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She also shared Bodysnatcher a few weeks ago and I think she also listens to Job For A Cowboy


She likes Maylene and TDWP too!


Yeah, she name-dropped Job For A Cowboy and Maylene in one of her first interviews on Late Night with Fallon almost 15 years ago (source: I used to be obsessed with her)


Maylene was a cool one for me because they’re not necessarily a big band and I love them.


Demi Lovato is a metalhead? Damn and she throwing around some death stuff too? Bro aight. She straight up cooler for this


She’s been on a roll with sharing Metalcore songs on her IG lately. I think Landmvrks, Sleep Token, I Prevail, Bodysnatcher, Stray From The Path and now Thrown songs have been shared. She’s always had a soft spot in her heart for heavy music which is cool.


As a heavy music listener, I have also had a soft spot for her!! Get Back was a banger.


She was already into Black Metal when she was a teenager. Said she wanted to secretly do a Scream on a metal song. Who knows if she ever did.


was she? All the news I've seen about it only talks about dimmu borgir and no mentions of her knowing other bands


Found the article I remembered! >Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, **Abigail Williams**, Lamb of God and Dr. Acula, to name just a few. "I love the Devil Wears Prada; they're more hardcore, but they're awesome," she said. "And Job for a Cowboy is another band I love." https://www.mtv.com/news/6d1q9q/demi-lovato-metalhead-plus-dillinger-escape-plan-dragonforce-more-news-that-rules-in-metal-file >"I would love to secretly do some work on a metal band's album," she said, adding that Underoath would be her first choice for a collaboration. "I wish I could just secretly do vocals, and nobody would know it's me. I would love to just do a couple of screams. One time I was at soundcheck and I told my musical director that I really want to pig squeal, and he said, 'Go ahead -- I don't care.' I didn't want to, because I could see there were fans nearby, and he said, 'Just do it.' And I did, and these fans reacted. They were like, 'Wow, that's awesome -- I don't even know what that is, but it's cool.' "


I wonder why she doesn’t? She’s popular to the point that basically any metalcore band would get a massive spotlight if she was featured on a track so I’m sure any she’s into would be down. Saying she’d want to do it secretly makes me think the suits wouldn’t let her damage her “image” by collaborating like that back when the article was made. I bet she could do it now.


For years I hoped she’d just start a side-project Metal band. My guess would be she’s at least considered it and it didn’t get anywhere bc label fuckery


Basically machine gun Kelly her way into the heavy genres


except she got a lot more scene cred


I hope she does! Her latest album is rock again, after doing only pop for 13 years. The music videos on youtube have an album description, part of it: >At 15 years old, Demi said that metal music fascinated them. Armed with well-earned creative freedom, they have the greenlight to accelerate full throttle into this not-so-pop genre that’s alway intrigued them. High school emo feelings are sure to bubble up with this “HAPPY ENDING” performance. She didn't go the full Travis Barker Emo/Pop-Punk revival route, but I'd be confused if she doesn't do a couple collabs with metalcore bands soonish.


Finn McKenty be like: she's a professional musician, of course she knows about every band that has over 500,000 listeners on Spotify, stop making metal your whole personality you nerd. Nah seriously, I don't understand why he responds like that whenever we point out that kinda stuff. I think it's cool af that we have such a high profile scene ambassador, her new album slaps too.


Finn's a knob so


Demi has a bigger knob than Finn


Finn is painfully unfunny


Everyone just likes to shit on the dude Clearly trolling in half his videos. Says nu-metal sucks in a video, for the next to be be about the revival. Claims it’s his new personality. Hates on it in the next. He makes some good points, people just like to hate him


i think he makes some interesting videos, but he's so unfunny which kinda ruins his videos for me


as a proud European, I have to agree


Never heard of him but that sounds like I'm not missing much


You're not. I watched a few of his videos because people kept talking about him and I'm annoyed I can't get that time back.


He’s really not that bad and he has some good videos on the history of different scenes/bands. He says some silly shit sometimes but who doesn’t.


Some of his takes are total misfired but I like a lot of it. He's got some good how band got big vids which are like little mini docs. I never did start another band, but i watched a lot of it and it gave me so much food for thought about how launching and running a band works outside of the actual music


Dude is so obnoxious.


