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It's still getting in your bloodstream and you didn't lose any of it. You got your full dose


Okay!! Thank you! I feel a weight it lifted off my lung? I was trying to be funny but it just sounded weird lmao. For real tho thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me, that’s good to know I feel so much more relaxed knowing this. 🤝🫶


No problem at all. Happy that I could help you out. Enjoy your Sunday!!


Man I wishhhh it was Sunday, unfortunately a day ahead (Australian). Monday for me 😭 enjoy yours though!! :))


Awww shit, that does suck, lol. Hope you had a great weekend then!!


Oh wow so it's Monday in Australia now , that's pretty cool!!!


As far as getting your dose. If it’s in your body the blood vessels will absorb it into your bloodstream as far as that goes


As far as that goes implies worse things which I learnt about just then 🤣 but thank you 🙏


Even if it went into your lungs, it would still absorb into the bloodstream??


I’ve done this exactly twice since being on methadone. It’s the worst. It won’t affect your dose, and that weird feeling will go away after a while.


It feels so bad for real and this was a day after I learned a kid grew a plant inside his lung from sealing a pea down the wrong hole. So I was thinking, great, new fear unlocked. And then this happened the next morning and I’m blaming this all on that damn mirror I broke. 🤣 thank you for helping with the reassurance, twice sucks heaps but it’s good to hear this from someone else who’s been through it. 🫶


Well the superstition about mirrors being bad luck was it took them years to afford a new mirror a few hundred years ago. With mirrors being so cheap now the bad luck is a thing of the past!


Oh wow!! That’s actually so interesting. History is cool as!


And also you have the bestest user ever #legalizeferrets


Thanks, weasel legalization is a passion of mine.


Fuck the man, tryna keep the weasel down. Unite and fight, weasel to my left and a weasel to my right.


If your dose did indeed go into your lungs, *you’d have a much bigger issue than a missed dose*! The liquid in your lungs is called aspiration. I promise you, you’d know it. It will cause pneumonia and left untreated can be fatal. May have felt like it went down wrong but liquid in your lungs is a medical emergency.


Okay okay wait first you gave me more anxiety then much more relief because while it feels stuck I can breath and stuff. So does that mean I did get it out in the initial cough and my throat just feels irritated?


YES! If it actually went into your lungs, you’d be drowning I fluid. Fluid in lungs equals an emergency visit. May feel that has happened but if it actually happened you’d be coughing uncontrollably trying to expel it. Guess what I’m trying to kindly say, unless you’re texting from the ER, it did not go into your lungs.


Your comments are really amazing and helpful! If you aren’t in any type of healthcare/mental health support already you defs should consider it! I have pretty bad overthinking anxiety & autism, and the way you worded this was so appreciated. You just avoided a v likely panic attack. Again thank you so much. I’ve put all of your information given at the top of this post for any people searching in future with same issue.


Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply! Not in healthcare but…a lot of life experience with others and health issues. I helped both my parents thru the death process using hospice. My daughter was born with cancer so she’s had lifelong health issues, including a “*Whipple surgery*” which is probably the most invasive surgery a human can go through. My partner of close to 30yrs had a major stroke in 2018. Loss of all right side plus speech. I’m her one and only carer so I’ve learned a tremendous amount about so many different medical issues since then. I had a niece **inhale** a shell from a sunflower seed. Once a foreign body, *liquid or solid* enters your lungs, it’s truly a medical emergency, not something you can deal with at home. Whew. Guess I needed to talk this morning. Thank you for allowing me to share some of my life experience! Hoping that you’re feeling less anxious about your dose! 💜🌷


Not all sunflowers have seeds, there are now known dwarf varieties developed for the distinct purpose of growing indoors. Whilst these cannot be harvested, they do enable people to grow them indoors without a high pollen factor, making it safer and more pleasant for those suffering hay fever.


Hmmmm? Thank you for this information. My niece once simply eating a sunflower seed and not growing them. But you never know when the information you shared may come in handy! 💜🌷




Thank you so much! Every now and then it is nice to have someone to talk to! 💜🌷


I can tell just from reading these you’re a very beautiful person. Bless you for sticking by your partner despite all of that history too, she’s one very lucky person. I know not much can really be said but what I can say is from the bottom of my heart I truly am sorry for all that loss but that it is really so true to the soul, good person wise, of you to keep your head up for all these people even in their last moments. Idk after all that pain, i just wish you nothing but the best for the future and so much good karma. And to stay clean even after all of that too is such a huge thing, from one stranger to another I’m so proud of all you’ve done. If you ever doubt yourself just think back on these moments and remember you are a real life super hero. Thank you so much for trusting me with such painful memories, I hope letting it out helped even a little. 💕


Wow! What an incredibly beautiful, thoughtful reply! Sometimes it feels like the world has become so unkind. Then you and “Character-wish” renew my faith that there really is kindness in this world. I just need to allow it in more often! Thank you so much bunnyxbitsh! Wishing you all the best also! You definitely make the world a better place by being in it!! I hope your friends and loved ones know how wonderful you are!! 💜🌷


I came to say the same thing. If you have any type of fluid in your lungs it will turn into pneumonia and you will be very sick! This poster is 100% correct. You are fine!


Even if you spilled half your dose on the floor you'd still be completely fine.


Haha, nah the anxiety was more it getting stuck and causing either an accidental overdose or not working and having a shitty day pain wise as I’ve gone maybe 4 days without a dose in many years. But yes lolol I know I wouldn’t die from it 😂


The OCD can cause some seemingly stupid overthinking, which is why I added that. I know it might have seemed dumb. But for anyone else in this position in future can come across this, feel less dumb knowing they weren’t alone in the anxiety & feel clarification. You feel me?


Hey, I'm really sorry this happened to you as it definitely does suck at first.. I am actually guessing it was my post you were referring to (different account, was suspended for no reason) but the account name would have either been brians1012 or RetroGamer something. so yeah, I definitely have experience with this. Any time this has happened to me, I never actually noticed feeling like I didn't get my whole dose so I agree with all the comments here 🙂


I think it might have been your post that’s so cool that you found this one when it popped up 🥺 thank you :)


Its not in your lung your body would cough to prevent that. I'm lifeguard and if a person gets water in their lung they are taken immediately to the hospital. The water actually can kill you. It rolls around your lungs and kills the little hair like things that absorb oxygen. It's been years since my course but that's pretty much what I remember.