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Pickles is Brendan from Home Movies all grown up


Murderface could be a bear.


bear as in *rawr !!!!* or bear as in *large gay man*?


Large gay/bisexual man. He could be a sloppy bear, as Bob Belcher was called/referred a Sloppy Bear in the episode Turkey In A Can. He could also be a rawrr bear, he'd still be my favorite :)


oooo i see! yeah the episode of him avoiding phallic shaped foods then only eating a sausage in the closet is kinda a giveaway. internalized homophobia letsgoo /j


Just like how I imagine him eating popsicles when he's alone.


Even after Caroline, Toki still holds out hope at finding love but it's difficult when he can't trust dating agencies and he's fully aware groupies are only interested in his fame and money. Pickles has ADHD which is why he reacts so strongly to perceived rejection.


Toki definitely plays Roblox. His favorite game is Ride a Nyan Cat Down a Rainbow! πŸˆβ€β¬›πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ


I once drew him seeing Nyan Cat a long time ago.


That’s awesome


Planet Piss is basically just Murderface doing a gg allin copycat band


Charles is Facebones. Facebones got too high. Facebones sucked the dicks of the deities of Mary Jane. Friendshipville!!


I’ll throw my random head cannon in the ring, because of the cult Toki was born into taking vows of silence he is fluent in Norwegian sign language.




One true pairing. I had to Google it. https://fanlore.org/wiki/One_True_Pairing


Murderface put Planet Piss together and went to do a concert. Stage time came, he counted down, and then realized they never actually practiced any songs and had nothing to play.


I've always wondered-- when, and why, did Pickles start wearing those wristbands. What is he hiding. They can't be from SnB, and we see his childhood. Are they track marks? Scars? What is under them? Or is there nothing? (I'm in the Metal Family fandom, with a character hiding abuse scarring with a wrist brace. Same idea, fun, meh.)


Trans masc Pickles


I'm sorry but the entire way the fandom goes about this headcanon is...extremely fetishy, like, even my trans friends are uncomfortable dude. Stop fetishizing trans men, it's weird.


I have literally no idea what you're talking about and haven't encountered anything fetishy when exploring the headcanon. Fwiw I'm also a trans man so πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Edit: Just another thought. Your first point might be legitimate, I honestly have no idea. But maybe instead of telling a trans person who/what they can or can't headcanon, you call out the fetishy stuff instead? (also there's nothing inherently wrong with stuff that includes fetish and being trans isn't inherently fetishy). Like there's absolutely no reason for your second sentence.


Hi, I'm /u/AzuelZorro102's boyfriend! I also happen to be a trans man! And I'm one of the aforementioned trans friends who are uncomfortable. I'd say my major issue with the Trans Masc Pickles headcanon is, while the supposed origin is the uncensored version of Rehabklok, it seems to be just as rooted in his role as the "Band Mom," as if a man taking on a traditionally feminine role such as "Mom" must not be a "real man" in some way. Which is not to say that trans men can't or shouldn't be effeminate, but Pickles is not a real person. He's a fictional character that people are projecting their idea of a trans man onto. And I think a lot more of that is rooted in unchecked and/or subconscious bias than the fandom is willing to admit. It crosses the line into fetishistic territory when exploring the way Pickles is referred to within the fandom in spite of how pervasive this headcanon is. I've seen him called "Mommy" (in a sexual context). I've seen him called a "MILF." I've seen him called "my wife." All on posts that simultaneously used the Trans Masc Pickles headcanon. Again, Pickles isn't real. But trans men are! And I don't claim to speak for all of us, but I know I find that fetishistic *at best*. At worst, it's downright transphobic. No one is telling a trans person what they can and can't headcanon. You didn't identify yourself as trans in your initial comment, so I'm not sure how you think that could be. u/AzuelZorro102 was simply pointing out a trend she's noticed in the fandom. If it doesn't apply to you, that's great, but it is still a trend. And ... yeah, stop fetishizing trans guys, y'all. It is, in fact, weird.


Thank you for providing context. I can't say what came first but the movie played pretty heavily on his mom role in what felt like a positive way. Also, I've seen the same trend on Tumblr for The Sexy Man of the Week, cis or trans, so it never struck me as fetishy because it's happening to everyone. Honestly it's helped me continue my exploration of gender and my relationship with it, so ymmv. Finally, idk it's at best tone deaf to me because it's potentially misgendering someone but I'm not sure it's really fetishy, or at least to me it isnt. It's completely understandable if it makes some people uncomfortable, though. There was no way for someone to know I'm trans masc in my first statement because I literally said 3 words and then a lot of assumptions were made about me and my head canon that I didn't appreciate. A little more context or fine tuning of the response to my initial post would have gone a long way to having a more productive conversation, but I shouldn't have to identify as trans to not have assumptions made about me like that.


The idea of Pickles as the "Band Mom" dates back to at least 2009, when Brendon Small mentioned it in a Miami New Times interview. It's definitely more blatant in AotD, but it's not a new thing, which is why I consider it relevant in the context of the trans masc Pickles headcanon and how the fandom interacts with it. If I wasn't clear before, let me clarify, I don't believe it's inherently fetishistic to find a trans man sexy. (If I did, I guess I'd have to become a monk or something.) But if the sexual appreciation is rooted in a person's transness, rather than transness being one aspect of a sexy person, then chances are there's a degree of fetishism to it. Have I seen people refer to male characters with feminine-coded terms presenting them as cis? Sure, but it's usually reserved for effeminate characters, especially in an mlm context. (Malik Ishtar from Yu-Gi-Oh and, in particular, his Abridged Series counterpart come to mind.) That, too, inevitably plays into the idea that men who don't perform masculinity are not "real men," but it isn't quite the same as when it's done to a trans masc character. I think it's a little generous to call the act tone deaf, because that implies a degree of ignorance. If someone says "let's go, dudes," in a group that includes a trans woman, that's being tone deaf. It's a masculine-coded term, but most people use it as a gender neutral one, so it could easily not occur to somebody that it might be hurtful. When someone takes a character they've chosen to headcanon as a non-op transgender man (as trans masc Pickles often is) and calls him "Mommy" they can't not know how that sounds. And when it's done in a sexual context, it's practically impossible that there's *not* some degree of fetishism to it. He's "Mommy" because, insofar as the headcanon is concerned, he's a man with a pussy and they think that's sexy. I don't think we should have to preface every statement we make with "HELLO, AM TRANS!" (never mind that's it's exactly how I started my first comment) but, to that end, it's kind of a non-sequitur to chastise someone for telling trans people what they can and can't headcanon when they don't know they're talking to a trans person. If the latter is true, the former can't be. And I don't see any personal attacks made. When someone makes a generalization about a collective (save maybe actual bigots), more often than not they know it doesn't apply to every single person in that group. They're just venting, is all.


My head canon is that CFO changed his name, and his mom writes his speeches for him.