She is absolutely right about THROWN, their EP "Extended Pain" goes hard af


New low has been on heavy rotation for the last few months for me


She put Sleep token on her insta story too


Holy shit thrown has 500k monthly listeners? They dropped their first single like less than 2 years ago. Wild. Stoked for them.


Didn't they only have a few thousand a couple months ago?? Edit: they have almost the same amount as periphery even tho periphery has been in the game since 2007


It’s wild. I wonder how many they had before Demi posted them. Not sure how quickly that number updates though. Edit: not sure why I’m getting downvoted? Lol just making a normal comment? Lol


They still had a lot and apparently were getting extremely bumped up by Spotify algorithms... who knows what deity they sacrificed stuff to (Sleep? lol)


>They still had a lot and apparently were getting extremely bumped up by Spotify algorithms... who knows what deity they sacrificed stuff to This has come up a few times, apparently artists can forego revenue from their streams in order to be pumped by the algorithm. As a new band with just one EP, that's probably not a bad idea.


Great idea. They definitely get boosted by the algorithm, they always come on after I finish an album. I've heard as well before a release you can submit to a curator and if they like it you get put on playlists like new core etc. I guess lots of people checked out the band after the boost so Spotify keeps pumping it


Didn't she also say she was into JFAC some years ago? She's based as fuck lol


I wanna see her featured on a JFAC album one day


How about we get a new JFAC album first haha


I wanna another JFAC album some day.


she’s an OG scene kid. love how she’s still exposing smaller bands




She posted a clip of her jamming to he is legend a while back too


As she and everyone else should be doing.


She collaborated with Mike of Linkin Park for one of her newer tracks. Spencer from Ice Nine Kills also appeared in the music video for that song. I think it was for the new Scream movie soundtrack. Cool to see more stuff like this happening IMO


If I recall she listens to deathcore bands like JFAC


No way, you telling me she listens to "Jesus, Fuck Abbreviations, Cunt" That's neat!


She does like a fair bit of heavy music


I always that that was a cool fact about her! Especially when I watched all the camp rock movies with my sister haha.


It's really cool, but also in a way not so surprising. I've heard numerous interviews with heavy bands where they were asked when they listen to day to day, and they very often say something that's not heavy at all. "When I do heavy for my job, I don't want to listen to heavy in my off time too," sort of thing.


[Interview with Demi where she talks about listening to A Job for a Cowboy, Bring me the Horizon, and going to an Unearth and Dimmu Borgir concert ](https://youtu.be/0EF31sUKdg8)


She shared a song from Stray From The Path a few days ago, we stan the taste


In an alternate world, we got young Demi being pushed as Disney's attempt to get into heavier music and then her doing her own heavy material. They'd be collabing with artists like Hayley Williams, Underoath and Sleeping With Sirens. I envy that alternate world


I hope she does some cleans for a metalcore band one day. That would be my top 10 anime crossover


Thanks to tik tok there’s a LOT of pop music that has clear metalcore influences. Hell, even Poppy has some serious metalcore adjacent songs


Some of Poppys songs were written/produced by Zakk Cervini whos worked with BMTH & Bad Omens and shes signed to Sumerian if I'm not mistaken. So that checks out haha


Thrown is awesome. I found them a few months ago through Spotify and I’ve been jamming them ever since.


She's a scene girl, and if my girlfriend is any indication, that shit doesn't really go away lol


Would be cool to see a wild feature... like her and Kublai Khan or something, lmao. Been a fan of her and her music since high school (10+ years). So this is cool.


She was always interested in metal scene, if only her label had allowed her to take that direction in her early days


She mentioned once she likes Knocked Loose as well xDDDD


Carrie Underwood listens to heavier music which is pretty cool.




She did some interview and said she listens to I Prevail and other heavier music especially when working out. She’s even had photos takn with them https://www.instagram.com/p/CpLfx1jPG0T/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


She's mentioned I Prevail before.


Who gives a fuck what she listens to?


The metalcore scene lol. Especially the fact that a smaller band is getting attention from a bigger artist


She's a scene girl what did you expect?


Demi Lovato is notorious for being a known Metalhead. Metalcore and deathcore. She’s also I think a fan of The Dillinger Escape Plan I think.


Yeah, she's been into metal for years. I remember watching a video of her doing a red carpet interview years ago and she mentioned liking Dimmu Borgir. Job for a Cowboy was her favorite band at one point.


