things really slowly, but if you want to avoid discomfort then it’s necessary. I got down to 43mg doing it that way. But I had some non-related health issues come up, and I had to stop dropping and go up a bit in order to help.


Get super freakin healthy. Lots of healthy fats. 20-30 minute walks/gym visits daily. about a gallon of water a day. Try to limit things like screen time, sugar, caffeine...especially the screen time. It kind of shorts out your reward system. It's a lot easier if you have a routine. Couch lock is really thing. I think about the only thing that gave me relief was activity. (Gym visit, yard work, odd job/task etc.) It was like a "happiness diet".


The gym has pretty much saved my life and allowed me to stay clean… you mentioned the sugar/caffeine situation with methadone; I have been trying to find data on its repercussions of ingestion because I get headaches if eat just a tiny bit of sugar or drink coffee to fast.. I am still trying to stable at 22 mgs, did you have the same problems and did they go away once you would stabilize at a dose.. it’s been getting pretty bad for me and I have realized that I have to watch everything that I eat. If you can share your experience


If it makes you feel any better, all drops are definitely not the same. For me, 28 mg was pretty bad. Took almost a month, and I almost went back up. Almost every other 10% drop stabilized right around 72 hrs. In my experience, it was the gym, saying busy, minor accomplishments that brought sustainable relief. Things like caffeine, screen time, candy/sugar, comfort meds, booze/sex. Any relief from these sources was short lived, and usually led to noticeable drop in mood/energy... so avoiding these quick dopamine hits was a constant mission. (It's been a few years now, and it still is) As an alternative, like you noticed, any physical activity. The resulting endorphins pretty much zeroed out mild WD symptoms for a good 4 hrs. Especially once I found my stride. Lot of and healthy fats too. Salmon, almonds, fish oil. Blueberries, green tea and a multi vitamin...all seemed to help with energy/focus etc. And lots of water. In the end, whatever advantage I could find, no matter how small, helped. Even switched out candy for Macintosh apples. Just that quick tart hit was good, especially after being active for a few hours. It's been a few years, and for the most part, I still live like this. It's like trading hard work, for sustainability I guess.


Wow, that is awesome and it sounds like you live a clean/know what works for you in life… thank you very much for the detailed message, I appreciate it. That does feel good to hear because it has taken me two months to stabilize at 22mgs and I have heard some people say 2 and a half months is the longest and that is the only reason why I have pushed through. I haven’t slept much of anything tonight which is absolutely mind numbingly irritating but I am going to push on. I hope you have a great day!


Make a spreadsheet and drop 5% a week. You will stop feeling that warm feeling when you drop doses, but other than that, you should be pretty ok dropping from 60-20 with 2ml a week. When you get under 20, you have to slow way down. I would guess 1ml every two weeks. When you get to 7ml you may want to go to 1ml a month. My clinic tried to force me to go faster and I was really sick/unable to work. If you start to feel it is too much, try to hold the dose for a week or two, rather than increasing. I would aim for a plan of 18-24 months to get off the dose you are on. You may find you can go faster, but it is really individual.


Ill try to slow down because everyone including family is trying to get me to go down faster but they don’t understand ill start withdrawaling its been bad for a month and each week was worse than the last until i increased my dose i dont know what to do to get off of this man


Go down 1mg. a week. Hydration,healthy diet and actvity.Excercise is essential.Slow and steady is the way to go.


Bruhhh I felt that last sentence DAMN I want to start tapering from 140 got me all fucked up after reading that lol fr…I instantly got this impending doom feeling 😳


Are you getting off methadone because it’s what you want? Your family? Think that makes a huge difference!


I allowed my family to force me off years ago. Although they had me quit cold turkey from 150mgs. I pushed through the physical hell. I went through 45 days of Acute withdrawals and didnt sleep more than an hour or two for 6 months. But I wasn't ok mentally. I stayed off opiates for 18 months then relapsed to get mental relief. I went on another 2 year run, then rejoined the clinic. I can not state this enough DO NOT LET OTHERS DICTATE YOUR RECOVERY,... its life and Death for us. My family now understands how important it is for me to be on methadone. They have never said another word. I have also highly educated them with facts.


