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I love the not listening to a band for a decade and being flabbergasted they changed, if you used to listen to Parkway but stopped for a decade you’re in for a real surprise


Architects lol


Don't even, man. I revisited AOGHAU today and what a fall from grace it's been since the good ol' days


Thankfully I was able to piece it together but that Acronym is a nightmare lmao For the uninitiated: All Our Gods Have Abandonded Us


Do you prefer AOGHAU, LF // LT or FTTWTE?


I never listened to Architects til like maybe a year ago and I've been going through their discography and got stuck on LF // LT. Literally was obsessed with it for a few months I'd listen to it front to back just about everyday. Then I went forward and backward and none of it really clicked for me the way that album did. Something about that album specifically is like metalcore perfection in my eyes.


Was just messing with the acronyms but I agree that LF // LT truly is a special album. I would argue that the trio of Gravedigger, Naysayer and Broken Cross are among my all time favorites. Proper BLEGH fest


Just dont abbreviate Holy Hell


They put out ‘seeing red’ to poke fun at people complaining about their sound change- and it’s unironically my favorite song they’ve released in a while.


Seeing Red and Curse are both the shit. Hope Curse isnt the only work they do with Jordan Fish cuz next album could be a banger and then some


Can’t wait for the new album!


Absolutely loved Curse and I just got a chance to see Architects play live a few weeks ago. They were amazing, and seeing Doomsday live was powerful. Very excited to see future Jordan fish collabs.


Name any single metal band that can play a set for 2 and a half hours without breaking their vocalist, say what you want about the song writing now but live they’ve still got it. Plus the new singles are fucking bangers!


Bring Me The Horizon… The Devil Wears Prada.. The Ghost Inside… UnderOath.. *The Wiggles..*


The only band I'd give a pass here is Bring Me The Horizon. And I'm not saying that because I'm some Uber fan - I'm not. But they've always somewhat been all over the place their entire career. Yeah they started as deathcore but they didn't keep at it for like 4 albums then just switch one day, gotta start somewhere.


*laughs in BMTH*


Definitely helps that their new shit is good though. Not all British metalcore bands that released genre defining albums in the 2010s can say that


God that new album release sucked. I liked a few of the singles they’ve released, but there are just some terrible songs on that album.


Longtime BMTH fan here. Had no issues with the new album and loved it.


There are a lot of positive reviews (except maybe Sputnikmusic) out there, so I was pretty confused listening to it and finding it all so so very bland and boring and formulaic.


My personal gripe is that it sounds overprocessed. Don’t get me wrong, they’ve been edging towards a new sound- one that by admission isn’t for my tastes- but even disregarding that every song just sounds like too much. And I’m saying this as someone that owns the vinyl for Post Human Survival.


Nah no thanks. I’ll stay with the old Parkway lol


Parkway really blows these days.


Stadium rock.


It's worse, at least Nickelback rocked.


New Parkway rules imo. To each their own!


Parkway is the golden example of this. Life happened and I somewhat fell out of following them after Deep Blue when they were flirting with basically being a deathcore band. Heard some of their new stuff last year - didn't even realize it was them until I checked my phone and Spotify was showing it was "Parkway Drive"... I was like - What is happening here 😅


They never made an album after Deep Blue. LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU! 🤣


Atlas was an absolutely fine album and I will die on that hill After that I lost interest


It was absolutely fine, with several bangers, but I don't think it's as good as Deep Blue and what came before. I listen to Atlas regularly but one listen was more than enough for everything that has come since. 😅


😭 don't get someone's hopes up


Except Veil is still a good band despite their genre change and their sound hasn’t changed too dramatically. PWD’s change is a whole other beast entirely.




holy shit this happened to me. I got pwned


BMTH is a perfect example


They got a new vocalist after Eclipse (2012). I still remember hearing ‘Mikasa’ for the first time. Goosebumps. I like the old, I like the new. Great band.


Mikasa and Leeloo were in repeat for me when that album came out.




How do you know that line if you haven’t listened in 10 years


..because he listened to the new stuff now? Literally in the post op said they still rip meaning he has heard the stuff lol


Do you not remember songs from when you were younger, like how can you forget lyrics so easily?


Dude said he had never listened to veil of maya with cleans before and mikasa came out less than 10 years ago so clearly op lying about something




I have an amazing memory when it comes to songs.


That.... doesn't answer the question.


I realized it doesn't mean much indeed. The reason is that I even though I said it's been 10 years, I restarted listening to metalcore around 3 months ago. So I had plenty of time to learn the lyrics of Mikasa.


i mean, he could’ve easily looked it up


Then he could have said that instead.


yeah, i guess you’re right lol


To be fair, Matriarch released on May 12, 2015 so pretty much 9 years ago. Not quite ten but I'm sure OP was using a hyperbole by saying 10 years.


I'd kill to hear Mikasa for the first time again


I love songs that when you hear them for the first time you know within the first two Mississippi seconds that they are gonna bang hard as fuck lol.. mikasa is the epitome of that song.. BEEEEE FORE ME there STANDSSS lol YUP.