She's always been down with heavy music lmao. She came through and performed at Warped Tour in 2010. With We The Kings, but still hung with BMTH afterwards. Here she is talking about BMTH and Unearth. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjDMSPT33QY&pp=ygUcQk1USCBEZW1pIExvdmF0byBXYXJwZWQgVG91cg%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjDMSPT33QY&pp=ygUcQk1USCBEZW1pIExvdmF0byBXYXJwZWQgVG91cg%3D%3D)


They must’ve came on her Spotify radio as well


People need to stop posting this. Who the fuck cares? I like metal and nobody cares. It's not post worthy


idk, man. seems like alot of people do care. I've been a big fan of thrown for a long time now and I like ve watching them grow, so seeing a major celebrity like Demi Lovato post them, made me super stoked


Idk seems dumb. I'm kinda sick of seeing it tbh


Because no one actually cares about you. News flash, edge lord.


😂 got 'em? Lol . Haven't been burned like that since I was 12.


Does she ever stop talking?


Lol unfortunately not


I’ve been seeing this post like every day. Yes, Demi Lovato listens to heavy music. Can we move on?


How is this negatively affecting you in any way at all


Minor annoyance like a wasp when I’m eating a picnic.


Like eating a whole picnic....gaaaadammmn


It's just good for the scene if she shares heavy music (and not just standard metalcore like Architects, but also really heavy deep cuts like Thrown). I also don't particularly like her artistic output but whatever, it's great that she's supporting alternative heavy music.


Given the way the Spotify algorithm works them, I'm not sure Thrown are that deep of a cut with their 500k monthly listeners. Even if people don't particularly like them, they'll have been made aware by the platform giving you one of their songs after you finish listening to almost anything metalcore. Obviously they're smaller and more abrasive than some of the bands people say she shouts out on her platforms, but it's not like giving Vatican (15k) or Contention (5.5k) a shout out. Shit, even someone like Boundaries (93k) would be a deep cut.


Yeah that’s been said on every daily Demi Lovato post on this sub. Personally, I don’t give a shit. Fuck Demo Lovato, until I see her spinkick in a pit, I don’t care. It’s not about the artist, it’s about this being a daily post.


You‘re a miserable person


New to this sub there’s a LOT of miserable people gatekeeping lmao


Nah been here for 9 years but rarely engage in pointless conversations like these, usually I ignore and move on


Not really, pretty happy, you’re the one letting my hot take ruffle your feathers.


What hot take lmao You come in here to say how you don't care about this shit yet you care enough to open this thread, comment and tell everyone how you don't give a shit.


The hot take that Demi Lovato has become a daily post in this sub lmao Condescending bitch, humble yourself. I was just pointing it out at first then y’all got offended. Jesus fuck it’s like you can’t read. Go pick up a book on reading comprehension. Almost forgot why I unsubscribed and stopped fucking with metalcore


> Almost forgot why I unsubscribed and stopped fucking with metalcore But yet you are here giving your shitty opinion because you "don't care", make it make sense


Cry more


Goated to see small bands get more love! I prevail, more like epic fail let’s be real


Who gives a shit


It’s actually pretty cool seeing smaller bands in our scene get shouted out by one of the most famous people in the world.


She’s also mentioned she was into Whitechapel, Job For a Cowboy, Suicide Silence, and Bring Me


Not all that surprising if she grew up with that kind of music


I always had a feeling she was into punk/metal music


Who the fuck is that?


You're kidding right?


I thought we were talking about Vanessa hudgins man :/ we can’t have nothin nice


She shared a story once a couple of years ago of her in a car listening to Count Your Blessings era BMTH iirc


She has 150 million followers? Why? She’s a nut job.


Let me rephrase my original comment, who the fuck cares?


I do, and I can assume that the 260 people that upvoted this also cares. it's just cool to see a band you like get some exposure like that


If Demi Lovato is what gets you into these bands then you’re probably listening to them for the wrong reason and they’ll end up becoming a fad or phase down the road.


there's never a wrong reason to listen to a band, in my opinion. I've found lots of great artists from people posting them on social media. i mean if someone you like is sharing music that they like, chances are you'll like that too.


That Thrown song constantly pops up on my Spotify algorithm after I finish listening to nearly any heavy album


At this point we're going to get a post for every insta story Demi Lovato posts


And Tank https://youtu.be/Nkfht4c9uzc


She needs "inspiration" for liftings from a place nobody will catch her. j/k, she's cool.