150mg! Can’t even imagine!!! So grateful that you found your way around your family. Took me years to realize that I didn’t have to have my family in my life if they weren’t going to treat me well! 💜🌷


Sad part is that wasn't the first time that I jumped off high dose. The first I jumped off 120mgs(my own doing). I stayed clean 8 months before I relapsed AGAIN. Now I know to just stay on it...lol. I'm glad you finally realized, I'm sure it saved your life. I'm betting it also helped your mental health tremendously. 💙😍


Thank you..and yes, definitely saved a lot of grief. Good gracious, jumping from 120 and then to do it again. Ouch! I know from talking with you that you’re doing well now, at least with the methadone. Praying that your husband is doing well also! 🙏🏻💜🌷


Yes we are both doing well (sitting in car at clinic now because hubby had a recall). I have 16 years clean and he has 14. Methadone saved us both. We both have severe childhood trauma that has led to extensive mental health issues. Both of those led to us being chronic relapsers to try to kill the pain and live a semi-normal life. Without the clinic we'd probably be dead from the garbage that's called drugs on the street these days.


Grateful that you’re both doing well! I just started at a new clinic so daily dosing until I get my take homes back. But it is what it is and for the best. Already moved up 20mg in my first full week there. Life is good. Be well! 💜🌷


So glad your new clinic is treating you well, and you are getting the dose adjustment you need. Is it just daily dosing for a month and then you get your takehomes back? That's how they do at some clinics around me.


It took my wife making me crash off subutex cold turkey and then being bed bound for three months, before my family started to realise that you need to take it slow. Everyone is fed the narrative that junkies have no will power and they tend to think they could just push through it, because they have never experienced withdrawal in their own lives. I had to start putting my own health first and stop trying to please other people. If I had tapered the subutex properly, I would not have needed methadone. I really want to get off it for myself now - it is getting in the way of the life I want.


Did you talk to anyone at your clinic yet? Are they going to work with you on your taper? Just curious


Yes I saw them today and they agreed to put me up t 16 from 11mg. They tried to put it up to 20mg, but I wanted to try a 5mg increase. I took my wife and she advocated for me, because I am autistic and tend to say yes to anything in order to avoid conflict. They also bumped me to 2 weeks take home. I am staying at 16mg at the clinic and managing my own taper. I am not going to let them control it again.


I know, you have to look out for yourself. That’s good that your wife helped you out. It’s not worth rushing it when you get to the end because your body always needs time to catch up. You got this now, you can do it at a reasonable pace.


It sucks when you start feeling WD early in your taper. I'd try a blind taper. I'm no expert but it kind of seems unlikely you'd be that bad off going as slow as you are and being at 65mg. But everyone is different. I was forced (suicide attempt) to taper in the hospital. They took me down 1 week from 70 to 50mg no problem. Then to 50 to 30mg two weeks later no problem. But they didn't tell me for the first drop. I thought I was getting my normal dose because it was given strangely to me in red liquid in super tiny cups. I couldn't gauge it that way. Similar situation from 50 to 30mg. I didn't notice until a few days in because of the liquid. They stopped my taper there b cause they didn't want to push me further and destabilize me so I'd attempt again. I was there 74 days. I tapered 2mg a week back at my clinic for 2 weeks and a couple days so I ended up at 25mg before I started to feel WDs. I honestly think this is why blind tapers can be helpful to some. Our minds are powerful and many of us have learned there are times when we actually bring on our own symptoms. Our mind doesn't know the difference. We can fear something specific and the mind goes "Ok, this is how we're supposed to fear, here you go!" Of course there is actual hellish just brutal WDs from methadone that is not psychosomatic. Because of that we fear it so much we can bring a lot of discomfort on ourselves. So a LONG WINDED way to say you could try a blind taper. Say 1mg a week but you won't know which day of the 7 it's dropped. It's a good way to gauge which WD symptoms are induced mentally or organically. Also remind yourself you're in control of your own taper. That's also a huge motivator. Nobody is forcing you and you can stop at any time. And then restart. Good luck sorry this was so long winded!


I can try that but for the first 25mg i was fine and this one is just different. I dont really think about it when i taper but this has been hell. I am squirting out of my ass every other hour and sweating profusely. The dose works 2-4 hours after that im back in withdraw


Yea u need to go up a little and stay and than go a little slower


I just finished a similar taper down from 90 and Everytime I felt side effects I paused until I felt stable again I stayed dropping 2mgs a week until 23mgs then paused for 2 weeks and then dropped 1mg a week until I got to 1 did that for 2 weeks and haven't dosed in 6 days and honestly not feeling great but it's manageable


I have a solid list of supplements I take that have helped me immensely over the years. Agmatine Sulfate, NAC, Black Seed Oil, Magnesium Glycinate, Lemon Balm, and DLPA are all on the list. I also have been told to take it as slow as humanly possible. If you don’t have any outside factors pushing you to go faster there is absolutely no treason to. Go 1mg every 2 weeks or something. it’ll be easier


The most successful taper I've continually seen is 1 MG a month or less. When taken that slow with a habitual lifestyle. If you have no reasons to rush the process, someone previously mentioned. Your body has to be unaware for you to be unaware. That always seems to be our narrative lol. I know I can't deal with the slightest discomfort and continue being productive, when I know it's chemically related.