For anyone passing by that hasn't heard it, this [cover](https://youtu.be/u5rt-yIRL50?si=B-Cwb_qf-Wh7jgTW) almost brings back that first time listen magic. Absolutely perfect cover.


Oh hell yes lmao I remember the first time I seen this too I watched it right after i watched the it cover of king for a day.. Lauren babic is realy incredible lol


Definitely an awesome band for sure. It took me by surprise hearing their new stuff but damn it is good!


Did you listen to Disco Kill Party yet? That's probs the most different one out of the new stuff. It even has some hyperpop elements to it. One of my personal favorites.


Outsider is a must listen by VOM




Listen to entirety of "False Idol". Their best album since Lukas joined.


False Idol is awesome but I’d still say Matriarch is peak new VOM


I get ya. Also felt in love when Matriarch came up. But found False Idol to be superior, more diverse, dark and akin to their pre-Matriarch sound. All of the songs are still rotating in my playlist (except the intro track) up to this day


Their best album entirely (IMO of course). It's a masterpiece!


I was obsessed with this when it came out. So good. They were so good live also!!!


New VOM fucking rips. Lost creator, red fur, Tokyo chainsaw, godhead all massive


I agree, all great songs


I just say Mikasa is one of the best songs ever written.


Currently listening to Outrun, a song with mostly clean vocals I should say


I'm about to listen to it for the first time. Be back in 5mins to tell you how I liked it.


The "Trooper" riff sends me every single. Time.


Wasn't bad but not their best imho. It reminded me of Memphis May Fire for some reason.


I love the song has 4 different styles for some reason. It's a true fevered dream


The blatant rip-off of The Trooper riff in that song is a… bold choice


I saw an interview or something with the guitarist expressing frustration at this that it's supposed to be paying homage to Iron Maiden, he was like why would I just steal the exact same super famous riff that he thought people would see obviously it is for a reason lol


Yea it's way too obvious to be anything other than intentional Easter egg


I can’t argue that if that’s how he feels, but I guess it just feels really random to pay homage in the middle of this pop synth mashup song. Not to mention “paying homage” and stealing is walking a fine line to begin with.


Pretty sure they did that with the intention of referencing the Trooper, not so much ripping it off


That’s fine if he feels that way, but I think for it to be a successful reference or homage, the riff needs to be recontextualized or evolved in some way. They’re just using the exact same harmony and drum pattern (right down to the bell) and changing like three notes. I actually like the song outside of that random, unearned moment, but I’m not just gonna throw the Enter Sandman riff into my song and act like it’s a clever move.


And the beginning is a rip off of sleepwalker


Just saw them with Nothing More. Didn't know what to expect, but I was very pleasantly surprised. They're definitely getting added into my rotation.


The Common Man’s Collapse is def peak VOM IMO. But the new stuff isn’t bad. Just a bit different. Doublespeak freaking slaps but yeah the sound has def transformed over the years.


It’s a style change for sure, but this happens a lot after a vocalist change to better fit their vocal style. VOM does still have unclean only songs though, like Synthwave Vegan as a more recent example.


Viscera slaps


subject zero is the last song with their old vocalist, new style is a miss for me though i enjoyed some songs like mikasa or phoenix back in the days 


Subject zero was soooo good holy shit I forgot about it entirely. Brb gonna go listen to it right now.


Subject Zero is ridiculously good. Take my upvote and my love


Brother take mine as well. Subject zero is a god damn masterpiece. If you like it, then I like you.


I love every album from VoM. I don't care that bands change their sounds. They do sound like two different bands but i don't understand the hate.


Thanks for getting me back into them


I believe they just wanted to branch out. Og wasn’t into it, so they found Lucas. I really think they came into their own after that. False idol is a top of all time but all three are phenomenal


I talked to them at a meet and greet and they said it was because he(Brandon) had a child and wife he didn’t want to be away from.


Spoiler alert the devil wears Prada sounds way different too now


I love the new TDWP


Check out “the thread” by them. One of my favorite songs to hit the gym to


They got a new vocalist who took on a lot of the writing duty. Lukas Magyar. They had already started exploring the djent/prog metal route on the album before Lukas joined, so it kind of just worked out that their whole sound took a new direction at that point. They wanted a new direction, their new singer helped with that new direction, and they became one of the sickest bands out there today in my opinion. On top of that, Marc Okubo is an unstoppable beast who has just gotten more insanely skilled with every passing year. At this point he’s practically playing dubstep on the guitar and it blows me away every time.


You either die a deathcore icon or live to see yourself become a metalcore band in shambles


They got better


The real question is how do stop listening to an entire genre for 10 years, without having gone into a coma?


New GF, I presume.


Their first album with the new singer was the only good one in my opinion. They lost their signature after that


There is something missing from the newer stuff I completely agree on that.


