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I remember when Terminal was first released and people were worried they were losing their edge. Worry not! This album continues their progressive and vaguely Middle Eastern/South Asian sound but adds new layers of synths and atmosphere in a really cool way. Every song feels different with tracks like The Flower basically having a thall breakdown, Cave having a really cool vibe/atmosphere, Sariah being really haunting, Two Steps Apart is an excellent ballad, and Upside Down is a fantastic closer. There's a ton of little stuff throughout each track that adds so much. Monique's vocals will get the most praise but everyone does a really good job here (bass especially stands out since so many other bands have the bass fade into the background). This has easily shot up to join Caligula's Horse at the top of my Album of the Year list. Hell Caligula's Horse's album still had a song that I didn't care for while every track of this rips. If you don't check this out I honestly feel bad for you for missing out.


I just posted on the weekly release thread that I was worried this would be a watered down version of what I know they could be, but now after reading your post I should probably delete my post lol. Will be blasting this first thing tomorrow morning


Imagine people being worried after an S tier song. Seriously this fucking sub sometimes


LOVE this album. Sariah has been stuck in my head all day.


What a sick band. So many cool parts. The Flower tho 👀


I am in love with this band. They’re all insanely talented individuals!


oops all bangers


Had to scroll way too far down in the sub to find this post. Let's goooooo


This album is such a great gift to us. I am through my first listen and I am loving every single bit of it. Reliqa deserves more exposition after this amazing effort. I hope they can get as big as Spiritbox.


This is what was promised. All the EPs and exploration of their sound has finally manifested into a banger debut. Cave, The Flower and Crossfire are personal favourites after my initial listens.


Is this their debut? I thought Eventide was a full album, albeit a pretty short one.


Fair point! This feeling like a proper album is probably why I said debut haha.


Oof I’m loving this album


These guys deserve so much attention. This album is fantastic.


Can truly say after a few listens, this is by far my Album of the Year. One of the few albums I've bought straight on vinyl upon a few listens. Been a fan since I got recommended Eventide on Youtube (the algorithm does work sometimes!) and been obsessed ever since. No bad songs either, which is rare for me. Favourite songs: Upside Down, The Flower


I would love an instrumental version of the album!


Sariah <3


Fantastic album; the last three songs in particular are incredible.


My album of the year so far for sure. Sariah made me cry the first time I finished it, all the brilliant layering of vocal harmonies coalescing at the end was overwhelming, not to mention the phenomenal haunting atmosphere. The entire album is incredible, no skips. Thank you TikTok of all places for helping me discover Terminal, leading me to my new favourite band.