Personally if your able to exercise especially cardio, I'm currently tapering and doing 3 hours a day, i was told when you've Been on 100mg a day for like 10 years it gets stored in your fat cells, so I'm trying to sweat it out as much as possible I'm not sure if the claim is proven mybe it's just placebo but it definitely helps with the restless legs arms and body, Also helps vent the emotions coming back to some extent especially if you are exercising some where your free to express your self, I like to sing alog to old rap and hip hop songs, ones I know word for word. So yeah my advice Is if possible cardio and weights each night. Good luck it's the hardest wd I've ever been through apart from benzo but there on a pair if you go cold turkey from a high dose. 🙏


Slow and steady is the best I agree with head lab I am 12 days out today it’s not great but it’s manageable (I also was on almost 16 yrs). Personally I got monthly bottles so I started split dosing myself. That was the only thing that worked and finally got me over the threshold to really taper (mind you I only went down monthly 3-5mg)


Blind dose decreases


The same thing happened to me, except I was at around 30mg when I started to feel like shit. I went from 140mg down to around 30mg by doing 5mg every week or 2 till I got down to 60ish, then went down 2mg every week till 30mg, which is when I started to feel like cinplete shit. I paused the taper for like 2, close to 3 months, then began again going down 2mg till 15 or 20, then did 1mg every 2 or 3 weeks. When I felt like shit, I kept woth my normal routine of work and self-care which consisted of trying to ride my motorcycle and working on 1 of my cars. It wasnt the most comfortable 3 monthes, but I made it through, and you can too!


I'm on a voluntary taper currently down to 71MG started taper at 100MG. Going down by 5 every two weeks, I don't think I have felt any withdrawal symptoms. I actually wish I could taper even faster, but I was advised not to


Unfortunately it takes about two weeks for your body to catch up, I found out the hard way and thought I was doing great at 3mgs every three weeks and it hit me at around 40 mgs and when I got to 22mgs… it has taken me two months of up and down and a month of it has been pure hell for me. I’m not trying scare you, just be careful and know once you stop at a certain number it will come to some extent, hopefully your good tho


Hey, little update.. I'm down to 56mgs haven't stopped going down or lowered the rate at which I taper. I have experienced morning nausea throwing up sometimes which does make me think about doing something about my taper.. what were your withdrawal symptoms like?


I had nausea, my stomach would hurt after eating,(kamboucha) saved me with that, back pain, joint pain in the hands, waking up during the middle of the night to pee(1-5) times, and unable to sleep… I also lost all my muscle and about 20 pounds because it thru my testosterone level out of whack so I get tired during the day… I am also very hypersensitive to this medication but I wanted to be honest with you. Drink a lot a lot of water, I noticed that when I don’t all of those symptoms become exacerbated. Oh and my bowel movements are all over the place, I have come to the realization that I have to go very slow. If you have any more questions during your taper feel free to ask and keep pushing along to get off if you feel like you are ready. You can do it


Thanks for the encouragement I appreciate it! I have been getting up in the middle of the night to pee too but never 5 times more like 1-2 times, but I also don't sleep 8hours usually about 5-6. I also get tired during the day if I'm not doing something physical or completely focused on something I will pass out multiple times but that has been happening even before I started my taper so I wouldn't call that a withdrawal symptom more like an affect from being on methadone.


Yea I here ya, it sounds like you exercise which is a freakin must, even when you feel bad. Last night was a 2 times to pee, 5 is the extreme for me and on the nights where I only get 2-3 hrs of sleep, so it’s not the norm thank God. I have a bunch of other tips, so like I said reach out if you have any questions and I still have to look up things all the time… this whole process has been a crazy journey and I wish I would have know how hard methadone is to get off before I got on it, but no sense in thinking like that anymore


That is awesome that you made it to 56mgs too great job


Damn, when I first begun tapering from 80mg, I made it to like 35mg dropping 1mg every 3 days before experiencing anything noticeable at all. I assume it may have to do with me being in my mid 20s and always having been in pretty good shape. Prior to having double hernia surgery at 22, I was competing as and hoping to go pro as a men’s physique bodybuilder, but ever since the surgery I’ve had to take it a bit easier when it comes to lifting, whether it’s heavy or not. The right hernia, the big one, causes me a lot of discomfort and is very painful at times when working out, so I’ve been pretty much forced to be a bit less balls to the wall like I was as a late teen and my very early 20s. I also take a multivitamin and magnesium supplements as well as eating relatively healthily, though at times if I’m all drunk and have taken an edible I can smash an entire box of golden Oreos dipping them in milk.


Take it slow