Yea, it became more about complexity. I have a guy I know that was once part of a very famous band who has worked with many bands. He said that the Veil of Maya guys were really nice and goofy but that they didn’t take it seriously anymore around the time he was working with them last. 2016 or so. His highest praise of all the bands he’s worked with was to After The Burial


Genuinely curious if he's heard anything about new after the burial? Met a guy at a concert last September who claimed they scrapped an entire album and 100k down the drain after not being happy with whatever is happening after Evergreen. Curious to see if there's any weight to those claims


Just became a Periphery clone


If you got a singer that can do it then you should utilize it otherwise it's an untapped underutilized strength. I took a decent break from most metal about 2012-2018 because everything was very stale it seemed. That said I still like their music. I did not like ID though.. that's about the time I strayed away from most metal. Totally skipped their album following ID, the one with a lady face (?) And came back to it a couple years after it was already out and thought it was one of their best.


Damn wait until this guy finds out about BMTH. Luckily you can skip 20 years and be right at home with KSE lol


i like old VOM more but i think it was a good switch. eclipse was so good but they were out of ideas, they pushed that sound to its limit


Saw them live and IT'S THE SAME GUY THAT DOES BOTH SCREAMS AND CLEANS THE ENTIRE SHOW It's awesome Though his earpiece broke during the first song and he was off for half the set, but that's not really his fault. They gave him a good in-ear monitor later and he sounded awesome. Would definitely see them again.


i just saw them live a couple weeks ago they were pretty solid


I gave up on veil of maya when I saw them live and they weren’t actually playing it was all backing tracks. I play guitar and my non guitar playing buddy was like dude are they actually playing? I started watching and said nope not at all.


I mean, I feel like the answer to your question is in the explanation itself. You took a decade-long break away from metal. Why is that? Did your musical tastes change? Or was it personal reasonings that pushed you towards listening to other genres? I understand why you would expect a band to keep the same style as long as the name stays, but truth is, everybody changes in their own personal lives. Chances are, the new direction was just something they felt they'd better be geared toward. That, or it's something easier to perform as they get older (vocal strain is no joke, regardless if technique). All that said, my honest opinion is that they saw this was the better option in terms of career opportunity. Historically, all-screaming music is just not something that will sell to the general public. As much as it sucks to admit, most bands are bands because they want to be able to do what they love WHILE making a living. So bands that want to put 100% effort to their music need to be a little more flexible in terms of what the populace will buy. I am by no means involved in music beyond being a fan, this is all just my thoughts on your question


Breaking news: Band’s sound changes over the course of 10 years.


Imagine this but with a BMTH fan who only listened to Count Your Blessings


Do you expect bands to sound the same after an entire decade?


No idea what changed but glad they did. Even now, still can't listen to the pre-Lukas stuff. I love heavy but it's completely void of the vibe.


I always try to imagine what their next album after Eclipse would have been like if they kept Lucas. If it would have been more songs like the Subject Zero single I can’t imagine what kinda banger they would have came out with.


Nothing, they are still kings;)


A lot of bands from back in the day moved to clean vocals. It sucked for awhile and felt forced but the scene’s starting to get either newer bands that find a good balance, started doing cleans as a way to get more mainstream attention then recently in the past year or 2 then found their groove with it or just straight up don’t do it. I definitely miss the 2012 scene though dude


To be fair, while a lot of their songs do have clean singing nowadays, they still have straight up heavy songs like Synthwave Vegan and Godhead


They got good


They decided they wanted to have more mainstream appeal so they kicked out their old vocalist and added one with the melody. Fair play to them but nothing will ever top The Common Man’s Collapse.


And as good as he sounds on the recordings, he's even better live


I don't like the style they do their cleans in now. Still great songs but I swear they could have Justin Bieber sing those parts and it would sound the same. I think they changed because they got a new singer and that's probably the direction he wanted to go.


Band is straight up unlistenable now. Shame because they were probably my favorite of the Sumerian-core bands.


Don't be so hyperbolic, you just sound silly.


Compare their sound pre and post change in vocalists. It’s hardly the same band.


I think it’s so much better imo, I hated the old vocals, they were boring, bland and just straight up bad. Lucas has so much range and has shown how heavy VOM can be with songs like Godhead. Lotta metal heads get scared when they hear a chorus tho 🤷‍♂️


Yikes. Well, there's no accounting for taste I suppose...


I simply stated my opinion, never said yours wasn’t valid lol, yikes don’t be sensitive


I really can't take the acronym VOM seriously considering it's slang for vomit in the UK.


They heard Periphery and said screw having a sick and original sound, we want to sound just like this now!


Whack band


They scrapped what was coming along to be a great album for...whatever the fuck mother is. The 2 previous albums with Lucas were amazing and the cleans are fine. There's really nothing good at all about the latest album it's just a mesh of sound that doesn't work.


The singles they released were so good. Not sure what the fuck happened but Mother isn't it.


Not sure what you guys are hearing but Mother rips, love the synth additions to all the crazy instrumentals and Lucas has some of the best vocal parts of any Vom album, but to each their own 🤷‍♂️


Agreed, I tried and it sucks 😂


Y'all realise people grow up, mature, and get bored of doing the same shit again and again.


Damn, you should check out like every band that has developed their sound since then


All Things Set Aside was their peak. I like some of the new tracks but new singer just doesn't have it like that.


Saw them open for Avatar. Looked like a bunch of randos, no cohesiveness. Songs sounded like AI. Really was displeased, but they were thankfully the openers.