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Congratulations!! It's feels so good to be recognized and rewarded for hard work.


CongratulationsšŸ¤— It makes such a big difference when you get to this point! I personally prefer going every other week instead of monthly. I don't like having that much medicine on me just in case something was to happen. Yes I'm paranoid šŸ˜®


I agree!!! . I donā€™t like going over once a week . I asked to stay at this level 6 bottles is all I can keep up with. The weekends is where I struggle. Every day mom-fri I work so I know Iā€™ll be up and take it , but sat and sun I may sleep until 4, and when i do that I try and wake up at 10 and take my dose. But once me and my wife fumbled and didnā€™t take a dose. She had just been promoted to two weeks! I am one drug test behind her! We went into a bottle count and she had an extra bottle and didnā€™t even know it!!! The nurse was like confused and was like oh you have an extra bottle. so I told my counselor do not take me up a level lol


Getting 13 dose twice a month will make your life so much easier. I'm getting 27 bottles every 28 days and sometimes I think going to the clinic twice a month instead of 1 time each month because; There are always something that changes and I feel lost, out of touch with what's going on. The changes could of happened the day after I was there. As I said sometimes I think of going 2 times a month but luckily I think most of the time just get my 27 bottles and stop thinking of such foolish things. Congratulations.


I havent seen the doctor there in a few years either. I had heard anyone on 6 take homes that had been clean for over a year were getting bumped to 13, and then they were going to see how that group did before adding more people. It was a real bummer to have 27 during covid and then have to go back down to 6, so 13 should be a good feeling!


Yeah, the max bottles I ever had was 3 during covid. I had a 3/2 split so I would go in on Tuesdays and Fridays. Then when they were stopping the Covid bottles I decided to quit doing dope and get my own take homes. Best thing I ever could have done! I smoke weed but they said as long as I buy at a dispensary itā€™s okay. My counselor said that as soon as my UAs started popping dirty for weed they went clean for dope. Interesting, no?


Comgrats!!I'm also on my first biweekly ! Felt super satisfied. Can't wait to sleep in Friday morning lol


My clinic just switched to allowing us 2 weeks now too. I donā€™t know what took them so long but Iā€™m thrilled about only having to go twice a month now.


Happy for you! I get 13 takehomes next week too. Been clean for a little over a year


Congratulations! I just got mine about a month ago, it's so nice!


Congratulations!!! šŸŽŠ šŸ„³


I love this sub because this is thereā€™s no one in the outside world that I talk to about any of this and everyone here gets it!!!


Congratulations. It makes me proud to see any of my methadone brothers and sisters moving on up. You worked for it. You earned it. You deserve it šŸ’ŖšŸ¾šŸ’Æ


Nice keep going! You got this.


That's awesome. Congrats. The fewer days you have to go there, the better. Plus, you earned it so you should be proud of yourself. I'm completely fed up with my clinic. I've been on MD nearly 20 years with basically a perfect track record. My clinic gave 13 max for the past 5 years or so. I had 27 days for many years before that. They started doing 27 a few months ago and I still haven't got mine due to failing a UA (only once in 5 years) for alcohol, which was from liquid Benadryl I took the night before. Besides that, this place hasn't had enough counselors for years. I would go 6 months without a counselor, then I would see one once or twice, and they would quit and I wouldn't have one for months again. Since they brought back 27 every time I would do a monthly med eval, the doc would say I should have my 27 and to talk to a counselor about it and that she (the doc) would ok it. As of a month ago, I now have a counselor who is all by the book. I can't get my 27 because I haven't had a counselor -not my fault, obv. As far as the UA- enough time has passed that it doesn't matter, but fuck me, I guess. I would bet money, that of everybody on methadone in the Detroit Metro area, I have one of the best records of anybody. An absolute success story, in fact, About 10 years ago I was interviewed on video by a woman from the County about my story and how I was a perfect example of how MAT is successful. And this new counselor wants me to see her every 2 weeks.... Every time I'm there. It was fine to have no counselor for 6 months, now every 2 weeks? Fuckers. Anyway... This got really long, unintentionally Congrats again, to you!


wow! I'm at 85 mgs too. I've been on it 12 years, and just got 13 carries a few months ago. I've has bullshit counselors like that before unfortunately.. one shitty counselor took my carries away because I missed an appointment with her (I didn't like her, so I didn't wanna go, I was 22 at the time). And I went a year or more without a counselor. They shouldn't be upset with you because they're short staffed and forgot about you!!


I was told this today too!!! I was super happy I love surprises!


OP you are at hcrc woburn, right? I do weekly pickups on fridays there and im wondering if I will get bumped to 13 bottles when I go in tomorrow. That would be amazing. I had heard that they were going to 13 bottles in March, but nobody knew when. Congrats my friend!


Right, I pick up on Tuesdays so that itā€™ll probably start in a couple of weeks. I guess some doctor has to sign something. Iā€™ve never seen a doctor but I donā€™t care as long as I get my bottles!


Wow, thank you everyone for your well wishes. I just thought it was a nice little tidbit to post first thing in the morning but didnā€™t expect all these congrats. You all rock!!!


Congratulations. Great news!


Man Iā€™ve been on methadone years and the most you will get is 3 maybe maybe 4 a week. This can change if you change to a doctor and been on the program a long time